(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Expect<strong>ed</strong> gravitational-wave results from LISA 141distances by interaction with the black holes. If so, the estimat<strong>ed</strong> observable eventrate for white dwarfs and neutron stars from [65] could be drastically r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>.10.2.4 Structure formation and massive black hole coalescenceThe third of the important astrophysical questions that LISA has a good chance ofgiving new information on concerns the development of structure in the universe.It is currently believ<strong>ed</strong> that objects considerably smaller than galaxies form<strong>ed</strong>first, and that continuing sequences of interactions and mergers l<strong>ed</strong> to the presentdistribution of galaxy types and sizes, and to galaxy clusters and superclusters. IfMBHs were already present in pre-galactic structures that merg<strong>ed</strong>, this could leadto the MBHs sinking down to the centre of the new structure by dynamical frictionand getting close enough together to coalesce due to gravitational radiation beforethe next merger [58, 69].The above scenario is quite attractive, and could give a high event rate forLISA. If so, valuable new constraints on the merger process and on the conditionsafter mergers would be obtain<strong>ed</strong>. However, there are a number of issues that affectthe event rate that have to be consider<strong>ed</strong>.One question is how effective dynamical friction will be in bringing MBHsof a given size to the centre of the new structure in less than the time betweenmergers. For galaxies like ours, the time requir<strong>ed</strong> is less than the Hubble time forMBHs of roughly 3×10 6 M ⊙ or larger (see, e.g., Zhu and Ostriker [70]). However,the stars in the cusp around a MBH before merger will stay with it for some time,and will affect the dynamics. Thus, whether the mergers of pre-galactic structuresin galaxies like ours with fairly modest spheroid and MBH masses are likely tohave produc<strong>ed</strong> coalescences of perhaps 10 5 or 10 6 M ⊙ MBHs appears to be anopen one.There also is a question about whether the MBHs will modify the stardistribution near the centre of the new structure enough so that the dynamicalfriction will be decreas<strong>ed</strong> considerably. Calculations indicate that this may occurwhen the MBHs are fairly close together, but not yet close enough to coalesce bygravitational radiation in less than a Hubble time (see, e.g., Makino [71]. On theother hand, conditions such as Brownian motion of the MBH and tri-axiality in thestructure may affect the results, and there also may be complex enough motionsgoing on soon after a merger to change the conclusions. Thus the effectiveness ofthis ‘hang-up’ in the coalescence process is not known.Another question arises if another merger occurs before the MBHs from anearlier merger have coalesc<strong>ed</strong>. In principle, one, two or all three of the MBHscould be thrown out of the new structure by the slingshot effect. However, thenew merger could even have a beneficial effect, if the resulting disturbances inthe central star density overcame the possible hang-up for the earlier two MBHsand allow<strong>ed</strong> them to coalesce.The signals arising from MBH coalescences after mergers of galaxies or ofpre-galactic structures would be very large. Figure 10.11 shows several cases

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