(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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<strong>Gravitational</strong> wave radiation in the JBD theory 167The half height width of S h ( f ) gives the bandwidth of the resonant modef n =f nƔn −1/2 . (11.79)Q nHere, Ɣ n is the ratio of the wideband noise in the nth resonance bandwidthto the narrowband noise.From the resonant-mass detector viewpoint, the chirp signal can be treat<strong>ed</strong>as a transient GW, depositing energy in a timescale short with respect to th<strong>ed</strong>etector damping time. We can then consider constant the Fourier transform ofthe waveform within the band of the detector and write [22]SNR = 2πf n|H ( f n )| 2. (11.80)S h ( f n )The cross sections associat<strong>ed</strong> with the vibrational modes with l = 0 andl = 2, m = 0 are respectively [6]GMv2 sσ (n0) = H nc 3 (11.81)(ω BD + 2)σ (n2) = F n6GMv s2c 3 (ω BD + 2) . (11.82)All parameters entering the previous equation refer to the detector, M is its mass,v s the sound velocity and the constants H n and F n are given in [6]. The signal-tonoise ratio can be calculat<strong>ed</strong> analytically by approximating the waveform with atruncat<strong>ed</strong> Taylor expansion around t = 0, where ω g (t = 0) = ω nl [20, 23]h s (t) ≈ Gξ 0 (t = 0) sin[ω nl t + 1 2( dωdtUsing quantum limit<strong>ed</strong> readout systems, one finally obtains(SNR n ) l=0 =(SNR n ) l=2 =)t=0t 2 ]. (11.83)5 × 2 1/3 H n G 5/3 M 5/3 c Mv2 s32(ω BD + 2)(12ω BD + 19)¯hc 3 r 2 sin 4 γ (11.84)ω 4/3 n05 × 2 1/3 F n G 5/3 M 5/3 c Mv2 s192(ω BD + 2)(12ω BD + 19)¯hc 3 r 2 sin 4 γ (11.85)ω 4/3 n0which are, respectively, the SNR for the modes with l = 0 and l = 2, m = 0ofaspherical detector.It has been propos<strong>ed</strong> to realize spherical detectors with 3 m diameter, madeof copper alloys, with mass of the order of 100 tons [24]. This propos<strong>ed</strong> detectorhas resonant frequencies of ω 12 = 2π ×807 rad s −1 and ω 10 = 2π ×1655 rad s −1 .In the case of optimally orient<strong>ed</strong> orbits (inclination angle γ = π/2) and ω BD =600, the inspiralling of two compact objects of 1.4 solar masses each will thenbe detect<strong>ed</strong> with SNR = 1 up to a source distance r(ω 10 ) ≃ 30 kpc andr(ω 12 ) ≃ 30 kpc.

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