GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage

GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage


Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASONSamuel Adams Irish RedAyinger Braü-WeisseAvailable all year, Irish Red has been deemed “ABeer of the People.” A twist on a classic Irishbrew, Sam Adams Irish Red is malty and slightlysweet, balanced by earthy tones from the hops,making it an ideal brew for warm, sunny days,yet pleasantly cozy during the chilly ones anda great option for St. Patrick’s Day.Irish Red is brewed with two-rowHarrington, Metcalfe and Caramel 60malted barley. The Harrington andMetcalfe barley provide most of the bodyand sweet backbone of the beer, while theCaramel 60 contributes to the deep redcolor that defines the style. To balance allof that sweetness, they use earthy EastKent Goldings and Spalt-Spalter hops.Their subtle bitterness and aromaprovide a delicate complexity to thebrew. Irish Red finishes smooth andleaves you wanting to take another sip.Available in 12 oz. bottles.Verdi – Sparkling Italian Fun forany Occasion!Verdi’s incredible success story began 16 yearsago right here in Pennsylvania.Today, Verdiand Raspberry,Green Appleand PeachSparkletini arethe number onesparklingbeveragesimported from Italy.100% natural witha bubbling delicioustaste, they havebecome the perfectchoice for any kind ofcelebration. In fact, ithas been said thatevery special occasiongets even better andmore interesting with a“touch” of the uniquelylight, refreshing taste of theSparkling Italian Fun! Gogreen for St. Patrick’s Daywith Verdi Green Apple!This beer is a delicious lemon/spice scentedwheat beer, deriving wonderful aromaticcomplexity from a traditional Bavarian yeaststrain. Braü-Weisse is an aristocratic beerwith a champagne sparkle and abeautifully sustained head. Pale in color,tart in palate with a beautiful smooth bodythat finishes with a subtle spicy note, thisis a true brut beer. Experience this one asan aperitif or with your meal. Try itwith veal sausage, pretzels, friedsmelts or Sunday brunch. ServeBraü-Weisse in a tall vase-shapedweisse glass with a thin slice oflemon as garnish. Availableyear-round in 17 oz. bottlesand draught.Augustinerbrau EdelstoffThis Helles lager possesses a bright goldencolor with an emerald straw cast. The nosehas a soft, crusty sourdough bread andcitrus marmalade aroma. On the palate ithas a light, dry malt flavor with a delicatehop background. A long, mild, dry hopfinish makes it very smooth and delicious.This year-round German beer, availablein 12 oz. bottles, is perfect for thespring months.Pinkus Organic Hefe-WeizenVery light in body and color, this organic,unfiltered wheat beer is crisp, dry, spritzyand refreshing with a clean ale-yeastaroma and flavor, without thecharacteristic yeasty spiciness of aBavarian wheat beer. Thishefeweizen is a perfect choice tocarry you into the warmermonths. Schnitzel, spinachsalads with boiled shrimp andgazpacho pair perfectly withPinkus. Serve it in tall vaseshapedglass, garnished witha thin slice of lemon.Available in 16.9 oz. bottlesthroughout the year.16HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASONGo Big, Go Belgian with Sly FoxSly Fox Saison Vos is a memorable 6.9% Farmhouse alebrewed with special proprietary yeast. Sly Fox IncubusTripel is a delicious 10.3% Abbey ale, golden in colorand seductive in flavor. Sly Fox Ichor Quadrupel is awarming 10% Abbey-style brew fashioned to delightboth body and soul. And Sly Fox Black RaspberryReserve is an 8% wheat ale brewed with one gallon ofblack and red raspberries per gallon of beer.Impressively packaged in 750 ml. corked and cagedbottles, these beers are available year-round. Each styleoffers a captivating drinking experience that will makeany occasion truly memorable.Gulden DraakEver wonder what the label on a bottle of Gulden Draakis all about? On the top of the Belfry of Ghent, innorthern Flanders, you can find the Gulden Draak orGolden Dragon. This large golden statue has beensuch a symbol of strength and security that betweenthe 12th and 14th centuries there were multiplescuffles between neighboring Bruges for the rights tothe beast.In all fairytales, in all cultures, it is always the dragonwho defends the treasure. In their belfries, theEuropean cities kept their treasures that included theirgold and also documents proving the privileges theyreceived from the monarch.Re-fermented in the bottle with wine yeast andcaramel, Gulden Draak Ale is a treasure of 10.5%ABV. The yeast in the bottle not only acts as apreservative for the beer but its rich fruity esters helptone down the alcohol, making it a dangerouslydrinkable brew. Respect the Draak or it will own you!Available year-round in draught, 1.5 liter, 11.2 oz. and25.4 oz bottles, this one will keep you warm through thelingering chilly days of March.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 17

Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASONSamuel Adams Irish RedAyinger Braü-WeisseAvailable all year, Irish Red has been deemed “ABeer of the People.” A twist on a classic Irishbrew, Sam Adams Irish Red is malty and slightlysweet, balanced by earthy tones from the hops,making it an ideal brew for warm, sunny days,yet pleasantly cozy during the chilly ones anda great option for St. Patrick’s Day.Irish Red is brewed with two-rowHarrington, Metcalfe and Caramel 60malted barley. The Harrington andMetcalfe barley provide most of the bodyand sweet backbone of the beer, while theCaramel 60 contributes to the deep redcolor that defines the style. To balance allof that sweetness, they use earthy EastKent Goldings and Spalt-Spalter hops.Their subtle bitterness and aromaprovide a delicate complexity to thebrew. Irish Red finishes smooth andleaves you wanting to take another sip.Available in 12 oz. bottles.Verdi – Sparkling Italian Fun forany Occasion!Verdi’s incredible success story began 16 yearsago right here in Pennsylvania.Today, Verdiand Raspberry,Green Appleand PeachSparkletini arethe number onesparklingbeveragesimported from Italy.100% natural witha bubbling delicioustaste, they havebecome the perfectchoice for any kind ofcelebration. In fact, ithas been said thatevery special occasiongets even better andmore interesting with a“touch” of the uniquelylight, refreshing taste of theSparkling Italian Fun! Gogreen for St. Patrick’s Daywith Verdi Green Apple!This beer is a delicious lemon/spice scentedwheat beer, deriving wonderful aromaticcomplexity from a traditional Bavarian yeaststrain. Braü-Weisse is an aristocratic beerwith a champagne sparkle and abeautifully sustained head. Pale in color,tart in palate with a beautiful smooth bodythat finishes with a subtle spicy note, thisis a true brut beer. Experience this one asan aperitif or with your meal. Try itwith veal sausage, pretzels, friedsmelts or Sunday brunch. ServeBraü-Weisse in a tall vase-shapedweisse glass with a thin slice oflemon as garnish. Availableyear-round in 17 oz. bottlesand draught.Augustinerbrau EdelstoffThis Helles lager possesses a bright goldencolor with an emerald straw cast. The nosehas a soft, crusty sourdough bread andcitrus marmalade aroma. On the palate ithas a light, dry malt flavor with a delicatehop background. A long, mild, dry hopfinish makes it very smooth and delicious.This year-round German beer, availablein 12 oz. bottles, is perfect for thespring months.Pinkus Organic Hefe-WeizenVery light in body and color, this organic,unfiltered wheat beer is crisp, dry, spritzyand refreshing with a clean ale-yeastaroma and flavor, without thecharacteristic yeasty spiciness of aBavarian wheat beer. Thishefeweizen is a perfect choice tocarry you into the warmermonths. Schnitzel, spinachsalads with boiled shrimp andgazpacho pair perfectly withPinkus. Serve it in tall vaseshapedglass, garnished witha thin slice of lemon.Available in 16.9 oz. bottlesthroughout the year.16HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

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