GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage

GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage


Letter toTHE TRADE“ALCOHOL RESPONSIBILITY” IS ONE OFthose phrases that could potentially lose its meaning.That’s what happens to buzz words. They are utteredin commercials, included in advertisements andbandied about in conversations until they almostbecome white noise.Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. The responsible saleand consumption of alcohol is in everyone’s bestinterest. Sure, it’s a good business practice, but whenyou get right down to it, alcohol responsibility saveslives and the life it saves could be your own or thatof your son or daughter.Here are some goals that we should all be committed to:n Preventing access of alcohol to underage individualsn Preventing high risk drinking behaviors of legal age drinkersn Promoting the use of designated driversn Informing patrons that providing alcohol to underage individuals is illegaland not to be condonedn Promoting alcohol awareness and education“Origlio’s commitment to theresponsible sale andconsumption of alcohol isnot taken lightly”n Working together to affect laws designed to discourage underage drinkingand high-risk behaviorOriglio’s commitment to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol is nottaken lightly. We’ve invested heavily in training our employees. Our sales force isTIPS certified and we are more than happy to assist your staff in becomingcertified as well. In case you are not familiar with the program, TIPS (Training forIntervention Procedures) promotes the proper use of alcohol and heightensalcohol awareness. This program covers the issues that concern servers includingage verification, liability and excessive consumption. Upon completion of theseminar, a certification test is administered and those who pass will be TIPScertified for three years. A properly trained staff may lessen the likelihood thatyou will be cited for LCB violations or be sued. If you are interested in becomingTIPS certified, please contact your Origlio Sales Representative who will gladlyassist in making the arrangements for you.In the next edition of Heady Times, we’ll talk about what alcohol can do to adeveloping brain. As always, thank you for your business and good selling.In ThisISSUECover Story .........................1Brewer Highlight ..................2Craft Beer Outlet ..................3Super Value Beverage...........4New Products ......................5Seasonal Selections...............8Available Year-Round ........16Perfect for the SeasonPrograms ..........................18Retail Edge........................24The Beer Guy ....................25Sincerely,®Dominic OriglioHeady Times is published five times a year, courtesyof Origlio Beverage.

CoverSTORYGo Guinness or Go HomeMOST HOLIDAYS ARE SYNONYMOUS WITH SOMETHING.At Christmas, it’s the tree, with Easter, the bunny and of courseThanksgiving, it’s the delicious turkey and stuffing. One holiday bringsto mind the complex and robust dark beer, brewed in Ireland. Guinness is asprevalent on St. Patrick’s Day as shamrocks and leprechauns are!This year, St. Pat’s and basketball will collide. Celebrate the two huge eventswith one bold beer--Guinness. When the dust from the Superbowl has settled,what’s left in February? Not much. Guys nationwide are itching for March, whenFebruary dullness becomes March boldness! The month of two colossal partyevents: St. Patrick’s Day and College Basketball. And this year, they tip off on thesame day, Thursday, March 17th. The biggest day of the year for Irish beer salesis colliding with America’s most thrilling and action-packed sporting event.There’s only one beer truly bold enough to capture the spirit of what promises tobe the beer event of the year. It’s Guinness time and very few people are seenwithout a pint in hand on St. Patty’s Day. In March, 2010 Guinness was up 3%over 2009, selling 464,000 cases, totaling $15 million in the off-premise alone.That’s 19% of the brand’s total off-premise volume for the year!Every St. Patrick’s Day toast needs a true Irish brew and every gutsy basketballgame is another reason for your guests to honor the gutsiest of beers. On-premise,groundbreaking POS with JAGTAG technology will urge consumers to enter theGuinness challenge and boldly step up to the bar and order a Guinness draught.Make sure to post the POS front and center so everyone can see it and play along!Guinness Fun Factsn The thick creamy head atop aGuinness Draught is often calledthe collar.n A pint of Guinness cost one cent in1900.n Doctors once prescribed Guinness asa cure for debility, anemia and tohelp patients through convalescence.n Guinness was once recommended tonursing mothers.n Arthur Guinness deliberately chosethe harp symbol as the Guinness logoto appeal to Nationalist pride inIreland. The harp is also a symbol ofIreland, which appears on the backof their coinage.n Robert Louis Stevenson took Guinnesswith him to the Samoan Islands whilehe wrote Treasure Island.n Celebrity Guinness drinkersinclude Bono, Matt Damon andPierce Brosnan.This is not only a significant selling period for Guinness, it’s primetime for all Irish beers! March accounts for 22% of the annualvolume of Smithwick’s Irish Ale and 25% of Harp Premium Lager.This is the month to get your Irish beer portfolio motoring! How?Get your March on! The Irish trio of all stars will help launch theparty with a celebratory Irish bash and keep the festivities goingall season long.Off-premise, tip off a month of celebration with bold Guinnessdisplays that will keep up the Irish momentum throughout the entire sellingseason! Low margin beers simply can’t match the authenticity of a true Irish beer.The suites of POS material, “Go Bold or Go Home” and “Get Your March On”capture both the Irish celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and the excitement ofbasketball. Use both to build a display that can last throughout the month. OffpremisePOS will also be equipped with the JAGTAGtechnology, urging consumers to go to Facebook and takethe Guinness challenge, testing their mettle againsttheir friends.During the entire month of March, Guinness is investing$3 million dollars in broadcast and online media withTV spots showcasing hoops legend, Bill Walton,urging fans to “Go Bold or Go Home” with a real beer.This year, it’s Guinness season from St. Patrick’s through thebrackets!! Every good party gets even better with Guinness.“Drink with your eyes first, taking in thebeauty of the pour, then raise your glassproud and take a healthy first sip,always with your eyes to the horizon.”—Fergal Murray, Master Brewer for Guinnesswww.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 1

Letter toTHE TRADE“ALCOHOL RESPONSIBILITY” IS ONE OFthose phrases that could potentially lose its meaning.That’s what happens to buzz words. They are utteredin commercials, included in advertisements andbandied about in conversations until they almostbecome white noise.Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. The responsible saleand consumption of alcohol is in everyone’s bestinterest. Sure, it’s a good business practice, but whenyou get right down to it, alcohol responsibility saveslives and the life it saves could be your own or thatof your son or daughter.Here are some goals that we should all be committed to:n Preventing access of alcohol to underage individualsn Preventing high risk drinking behaviors of legal age drinkersn Promoting the use of designated driversn Informing patrons that providing alcohol to underage individuals is illegaland not to be condonedn Promoting alcohol awareness and education“<strong>Origlio</strong>’s commitment to theresponsible sale andconsumption of alcohol isnot taken lightly”n Working together to affect laws designed to discourage underage drinkingand high-risk behavior<strong>Origlio</strong>’s commitment to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol is nottaken lightly. We’ve invested heavily in training our employees. Our sales force isTIPS certified and we are more than happy to assist your staff in becomingcertified as well. In case you are not familiar with the program, TIPS (Training forIntervention Procedures) promotes the proper use of alcohol and heightensalcohol awareness. This program covers the issues that concern servers includingage verification, liability and excessive consumption. Upon completion of theseminar, a certification test is administered and those who pass will be TIPScertified for three years. A properly trained staff may lessen the likelihood thatyou will be cited for LCB violations or be sued. If you are interested in becomingTIPS certified, please contact your <strong>Origlio</strong> Sales Representative who will gladlyassist in making the arrangements for you.In the next edition of Heady Times, we’ll talk about what alcohol can do to adeveloping brain. As always, thank you for your business and good selling.In ThisISSUECover Story .........................1Brewer Highlight ..................2Craft Beer Outlet ..................3Super Value <strong>Beverage</strong>...........4New Products ......................5Seasonal Selections...............8Available Year-Round ........16Perfect for the SeasonPrograms ..........................18Retail Edge........................24The Beer Guy ....................25Sincerely,®Dominic <strong>Origlio</strong>Heady Times is published five times a year, courtesyof <strong>Origlio</strong> <strong>Beverage</strong>.

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