(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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140 LISA: A propos<strong>ed</strong> joint ESA–NASA gravitational-wave missionFigure 10.10. Expect<strong>ed</strong> signals from BH–MBH binaries. The instrumental and confusionnoise thresholds are shown for one year of observations, but for a S/N ratio of 10. Th<strong>ed</strong>ifferent symbols correspond to different MBH masses. For a given mass, the individualpoints correspond to factor of two different values of the r<strong>ed</strong>shift z.range in the r<strong>ed</strong>shift z, the signal strength and frequency of the strongest expect<strong>ed</strong>signal was calculat<strong>ed</strong>. The different symbols correspond to the different MBHmasses, ranging from 5 × 10 5 to 4 × 10 6 M ⊙ , and the highest and lowest valuesof z for each M are labell<strong>ed</strong>. It should be not<strong>ed</strong> that, only in this figure, thethreshold S/N ratio is taken to be ten rather than five. This is because the orbitsin this case generally will be quite complex because of relativistic effects, asdiscuss<strong>ed</strong> later, and thus require a higher S/N ratio for detection. With improv<strong>ed</strong>understanding of the conditions in the cusps, the distribution of MBH massesfor such events may give information that cannot be obtain<strong>ed</strong> in other ways onthe demographics of interm<strong>ed</strong>iate mass black holes in galactic centres throughoutmuch of the universe.A recent paper by Miralda-Escuda and Gould [68] looks specifically at thestellar mass black holes in the cusp around the MBH in the centre of our galaxy.With assum<strong>ed</strong> masses of 0.7M ⊙ for stars in the cusp and 7M ⊙ for the black holes,and with 1% of the mass in the black holes, they show that the black holes willrapidly sink down closer to the center. With this model, they estimate that about24 000 black holes would be concentrat<strong>ed</strong> within 0.7 parsec of the MBH, andcalculate a lifetime for loss of the black holes to the MBH of about 3×10 10 years.If a substantial fraction of the black holes approach coalescence gradually, andwith many galaxies like ours in the universe, the possible LISA event rate fromthis study also may be considerable. On the other hand, the authors suggest thatmost of the stars in the inner few parsecs of the cusp would be forc<strong>ed</strong> out to larger

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