(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Expect<strong>ed</strong> gravitational-wave results from LISA 137would evolve quickly to form one. When the largest objects got to be roughly athousand solar mass in size, they would then be able to continue growing fairlyrapidly by absorption of gas in the galactic nucleus and by tidal disruption of stars.At some point, the largest black hole would grow enough faster than the othersthat it would swallow up the ones of comparable size and become the se<strong>ed</strong> forgrowth of a perhaps 10 5 M ⊙ or larger MBH.The alternate type of theory involves the evolution of a dense cloud of gasand dust to the point where it becomes optically thick, and radiation pressureplus magnetic fields can prevent further fragmentation of the cloud to form stars.At that point, if energy and angular momentum can be dissipat<strong>ed</strong> fairly rapidly,there are two options. In one, a supermassive star possibly 10 5 –10 6 M ⊙ in sizeis form<strong>ed</strong>, and quickly evolves to the point of relativistic collapse and forms aMBH. In the other option, the cloud can become dense enough to reach the pointof relativistic instability and collapse directly to a MBH without going through thesupermassive star stage. There also is the possibility of a relativistic star clusterbecoming unstable and collapsing to a MBH.For the collisional growth scenario, quite detail<strong>ed</strong> calculations starting from1M ⊙ stars were carri<strong>ed</strong> out by Quinlan and Shapiro [54] (see this 1990 paper forearlier references). They found that roughly 100M ⊙ objects could form in a fewtimes 10 8 years, starting from plausible conditions in a dense galactic nucleus,and including the effects of mass segregation. However, it was not possible at thattime to follow the process further.In an alternate approach, Lee [55] start<strong>ed</strong> from assuming that 1% of the massin a dense galactic nucleus was in the form of 7M ⊙ black holes that result<strong>ed</strong> fromevolution of stars at the high end of the initial mass function (i.e. initial massdistribution). The rest of the material was in the form of 0.7M ⊙ normal stars.Dynamical friction l<strong>ed</strong> to segregation of the black holes to the core, and corecollapse among the black holes occurr<strong>ed</strong> on a time scale much shorter than fora single component cluster. For rms stellar velocities above 100 km s −1 and forplausible densities in the nucleus, it was shown that many black hole binariesform<strong>ed</strong> and merg<strong>ed</strong> to produce 14M ⊙ black holes within about two billion years.The process was not follow<strong>ed</strong> further, but it seems likely that most of the blackholes would have merg<strong>ed</strong> rapidly to form a substantial siz<strong>ed</strong> se<strong>ed</strong> MBH.The main objection rais<strong>ed</strong> to the collisional growth scenario is that it seemsdifficult to produce the se<strong>ed</strong> black holes and have them grow much further tothe supermassive black hole size before the appearance of quasars as early asa r<strong>ed</strong>shift of four [56–58]. Instead, it was suggest<strong>ed</strong> that the inefficiency ofstar formation would leave most of the material in a dense cloud in the formof gas and dust. The cloud would cool and condense toward the centre untilangular momentum support became important. <strong>Gravitational</strong> instabilities andother effects would help to remove energy and angular momentum and permitthe density to become high enough for collapse to a supermassive star or directlyto a MBH perhaps 10 5 M ⊙ or larger in size. A relat<strong>ed</strong> argument made is that aself-gravitating gaseous object of more than 10 8 M ⊙ does not appear to have any

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