(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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192 Generalities on the stochastic GW backgroundwhere the symmetric, traceless tensor D(ˆr) describes the orientation andgeometry of the detector locat<strong>ed</strong> at ⃗r. In terms of this tensor the gravitational<strong>waves</strong>train sens<strong>ed</strong> by this detector (see equation (12.9)) is given by [10]h(t, ⃗r) = D ij (ˆr)h ij (t, ⃗r). (12.39)For an interferometer, indicating with û and ˆv the unit vectors in the directions ofits arms, one has:D(ˆr) = 1 2{û(ˆr) ⊗û(ˆr) −ˆv(ˆr) ⊗ˆv(ˆr)}. (12.40)For the lowest longitudinal mode of a cylindrical GW antenna with axis in th<strong>ed</strong>irection individu<strong>ed</strong> by the unit vector ˆl, one has [13]D(ˆr) = ˆl(ˆr) ⊗ ˆl(ˆr) − 1 3I, (12.41)where I is the unit matrix. Finally, for the lowest five degenerate quadrupolemodes (m =−2,...,+2) of a spherical detector, the corresponding tensors areD (0) (ˆr) = 12 √ 3 {e+ (ˆr) + 2g + (ˆr)} ∼ 12 √ 3 {2 f + (ˆr) − e + (ˆr)}D (+1) (ˆr) =− 1 2 g× (ˆr), D (−1) (ˆr) =− 1 2 f × (ˆr) (12.42)D (+2) (ˆr) = 1 2 e+ (ˆr), D (−2) (ˆr) =− 1 2 e× (ˆr)wheref + (ˆr) = ˆm(ˆr) ⊗ˆm(ˆr) −ˆr ⊗ˆr,g + (ˆr) =ˆn(ˆr) ⊗ˆn(ˆr) −ˆr ⊗ˆr,f × (ˆr) = ˆm(ˆr) ⊗ˆr +ˆr ⊗ˆm(ˆr)g × (ˆr) =ˆn(ˆr) ⊗ˆr +ˆr ⊗ˆn(ˆr),and e +,× (ˆr) are the tensors of equation (12.17) written in terms of the unit vectorsˆm(ˆr) and ˆn(ˆr) lying on the plane perpendicular to ˆr. From these expressions forthe tensors D ij and interpreting each of the five modes of a sphere as a singl<strong>ed</strong>etector, it is possible to show that in the case of coincident detectors one has:〈F1 A (ˆr, ˆ, ψ)F2 B (ˆr, ˆ, ψ)〉 ˆ,ψ ∼ c 12δ AB , (A, B =+, ×) (12.43)where c 12 depends only on the geometry and the relative orientations of thetwo detectors. The corresponding values of F (see equation (12.37)) for thethree different geometries consider<strong>ed</strong> (interferometer, cylindrical bar, sphere) aresummariz<strong>ed</strong> in table 12.1.By introducing the following notation⃗r = dŝ,η = 2π fd,where ŝ is the unit vector along the direction connecting the two detectors andd is the distance between them, it can be shown [10] that the overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uctionfunction assumes the following form (D k ≡ D(ˆr k )):γ(f ) = ρ 0 (η)D ij1 D 2ij + ρ 1 (η)D ij1 Dk 2i s j s k + ρ 2 (η)D ij1 Dkl 2 s is j s k s l (12.44)

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