(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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132 LISA: A propos<strong>ed</strong> joint ESA–NASA gravitational-wave missionfrequencies of a few hundr<strong>ed</strong> hertz to 1 kHz. Also, the amplitude of the phasenoise at frequencies near 1 Hz and below will be large. To avoid aliasing thehigher frequency noise into the band of interest, below perhaps 3 Hz, it may b<strong>ed</strong>esirable to make the phase measurements at a rate approaching a kilohertz, andthen filter the data in software. For low-frequency noise, it is plann<strong>ed</strong> to combineall the signals at a single spacecraft and perform the algorithm for correcting forlaser phase noise there. The resulting signals then can be compress<strong>ed</strong> before beingsent to the ground.The number and amplitude of mechanical motions aboard the spacecraft arekept as small as possible to r<strong>ed</strong>uce gravitational attraction changes and excitationof vibrations. Roughly 30 cm diameter X-band antennae probably will be us<strong>ed</strong> tosend data down to 34 m Deep Space Network antennae on the ground, and willhave to be repoint<strong>ed</strong> about once a week. Step changes in the angle between theaxes of the two optical assemblies probably will be made at the same time withcoarse adjustment mechanisms, but smooth adjustments over roughly a range of5 arcmin are requir<strong>ed</strong> between the steps. It is expect<strong>ed</strong> that offsets in the position,velocity, and dc acceleration of the test masses will have to be solv<strong>ed</strong> for at thetimes of the steps.The nominal mission lifetime after the antenna geometry is establish<strong>ed</strong>probably will be three years. However, there are no expendables requir<strong>ed</strong> exceptfor the In or Cs fuel for the micronewton thrusters, and that will be made adequatefor a ten year or longer lifetime. Thus, a rolling three year approval periodhopefully can be establish<strong>ed</strong>, provid<strong>ed</strong> that the antenna continues to operateproperly.10.2 Expect<strong>ed</strong> gravitational-wave results from LISA10.2.1 LISA sensitivity and galactic sourcesThe two types of noise sources for the LISA antenna have been discuss<strong>ed</strong>earlier. The one that dominates at frequencies below about 3 mHz is spuriousaccelerations of the test masses, and the level of error allocat<strong>ed</strong> for frequenciesf between 0.1 and 30 mHz is 3 × 10 −15 ms −2 /rtHz for each free mass sensor.Considering only two arms of the antenna for simplicity, and adding the errorsfrom the four sensors quadratically, the resulting noise level for the difference in(one-way) length of the two arms is(L2 − L1) = 1.520 × 10 −16 (1Hz/f ) 2 m/rtHz.This should be combin<strong>ed</strong> quadratically with the error allocation of 2 ×10 −11 m/rtHz for measuring the difference in the distances between the testmasses along the two arms.For low frequencies, where the wavelength is long compar<strong>ed</strong> with the armlength, the response of the antenna to a gravitational wave [24] can be given

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