(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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148 LISA: A propos<strong>ed</strong> joint ESA–NASA gravitational-wave missionspacecraft could be includ<strong>ed</strong> if they could be made much smaller than the mainspacecraft. With the increas<strong>ed</strong> tolerance on the distance measurement uncertaintybelow 0.1 mHz, a small local diode laser system could track changes in theinternal geometry of each combination of a spacecraft plus its slaves. However,this approach would help only if the main noise sources in each free mass sensorwere independent. This would not be the case if common fluctuations in the solarintensity contribut<strong>ed</strong> substantially to the noise.In view of the apparent advantages of improving the sensitivity at both highand low frequencies after the LISA mission, it may be desirable to consider flyingtwo separate antennae, with one at least somewhat like the high frequency antennadiscuss<strong>ed</strong> earlier and the other like the moderately improv<strong>ed</strong> low frequencyantenna. However, questions such as this can be address<strong>ed</strong> much more easilyafter some data from LISA have been receiv<strong>ed</strong>.Acknowl<strong>ed</strong>gmentsIt is a pleasure to thank all of the people who have been involv<strong>ed</strong> in the variousstudies of LISA, including, in particular, Karsten Danzmann, Jim Hough, BernardSchutz, Stefano Vitale and the rest of our European colleagues. In the USA, RaiWeiss and Ron Drever and later Mark Vincent were very helpful in getting th<strong>ed</strong>iscussions start<strong>ed</strong>; Kip Thorne and Jan Hall have provid<strong>ed</strong> constant informationand encouragement throughout; and Bill Folkner, Sterl Phinney, Doug Richstone,Ron Webbink, John Armstrong, Ron Hellings and other members of the LISAMission Definition Team have been essential to the progress that has beenachiev<strong>ed</strong>. The 1999–2000 ESA Industrial Study has add<strong>ed</strong> a number of otherpeople who have made important contributions to future progress. At JILA,essential ideas and long-term creative efforts from Tuck Stebbins, Dieter Hilsand Jim Faller have been responsible for much of our present understanding ofthe opportunity present<strong>ed</strong> by the LISA mission.References[1] Press W H and Thorne K S 1972 Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 10 335–71[2] Moss G E, Miller L R and Forward R L 1971 Appl. Opt. 10 2495[3] Faller J E and Bender P L 1984 Precision Measurements and Fundamental ConstantsII (NBS Spec. Pub. 617) (Washington, DC: US Govt Printing Office) pp 689–90[4] Faller J E, Bender P L, Hall J L, Hils D and Vincent M A 1985 Proc. Colloq.on Kilometric Optical Arrays in Space, Cargese (Corsica), ESA Report SP-226pp 157–63[5] Laser Interferometer Space Antenna 1998 Proc. 2nd Int. LISA Symp. (AIP Conf. Proc.456) <strong>ed</strong> W M Folkner (Woodbury, NY: American Institute of Physics) pp 3–239[6] LISA 1998 Pre-Phase A Report MPQ-233, 2nd <strong>ed</strong>n, <strong>ed</strong> K V Danzmann (Garching:Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics) pp 1–191[7] 1997 Class. Quantum Grav. 14 1397–585

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