(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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196 Generalities on the stochastic GW backgroundTable 12.3. Site and orientation of the resonant bars nearest to VIRGO. In the last columnis report<strong>ed</strong> the distance with respect to VIRGO.LocationProject Latitude N (deg) Longitude E (deg) λ (deg) Distance (km)AURIGA 45.35 11.95 39.3 222.84NAUTILUS 41.80 12.67 39.3 270.12EXPLORER 46.25 6.25 39.3 443.14with good approximation inversely proportional to the distance between the twodetectors.12.3.2 Interferometer—barThe detector tensor of a resonant bar locat<strong>ed</strong> at a given point ⃗r turns out to be (seeequation (12.41))D(ˆr) = 1 2 {cos 2λe+ (ˆr) − sin 2λe × (ˆr) + b(ˆr) − 2 3I} (12.47)where the tensorb(ˆr) = ˆm(ˆr) ⊗ˆm(ˆr) +ˆn(ˆr) ⊗ˆn(ˆr)has been introduc<strong>ed</strong>, and we have indicat<strong>ed</strong> with λ the orientation of the bar axismeasur<strong>ed</strong> anticlockwise from the true North. The orientation and location of theresonant bars nearest to VIRGO are report<strong>ed</strong> in table 12.3.The behaviour of the overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uction function for the correlation of thes<strong>ed</strong>etectors with VIRGO is shown in figure 12.3, where, since the resonant detectorscan be easily rotat<strong>ed</strong>, we consider<strong>ed</strong> the case in which the bars are orient<strong>ed</strong>along the direction of the first arm of VIRGO. The frequency dependence ofthe overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uction function is meaningless for narrow-band detectors like bars(and spheres). Therefore, the results shown in figure 12.3 have been calculat<strong>ed</strong> byassuming to vary the resonance frequency by varying the length of the bar.12.3.3 Interferometer—sphereThe same calculation can be repeat<strong>ed</strong> by replacing bars with spheres of variablesize. The overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uction function for the correlation of VIRGO with each ofthe five modes of a sphere (see equation (12.42)) is shown in figure 12.4. Noticethat, since the normalization factors vanish (see table 12.1) for the m = 0, ±1modes, the quantity report<strong>ed</strong> in figure 12.4 for these modes is the Ɣ( f ) functiondefin<strong>ed</strong> in equation (12.35). It is also worthwhile to notice that the result for them = 2 case coincides exactly with that obtain<strong>ed</strong> with two interferometers, incomplete accordance with the quadrupole nature of the GW excitation.

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