GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage

GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage

GO GUINNESS - Origlio Beverage

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Letter toTHE TRADE“ALCOHOL RESPONSIBILITY” IS ONE OFthose phrases that could potentially lose its meaning.That’s what happens to buzz words. They are utteredin commercials, included in advertisements andbandied about in conversations until they almostbecome white noise.Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. The responsible saleand consumption of alcohol is in everyone’s bestinterest. Sure, it’s a good business practice, but whenyou get right down to it, alcohol responsibility saveslives and the life it saves could be your own or thatof your son or daughter.Here are some goals that we should all be committed to:n Preventing access of alcohol to underage individualsn Preventing high risk drinking behaviors of legal age drinkersn Promoting the use of designated driversn Informing patrons that providing alcohol to underage individuals is illegaland not to be condonedn Promoting alcohol awareness and education“<strong>Origlio</strong>’s commitment to theresponsible sale andconsumption of alcohol isnot taken lightly”n Working together to affect laws designed to discourage underage drinkingand high-risk behavior<strong>Origlio</strong>’s commitment to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol is nottaken lightly. We’ve invested heavily in training our employees. Our sales force isTIPS certified and we are more than happy to assist your staff in becomingcertified as well. In case you are not familiar with the program, TIPS (Training forIntervention Procedures) promotes the proper use of alcohol and heightensalcohol awareness. This program covers the issues that concern servers includingage verification, liability and excessive consumption. Upon completion of theseminar, a certification test is administered and those who pass will be TIPScertified for three years. A properly trained staff may lessen the likelihood thatyou will be cited for LCB violations or be sued. If you are interested in becomingTIPS certified, please contact your <strong>Origlio</strong> Sales Representative who will gladlyassist in making the arrangements for you.In the next edition of Heady Times, we’ll talk about what alcohol can do to adeveloping brain. As always, thank you for your business and good selling.In ThisISSUECover Story .........................1Brewer Highlight ..................2Craft Beer Outlet ..................3Super Value <strong>Beverage</strong>...........4New Products ......................5Seasonal Selections...............8Available Year-Round ........16Perfect for the SeasonPrograms ..........................18Retail Edge........................24The Beer Guy ....................25Sincerely,®Dominic <strong>Origlio</strong>Heady Times is published five times a year, courtesyof <strong>Origlio</strong> <strong>Beverage</strong>.

CoverSTORYGo Guinness or Go HomeMOST HOLIDAYS ARE SYNONYMOUS WITH SOMETHING.At Christmas, it’s the tree, with Easter, the bunny and of courseThanksgiving, it’s the delicious turkey and stuffing. One holiday bringsto mind the complex and robust dark beer, brewed in Ireland. Guinness is asprevalent on St. Patrick’s Day as shamrocks and leprechauns are!This year, St. Pat’s and basketball will collide. Celebrate the two huge eventswith one bold beer--Guinness. When the dust from the Superbowl has settled,what’s left in February? Not much. Guys nationwide are itching for March, whenFebruary dullness becomes March boldness! The month of two colossal partyevents: St. Patrick’s Day and College Basketball. And this year, they tip off on thesame day, Thursday, March 17th. The biggest day of the year for Irish beer salesis colliding with America’s most thrilling and action-packed sporting event.There’s only one beer truly bold enough to capture the spirit of what promises tobe the beer event of the year. It’s Guinness time and very few people are seenwithout a pint in hand on St. Patty’s Day. In March, 2010 Guinness was up 3%over 2009, selling 464,000 cases, totaling $15 million in the off-premise alone.That’s 19% of the brand’s total off-premise volume for the year!Every St. Patrick’s Day toast needs a true Irish brew and every gutsy basketballgame is another reason for your guests to honor the gutsiest of beers. On-premise,groundbreaking POS with JAGTAG technology will urge consumers to enter theGuinness challenge and boldly step up to the bar and order a Guinness draught.Make sure to post the POS front and center so everyone can see it and play along!Guinness Fun Factsn The thick creamy head atop aGuinness Draught is often calledthe collar.n A pint of Guinness cost one cent in1900.n Doctors once prescribed Guinness asa cure for debility, anemia and tohelp patients through convalescence.n Guinness was once recommended tonursing mothers.n Arthur Guinness deliberately chosethe harp symbol as the Guinness logoto appeal to Nationalist pride inIreland. The harp is also a symbol ofIreland, which appears on the backof their coinage.n Robert Louis Stevenson took Guinnesswith him to the Samoan Islands whilehe wrote Treasure Island.n Celebrity Guinness drinkersinclude Bono, Matt Damon andPierce Brosnan.This is not only a significant selling period for Guinness, it’s primetime for all Irish beers! March accounts for 22% of the annualvolume of Smithwick’s Irish Ale and 25% of Harp Premium Lager.This is the month to get your Irish beer portfolio motoring! How?Get your March on! The Irish trio of all stars will help launch theparty with a celebratory Irish bash and keep the festivities goingall season long.Off-premise, tip off a month of celebration with bold Guinnessdisplays that will keep up the Irish momentum throughout the entire sellingseason! Low margin beers simply can’t match the authenticity of a true Irish beer.The suites of POS material, “Go Bold or Go Home” and “Get Your March On”capture both the Irish celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and the excitement ofbasketball. Use both to build a display that can last throughout the month. OffpremisePOS will also be equipped with the JAGTAGtechnology, urging consumers to go to Facebook and takethe Guinness challenge, testing their mettle againsttheir friends.During the entire month of March, Guinness is investing$3 million dollars in broadcast and online media withTV spots showcasing hoops legend, Bill Walton,urging fans to “Go Bold or Go Home” with a real beer.This year, it’s Guinness season from St. Patrick’s through thebrackets!! Every good party gets even better with Guinness.“Drink with your eyes first, taking in thebeauty of the pour, then raise your glassproud and take a healthy first sip,always with your eyes to the horizon.”—Fergal Murray, Master Brewer for Guinnesswww.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 1

BrewerHIGHLIGHTDale Katechis | Oskar Blues BreweryIT ALL BEGAN BACK IN NOVEMBER OF 2002 WHENDale Katechis, the founder of Oskar Blues Brewery began filling hisaward-winning Dale’s Pale Ale, two cans at a time using a table topcanning machine, personally redefining the term, “hand crafted”. TheColorado restaurateur and brewer couldn’t believe he was actuallyputting craft beer in a can. Bottles have always been the package ofchoice for better beer, but Katechis doesn’t see himself as a conformist.He says, “Eight years ago when we were running from liquor store toliquor store trying to sell beer out of our van, craft beer in a can waslaughable. I know it made us laugh. We’re still out laughing, sharingbeer and changing people’s minds one beer at a time. Watchingpeople try one of our big ol’ canned beers for the first time never getsold. That jaw dropping smile is what we live for.”Oskar Blues is known for their three and four dimensional beers. “Wejoke about four dimensional beer. To us it’s a well-rounded beer. Manytimes you’ll have a beer that hits a sweet spot and then leaves youhanging. We want to create beer that is well-rounded, that keeps ongivin’. When you crack a can of one of our big beers you’re hit withthat fresh aroma, but a one-dimensional beer that stops there is such adrag. We’re looking for a beer that hits you from start to finish with afull and complex flavor profile. Our mission is to blow your mind aboutwhat can come out of a can of beer. Cans are our soul.”“Our mission is to blow your mind aboutwhat can come out of a can of beer”Successful beyond his wildest dreams, Katechis can’t brew enough beerfor his thirsty fans. Last summer the brewery literally ran dry throwingcraft beer drinkers into a tizzy. Not to worry though, he added 30percent more capacity so that problem is solved – at least in the shortterm. All in all, it’s a good problem to have. In addition to Dale’s PaleAle, Oskar Blues brews Old Chub Scottish Style Ale, Mama’s Little YellaPils, Ten FIDY Imperial Stout and G’Knight (previously called Gordon,it’s still the same big, red, sticky delicious beer).Their latest creation, GUBNA, is an unusual rye beer weighing in at ahefty 10% ABV. “Love it or hate it, there doesn’t seem to be many onthe fence about this one. It’s been said that opening a can is likepulling the pin of a hop grenade, I can’t argue with that. The GermanDark Munich and Rye malts provide a round and spicy malt characterbefore finishing brisk and clean. GUBNA is made with three malts andexclusively Summit hops, so it’s a bit of a concept beer,” Katechisexplains.Whether brewing their Mama’s Little Yella Pils (5.3% ABV) or the RockyMountain warmer Ten FIDY (10.5% ABV), Katechis says, “It’s allfun….if it ain’t fun we wouldn’t be doing it. All of our beers have theirown personalities and bring different emotions when you pour theminto a glass and enjoy them, sharing all that hard work is what’sspecial about our beers.”Many say that Oskar Blue’s beers haveattained cult status. To that, Katechismodestly responds, “I’m not sure about that,but I think we’ve created a loyal followingby doing something different and beingourselves. We’ve always stayed true todoing what we love and I think people FEELthat. If you are passionate about what youdo and do it for the right reasons, webelieve people will dig it as much aswe do.”Originally from Alabama, Katechis says,“the Rocky Mountains have played a hugerole in what all of us at Oskar Blues get outof life. While I’ve been a mediocre homebrewer much of my life, I’ve met greatpeople in this industry and it’s been a greatplace to build a home with my family andfriends. Big wheels keep on turning.”In the future, Katechis tells us that he and histeam at Oskar Blues plan to, “Just keepdoing what we dig.”2HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

On-PremiseSPOTLIGHTCraft Beer OutletLife in the beer business began three years ago for Mark Sablowsky whenhe received a phone call from his father-in-law, suggesting they open abeer distributor together in Northeast Philadelphia. “It sparked myinterest,” said Mark, “I thought…why not? I like beer.” Now a thriving D,The Beer Outlet, on Franklin Mills Boulevard is only one of the businessesthat Mark manages. After a couple years learning the distributor side ofthings, Mark saw a need for a takeout store in the area. “I kept hearingthe same concern. Customers were hesitant to buy an entire case of acraft or specialty beer. The cases are expensive and without knowingwhat the beer tasted like, it was hard for people to commit to thepurchase. I thought it would be a great idea to open a takeout store withan array of craft and specialty beers where people could purchase singlebottles. It’s less intimidating and if they found something they liked, I couldsend them to our distributor to get a case,” laughs Mark.And so it began. Two years ago, the Craft Beer Outlet opened its doors.Situated in a newly refurbished strip mall on Frankford Avenue, thetakeout offers a selection of over 900 beers. The Craft Beer Outlet is aunique destination that caters to consumers searching forvariety. All products are available single-serveand anything offered can be mixed andmatched to create a 6 pack. “Being able tobuild your own 6 pack is a great way to getcustomers to try new things,” says Mark,“That’s the whole purpose of the store.”With an amazing 22 door cooler lining anentire wall of the immaculately kept store, 95%of the inventory is kept cold. Mark explains, “Iwanted the cooler to be really impactful. Idesigned the rest of the store around it.” Brightlylit and extremely clean, with every bottle faced perfectly, the cooler doorsare separated by beer category and labeled accordingly. Prices areprominently displayed on shelf strips underneath each product, taking outthe guess work for the customer. “I didn’t want anyone to come to theregister and be surprised about what they were paying,” explains Mark.Spotless, yet inviting and cozy, the Craft Beer Outlet offers seating for 30.“I wanted to make the space one where people would feel comfortableand want to hang out. On weekend nights, we have a fairly large crowdwho come in, buy a few beers and share them with their friends. I love it.”Because it is a “takeout” store, Mark is not able to sell draught beer bythe keg. “I needed to find a way to sell beer from breweries like DockStreet who don’t sell their beer in bottles or cans,” says Mark. And he didjust that. The Craft Beer Outlet is equipped with a six tap draught system,situated in the front of the store, welcoming customers as they walk in thedoor. Mark is able to sell pints of beer as well as growlers for takeout.“People often buy a pint and then browse the store to check out what elsewe have. They seem to really like it.”Although a craft beer haven, Mark is very aware that not everyone enjoyscraft beer. “I make sure to carry a decent amount of domestics too. I knowmy client base and there are a significant amount of people who come infor Coors Light—I try to carry something for everyone.” However, Mark’sgoal is to get people to try new things. Although he carries domesticoptions, they have their place in the very last cooler, forcing customers toCraft Beer Outlet owner, Mark Sablowskywalk past all of the craft and specialtyoptions on the way. “This way, people haveto check out the selection. If someone leaveswith a 6 pack of Coors Light and a bottle ofStone IPA, I know I’m doingmy job.”Mark and his staff are wellversed on craft and specialtybeer and they love to teachinterested customers what theyknow. “I think it’s mostimportant to be familiar withthe different styles of beerrather than what each beertastes like. There are so manybrands, I would almost be adrunk if I tried them all! If a customer isinterested in trying a new beer, we havefound that it works best to ask what beersthey like and offer options of the same stylefrom different breweries.” It also helps himwith inventory. “If certain styles tend to sellwell, it makes it easier to decide which newbeers to bring in.”Mark advertises the store in the food sectionof the Inquirer and beer samplings are heldevery Friday night, promoted both on theirwebsite as well as a chalkboard in thestore. Mark explains, “Samplings areanother great way to get people in the doorand introduce them to new beers that theymay have otherwise never tried.”Obviously, Mark is great at what he does,demonstrated by his smart businesspractices, creativity and ability tounderstand the needs and wants of hiscustomers. But what shines through the mostis how much he thoroughly enjoys what hedoes. He shares, “I genuinely love to cometo work everyday—it’s a great business tobe in.”www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 3

Off-PremiseSPOTLIGHTSuper Value <strong>Beverage</strong>Jerry Lamb, though very modest, runs his retail business withmuch to boast about. Super Value <strong>Beverage</strong>, located inWarminster, Bucks County, is truly a case study of bestbusiness practices. As you walk into the store you quicklyrealize that Lamb is a meticulous, business-orientedentrepreneur. He has been in the beer business for over35 years and has experience in both the on and offpremise.These two perspectives have given him thenecessary insight to succeed in today’s competitiveenvironment.Lamb has created a comfortable and productiveshopping experience that is appealing to both men andwomen. The store is immaculate, well-lit and heated. Customers areguided through the store with comfortably wide, well-organized aisles;not a case in the store is out of place. Even the high volume case displaysare stacked with perfection. Their motto is, “Never build a display that a50 year old woman couldn’t shop from.” In addition, Super Value hasseveral large, permanent self-made display pieces. Their massive“South of the Border” tiki hut is a great example. Not only does it lookimpressive, but customers know exactly where to find the Mexicanimport brands.The store has an amazing 48 door cooler lining the perimeter. Lambsays, “After being in the business for so long you start to pick up a thingor two. I quickly realized that customers’ fast paced, last minute planningdemands a large selection of cold beer.” Each of the cooler doors hold10 to 12 different brands –- that is over 480 beers available cold! It is aselection he is justifiably proud of. With such an extensive productlineup, it is imperative to keep the back stockorganized as well. Behind the coolers,Jerry recently added an additional 20feet of cooler storage space, allowinghim to stock sufficient amounts of coldinventory before it hits the shelves. Tokeep track of the inventory, Jerry reliesheavily on his point of sale system tosolve his standard operational and recordkeepingheadaches. His systemimmediately records all sales and allowshim to readily identify inventory levels.Everything coming in and going out iscomputed and recorded daily. “Numbers don’t lie,” says Jerry. “I need toknow there will be no discrepancies in current inventory when I place mybeer order.” Precision is necessary to successfully manage such a largevariety.From the back stock to the floor displays, organization is the hallmark ofthe entire store. Each cooler door is clearly labeled with a specific beercategory and all the warm displays are labeled on the shelving units.Super Value carries everything from 30 pack domestics to AmericanCrafts and Specialty Imports to all the Malternatives you can think of.Customers are encouraged to shop leisurely without being bothered bysales people. They even offer draught samples, accompanied byeducational literature to peruse. This clean, comfortable shop, with justthe right amount of beer education has one little problem… Jerry oftenManager of Super Value, Jerry Lamb(far right) and his stafffinds that his parking lot is full becausecustomers shop leisurely for lengthy amountsof time. This is a great problem to have.There are several little things that put SuperValue a cut above the rest. First of all, theyoffer shopping carts. This makes it easier forcustomers to make impulse purchases,including bags of ice needed forentertaining. The store’s “Icehouse” is agiant, ice-only walk-in freezer. On a dailybasis it houses roughly 600 bags of ice.Though his store is well organized and theproducts are efficiently displayed, there arealways customers in need of assistance. Thisis why they have installed a “Help” buttonon the side wall. A flashing light above thecooler notifies the staff when assistanceis needed.Superior service and selection, combinedwith a clean and comfortable environment,keep customers coming back. With 36years in the business and plans for manymore in the future, Jerry declares, “beer hasbeen very, very good to me.”4HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

NewPRODUCTSMike’s is the fastest growing non-caffeinated PABbrand in the convenience channel and this springselling season, they have even more to offer!Mike’s Hard RaspberryLemonadeOriginally a seasonal, Mike’s Hard Raspberry Lemonadeis their latest full-time flavor! Consumers love raspberryand on Mike’s Facebook page, fans have beer beggingto keep the flavor all year-round. So Mike’s listened. It’shard to imagine that such a little red berrycan pack so much flavor,but it sure does. Madewith real juice, Mike’sRaspberry Lemonade isreally delicious! Availablenow in 11.2 oz bottles.New Mike’s Hard FruitPunchReplacing Mike’s Hard PomegranatePunch and joining Mike’s Hard MangoPunch, Mike’s Hard Fruit Punch willpunch up the party for sure! The fruitpunch flavor tested extremely well withconsumers and Mike’s has a punchbowl of support for the brand. Bypartnering with major musicpublications to sponsor exclusiveparties at music festivals, Mike’s hasreachedmillions ofconsumers already withtheir delicious HardPunch flavor. Kick theparty up a notch andpunch up the profits bymaking Mike’s Hard FruitPunch the official latenight,high energy punchparty in a bottle!Available now in11.2 oz. bottles.New Mike’s Harder16 oz. Can FlavorsOne of the mostpopular flavorsin the Mike’sHard Lemonadeline-up,Limeade is nowavailable inMike’s Harder16 oz. cans.Mike’s HarderLimeade issuper juicy andsuper delicious!Also new in theHarder 16 oz.can, and anever beforeseen flavor from Mike’s, Blueberry Lemonade! Two greatflavors in one can! These two new exciting flavors fromthe leading 16 oz., high ABV (8%), single serve brandwill be available in late March.New Mike’s Harder Punch23.5 oz. Can FlavorsNew in the 23.5 oz. Harder Punch can package, Mike’sHarder Grape Punch and Mike’s Harder Orange CitrusPunch! Grape packs a punch of bold grape flavor withhints of fresh field berries, without being too sweet.Orange Citrus is a perfect blend of five citrus flavors:Florida orange, ruby red grapefruit, lemon, lime andmandarin orange. Everywhere there is beer, there shouldbe Mike’s—taste you can trust in new flavors thatconsumers will love! These new flavors are availablenow in 23.5 oz cans.New Mike’s Lemonade12 oz. CanAvailable in late March.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 5

NewPRODUCTSJeremiah Weed Malt <strong>Beverage</strong>sSometimes men want a flavorful and refreshing breakfrom beer, without compromising their masculinity. TheProgressive Adult <strong>Beverage</strong> (PAB) category is oftenlooked at as “feminine” because of the look of thepackage, as well as the sweet taste of the liquid.Jeremiah Weed Malt <strong>Beverage</strong>s are the real deal! These12 and 23.5 oz. cans offer a cool brand that presentsmen with a new alternative to beer that they will beproud to drink. At 5.8% ABV, Jeremiah Weed isavailable inLightningLemonade,RoadhouseTea andSpiked Colaflavors. Nottoo sweet andnot toocarbonated,these maltbeveragesare perfectlyrefreshing with a southern bite done right!Available now!New Moosehead LightLime CansDue to consumer demand for MooseheadLight Lime cans, Moosehead is introducingthe highly successful brand in a 24 loosepack. The sleek can package will be here inApril, just in time for the warmer days ofspring.New Twisted Tea Half &Half 24 oz. Can24 oz. cans are the hot package for 2011and Twisted Tea is on trend! Available inApril (year-round) in an eye-catching24 oz. can, Twisted Tea Half & Half issure to be a winner with consumers!Port BrewingMongo IPAMongo is a tribute beer,brewed to honor the memoryof Port Brewing’s fallen solider,Columbus (a brewery kittennicknamed Mongo), who usedeach of his 9 lives in a short – butbrazen – 10 months on this planet. Let’sjust say the little dude lived a hard life. Only, he wasn’tso little. In fact, he was the largest of five kittens born atthe brewery in 2009. Mongo was so large in fact thathis brothers and sisters kicked him out of the litter.Columbus was spawned by Amarillo and Cascade, theirfirst two “brewcats,” so they decided the beer shouldreally feature a bunch of these hops.As such, there is a massive, almost unmistakableresinous aroma in Mongo, created by the judicious useof Columbus, Amarillo and Cascade hops. Like mostdouble IPA-style beers, the taste of hops that lingers fordays, is at work in this beer. The hops weave in and outof what little malt you can taste. Certainly, this is a hopforwardbeer and after one sip, you’ll agree. Medium tofull-bodied, at 8.5 % ABV, this is certainly not a “small”beer, yet remarkably easy to drink. Originally brewedseasonally, Mongo is now available year-round inlimited quantities in 22 oz. bottles and draught.Hop RuiterThis proprietary new beerfrom Vanberg and DeWulfpays homage to the aromaticstrong beers that owner, DonFeinberg remembers from hisdays in Belgium in the 1970’s.But, Hop Ruiter adds a forwardhoppiness that is favored inAmerica and increasinglyappreciated in Belgium. Feinbergworked with Scheldebrouwerij, a small brewerynear the Dutch border (known for cultivatingbig-flavored beers) to create the bottleconditioned, strong golden ale. The beerbeautifully combines the Belgian appreciation foraromatic esters with the American love for hops.Hop Ruiter has a full, almost rustic body and is dryhopped with two noble varieties which addcomplexity, delicacy and a bit of funk. Thisinteresting and intricate brew can be enjoyed asan aperitif, but also pairs wonderfully with gamebirds, venison, baked beans and egg dishes.Available now, year-round in 25 oz. bottles anddraught.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.637

SeasonalSELECTIONSWhen Demand Exceeds SupplyMany of our craft beer seasonal and limited releaseofferings are available in limited or extremely limitedquantities. If you are interested in something you see inthis publication and it is out of stock when you placeyour order, please call your <strong>Origlio</strong> sales representativeto discuss a similar option.<strong>Origlio</strong> also sends out a “craft email blast”, weekly toinform our customers of seasonal offerings available toyou immediately. If you are interested in receiving thisemail please contact Kathy McCann atkmccann@origlio.com with your e-mail address.New Firestone Walker AbacusAbacus is a barrel aged barleywine with big,boozy bourbon and American oak aromascombined with soft, chocolate, malty undertones.In this beer you’ll find complex malt flavorsframed in oak with hints of dark chocolate,vanilla, tobacco, coconut and just a touch ofdark cherry. This is definitely a sipping beer,best served in a brandy snifter. Abacus pairswell with dark chocolate and sturdy cheeses.Available in April in 22 oz. bottles anddraught.New Firestone Walker14th Anniversary AleSince the founding of the breweryin 1996, Firestone Walker hasspecialized in the rare art of fermenting beerin oak barrels. In the fall of2006, they released alimited edition, oakagedstrong alecalled “10” tocommemorate their10th anniversary,thus beginning anannual rite. Thisyear, theypresent “14,”the fifth releasefrom theirbarrel agedprogram. “14”was crafted fromseparate lots produced over severalyears, then carefully blended intothis truly unique and complex brew.Available in April in 22 oz. bottles.New Elysian Bête BlancheBelgian-Style TripelDeceptive and delicious, Elysian’s newspring seasonal, Bête Blanche (meaningwhite beast), is extremely drinkable,blonde and somewhat treacherous. At7.5% ABV, this Belgian-style tripel isbrewed entirely from pale malt withBelgian candy sugar in the boil. BêteBlanche is bittered with GermanNorthern Brewer hops, finished withStyrian Goldings hops andfermented with Belgian ale yeast.Available in limitedquantities in early Marchin 22 oz. bottles and draught.Great Divide ColetteFarmhouse AleThis beer is Great Divide’s homage tothe saisons that Belgian farm workershave enjoyed for centuries. Brewed withbarley, wheat and rice and fermentedat high temperatures with a specialblend of four different yeast strains,Colette is fruity and slightly tart, with adry finish that makes it the rarest oftreats — a beer as refreshing as it iscomplex. Available in limited quantitiesin 12 oz. bottles and draught in April.Great DivideChocolate Oak Aged YetiImperial StoutThis delicious beer is an incarnation of GreatDivide’s revered Imperial Stout. They toneddown the hops a bit to allow cocoa nibs tocontribute some pleasing bitterness, whilevanilla notes from the oak combine with thecocoa to create an aroma and flavorakin to a gourmet chocolate bar. A dashof cayenne keeps things lively, addingjust a bit of heat to the finish. A Yeti forspring? Hell yes! Available in limitedquantities in 22 oz. bottles and draughtin April.8HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

SeasonalSELECTIONSGreat Lakes Holy MosesWhite AleKnown for its crisp, cleantaste, spiced with orangepeel, chamomile andcoriander, this is truly aunique beer. Much like acertain city and its founder:Moses Cleveland. HolyMoses is a perfect matchfor seafood, salads andegg dishes. Available in12 oz. bottles and draughtin April.Great Lakes Taster’s PackGreat Lakes Brewing Company will soon launch itsnewly designed “Taster’s Pack”, a 12 pack featuringGLBC’s varietal family of beers including DortmunderGold Lager, Eliot Ness Amber Lager, Burning River PaleAle and Edmund Fitzgerald Porter. Formerly called “TheSampler”, the new “Taster’s Pack” also educates theconsumer on how to benefit from a well-rounded beertasting experience (simple beertasting instructionsare included on thetop panels of thepackage). It’s notjust a sample pack,it’s a beer tastingexperience.Available thisspring, year-round.Heavy Seas Dubbel CannonThe newest release in the Heavy Seas Pyrate Fleet is aBelgian-style IPA; a variation of their Loose Cannon IPA,fermented with a BelgianDubbel yeast. Still hoppedthree times in the brewingprocess, the resulting hopnose shares the glory with thespiciness from the yeast.Available in 12 oz. bottlesand draught in April.GnomegangCollaboration AleA new collaboration from the Ommegangand Brassie D’Achouffe breweries,Gnomegang is a Belgian-style strong blondeale. Brewed by two famed farmsteadbreweries, this beer is made with fivefine malts and two noble hops. But thereally big news is the use of Chouffeyeast for the primary fermentation. Theyeast is lushly fruity and spicy, asignature found in every Chouffe beer.The combination of the Chouffe yeastand Ommegang’s recipe, yields aunique, flavorful and aromatic dose ofmagic. Full-bodied with light caramelflavors and subtle candy sweetness, thisbeer is delectable. Available in limitedquantities in 25 oz. bottles and draughtin March.Blue Moon SummerHoney WheatSummer calls for a refreshing beer that can stand up toeven the warmest of days. Crafted with clover honey fora hint of sweetness that’s balanced by a touch of orangepeel for subtle citrus notes, Summer Honey Wheat is afresh taste and a fitting tribute to those endless summerdays. The subtle flavors of clover honey and orange pairwell with grilledsummer fare likemarinated chickenor pork withhoney mustardsauce. Garnish itwith an orangeto complementthe subtle hint ofsweetness andenhance the citrusflavor. Available in12 oz. bottles anddraught in April.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 9

SeasonalSELECTIONSPort Brewing Older ViscosityThis is definitely not your dad’s wimpy 30 weight!Older Viscosity is a bourbon barrel-aged Americandark strong ale. An enormously rich but satisfyingbeer, it is 100% straight, no chaser, barrel-agedOld Viscosity. It’s the beer Port brewers blendin the production of Old Viscosity. The coloris black like asphalt and the aroma is anuncompromising malty nose with dark carameland chocolate overtones. The barrel agingprovides hints of vanilla and American oak.The flavor begins with a coating of rich maltsand dark chocolate, finishing in a dry, bittersweetness,balanced by the firm bitterness ofroasted dark malts. Older Viscosity isavailable in limited quantities in 12.7 oz.bottles in late April.Port Brewing Hot Rocks LagerMade in the German “Stein Bier” tradition, thissmooth, robust dark lager is brewed with theaddition of glowing hot granite to the kettle.The addition of these hot rocks results in avigorous “super boil” of sorts thatcaramelizes the sugars in the wort,lending toffee, smoky caramel flavors tothe beer that wouldn’t present themselvesin a normal boil. The color is a deep,ruby brown with streaks of red and thearoma is an incredibly inviting one ofdark caramel, chocolate and toffee. HotRocks is a robust dark lager with layerupon layer of caramel sweetness andjust enough hopiness and malt toprevent it from being cloying. Thefinish is sweet with toffee and cocoanotes and a faint dryness. Availablein limited quantities in 22 oz. bottlesand draught in April.Woodchuck Summer CiderExhibiting a slight tartness, Woodchuck SummerCider begins with a full, robust flavor followedby a rich taste, reminiscent of New Englandblueberries. An excellent complement to yourfavorite cheese, Summer Cider also pairswell with cheesecake, fruits and evenchocolates. Available in 12 oz. bottles andnew this year, 1/6 barrels in April.The Lost Abbey Red Poppy AleThis limited, special release ale is a barrel aged,non-denominational ale (a.k.a. Flanders Red ale).The Golden Poppy is the state flower ofCalifornia, found in Flanders Fields where theinspiration for this beer comes from.Red Poppy’s aroma starts with a complexnose of tart cherries, vanilla and cinnamonin the finish. There is also an underlyingbasis of yeast esters and wild yeastcomponents that result in anextraordinary complexnose. Brewed from abrown ale baseand aged in oakbarrels for oversix months, thisbeer is not for thefaint of heart. RedPoppy is a veritablecelebration of sourcherries in anexplosion of aromas and tastes.With so much flavor packed into a lowalcohol beer (5.5% ABV), Red Poppy isstunning on its own, but is exceptionallygood with duck in a reduction sauce with fruitcomponents. Garnet/ruddy brown in color with alight to medium body, this interesting brew isavailable in very limited quantities in March in 375 ml.corked and caged bottles and draught.The Lost Abbey Carnevale AleThis special seasonal lenten release is a dry-hoppedsaison ale. The beer sports a moderately spicy nose withhints of oranges and tangerines from the hopsused and the yeast phenols produce layers ofclove and allspice. Carnevale was designedto be a lighter-bodied, easily digestible ale.There are also some malted oat and wheatcomponents at play in this beer. Hoppedwith Amarillo and Simcoe hops, Carnevaleis dry-hopped with more Amarillo toemphasize the bright qualities. The colorof a hazy yellow Mimosa, Carnevale isavailable in limited quantities in 25 oz.bottles and draught in mid-March.10HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

SeasonalSELECTIONSArcadia Whitsun AleBrewed in the style of a mid 19th century EnglishFestival ale, Whitsun is an unfiltered wheat beer thatpresents a translucent orange color topped with acreamy white head. Wheat enhances the mouthfeel andproduces a pleasant “freshly baked bread” flavor that isjoined by a caramelized sweetness provided by agenerous amount of Michigan honey. Spiced withorange peel and coriander as a complement to abalanced hop bitterness, Whitsun strikes a greatharmony of flavor with theability to quench your thirst.Available in 12 oz. bottles anddraught in April.SaranacPomegranateWheatThis wholesome combinationof unfiltered wheat beer andreal pomegranate juice makesa smooth refreshing beer withall the goodness ofpomegranate. PomegranateWheat has a light body with aslightly tart finish and goldenstraw color; a great complementto picnic fare.Available in12 oz.bottles inApril.Lagunitas Wilco Tango FoxtrotBack for a 2011 return trip, WTF is amalty and robust, big ol’hopped-up brown ale thatwill help with the slipperyslide into spring. Rich,smooth and dangerouslydark, this seasonal beer isjust a good American ale.Available in limited quantitiesin 22 oz. bomber bottles anddraught in March.Lagunitas UndercoverInvestigation Shut-Down AleBrewed every year in remembrance of the 2005 St.Patrick’s Day massacre and in celebration of theLagunitas brewery’s 20 day suspension in January2006, Undercover Investigation is a malty, rich beerwith a snappy hopfinish that truly defiesstyle. They call it an‘Imperial Mild’. Apopular favorite, thisseasonal ale isdeceptively smooth andsilky at 9% ABV;unforgiving andunrepentant. Availablein 12 oz. bottles anddraught in April.SaranacSummer AleBrewed with generousamounts of wheat malt for alight, refreshing taste withsubtle hints of lemon, SaranacSummer Ale celebratessummer in the AdirondackMountains. Available in12 oz. bottles in April.Saranac 24 Beers of SummerCalled 12 Beers of Summer in past years, the SaranacSummer Variety Pack will be offered in a loose packagethis year (hence the name change). The mix packincludes six different delicious Saranac beers: SummerAle, Pomegranate Wheat, IPA, Pale Pale Ale (yes twoPales in the name), Belgian White and Hefeweizen. Thistremendous variety pack is available in April.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.6311

SeasonalSELECTIONSMike’s Hard StrawberryLemonadeMike’s new springseasonal, Hard StrawberryLemonade, is ripe for thepicking! Consumers can’tget enough ofstrawberry, a tried andtrue flavor. Thisseasonal is a perfectcombination of sweetstrawberries, tart lemonsand an alcohol kick.The delicious andrefreshing classic taste isperfect heading into the warmer months, especiallywhen poured in a glass over ice.While the fond memories of thisflavor will last a while, Mike’sStrawberry Lemonade will not,so get it while you can!Available now in11.2 oz. bottles.Mike’s ClassicMargaritaFiesta PackViva Ritas! Join the fiesta with Mike’sMargarita Fiesta Pack! The ClassicMargaritas by Mike’s are provenwinners and now you can have all threeflavors in one convenient variety pack!Classic Raspberry, Traditional Lime andPeach Margaritas are delicious cocktails in abottle—no mix required. The fastest way tofiesta is the Mike’s Classic Margarita mixpack! Available in April.Weyerbacher Slam DunkelSlam Dunkel started as asmall batch release in 2007.Weyerbacher had such anoverwhelming response to itthat they put it in theirseasonal rotation. They alsodecided they couldn’t livewithout drinking this beerevery year! A DoubleDunkelweizen, SlamDunkel is unfiltered andmade with over 50%wheat malt along withPale and Munich hopsand a touch of chocolateto give it the traditionalcolor and flavor.Bitterness is subdued toallow the Weihenstephen yeastto shine through with those traditionalnotes of banana and clove. Available in 12 oz. bottlesand draught in March.WeyerbacherBlancheA Belgian-style witbeer, this unfilteredwheat ale isslightly cloudy dueto the use of rawwheat in the brewkettle. Clean,refreshing andperhaps just a bittart, Blanche is athirst quenchingbeer that combines characterand flavor with a moderate alcohol content. In the noseyou’ll notice spiciness from the coriander seeds anddried curacao orange peel added during the boil. In themouth you’ll find a mild and refreshing ale with a hint ofdryness from the wheat ingredients. A clean finishfollows with just a hint of tart spiciness. Light, cloudy andsmooth, Weyerbacher Blanche brings you authenticBelgian-style flavor along with handcrafted quality andfreshness with their spring seasonal. Available in 12 oz.bottles and draught in April.12HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

SeasonalSELECTIONSDockstreet OMG Pale AleAt 5% ABV and 25 IBU’s – Oh My God!This is a classically styled Americanpale ale, brewed with a largepercentage of Marris Otter barley maltfor a refined malty backbone, balancedby a healthy dose of Columbus andAmarillo hops for a mellow grassy citrusflavor and aroma. Available now indraught only.Dock Street Bubbly WitBack for its second appearance this year,Bubbly Wit is a stronger-than-averageBelgian-style Wit Bier brewed with100% champagne yeast. The beer hasa smooth, clean, malt profile with notesof citrus, coriander and exotic spice,along with prominent fruitiness lent by theyeast, which lingers long after the finish.High carbonation rounds out the profile of thisspecial ale; the true Champagne of Beers. Available indraught only in March.Sierra Nevada SummerfestThe first hint of good weather and sunshine alwaysmeans that Summerfest isn’t far behind. Sierra Nevada’ssummer seasonal is back for 2011. This crisp andrefreshing Bohemian-style pilsner is one of the jewels inthe brewery’s seasonal lineup. Brewed with importedEuropean malts and featuring premium spicy and floralSaaz, Spalter and Perle hops, Summerfest is the perfectbeer when the temperature rises. Available in 12 and24 oz. bottles and draught in April.Ovila Abbey AlesThis year, Sierra Nevada will help to bring thecenturies-old monastery brewing tradition toAmerica with Ovila Abbey Ales. Brewed incollaboration with the monks at the Abbey ofNew Clairvaux in Vina, CA this series ofthree abbey ales—brewed with theseasons—will be available nationwide inlimited release.All around the world, cloistered monkshave been brewing beer behindmonastery walls for nearly 1000years. These unique abbey-made alesare known for their uncompromisingquality and compelling flavor. SierraNevada and the Abbey of NewClairvaux are working to bring thisabbey brewing tradition to Americain 2011.Proceeds from this project will go tobenefit the monks of the Abbey ofNew Clairvaux in their attempts torebuild the 12th century Spanishmedieval Santa Maria de Óvilachapter house on the grounds oftheir monastery. This ancientchapter house has a storied past—Cistercian monks first broke ground on this monastery in1190 in a village near Trillo, Spain. Here, they lived,prayed and worked for nearly 800 years. By the early20th century, the ancient abbey began to fall intodisarray.In 1931, wealthy California newspaper magnate,William Randolph Hearst discovered the abbey andenvisioned the medieval church as a grand castle for hisfamily in Northern California that could eclipse his ownSan Simeon. Hearst dismantled the ancient abbey,stone-by-stone and shipped the pieces out of Spainon a cargo ship destined for San Francisco. Overthe following years, Hearst was forced to sell theabbey stones. The wooden crates that held themwere stored in Golden Gate Park, where overthe decades that followed, were treated to theft,vandalism and fire.In 1994, the monks of the Abbey of NewClairvaux in Vina gained possession of the ruinsand began the painstaking stone-by-stonereconstruction of the historic building.Although Hearst’s plans crumbled, these historic stoneswill rise again in a California Cistercian abbey. The firstbeer in the series: Ovila Abbey Dubbel will be availablein very limited quantities in mid-March.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 13

SeasonalSELECTIONSHarpoon Summer Vacation MixPack – Introducing BohemianPilsner!Enjoy a refreshingselection of Harpoonbeers with the SummerVacation Mix Pack!Included in the packageare the renownedHarpoon IPA, the crispSummer Beer, the orangepeel and corianderspicedUFO White andintroducing the newBohemian Pilsner.Harpoon BohemianPilsner follows the age old tradition of an extendedlagering time to help produce a smooth, yet complexbeer. The blend of European malts is balanced withTetnang and Saaz hops to create a slightly malty beerwith a clean, crisp finish; a perfect warm weather brew!Available in March.Harpoon IPA and HarpoonSummer Beer Cans Are Coming!Your backpack will be a little easier to carryon hiking trips this summer – Harpoon isbringing cans to Philly! The brewery willoffer its flagship HarpoonIPA and seasonal SummerBeer in 12 oz. aluminumcans. The new cans willenable craft beerlovers to enjoyHarpoon beersduring summeractivities and at localeswhere glass bottles are notconvenient. Harpoon IPA andHarpoon Summer Beer cans are100% recyclable - pack them in, pack themout. The brewery will produce a limited number of12-pack cases that will be available in April.Introducing the New HarpoonSummer Beer Loose CaseHarpoon Summer Beer is a taste of a New Englandsummer captured in a bottle. The brewery is pleased toannounce that, for the first time, Harpoon Summer Beerwill be available in loose cases for the 2011 summer.Enjoy this crisp, refreshing Kolsch-style ale in the new,sunny loose package! Available in March.Harpoon 100 Barrel SeriesIsland Creek Oyster StoutHarpoon Brewery and Island Creek Oysters haveteamed up again to bring back the popular Harpoon100 Barrel Series Island Creek Oyster Stout. This beerrepresents a celebration of New England as itincorporates local, quality oysters from Duxbury, MApaired with fresh, handcrafted beer brewed in Boston.The limited-batch creation has a rich body and a smoothfeel, derived from a combination of roasted barley andchocolate rye malts. The roasted notes of the stout blendbeautifully with the briny, mineral flavors of Island CreekOysters, which were added to the brew moments afterbeing harvested in Duxbury Bay. An addition of hopsadds a hint of bitterness and aroma to balance thesweetness from the malt combination. This beer is bestenjoyed in a pint glass with a plate fullof oysters. Harpoon 100Barrel Series IslandCreek Oyster Stoutwill be availablein limitedquantities in22 oz. bottlesand draught inMarch.14HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

SeasonalSELECTIONSSamuel Adams Noble Pils22 oz.This seasonal beer from Samuel Adams is nowavailable, while supplies last, in 22 oz. bottles!The five Noble hop varieties in this beer delivera fresh and citrusy hop aroma which isnicely balanced by the honeyed maltcharacter from the traditional Bohemianmalt. Noble Pils is also brewed with specialBohemian spring barley that has beencrafted using old world, labor intensivetechniques called floor malting, for adistinct pils-like flavor. Noble Pils’ tasteprofile creates a flavorful, yet sessionablebeer. Its bright flavor and lively, citrushop character reminds us that the warmdays of spring are just weeks away!21st Amendment Hell or HighWatermelon Wheat BeerTo create this interesting beer, the brewers start bybrewing a classic American wheat beer whichundergoes a traditional secondary fermentation usingfresh watermelon. Hell or High Watermelon is a strawcolored,refreshing beer with a kiss of watermelonaroma and flavor. This year, Watermelon Wheat will becased in new impressive packaging! Available in 12 oz.cans and draught in April.New graphics were not available at thetime of print.Dogfish Head AprihopThis is a serious IPA brewed with lusciousapricots and finished with whole-leaf hops.A “fruit beer for hop heads...” says the AleStreet News. This thirst quenching beerhas a fruity/citrusy taste with a hint ofcedar. It pairs well with salads,swordfish, Mexican dishes, barbequeand hummus. Available in 12 oz.bottles and draught in March.Dogfish HeadNamasteThis limited release fromDogfish Head is a Belgian-style White madewith dried organic orange slices, fresh cutlemongrass and a bit of coriander—agreat quencher. Namaste was originallybrewed by Dogfish Head as a tribute tothe Fonteinen Brewery in Belgium whichhad a devastating production loss in2009. Available in limited quantitiesin 25 oz. bottles and draughtin March.Dogfish HeadBlack & BlueBlack & Blue is a Belgian-style golden alefermented with blackberries andblueberries. The beer is dosed with real,pureed berries which allows the fruitflavors to be woven into the actualtaste of the beer. Fermented with thesame yeast used for Red & White andPangaea, Black & Blue is a perfectpairing for spicy pork, roasted nuts,cheese or chocolate. Available inlimited quantities in 25 oz. bottlesand draught in April.Sly Fox Royal Weisse CansSinging the blues. Not those cold, cold winter blues,mind you, but the welcoming hue of Sly Fox RoyalWeisse, the delightful Bavarian-style wheat beerpackaged in a striking blue can. Stock up on this greatbeer when it is released this spring and watch yourcustomers’ faces light up when they see it stacked upfront. It’s not only a harbinger of summer, it’s the Weissething to do. Available in 12 oz. cans in April anddraught year-round.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 15

Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASONSamuel Adams Irish RedAyinger Braü-WeisseAvailable all year, Irish Red has been deemed “ABeer of the People.” A twist on a classic Irishbrew, Sam Adams Irish Red is malty and slightlysweet, balanced by earthy tones from the hops,making it an ideal brew for warm, sunny days,yet pleasantly cozy during the chilly ones anda great option for St. Patrick’s Day.Irish Red is brewed with two-rowHarrington, Metcalfe and Caramel 60malted barley. The Harrington andMetcalfe barley provide most of the bodyand sweet backbone of the beer, while theCaramel 60 contributes to the deep redcolor that defines the style. To balance allof that sweetness, they use earthy EastKent Goldings and Spalt-Spalter hops.Their subtle bitterness and aromaprovide a delicate complexity to thebrew. Irish Red finishes smooth andleaves you wanting to take another sip.Available in 12 oz. bottles.Verdi – Sparkling Italian Fun forany Occasion!Verdi’s incredible success story began 16 yearsago right here in Pennsylvania.Today, Verdiand Raspberry,Green Appleand PeachSparkletini arethe number onesparklingbeveragesimported from Italy.100% natural witha bubbling delicioustaste, they havebecome the perfectchoice for any kind ofcelebration. In fact, ithas been said thatevery special occasiongets even better andmore interesting with a“touch” of the uniquelylight, refreshing taste of theSparkling Italian Fun! Gogreen for St. Patrick’s Daywith Verdi Green Apple!This beer is a delicious lemon/spice scentedwheat beer, deriving wonderful aromaticcomplexity from a traditional Bavarian yeaststrain. Braü-Weisse is an aristocratic beerwith a champagne sparkle and abeautifully sustained head. Pale in color,tart in palate with a beautiful smooth bodythat finishes with a subtle spicy note, thisis a true brut beer. Experience this one asan aperitif or with your meal. Try itwith veal sausage, pretzels, friedsmelts or Sunday brunch. ServeBraü-Weisse in a tall vase-shapedweisse glass with a thin slice oflemon as garnish. Availableyear-round in 17 oz. bottlesand draught.Augustinerbrau EdelstoffThis Helles lager possesses a bright goldencolor with an emerald straw cast. The nosehas a soft, crusty sourdough bread andcitrus marmalade aroma. On the palate ithas a light, dry malt flavor with a delicatehop background. A long, mild, dry hopfinish makes it very smooth and delicious.This year-round German beer, availablein 12 oz. bottles, is perfect for thespring months.Pinkus Organic Hefe-WeizenVery light in body and color, this organic,unfiltered wheat beer is crisp, dry, spritzyand refreshing with a clean ale-yeastaroma and flavor, without thecharacteristic yeasty spiciness of aBavarian wheat beer. Thishefeweizen is a perfect choice tocarry you into the warmermonths. Schnitzel, spinachsalads with boiled shrimp andgazpacho pair perfectly withPinkus. Serve it in tall vaseshapedglass, garnished witha thin slice of lemon.Available in 16.9 oz. bottlesthroughout the year.16HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASONGo Big, Go Belgian with Sly FoxSly Fox Saison Vos is a memorable 6.9% Farmhouse alebrewed with special proprietary yeast. Sly Fox IncubusTripel is a delicious 10.3% Abbey ale, golden in colorand seductive in flavor. Sly Fox Ichor Quadrupel is awarming 10% Abbey-style brew fashioned to delightboth body and soul. And Sly Fox Black RaspberryReserve is an 8% wheat ale brewed with one gallon ofblack and red raspberries per gallon of beer.Impressively packaged in 750 ml. corked and cagedbottles, these beers are available year-round. Each styleoffers a captivating drinking experience that will makeany occasion truly memorable.Gulden DraakEver wonder what the label on a bottle of Gulden Draakis all about? On the top of the Belfry of Ghent, innorthern Flanders, you can find the Gulden Draak orGolden Dragon. This large golden statue has beensuch a symbol of strength and security that betweenthe 12th and 14th centuries there were multiplescuffles between neighboring Bruges for the rights tothe beast.In all fairytales, in all cultures, it is always the dragonwho defends the treasure. In their belfries, theEuropean cities kept their treasures that included theirgold and also documents proving the privileges theyreceived from the monarch.Re-fermented in the bottle with wine yeast andcaramel, Gulden Draak Ale is a treasure of 10.5%ABV. The yeast in the bottle not only acts as apreservative for the beer but its rich fruity esters helptone down the alcohol, making it a dangerouslydrinkable brew. Respect the Draak or it will own you!Available year-round in draught, 1.5 liter, 11.2 oz. and25.4 oz bottles, this one will keep you warm through thelingering chilly days of March.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 17

ProgramsCorona and the V Foundation: Find a CureCorona, Corona Light and the VFoundation, founded by ESPN andJim Valvano, legendary NorthCarolina State basketball coach haveformed a long-term partnership toraise funds for cancer research inhonor of Jimmy V. Since its inceptionin 1993, the V Foundation has raisedmore than $100 million for cancerresearch and awarded over 400cancer research grants nationwide.This year, be a part of the action andcelebrate March Madness whilesupporting a worthwhile charity.Consumers will be able to make afive dollar donation to the researchfund via text message. After theconsumer sends the text, they willget a “thank you” text back thatthey will show their server andin turn receive a paper, LimeCorona Basketball to besigned and displayed in thebar to show support. Thison-premise program willdrive traffic during MarchMadness, grow your profits,encourage consumer trade upand make you feel good!Also in March, Coronaand Corona Light will beadding a V Foundationtab to their Facebook pagein order to increase awarenessand support for the foundation.Facebook users will have theoption to donate directly to the VFoundation through the socialnetworking site. Also availableon Facebook, a video of JimmyV’s ESPY speech and links tothe V Foundation page. JoinCorona, Corona Light and theV Foundation this spring tohelp fight cancer!Start the Countdown to Cincowith Corona and Corona LightCinco de Mayo is a national event that celebratesMexican culture and heritage and nobody does it betterthan Corona and Corona Light! The 2011 Cincoprogram is a premiere promotion that incorporates TV,outdoor and online advertising, display enhancers,give-aways and POS. Corona and Corona Light willcreate excitement by providing retailers witheverything they need to start the countdown leadingup to May 5th. Corona and Corona Light arerecognized as the Mexican beers most closelyassociated with Cinco de Mayo, meaning bigprofits for you during this selling period. All newthematic POS will extend the spirit of the beachsidefiesta in the on and off-premise. To drive on-premise engagement,consumers will be encouraged to “lime drop.” These promotionswill communicate different ways to drop a lime into aCorona. Celebrate the countdown to Cinco with Coronaand Corona Light.18HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

ProgramsMoosehead Spring Hat ProgramThis spring and summer selling season, Moosehead is offeringconsumers an exciting bonus! Specially marked 24 packs ofMoosehead and Moosehead Light Lager will include aMoosehead branded hat! Five different, high quality hats areavailable, each with a cool, stylish look! This program is aproven volume and traffic builder that offers consumersexcellent value and keeps them coming back.Encourage consumers to collect all five!Trois Pistoles FullColor CaseProgramStarting in March, while supplieslast, Trois Pistoles, theexceptional strong dark ale fromUnibroue, will be packaged inan eye-catching, full-color case!The high impact color graphicsmake it easy to execute animpulse display off-premise.Purchase this limited time offerwhile supplies last!Murphy’s ForSt. Patrick’s Day!This St. Patrick’s Day,Murphy’s Irish Stout andMurphy’s Red will bedebuting their new tag line“Fueling the ‘RebelCounty’ since 1856.”Murphy’s hails fromCork, the southern most county inIreland. Cork was originally amonastic settlement founded bySt. Finbarr in the sixth centuryand is colloquially known as the“Rebel County” of Ireland. Today,Murphy’s celebrates 155 years ofbrewing and the now legendarybrew is sold in over 40 countriesand recognized worldwide as asuperior, authentic Irish stout.March is upon us--celebrate theSt. Patrick’s Day season with apint of Murphy’s…The RebelStout!Oskar Blues Gordon,Gets a Name ChangeOskar Blues hasannounced aname changefrom Gordon toG’Knight fortheir double dryhoppedImperialred ale brewed intribute to GordonKnight. OskarBlues has officiallysaid G’Knight tothe name of thebeer although theywill remain true totheir tribute bybrewing the samebig, red and sticky recipe for the beerunder the name G’Knight. GordonKnight is a Vietnam Veteran andColorado Front Range brewing iconwho passed away fighting a forestfire outside their hometown of Lyons,CO. G’Mornin, G’Day, G’Knight.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 19

ProgramsA New Look for PALMPALM has been well received byretailers and consumers. But, you canalways make a good thing better andPALM has done it! They have madesome improvements to the packagingto help increase rate of sale in the offpremiseand drive more bottleplacements in the on-premise. Thebranding has been changed with theaddition of a PALM glass shot on theside panel, improving shelf presenceand their logo has been increased by25%. They have also switched to anew, light weight, one way bottlewith improved glue on the labels,allowing greater resistance to water.Weyerbacher Tiny,Now AvailableYear-RoundTiny, a Belgian-style Imperialstout, is a velvety concoctionthat excites your senses withbottomless roasted, earthyand vinous notes. You’llfind big chocolate androasted notes balancedwith the Belgian flavorsfrom the Abbey yeaststrain. Previouslyavailable seasonally,this big beer,weighing in at11.8% ABV is nowavailable year-round.Magners for St. Patrick’sDayMagners Irish Cider, the only authentic hardcider imported from Ireland, iscelebrating its 75th St. Patrick’sDay in 2011. Magners hasadhered to a time-honoredtradition of cider making for seven decades,offering a refreshing, quality alternativebeverage since 1935. Today Magners isrecognized as the people’s favorite bottledcider in Ireland, Scotland and the UK andis the #1 selling hard cider in theNortheast. Produced fromnatural ingredients in the appleorchards of Clonmel, Magners remainsthe only cider imported to the U.S. from Ireland. Alsoavailable in Pear, Magners is a great alternative to beer that willliven up all your St. Patrick’s Day festivities!New Packaging for Chimay 4-packs:Perfection x 4Boon KriekDraught—Now ReadilyAvailablePreviouslyavailable inlimited release,Boon Kriekdraught is nowreadily availableyear-round! Thisoutstanding cherry lambicis red with a head that is palepink. The cherry aroma istempered by hints of butterand earth. A perfect balanceof sweet and tart, it is greatwith any chocolate dessert,but is also a wonderfulcompanion to duck andvenison.Chimay Trappist Ales present newpackaging for their small bottles, beginningin March. This convenient packagingconsists of 4, 11.2 oz.bottles in a basket. Newpackage… same greatflavor!20HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

ProgramsYuengling Campaign Asks, “What’s YourClassic Lager Story?”Fans of the brewery’s iconic beer are encouraged to share their tales atClassicLager.comEveryone has a classic lager storyand Yuengling wants to hearyours! That’s the gist of a newcampaign launched by America’sOldest Brewery, aimed at unitingdrinkers of the brewery’s iconic Lagerand sharing their stories – from thesentimental to the absurdly humorous– all linked by the common ingredientof Yuengling’s flagship beer.The website at the center of thecampaign, ClassicLager.com,encourages fans to submit their ownstories, but also invites visitors to readand listen to stories shared by others.Yuengling’s official blog, EighteenTwenty Nine – a reference to the yearthe brewery was founded – has alsobeen revamped and is housed on thesite. The blog will offer reviews ofselect classic lager stories and alsoinclude discussions of Yuenglingevents, brewery history and generalbeer knowledge and facts.“For almost as long as we’ve beenmaking beer, people have sharedstories with us involving Yuengling.This campaign is inspired by thosestories,” said Yuengling MarketingManager, Lou Romano. “Lager mightnot be our oldest offering, but it’salready grown into a classic beerwith a rich history. This campaign isdesigned to capture some of thathistory, one story at a time.”Yuengling began brewing itssignature Lager in 1987 and today, itis the best selling beer in thecompany’s lineup.Among the stories already uploadedto ClassicLager.com is a tale from anaval submarine sailor who recalledtrading Yuengling Lager for beer andother goods in foreign ports and alaughable anecdote about how icewater from a Yuengling keg partyhelped save a friend’s life. Theauthors of select stories will bechosen throughout the year to receiveYuengling prizes.The Classic Lager website andcampaign will run throughout 2011and continue indefinitely. Thepromotion is backed by a televisionand radio advertising campaignwhich will begin airing this spring.Samuel AdamsCelebrate anAmerican OriginalIn 1984, Jim Koch helped redefinethe notion of what an American beercould be. This pioneering spirithelped spawn the craft beermovement and make Samuel AdamsBoston Lager an AmericanOriginal. This spring, your customersmay be able to experience what ittakes to create an American Originalby entering for a chance to become a“Brewer for a Day”! Through text toenter coasters and table tents onpremiseand in-pack tear aways onspecially marked Boston Lager casesoff-premise, consumers will have achance to win a variety of prizesincluding 50 first prize trips for two tothe 2011 Great AmericanBeer Festival and VIP party.Five lucky winners will winthe grand prize of a tripfor two to Boston to brewBoston Lagerwith JimKoch andwin anoriginalbottlefrom Jim’sprivatestash!www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.6321

ProgramsCoors Light Silver ShootoutThe Silver Shootout isback andrevamped. CoorsLight is offeringconsumers a chanceto stay in the gameeven when their otherbrackets bust. Everyday of thetournament,Coors Light isgiving them theopportunity toget a newbracket and anew chance towin. Consumers will alsobe Coors Light’s biggestadvocates this year,spreading theword about theprogram/sweepstakes viatheir socialnetworking sites.Coors Lightconsumers willfeverishlycompete inbracket pools,filling outbracketsduring thistime. The more bracketsthey complete, the better theirchances are of achieving bracketimmortality.Leverage a full lineup of thematic,non-promotional on and off-premisePOS/tools.When consumers enter their UPC atsilvershootout.com, a code isprovided to enter the Silver Shootoutdiscount merchant online catalogwhere they can get 5% to 30% offsports apparel at one of the followingparticipating merchants: ChampionSports Apparel, Foot Locker, FinishLine, Nike or Under Armour.Coors Light is the only beer that canliterally refresh your bracket everyday of the Tourney!Coors Light NFLGet DraftedThis Pro FootballDraft programleverages Coors Lightas the obvious beerchoice during thefootball draft timeperiod. Designedto drive draft beerin the on-premiseand Coors LightHome Draft in theoff-premise, the ProFootball Draft programprovides exciting programming forboth retailers and consumers alikethroughout the draft weekend.National Draft POS will feature eithera “Trade Up on Draft Day” or “MakeYour Selection Count”, headline toencourage conversion. In addition,you’ll find cold activated on-packstickers designed specifically for theHome Draft unit. Stickers drivepurchase and expand share of spacefor innovations. This year’s programtruly capitalizes on the relevant,prime-time football event, connectingconsumers to the game they love!22HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.comThe thematic 2011 Coors Light St. Patrick’s Day programwill help dress up accounts and create excitement for theSt. Pat’s occasion. Using fun, branded merchandise suchas shamrock trans-am shades or a foam hat, Coors Lightwill enhance consumer’s St. Patrick’s Day occasion.

ProgramsHeineken and Heineken LightQuality Advances to the Next RoundGame days are great occasions toget together with your closestfriends. This sports viewingseason, consumers areencouraged to pick upHeineken, the #1 Europeanimport, to make their gameday celebrations even moreexciting and progressive.An in-store Heineken destinationis created with the merchandisingprogram where shoppers can findeverything they need to throw theirown viewing parties! The thrill of theseason is conveyed by the offpremisemerchandising program,featuring thematic mass displays andPOS. Premium display enhancers willhelp support the display activation soyou’ll have all of the pieces necessaryto create a strong visual salesprogram at your store. WithHeineken and Heineken Light, makeany game day viewing event asuccess!Heineken Puerto RicoJazzFestSince the 90s, Heineken has beencelebrating jazz in Puerto Rico withthe Heineken Puerto Rico JazzFest.This year, the celebration, passionand fun is coming to your market!Inspired by the sounds of jazz andthe beauty of Puerto Rico, limitededition artwork will be created andfeatured on all POS. Consumersweepstakes will give multiplewinners a chance to win JazzFestthemed prizes, including limitededition signed prints and a grandprize trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico tosee the JazzFest live!The Lost Art of Celebrating CincoHistorically, there was an art tocelebrating Cinco – originallymastered by The Most InterestingMan – but over the years, that art hasbeen lost to the expected anduninteresting. But that’s about tochange…The Most Interesting Man in theWorld has a few things to teach usabout the “lost art” of celebratingCinco. And thanks to Dos Equis, the#1 fastest growing Mexican importbrand, he’s about to change the waywe enjoy the festive holiday. Duringthe weeks leading up to Cinco, DosEquis will provide consumers withengaging tools to support the lost artof celebrating Cinco, the MostInteresting Man way.Bold, in-store scalable displays thatcreate a true Cinco destination, alongwith a consumer take-one thatcaptures the Most Interesting Man’sLost Art of Celebrating Cinco, willhelp create a strong presence forDos Equis. Consumers will be ableto create an exciting, at-homeCinco party with relevant MostInteresting Man content, uniquetwists to Cinco recipes and more.On-premise, Dos Equis is nowproviding customers with tools toenhance their celebrations the MostInteresting Man way. POS elements,including 3D table tents andinteractive challenges are provided toengage consumers while they learnabout the lost art of celebratingCinco. Interesting and uniquenoisemakers elevate the energy levelwithin the account during Cincocelebrations. Join the Cinco party —Dos Equis will bring the profits!www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 23

RetailEDGEFlavor and Profits: Jammed into CansCraft beer in cans is in themidst of a boom and as aretailer, this is one of themany trends to be aware of. Despitethe deeply rooted stigmas that canbeer is cheap and inferior in qualityto bottles, can beer continues toprove the opposite.According to Beernews.org, “Whatbegan as a joke just eight years agohas launched a beer can revolution.Today, Oskar Blues Brewery is notonly the pioneer but the leader of themovement, experiencing a 45%increase in shipments and a 54%increase in retail sales nationally.”The benefits justify the numbers. Ifthere is one thing craft brewers andconsumers are concerned with, it isconsistent quality. Today, cans havewater-based liners inside to protect theliquid from the aluminum. Cans alsooffer a barrier that protects the liquidfrom light exposure and a completeseal to keep the quality of the liquidsuperior. In addition, cans are moreuser friendly. They travel lighter,recycle easier, chill faster andare shatter-proof. Where bottlesare restricted, cans dominate.This creates a massive marketto be expanded.Operationally, with no labels orglue to take into account, the savingscould be up to $3 to $4 per caseand the cost of shipping tends to beless because of the lighter weight.Lower production costs could result ina higher margin.At the end of 2010 there were morethan 79 known craft breweries with atleast one brand available in cans.Beernews.org expects that by the endof 2011 there will be at least 100craft breweries offering beer in cans.As a retailer, it’s time to recognizethe movement and join the can beerrevolution!Killian’s St. Patrick’s Day – Drink. Vote. Win.There’s no better way to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day than to enjoy a pint ofKillian’s Irish Red in the pub that wasGeorge Killian Lett’s favorite inIreland. Leading up to and during St.Patrick’s Day, the Killian’s brand willoffer consumers the chance to travelto Enniscorthy, Ireland via a nationalsweepstakes program! Off-premise,the sweepstakes will be driven by onpackcodes (on 6 and 12-packs) thatconsumers enter online for theirchance to vote for a Killian’s St. Pat’s“pub rule”. On-premise consumerswill be invited to enter thesweepstakes via text-to-entercodes/details printed on all onpremisePOS materials.Once the consumer casts their vote,they are automatically entered in thesweepstakes. Of the votes cast onlineand codes submitted via text entry,five lucky consumers will be selectedas the winners of the “pub rules”sweepstakes. This program features awide array of both on and offpremisetools and POS to generateconsumer excitement. Celebrate St.Patty’s Day with Killian’s Irish Red!24HeadyTimes v.63 www.origlio.com

The BeerGUYWhy Be IrishJust One Day?by Lew BrysonOn St. Patrick’sDay, they tell us,we’re all Irish!Grab a shamrock,have corned beefand cabbage,wear greenand have a pint ofGuinness! Kiss a lad orlass, sing a rebel song, kickup your heels and danceand have another pint ofGuinness! Then let’s all havea pint of Guinness!You know…there are other Irishdrinks besides Guinness. The goodLord knows, I’ve sunk my share of theblack glass and I’ll have many morefamiliar with, but then there is alsothe bottled Guinness Extra Stout;stronger, and a bit sweeter, and evendarker. If you’re looking for a uniqueGuinness experience, though, theGuinness Foreign Extra Stout is finallyavailable in the U.S., and it is a treat:big and beefy, sweet and bitter atonce and quite a bit stronger. If youhaven’t had it, this is a great time tointroduce it to your regular Guinnessdrinkers as a nice upgrade.Or you can choose another stout,like Murphy’s, the ‘other’ Irish stout,considered a bit more rough-cutthan Guinness and preferred bysome just because it’s different. Ifyou want to go local, you can’t domuch better than the Pennsylvaniastout with the Irish name, O’Reilly’sfrom Sly Fox (named for theirbrewmaster), which has becomewildly popular in the five county area.You can stay in the creamynitro arena with a customerwho’s afraid of the dark byoffering the oft-overlookedWexford Irish Cream Ale in thebig green ‘widget’ can; a gooddrinker with a nice touch of hops to itthat might just surprise some folks.And if your customer just wants alager, they can still go Irish with thefamiliar Harp Lager — “Harps,” theyalways called it when I lived in NewEngland — in a new bright greenpackage.That’s the beer gamut, but we’re notdone. Magners Irish cider makes agreat alternative for customerswho don’t like beer (or justlike cider better), and it’salso an easy choice for theincreasingly aware number ofpeople looking for a beerstrengthdrink that’s gluten-free.“On St. Patrick’s Day, they tell us, we’re all Irish!”in years to come, but if there’s onething I love more than anotherGuinness, it’s variety. I’m sure youhave customers that only drinkGuinness on St. Patrick’s Day and thisis an opportunity to get them to trysomething new and help themunderstand that The Big G is a greatbeer year-round. Let’s look at someoptions.First, why wouldn’t youwant a Guinness anydarned time? So manypeople have the wrongidea about just what thisbeer is, you’re probably better offtelling them what it isn’t. Guinness isnot strong – it’s about 4.1% ABV, lessthan a lot of light beers – it’s not thick– it’s creamy, because of the nitrogenpour – and it’s not ‘a meal in aglass’, either: only 124 calories in a12 oz. bottle. Is it bitter? Well…yeah,that’s what we like about it!The thing is, “Guinness” is actuallythree different beers. There’s thedraught nitro version (on tap, or inbottles or cans) that everyone’sOkay, maybe you just can’t sell theperson a black beer. How aboutsomething much smoother, with agreat caramel touch that pairstremendously with a wide array offoods, from a burger smothered incaramelized onions to roasted chickento a good sharp cheddar…Smithwick’sIrish Ale, a very friendly andaccessible amber beer. You’ll find thatSamuel Adams Irish Red is similar,with more caramel notes (and it’salso a great food-mate).Magners pairs brilliantly with freshIrish soda bread and cheese, too.Finally, folks who might want a nonalcoholicchoice can still go Irish:Kaliber is one of the better NA beerson the market, with plenty of flavor.Take some time and put together anarray of Irish choices with somegood, fresh food ideas (Irish or not)to tempt your customers this St.Patrick’s Day and let them know you’llhave them the following week, too.You might find that the extra ring youget from these special beers can bemore than just a spike in the middleof March; you’ll be seeing moregreen all year long.www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.63 25

®3000 Meeting House RoadPhiladelphia, PA 19154PresortedFirst Class MailU.S. PostagePAIDLanghorne, PAPermit No. 118THE NEW HEINEKEN CANINNOVATION YOU CAN FEEL.PROFITS YOU CAN TOUCH.New tactile ink printingtechnology creates a 3Dlook and feel to the can!Creates greater opportunityfor incremental sales &The launch will besupported with marketingactivity such as TV & Printadvertising, PR events andin-store POS.LAUNCHINGIN MARCH 2011!AVAILABLE IN 12OZ, 16OZ AND 24OZ.CONTACT YOUR HEINEKENREPRESENTATIVE FOR MORE DETAILS!

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