Dolder® Bar joint - Cendres & Métaux SA

Dolder® Bar joint - Cendres & Métaux SA Dolder® Bar joint - Cendres & Métaux SA


Dolder ® Bar jointInstructions for use1 / 403.2007Activation, deactivation, repairs and regular servicing ofattachments should only be carried out by trained personnelusing original instruments and components. Mechanicallycleaning attachments with a toothbrush and toothpaste cancause premature wear and tear of the functional components.Upon publication, these instructions for use supersede allprevious editions.The manufacturer is not liable for any damages due to the userdisregarding the instructions for use below.In generalTraceability of lot numbersIf attachments are assembled from components with different lotnumbers, all relevant lot numbers have to be recorded to ensurethat they can be traced.DisinfectionThis product is supplied non-sterile. Every restoration must becleaned and disinfected before trying in or fitting permanently.Further hintsFurther information on soldering, casting on, laser welding etc. canbe accessed on our website at in the Clinicsection.AllergiesThis product must not be used for patients known to be allergicto one or several of the elements contained in the attachmentmaterials. With patients suspected of being allergic to one orseveral of the elements contained in any one of the attachmentmaterials, this product can only be used after preliminaryallergological testing and proof that no allergy exists.03.2007Cendres+Métaux SARue de Boujean 122CH-2501 Biel/BiennePhone +41 32 344 22 11Fax +41 32 344 22 12info@cmsa.chFor more details and to order online,please

Dolder ® <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>joint</strong>Instructions for use1 / 403.2007Activation, deactivation, repairs and regular servicing ofattachments should only be carried out by trained personnelusing original instruments and components. Mechanicallycleaning attachments with a toothbrush and toothpaste cancause premature wear and tear of the functional components.Upon publication, these instructions for use supersede allprevious editions.The manufacturer is not liable for any damages due to the userdisregarding the instructions for use below.In generalTraceability of lot numbersIf attachments are assembled from components with different lotnumbers, all relevant lot numbers have to be recorded to ensurethat they can be traced.DisinfectionThis product is supplied non-sterile. Every restoration must becleaned and disinfected before trying in or fitting permanently.Further hintsFurther information on soldering, casting on, laser welding etc. canbe accessed on our website at in the Clinicsection.AllergiesThis product must not be used for patients known to be allergicto one or several of the elements contained in the attachmentmaterials. With patients suspected of being allergic to one orseveral of the elements contained in any one of the attachmentmaterials, this product can only be used after preliminaryallergological testing and proof that no allergy exists.03.2007<strong>Cendres</strong>+<strong>Métaux</strong> <strong>SA</strong>Rue de Boujean 122CH-2501 Biel/BiennePhone +41 32 344 22 11Fax +41 32 344 22 12info@cmsa.chFor more details and to order online,please

Dolder ® <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>joint</strong>2 / 403.2007MaterialsFemale part E = Elitor ®Supplied: HardenedFitting: Polymerized into placeFemale parts without retainersFitting: soldering or laser weldedMale part E = Elitor ®Supplied: AnnealedFitting: soldering or laser weldedLengths: 25, 50 and 200 mmIndividual componentsBrass spacerEnsures vertical resilience of the dentureIndications / <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>joint</strong>Tooth/gingiva supported resilient bar-borne dentures.Placed primarily in the upper and lower anterior regions.The bar <strong>joint</strong> must rotate around an axis.Examples: Implant-supported dentures, CoverdenturesContraindicationsUnilateral dentures without transverse bracingEquipment and parts required for correct processingSimple parallelometer, product-specific processing aids andinstrumentsInstructions for useBrief description of the bar <strong>joint</strong>The bar <strong>joint</strong> was designed by Prof. Dr. E. Dolder and is a dynamicconnector with an oval cross-section specifically for coverdentures.In order to fabricate a denture with a bar <strong>joint</strong>, two teeth orimplants (upper or lower anterior) must be connected with astraight bar(Fig. 1). This ensures that the <strong>joint</strong> can function correctly. Inaddition, vertical translational movement of the removable denturecan be allowed for by placing the brass spacer between the barand sleeve prior to polymerization. The bar can be soldered orlaser welded to root caps, crowns or implant superstructures.The casting-on technique cannot be employed.Preparing to fit the bar <strong>joint</strong>Screw on implant caps for bar restorations. With natural teeth,fabricate root post/caps and/or crowns. With crowns, adequatespace must be provided for soldering correctly. To ensure thatthe teeth are positioned to provide for optimum aesthetics andfunctioning, we recommend setting them up before solderingthe bar.Please note: The bar (male part) is supplied annealed. It is notadvisable to solder bars to non-precious abutment crowns (riskof corrosion).Fig. 1E = Elitor ®Au 68.60 %, Pt 2.45 %, Pd 3.95 %, Ag 11.85 %, Cu 10.60 %,Ir 0.05 %, Zn 2.50 %T S– T L880 – 940 °CFig. 2

Dolder ® <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>joint</strong>3 / 403.2007Fitting the bar <strong>joint</strong>Use the paralleling mandrel (Order No. 072 515 micro bar,072 517 macro bar) to fix the bar section to the cast abutmentswith sticky wax or self-curing burnout resin parallel to the pathof insertion and abutments and in the correct physiologicalrelationship (Fig. 2) to the alveolar ridge. Check with an overcast.Important: To ensure that the denture can rotate around the bar, itmust never be bent or slanted.Strength of the soldered <strong>joint</strong>To prevent the soldered <strong>joint</strong> becoming a weak point, werecommend extending the end of the bar approx. 0.5 mm intothe wax pattern of the crown or placing it on a small projection.Should neither of these be feasible, a «U» shaped gold wire can beplaced over the bar and in contact with the crown before soldering,in order to increase the soldering area.Heat treatmentThe male and female parts of bars must be separated prior to heattreatment.Annealing and hardeningIf the restoration is not bench cooled after soldering, it can behardened afterwards.1. Annealing: 700 °C, 10 min./quench in H 2O2. Hardening: 400 °C, 15 min./bench coolFabricating the soldering modelEnsure that the connectors between the root caps/ crowns and barare of adequate dimensions. Carefully release the combined bar/abutment units from the model and fabricate the soldering modelwith soldering investment (Fig. 3).Furnace-soldering – Male part EIt is advisable to solder ceramic alloy abutments or long-spanrestorations in a porcelain furnace. Melt off the sticky wax orremove the self-curing resin. While the soldering model is stillwarm, apply adequate amounts of flux C (Order No. 080 227) tothe <strong>joint</strong> and preheat the soldering model at 500 °C in a preheatingfurnace for 10 –15 minutes. Cut the solder to size, place it inthe gap and coat all <strong>joint</strong>s with flux C again. Heat the porcelainfurnace to 500 °C and place the soldering model in it immediately.The heating rate should be 50 °C/min. to ensure that the entiresoldering model is heated thoroughly. The final temperature mustbe set 50 –70 °C higher than the liquidus of the solder. Hold thefinal temperature for 1 minute to ensure that the solder wets thealloy fully. Bench cool the restoration on the soldering model (toachieve optimum mechanical properties).Please note: Ceramic alloys should be cooled as described in themanufacturer’s instructions.Fig. 4 Fig. 5Fig. 7

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