(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Scalar–tensor cross sections 171monopole and quadrupole modes of the sphere happen at different frequencies,sothat cross sections for them only make sense if defin<strong>ed</strong> separately. More precisely,σ n0 (ω) = 10πη n0c 2ω 2 Ɣ 2 n0 /4(ω − ω n0 ) 2 + Ɣ 2 n0 /4 (11.105)σ n2 (ω) = 10πη n2c 2ω 2 Ɣ 2 n2 /4(ω − ω n2 ) 2 + Ɣ 2 n2 /4 (11.106)where η n0 and η n2 are defin<strong>ed</strong> as in (11.101), with all terms referring to thecorresponding modes. After some algebra one finds thatGMvS2 Ɣn0 2 σ n0 (ω) = H /4n(ω BD + 2)c 3 (ω − ω n0 ) 2 + Ɣn0 2 /4 (11.107)GMvS2 Ɣn2 2 σ n2 (ω) = F /4n(ω BD + 2)c 3 (ω − ω n2 ) 2 + Ɣn2 2 (11.108)/4.Here, we have defin<strong>ed</strong> the dimensionless quantities4π 2H n =9(1 + σ P ) (k n0b n0 ) 2 (11.109)8π 2F n =15(1 + σ P ) (k n2b n2 ) 2 (11.110)where σ P represents the sphere material’s Poisson ratio (most often very close toa value of 1/3), and b nl are defin<strong>ed</strong> in (11.96); v S is the spe<strong>ed</strong> of sound in thematerial of the sphere.In tables 11.1 and 11.2 we give a few numerical values of the above crosssection coefficients.As already stress<strong>ed</strong> in [25], one of the main advantages of a hollow sphereis that it enables us to reach good sensitivities at lower frequencies than in a solidsphere. For example, a hollow sphere of the same material and mass as a solidone (ς = 0) has eigenfrequencies which are smaller byω nl (ς) = ω nl (ς = 0)(1 − ς 3 ) 1/3 (11.111)for any mode indices n and l. We now consider the detectability of JBD GWcoming from several interesting sources with a hollow sphere.The values of the coefficients F n and H n , together with the expressions(11.105) for the cross sections of the hollow sphere, can be us<strong>ed</strong> to estimatethe maximum distances at which a coalescing compact binary system and agravitational collapse event can be seen with such detector. We consider thesein turn.By taking as a source of GWs a binary system form<strong>ed</strong> by two neutronstars, each of them with a mass of m 1 = m 2 = 1.4M ⊙ . The chirp mass

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