(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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102 Resonant detectors for gravitational <strong>waves</strong> and their bandwidththe sensitivity to bursts and other types of GW in a somewhat different manner,which improv<strong>ed</strong> our understanding of the role play<strong>ed</strong> by the electromechanicaltransducer and its associat<strong>ed</strong> electronics. The noise spectrum of the apparatus isexpress<strong>ed</strong> by equation (8.11), which also directly gives the sensitivity for the GWbackground.We notice that the optimum sensitivity (at the resonance) depends essentiallyon the ratio T e /MQ and is independent of the transducer. In practice, thetransducer and electronics determine only the bandwidth of the apparatus,express<strong>ed</strong> by equation (8.14).For the measurement of the GW stochastic background, that should notchange drastically in a frequency band of a few hertz, it might therefore besufficient to make use of a very simple transducer and even small bandwidthelectronics. This makes the resonant detectors, in particular, well suit<strong>ed</strong> formeasuring the GW stochastic background.The use of a sophisticat<strong>ed</strong> transducer, with larger bandwidth, improves thesensitivity to GW bursts. As far as the search for monochromatic <strong>waves</strong> a largerbandwidth is better, in the sense that it allows a larger frequency region in whichto search.References[1] Astone P et al 1993 Phys. Rev. D 47 362[2] Mauceli E et al 1996 Phys. Rev. D 54 1264[3] Blair D G et al 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 1908[4] Astone P et al 1997 Astropart. Phys. 7 231–43[5] Cerdonio M et al 1995 <strong>Gravitational</strong> wave experiments Proc. First Edoardo AmaldiConf. (Frascati, 1994) <strong>ed</strong> E Coccia, G Pizzella and F Ronga (Singapore: WorldScientific)[6] Pizzella G 1975 Riv. Nuovo Cimento 5 369[7] Pallottino G V and Pizzella G 1998 Data Analysis in Astronomy vol III, <strong>ed</strong> V Di Gesuet al (New York: Plenum) p 361[8] Papoulis A 1984 Signal Analysis (Singapore: McGraw-Hill) pp 325–6[9] Pizzella G 1979 Nuovo Cimento 2 C209[10] Pallottino G V and Pizzella G 1984 Nuovo Cimento 7 C155[11] Bendat J S and Piersol A G 1966 Measurement and Analysis of Random Data (NewYork: Wiley)[12] Brustein R, Gasperini M, Giovannini M and Veneziano G 1995 Phys. Lett. B 36145–51[13] Astone P, Buttiglione C, Frasca S, Pallottino G V and Pizzella G 1997 Nuovo Cimento20 9[14] Astone P, Pallottino G P and Pizzella G 1998 Gen. Rel. Grav. 30 105[15] Astone P et al 1999 Astropart. Phys. 10 83–92[16] Astone P, Pallottino G V and Pizzella G 1997 Class. Quantum Grav. 14 2019–30[17] Astone P et al 1999 Astron. Astrophys. 351 811–14

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