(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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104 The Earth-bas<strong>ed</strong> large interferometer Virgowhere TT denotes the transverse-traceless gauge. The maximum change in th<strong>ed</strong>istance AB is then:δL = h 2 L (9.2)where h is the dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude and L is the distanceAB at rest. One of the most important gravitational-wave sources is theSuperNovae explosion. In order to detect several SuperNovae events per year, it isnecessary to have a sensitivity of h close to 10 −21 for a millisecond signal; in factthis is the expect<strong>ed</strong> amplitude for gravitational <strong>waves</strong> from SuperNovae comingfrom the closest cluster of galaxies: Virgo, distant 10–20 Mpc. The idea of usingan interferometer to detect gravitational <strong>waves</strong> has been propos<strong>ed</strong> independently,about 30 years ago, by Weber and two Russian physicists, Gerstenstein andPustovoit [1] and a lot of work has been done to develop the optical design ofthe large interferometers presently under construction [2, 3]. Let me mention(see, for example, [4]) the work done in Garching, Glasgow, Caltech and MIT,where interferometers of 30–40 m arms have been develop<strong>ed</strong> and are still runningwith displacement sensitivity equal to the shot noise limit. The power spectrumof the displacement sensitivity obtain<strong>ed</strong> so far is of the order of 10 −19 m/ √ Hz.Following the above equation it is straightforward to see that a few kilometrearmlength is necessary in order to reach the sensitivity of h = 10 −21 for themillisecond signal. Several antennae are under construction [5]: two antennae4 km arms in the USA (LIGO), one 0.6 km in Germany (GEO600), one inJapan 0.3 km (TAMA), in Italy 3 km (Virgo) and one is plann<strong>ed</strong> with 3 kmarms in Australia (ACIGA). Most of them (TAMA, LIGO and GEO) have beenconstruct<strong>ed</strong> and are making working together parts of the interferometer. TAMAis already operational, and work is concentrat<strong>ed</strong> in order to reach the plann<strong>ed</strong>sensitivity; moreover Japan already plans to build a longer one. The aboveinterferometers, all Earth bas<strong>ed</strong>, will cover the 10–10 000 Hz window, whereevents from SuperNovae explosions, coalescing binaries and pulsars events areexpect<strong>ed</strong>. Using the signals of the resonant bars, and the other kind of detectorsalready operational, in the near future gravitational-wave astronomy is expect<strong>ed</strong>to become a reality. Furthermore, a big space antenna is plann<strong>ed</strong> to be launch<strong>ed</strong>in this decade, it is call<strong>ed</strong> LISA [5], and will cover the frequency spectrum 10 −4 –10 −1 Hz. In the following the essential characteristics of the Virgo antenna [6,7],the Virgo SuperAttenuator suspension, the Low Frequency Facility [9] and the Rand D experiment of the Virgo project, are describ<strong>ed</strong>.9.1.1 Interferometer principles and Virgo parametersFigure 9.1 shows a simple Michelson interferometer: the passage of agravitational wave changes the phase shift between the two outgoing beamsinterfering on the beam splitter. For the sake of simplicity it is assum<strong>ed</strong> thatthe wave is optimally polariz<strong>ed</strong> and travels perpendicularly to the interferometer

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