(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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120 LISA: A propos<strong>ed</strong> joint ESA–NASA gravitational-wave missionare the changes with time in the distances between test masses in the differentspacecraft. Capacitive sensors on the inside of a housing surrounding each testmass sense the position of the spacecraft with respect to the test mass. Thisposition information is f<strong>ed</strong> via a proportional control servosystem to micronewtonthrusters that keep the spacecraft essentially fix<strong>ed</strong> with respect to the test mass.Each test mass plus the housing around it and the associat<strong>ed</strong> electronics willbe referr<strong>ed</strong> to as a ‘free mass sensor’. The names ‘inertial sensor’, ‘drag-freesensor’, and ‘disturbance r<strong>ed</strong>uction sensor’ also have been us<strong>ed</strong> frequently, buteach choice has some drawbacks. ‘Inertial sensor’ causes confusion with thegyroscopic sensors us<strong>ed</strong> in inertial navigation systems. ‘Drag-free sensor’ or‘disturbance r<strong>ed</strong>uction sensor’ emphasizes the role of the sensor in permittingexternal forces on the spacecraft to be accurately compensat<strong>ed</strong> for, but do notindicate the importance of keeping the spurious accelerations of the test mass farbelow the residual accelerations of the spacecraft.At frequencies below roughly 3 mHz, the threshold sensitivity of the LISAantenna will be determin<strong>ed</strong> mainly by the spurious accelerations of the testmasses, despite the care that is taken to minimize such disturbances. However,at higher frequencies the main limitation will come from how well the relativechanges in the 5000 000 km distances between the test masses can be measur<strong>ed</strong>.The optical interferometry system for measuring these distances will be describ<strong>ed</strong>in the next section. The free mass sensors and the way they are us<strong>ed</strong> will b<strong>ed</strong>iscuss<strong>ed</strong> in detail in a later section.In describing the operation of the gravitational-wave antenna, it is useful todistinguish between the ‘main spacecraft’ and the ‘instrument package’. Here theinstrument package will mean the Y-shap<strong>ed</strong> thermal shield and everything insideit. In addition, it will include the lasers and a thermal radiation plate they arelocat<strong>ed</strong> on that is attach<strong>ed</strong> to the bottom of the Y. With this arrangement, theheat generat<strong>ed</strong> by the lasers can be radiat<strong>ed</strong> by the radiation plate out through alarge hole in the bottom of the spacecraft to space. Everything else, including thespacecraft structure and all the other equipment mount<strong>ed</strong> on it, will be referr<strong>ed</strong> toas the main spacecraft.Probably the most important factor in the design of the LISA mission, afterminimizing spurious forces on the test masses, is the ne<strong>ed</strong> to keep the temperatur<strong>ed</strong>istribution throughout each main spacecraft and instrument package as constantas possible. This is essential for two main reasons. One is that mass displacementsdue to local temperature changes within the desir<strong>ed</strong> measurement band, roughly10 −6 Hz to 1 Hz, will change the gravitational force on the test mass and look likea real signal [10, 11]. The other is that a variation in the temperature differencebetween the two sides of the housing in a free mass sensor will cause a differencein the thermal radiation pressure force on the two sides of the test mass, and thusgive a spurious acceleration.The thermal design of the LISA spacecraft can be understood on the basisof the following rough model. The main spacecraft will have some thermal timeconstant for responding to changes in the incident solar flux or in the electrical

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