(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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112 The Earth-bas<strong>ed</strong> large interferometer Virgoa Nd-YAG, of the order of 10 −1 –10 −2 Hz/ √ Hz at 10 Hz has been obtain<strong>ed</strong>, forexample by the Nice-Virgo team [8]. A copy of this circuit provides the frequencystabilization for the LFF. It is already operational and has obtain<strong>ed</strong> a clos<strong>ed</strong> loopbehaviour similar to the Virgo prestabilization circuit. The technique to r<strong>ed</strong>ucethe influence of power fluctuation is to extract signals from the Fabry–Perot withthe well known Pound–Drever–Hall, where the inject<strong>ed</strong> light is phase modulat<strong>ed</strong>at high frequency (usually around 10 MHz, where the laser is shot noise limit<strong>ed</strong>).The signal is extract<strong>ed</strong> in reflection, the noise is due to the shot noise, and theSNR for the cavity detuning δν is:SNR = P in8J 0 (m)J 1 (m)F(1 − A loss Fπ) 2L c δν2 √ . (9.9)ηP DC hν 0where P in represents the incident power on the cavity, A loss the total loss in thecavity during one round trip, P DC is the DC term of the power reflect<strong>ed</strong> fromthe cavity, √ 2ηP DC hν is the shot noise expression with η the quantum efficiencyof the photodiode, h is the Planck constant, ν 0 is the laser frequency, L is thecavity length, F is the finesse, c is the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light and J 0 and J 1 are Besselfunctions, functions of the modulation depth m. The LFF cavity parameters are:Finesse 3000, P 0 = 30 mW, cavity length L = 1 cm. With these parameters,the sensitivity at 10 Hz is limit<strong>ed</strong> by the frequency fluctuation, and a powerspectrum density of 10 −1 Hz/ √ Hz is necessary in order to reach the displacementsensitivity of 10 −18 m/ √ Hz at 10 Hz. A prototype of the SA, call<strong>ed</strong> R andD SA, has been assembl<strong>ed</strong> in Pisa, and has test<strong>ed</strong> the assembly proc<strong>ed</strong>ure anddevelop<strong>ed</strong> the control loop. LFF will suspend to the R and D SA two mirrors,in a way to create a very high finesse Fabry–Perot; of whose element, one is thestandard Virgo mirror, with a mass above 20 kg, while the other [18], usuallycall<strong>ed</strong> (AX), will be different. In the early phase of the experiment the auxiliarymirror will be a standard small mirror; the auxiliary mirror will be load<strong>ed</strong> withan extra mass, in order to r<strong>ed</strong>uce the displacement noise due to low-frequencyradiation pressure. The Fabry–Perot cavity will act as a displacement transducerand allow the measurement of the combin<strong>ed</strong> thermal noise of the two mirrors, andrelat<strong>ed</strong> suspension. Figure 9.7 shows the experimental apparatus: the R and D SAholding the two mirrors of the cavity and the table with the optical circuit, whichwill inject light into the cavity.9.4 ConclusionSeveral gravitational-wave interferometers will be operational in a few years,and a lot of effort is being concentrat<strong>ed</strong> in building and making them work.Expectations are great around such experiments, since they can give essentialinformation on general relativity, fundamental physics and astrophysics. TheVirgo antenna will be operational in 2–3 years from now. A large study is goingon around the SA suspension. A special prototype call<strong>ed</strong> R and D SA is under

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