(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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<strong>Gravitational</strong> <strong>waves</strong>, theory and experiment (an overview) 7treats stochastic gravitational <strong>waves</strong>. As the authors explain, the stochasticgravitational-wave background (SGWB) is a random background of gravitational<strong>waves</strong> without any specific sharp frequency component that might giveinformation about the very early stages of our universe. It is important to note thatrelic cosmological gravitational <strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong> near the big bang might provideunique information on our universe at a very early stage. Inde<strong>ed</strong>, as regards thecosmic microwave background radiation, electromagnetic <strong>waves</strong> decoupl<strong>ed</strong> a few10 5 years after the big bang, whereas relic cosmological gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, theauthors explain, might come from times as early as a few 10 −44 s. The authorsdiscuss that, in order to increase the chances of detecting a stochastic backgroundof gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, the correlation of the outputs between two, or more,detectors would be convenient. Thus, after discussing three different detectors:laser interferometers, cylindrical bars and spherical antennae, the authors presentvarious possibilities of correlation, between two laser interferometers (VIRGO,LIGOs, GEO-600 and TAMA-300), and between a laser interferometer and acylindrical bar (AURIGA, NAUTILUS, EXPLORER) or a spherical antenna; theyalso discuss correlation between more than two detectors.In the second part of this paper they discuss sources of the background ofstochastic gravitational <strong>waves</strong>: topological defects in the form of points, linesor surfaces, call<strong>ed</strong> monopoles, cosmic strings and domain walls. In particular,they discuss cosmic strings and hybrid defects; inflationary cosmological models;string cosmology; and first-order phase transitions which occurr<strong>ed</strong> in the earlystage of the expansion of the universe, for example in GUT-symmetry breakingand electroweak-symmetry breaking. Finally, they discuss astrophysical sourcesof stochastic gravitational <strong>waves</strong>. The conclusion is that the frequency domainof cosmological and astrophysical sources of stochastic gravitational <strong>waves</strong>might be very different and thus, the authors conclude, the astrophysicalbackgrounds might not mask the detection of a relic cosmological gravitationalwavebackground at the frequencies of the laser interferometers on Earth.The contribution by Nicolai and Nagar deals with the symmetry propertiesof Einstein’s vacuum field equations when the theory is r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> from four to twodimensions, namely in the presence of two independent spacelike commutingKilling vectors. Under these conditions, and using the vierbein formalism, theauthors show that one can use a Kaluza–Klein ansatz to rewrite the Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian in the form of two different two-dimensionally r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>Lagrangians nam<strong>ed</strong> the Ehlers and Matzner–Misner ones, respectively, after thepeople who first introduc<strong>ed</strong> them. Each of these two Lagrangians representstwo-dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> gravity in the conformal gauge as given by a part ofpure two-dimensional gravity, characteriz<strong>ed</strong> by a conformal factor and a dilatonfield plus a ‘matter part’ given by two suitable bosonic fields. In either case, thematter part has a structure of a nonlinear sigma model with an SL(2,R)/SO(2)symmetry. These two different nonlinear symmetries can be combin<strong>ed</strong> into aunifi<strong>ed</strong> infinite-dimensional symmetry group of the theory, call<strong>ed</strong> the Gerochgroup, whose Lie algebra is an affine Kac–Moody algebra, and whose action on

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