(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Description of the LISA mission 13110.1.6 Mission scenarioA single launch with the Delta II launch vehicle is assum<strong>ed</strong> in current studiesof the LISA mission [7]. Each of the three spacecraft has a thin cylindricalpropulsion module attach<strong>ed</strong> to it. The three composite vehicles are stack<strong>ed</strong> on topof each other for launch, and then separate from the launch vehicle and from eachother a short time later. Since the spacecraft will be separat<strong>ed</strong> by 5000 000 kmand have different orbit planes in their final configuration, they travel separatelyand each has its own onboard guidance system.It is currently plann<strong>ed</strong> to use solar electric propulsion for the propulsionmodules. The top area of the main spacecraft is cover<strong>ed</strong> with solar cells, andenough power is generat<strong>ed</strong> to provide 15 or 20 mN of thrust with either Hall effector another type of Xe ion thruster. The time necessary for the three spacecraft toreach their proper locations and velocities about 20 ◦ behind the Earth in orbitabout the Sun is 14 or 15 months.After the nominal orbits have been achiev<strong>ed</strong>, the spacecraft will be track<strong>ed</strong>for a week or two with NASA’s Deep Space Tracking Network. Then, any desir<strong>ed</strong>minor corrections to the orbits can be made. The next step is separation of thepropulsion modules from the final spacecraft. After that, the orbits will be almostcompletely gravitational, with each spacecraft servocontroll<strong>ed</strong> to follow either theaverage of the two test masses inside it or just one of the two. The difference ofthe spurious accelerations of the two test masses will be roughly 10 −10 ms −2 orless, and can be correct<strong>ed</strong> for by applying weak and stable electrical forces to thetest masses at frequencies below the measurement range via the capacitor plates.The next step is for each spacecraft to acquire the other two optically. Startrackers aboard each spacecraft give the attitude to a few arcseconds, and thetransmitt<strong>ed</strong> laser beams are defocus<strong>ed</strong> by roughly a factor ten so that they can b<strong>ed</strong>etect<strong>ed</strong> on the other end of an arm even with relatively poor beam pointing. Thereceiv<strong>ed</strong> laser beam normally is bright enough to look like about a magnitude-3star, so there will be a substantial brightness level even with some defocusing. Ifnecessary, an angular scan pattern on the transmitt<strong>ed</strong> beam could be us<strong>ed</strong> to findthe beam, since the stability of the star tracker will be considerably better than itsabsolute accuracy.As soon as a receiving spacecraft finds the beam, the output from the CCDarray or quadrant diode in its angle tracker can be us<strong>ed</strong> to lock the attitude to th<strong>ed</strong>irection to the distant spacecraft, and the defocus in the transmitt<strong>ed</strong> beam canbe remov<strong>ed</strong> to give a high S/N ratio. The local laser then is turn<strong>ed</strong> on, and itsfrequency adjust<strong>ed</strong> to give a fairly low beat frequency with the receiv<strong>ed</strong> beam.The resulting heterodyne signal back at the original transmitting end provides ahigher S/N ratio, and makes detecting the defocus<strong>ed</strong> return beam easier. After thebeam pointing signals are lock<strong>ed</strong> in and the focus is correct<strong>ed</strong> on both ends ofeach arm, the system is ready for operation.Even with careful phase locking of the master laser to a stable cavity, orpossibly the locking of more lasers, the phase noise will still be significant up to

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