(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Discussion and conclusions 101Figure 8.2. Spectral amplitude ˜h of EXPLORER and NAUTILUS versus frequency (Hz).closure of the universe. It has been found, using equation (8.40), that ≥ 60,where a factor of six has been also includ<strong>ed</strong> for taking into consideration the factthat EXPLORER and NAUTILUS are separat<strong>ed</strong> by about 600 km. The value of we have obtain<strong>ed</strong> is much larger than the expect<strong>ed</strong> value, but we remark thatit is the first measurement of this type made with two cryogenic resonant GWdetectors.Finally, we would like to mention that recently, making use of the detectorNAUTILUS, we have been able to observe the passage of cosmic rays 1 . Theobserv<strong>ed</strong> events in the bar have amplitude and frequency of occurrence inagreement with the pr<strong>ed</strong>iction (event energy of the order of 1 mK), showing thatNAUTILUS is properly working. In particular, the efficiency of the filter aim<strong>ed</strong>at detecting a small signal emb<strong>ed</strong>d<strong>ed</strong> into noise is well proven.8.4 Discussion and conclusionsIn previous literature the sensitivity for resonant detectors of gravitational <strong>waves</strong>has usually been express<strong>ed</strong> in terms of T eff , the minimum energy deliver<strong>ed</strong> bya GW burst that can be detect<strong>ed</strong> by the apparatus. However, what the resonantdetectors really measure is essentially the Fourier transform (over a certainfrequency band) of the GW adimensional amplitude.For studying the operation of a resonant antenna as a GW detector ofstochastic GW we had to deal with noise spectrums. This has made us reconsider1 This result has been present<strong>ed</strong> at the School by Dr Evan Mauceli.

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