(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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134 LISA: A propos<strong>ed</strong> joint ESA–NASA gravitational-wave missionstatistical information on their directions in the sky. When averag<strong>ed</strong> over a year,the LISA antenna response is remarkably independent of the source direction inthe sky [26], so no allowance for the ecliptic latitude or longitude of the source isne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> in using the LISA threshold sensitivity curve.The dominant type of signal LISA will see is gravitational <strong>waves</strong> from binarystars systems in our galaxy. Mironowskii [27] point<strong>ed</strong> out in 1966 that therewould be roughly 10 8 W UMa type binaries in the galaxy giving substantialsignals. These binaries consist of two main sequence stars so close together thattheir Roche lobes are in contact, and material can flow between them. Theirfrequencies lie in a fairly narrow band near 0.1 mHz. With so many sources atlow frequencies, it is clear that even many years of observations would not permitindividual signals to be resolv<strong>ed</strong>, except for a few that happen to be close to theSun and thus have high signal strengths. There are even larger numbers of noncontactbinaries compos<strong>ed</strong> of normal stars at lower frequencies.In 1984 Iben [28] point<strong>ed</strong> out the expect<strong>ed</strong> existence of a very large numberof close white dwarf binaries (CWDBs) in our galaxy, and the strength of signalsexpect<strong>ed</strong> from them. Because of their radii being only about 10 000 km, they cangive gravitational-wave signals at frequencies up to roughly 30 mHz. However,they had not been observ<strong>ed</strong> directly until the last few years, and their space densityin the galaxy is only poorly known. On the other hand, since the orbits of theinteresting CWDBs evolve mainly by gravitational radiation, the number per hertzwill decrease as the 11/3 power of the frequency, and thus the frequency abovewhich most of them can be resolv<strong>ed</strong> is only fairly weakly dependent on the spac<strong>ed</strong>ensity.Recent observations by Marsh and collaborators [29–32] have found anumber of examples of CWDBs, so their abundance must be moderately closeto the astrophysical estimates. However, the criteria us<strong>ed</strong> in selecting their targetsof observation make it difficult to derive a space density. Bas<strong>ed</strong> on the bestastrophysical studies available at present [33,34], it is expect<strong>ed</strong> that most CWDBswill be resolv<strong>ed</strong> at frequencies above roughly 3 mHz, even for those near thegalactic centre. The signals are strong enough so that the frequencies of anddirections to a few thousand such sources will be determin<strong>ed</strong> by LISA.The mean strength of signals from CWDBs at the galactic center as afunction of frequency is shown in figure 10.9 as a solid curve. It hookssharply upward at about 15 mHz because the majority of the CWDBs below thatfrequency contain either one or two He white dwarfs, and coalesce just above15 mHz. This leaves only binaries containing mainly white dwarfs compos<strong>ed</strong>almost completely of carbon and/or oxygen, which are call<strong>ed</strong> CO white dwarfs.The CO white dwarfs are roughly a factor two more massive and are smaller inradius, so they can reach somewhat higher frequencies before coalescing.Above and below the curve for the galactic centre are dot-dash<strong>ed</strong> curveslabell<strong>ed</strong> 5% and 95%. The 5% curve shows the mean strength of the signals fromCWDBs at a distance from the Earth such that 5% of all the ones in the galaxyare closer, and the definition for the 95% curve is similar. Thus roughly 90%

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