(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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158 Detection of scalar gravitational <strong>waves</strong>To lowest non-trivial order in the perturbation the six independent ‘electric’components of the Riemann tensor may be express<strong>ed</strong> in terms of the Newman–Penrose (NP) parameters asE ij =( − Re 4 − 22 Im 4 −2 √ 2Re 3Im 4 Re 4 − 22 2 √ )2Im 3−2 √ 2Re 3 2 √ . (11.24)2Im 3 −6 2The NP parameters allow the identification of the spin content of the metrictheory responsible for the generation of the wave [7]. The classification can besummariz<strong>ed</strong> in order of increasing complexity as follows:• General relativity (spin 2): 4 ̸= 0 while 2 = 3 = 22 = 0.• Tensor–scalar theories (spin 2 and 0): 4 ̸= 0, 3 = 0, 2 ̸= 0 and/or 22 ̸= 0 (e.g. Brans–Dicke theory with 4 ̸= 0, 2 = 0, 3 = 0 and 22 ̸= 0).• Tensor–vector theories (spin 2 and 1): 4 ̸= 0, 3 ̸= 0, 22 = 2 = 0.• Most general metric theory (spin 2, 1 and 0): 4 ̸= 0, 2 ̸= 0, 3 ̸= 0 and 22 ̸= 0, (e.g. Kaluza–Klein theories with 4 ̸= 0, 3 ̸= 0, 22 ̸= 0 while 2 = 0).In equation (11.24), we have assum<strong>ed</strong> that the wave comes from a localiz<strong>ed</strong>source with wavevector ⃗k parallel to the z-axis of the detector frame. In thiscase the NP parameters (and thus the wave polarization states) can be uniquelydetermin<strong>ed</strong> by monitoring the six lowest spheroidal modes. If the direction of theincoming wave is not known two more unknowns appear in the problem, i.e. thetwo angles of rotation of the detector frame ne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> to align ⃗k along the z-axis. Inorder to dispose of this problem one can envisage the possibility of combining thepieces of information from an array of detectors [14]. We restrict our attention tothe simplest case in which the source direction is known.In order to infer the value of the NP parameters from the measurementsof the excit<strong>ed</strong> vibrational modes of the sphere, we decompose E ij in terms ofspherical harmonics. In fact, the experimental measurements give the vibrationalamplitudes of the sphere modes which are also naturally expand<strong>ed</strong> in the abovebasis. The use of the same basis makes the connection between the NP parametersand the measur<strong>ed</strong> amplitudes straightforward. In formulaeE ij (t) = ∑ l,mc l,m (t)S (l,m)ij(11.25)where S (0,0)ij≡ δ ij / √ 4π (with δ ij the Kronecker symbol) and S (2,m)ij(m =−2,...,2) are five linearly independent symmetric and traceless matrices suchasS (l,m)ijn i n j = Y lm , l = 0, 2. (11.26)The vector n i in equations (11.26) has been defin<strong>ed</strong> after equation (11.2).

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