(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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186 Generalities on the stochastic GW backgroundtheir Fourier components satisfies〈ñ ∗ i ( f )ñ j ( f ′ )〉=δ( f − f ′ 1)δ ij 2S n (i) (| f |), (12.10)where the function S n (| f |), with dimensions Hz −1 , is known as the noise powerspectrum 3 . The factor 1 2is conventionally insert<strong>ed</strong> in the definition so that the totalnoise power is obtain<strong>ed</strong> integrating S n ( f ) over the physical range 0 ≤ f < ∞,rather than from −∞ to ∞.As discuss<strong>ed</strong> in [4, 7–10], for any given form of the signal, i.e. for any givenfunctional form of h 2 0 gw( f ), it is possible to find explicitly the filter functionQ(t) which maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It can be shown [7] thatunder the above-mention<strong>ed</strong> assumptions, the Fourier transform of this optimalfilter and the corresponding value of the optimal SNR turn out to be, respectively:γ(| f |) gw (| f |)Q( f ) = λ| f | 3 S n (1) (| f |)S n (2) (| f |) , (12.11)[ ( )9H 4 ∫ ∞0SNR =8π 4 F 2 γ 2 (| f |) 2 ]gw (| f |) 1/4T d f0 f 6 S n (1) (| f |)S n (2) , (12.12)(| f |)where F is a normalization factor less than one depending only upon the geometryof the detectors, and λ is a real overall normalization constant that, assuming forthe spectrum a power-law gw ( f ) = β f β (with β = constant), is fix<strong>ed</strong> bythe condition 〈S〉 = β T . The function γ(f ) appearing in both formulae isthe overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uction function introduc<strong>ed</strong> in [10], which takes into account th<strong>ed</strong>ifference in location and orientation of the two detectors. At this stage let usonly remark that γ(f ) is maximum and equal to one in the case of two detectorswith the same location and orientation. The detail<strong>ed</strong> expression for F and γ(f )will be discuss<strong>ed</strong> in section 12.3. Finally, let us note that in equation (12.12) wehave taken into account the fact that what has been call<strong>ed</strong> S in equation (12.8)is quadratic in the signals and, with usual definitions, it contributes to the SNRsquar<strong>ed</strong>. This differs from the convention us<strong>ed</strong> in [4, 7].In principle the expression for the SNR, equation (12.12), is all that wene<strong>ed</strong> in order to discuss the possibility of detection of a given GW background.However, it is useful, for order of magnitude estimates and for intuitiveunderstanding, to express the SNR in terms of a characteristic amplitude of thestochastic GW-background and of a characteristic noise level, although, as wewill see, the latter is a quantity that describes the noise only approximately, incontrast to equation (12.12) which is exact. We will introduce these quantities inthe next two subsections.3 Unfortunately there is not much agreement about notations in the literature. The noise powerspectrum, that we denote by S n ( f ) following, for example, [10], is call<strong>ed</strong> P( f ) in [4]. Other authorsuse the notation S h ( f ), which we instead reserve for the power spectrum of the signal. To make thingsworse, S n is sometimes defin<strong>ed</strong> with or without the factor 1 2 in equation (12.10).

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