(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Introduction 153detect GWs with a spin content different from two. This is a means of testingnon-Einsteinian theories of gravity.I would now like to remind the reader of the very special position ofEinstein’s general relativity (GR) among the possible gravitational theories.Theories of gravitation, in fact, can be divid<strong>ed</strong> into two families: metric andnon-metric theories [7]. The former can be defin<strong>ed</strong> to be all theories obeyingthe following three postulates:• spacetime is endow<strong>ed</strong> with a metric;• the world lines of test particles are geodesic of the above-mention<strong>ed</strong> metric;• in local free-falling frames, the non-gravitational laws of physics are thoseof special relativity.It is an obvious consequence of these postulates that a metric theory obeys theprinciple of equivalence. More succinctly a theory is said to be metric if the actionof gravitation on the matter sector is due exclusively to the metric tensor. GR isthe most famous example of a metric theory. Kaluza–Klein-type theories, alsobelong to this class along with the Brans–Dicke theory. Different representativesof this class differ by their equations of motion which in turn can be d<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>from a Lagrangian principle. Since there seems to be no compelling experimentalor theoretical reasons to introduce non-Einsteinian or non-metric theories, theyare sometimes consider<strong>ed</strong> a curiosity. This point should perhaps be reconsider<strong>ed</strong>.String theories are, in fact, the most serious candidate for a theory of quantumgravity, the standard cosmological model has been emend<strong>ed</strong> with the introductionof inflation and even the introduction of a cosmological constant (which seems tobe ne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> to explain recent cosmological data) could imply the existence of othergravitationally coupl<strong>ed</strong> fields. In all of the above cit<strong>ed</strong> cases we are forc<strong>ed</strong> tointroduce fields which are non-metrically coupl<strong>ed</strong> in the sense explain<strong>ed</strong> above.In the first section of this lecture we will explain that a spherical detector isable to detect any spin component of an impinging GW. Moreover, its vibrationaleigenvalues can be divid<strong>ed</strong> into two sets call<strong>ed</strong> spheroidal and toroidal. Onlythe first set couples to the metric. This leads to the opportunity of using such adetector as a veto for non-Einsteinian theories. In the second section we take asa model the Jordan–Brans–Dicke (JBD), in which along with the metric we alsohave a scalar field which is metrically coupl<strong>ed</strong>. We are then able to study thesignal-to-noise ratio for sources such as binary systems and collapsing stars andcompare the strength of the scalar signal with respect to the tensor one. Finally,in the third and last section we repeat this computation in the case of the hollowsphere which seems to be the detector which is most likely to be built.

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