(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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174 Detection of scalar gravitational <strong>waves</strong>Table 11.3. Eigenfrequencies, sizes and distances at which coalescing binaries can be seenby monitoring of their emitt<strong>ed</strong> JBD GWs. Figures correspond to a 100 ton CuAl hollowsphere.ς (m) ν 10 (Hz) ν 12 (Hz) r(ν 10 ) (kpc) r(ν 12 ) (kpc)0.00 2.94 1655 807 − 29.80.25 2.96 1562 771 − 30.30.50 3.08 1180 578 55 31.10.75 3.5 845 375 64 330.90 4.5 600 254 80 40JBD theory, as a short pulse of amplitude b, whose value can be estimat<strong>ed</strong> as [27]( )( )( )500b ≃ 10 −23 M∗ 10 Mpc(11.114) BD M ⊙ rwhere M ∗ is the collapsing mass.The minimum value of the Fourier transform of the amplitude of the scalarwave, for a quantum limit<strong>ed</strong> detector at unit SNR, is given by( ) 1/24¯h|b(ω nl )| min =MvS 2ω (11.115)nl K nwhere K n = 2H n for the mode with l = 0 and K n = F n /3 for the mode withl = 2, m = 0.The duration of the impulse, τ ≈ 1/f c , is much shorter than the decay timeof the nl mode, so that the relationship between b and b(ω nl ) isb ≈|b(ω nl )| f c at frequency ω nl = 2π f c (11.116)so that the minimum scalar wave amplitude detectable is|b| min ≈(4¯hω nlπ 2 Mv 2 S K n) 1/2. (11.117)Let us now consider a hollow sphere made of molybdenum, for which thespe<strong>ed</strong> of sound is as high as v S = 5600 m s −1 . For a given detector massand diameter, equation (11.117) tells us which is the minimum signal detectablewith such a detector. For example, a solid sphere of M = 31 tons and 1.8 m indiameter, is sensitive down to b min = 1.5 × 10 −22 . Equation (11.114) can thenbe invert<strong>ed</strong> to find which is the maximum distance at which the source can beidentifi<strong>ed</strong> by the scalar <strong>waves</strong> it emits. Taking a reasonable value of BD = 600,one finds that r(ν 10 ) ≈ 0.6 Mpc.

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