(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Definitions 185The value of H 0 is usually written as H 0 = h 0 × 100 km s −1 Mpc −1 , where h 0parametrizes the existing experimental uncertainty. A conservative estimate forthis parameter is in the range 0.50 < h 0 < 0.65 (see [5] and references quot<strong>ed</strong>therein).It is not very convenient to normalize ρ gw to a quantity, ρ c , which isuncertain: this uncertainty would appear in all the subsequent formulae, althoughit has nothing to do with the uncertainties on the GW background. Therefore, werather characterize the stochastic GW background with the quantity h 2 0 gw( f ),which is independent of h 0 . All theoretical computations of a relic GW spectrumare actually computations of dρ gw /dln f and are independent of the uncertaintyon H 0 . Therefore, the result of these computations is express<strong>ed</strong> in terms of h 2 0 gw,rather than of 2 gw . Under the assumption that the stochastic background ofgravitational radiation is isotropic, unpolariz<strong>ed</strong>, stationary and Gaussian (see [4,7]for details), it is completely specifi<strong>ed</strong> by its spectrum gw ( f ).To detect a stochastic GW background the optimal strategy consists inperforming a correlation between two (or more) detectors, since, as we willdiscuss below, the signal will be far too low to exce<strong>ed</strong> the noise level in anyexisting or plann<strong>ed</strong> single detector (with the exception of the space interferometerLISA). The strategy has been discuss<strong>ed</strong> in [8–10], and is clearly review<strong>ed</strong> in [4,7].Let us recall the main points of the analysis.The cross-correlation between the outputs s 1 (t) and s 2 (t) of two detectors isdefin<strong>ed</strong> asS =∫ T/2−T/2dt∫ T/2−T/2dt ′ s 1 (t)s 2 (t ′ )Q(t, t ′ ), (12.8)where T is the total integration time (e.g. one year) and Q is a filter function.The output of a single detector characteriz<strong>ed</strong> by an intrinsic noise n(t) and onwhich acts a gravitational strain h(t) is of the form s(t) = n(t) + h(t). Thegravitational strain can be express<strong>ed</strong> in terms of the amplitudes h +,× of the wavein the following way [11]h(t) = F + h + (t) + F × h × (t), (12.9)where the detector pattern functions F +,× are introduc<strong>ed</strong>, which depend on thelocation, orientation and geometry of the detector and the direction of arrivalof the GW and its polarization (see section 12.3). These functions have valuesin the range 0 ≤ |F +,× | ≤ 1. The noise intrinsic to the detector is assum<strong>ed</strong>stationary, Gaussian and statistically independent on the gravitational strain. As aconsequence of the assum<strong>ed</strong> stationariety of both the stochastic GW backgroundand noise, the filter function turns out to be Q(t, t ′ ) = Q(t −t ′ ). Furthermore, thenoises in the two detectors are assum<strong>ed</strong> uncorrelat<strong>ed</strong>, i.e. the ensemble average of2 This simple point has occasionally been miss<strong>ed</strong> in the literature, where one can find the statementthat, for small values of H 0 , gw is larger and therefore easier to detect. Of course, it is larger onlybecause it has been normaliz<strong>ed</strong> using a smaller quantity.

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