(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The hollow sphere 169and introduc<strong>ed</strong> the normalization constant C nl , which is fix<strong>ed</strong> by the orthogonalityproperties ∫(u S n ′ l ′ m ′ ) ∗ · (u S nlm )ϱ 0 d 3 x = Mδ nn ′δ ll ′δ mm ′ (11.90)Vwhere M is the mass of the hollow sphere:M = 4π 3 ϱ 0 R 3 (1 − ς 3 ), ς ≡ a R≤ 1. (11.91)Equation (11.90) fixes the value of C nl through the radial integral∫ Rς R[A 2 nl (r) + l(l + 1)B2 nl (r)]r 2 dr = 4π 3 ϱ 0(1 − ς 3 )R 3 (11.92)as can be easily verifi<strong>ed</strong> by using well known properties of angular momentumoperators and spherical harmonics. We shall later specify the values of th<strong>ed</strong>ifferent parameters appearing in the above expressions as requir<strong>ed</strong> in eachparticular case which will in due course be consider<strong>ed</strong>. As seen in [9], ascalar–tensor theory of GWs such as JBD pr<strong>ed</strong>icts the excitation of the sphere’smonopole modes as well as the m = 0 quadrupole modes. In order to calculatethe energy absorb<strong>ed</strong> by the detector according to that theory it is necessary tocalculate the energy deposit<strong>ed</strong> by the wave in those modes, and this in turnrequires that we solve the elasticity equation with the GW driving term includ<strong>ed</strong> inits right-hand side. The result of such a calculation was present<strong>ed</strong> in full generalityin [9], and is directly applicable here because the structure of the oscillationeigenmodes of a hollow sphere is equal to that of the massive sphere—only theexplicit form of the wavefunctions ne<strong>ed</strong>s to be chang<strong>ed</strong>. We thus haveE osc (ω nl ) = 1 2 Mb2 nll∑m=−l|G (lm) (ω nl )| 2 (11.93)where G (lm) (ω nl ) is the Fourier amplitude of the corresponding incoming GWmode, andb n0 = − ϱ ∫ R0A n0 (r)r 3 dr (11.94)M ab n2 = − ϱ ∫ R0[A n2 (r) + 3B n2 (r)]r 3 dr (11.95)M afor monopole and quadrupole modes, respectively, and A nl (r) and B nl (r) aregiven by (11.87). Explicit calculation yieldsb n0R = 3 C n04π 1 − ς 3 [(R) − ς 3 (a)] (11.96)b n2R = 3 C n24π 1 − ς 3 [(R) − ς 3 (a)] (11.97)

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