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View the issue here. - The Gordon School

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Allie Ziino ’03 writes: “I graduated from <strong>the</strong>University of Delaware a semester early so I’mofficially done and plan to walk during <strong>the</strong>graduation ceremony this May. I am workingfor Bethany Christian Services, a christian fostercare and adoption agency, in <strong>the</strong>ir olderchild adoption program. I am also applyingto graduate schools in <strong>the</strong> Philadelphia andBaltimore areas for my masters in Social Work.And last, but certainly not least, I am engagedand planning my wedding for May 2012.”Philippe Dwyer ’04 studied in Italy this Januaryand February as part of his art class on paintingtechniques of <strong>the</strong> Middle Ages and Renaissanceat RISD. <strong>The</strong> course took him to Florence,Venice, Siena and Rome.Hope Macdonald ’04 is enjoying her third yearat RISD w<strong>here</strong> she is an Apparel major.Amanda Gaynor ’05 writes: “I am currently asophomore at Wellesley College majoring inPolitical Science and Spanish. I am part of <strong>the</strong>oldest a cappella group on campus called <strong>the</strong>Wellesley College Widows of which I am both<strong>the</strong> secretary and <strong>the</strong> choreographer. This yearI am also a resident advisor. This winter breakI also went on a Wellesley sponsored programto Barcelona, Spain to study its art, history,and culture in-depth and first hand.”Susannah Wales ’05 a sophomore at HamiltonCollege participated in a field research trip inOctober to <strong>the</strong> Slocan Valley in British Columbia.<strong>The</strong> trip was led by Hamilton’s AssistantProfessor of Anthropology, Nathan Goodaleand was focused on ga<strong>the</strong>ring film interviewswith <strong>the</strong> local people regarding <strong>the</strong> presenceof aboriginal people in <strong>the</strong> Slocan Valley.Tavie Abell ’06 was one of twenty TulaneUniversity students to earn <strong>the</strong> Conference USAAcademic Medal, for outstanding performancein both academics and athletics.Michael DeStefano ’06 is enjoying his first yearat <strong>the</strong> University of New Hampshire takingcourses in science and medicine with hopesof concentrating in dentistry.Sarah Fraza ’06 was inducted into Phi EtaSigma, an honor society for first year studentsat <strong>the</strong> University of Rhode Island in March.Jesse Frieder ’06 is a freshman at BostonUniversity and a member of <strong>the</strong> Men’s VarsityTennis team.Jazmyn Johnson ’06 is taking classes at <strong>the</strong>Community College of Rhode Island and hasdesigned her first jewlery line, Jazzmytaz.Lindsey Stokes ’06 is enjoying her freshmanyear at Connecticut College and is a memberof <strong>the</strong> Women’s Varsity Crew team.Tiernan Barry ’07 a senior at Portsmouth Abbeywas named to <strong>the</strong> Honor Roll for <strong>the</strong> fall term.She also earned <strong>the</strong> Girl’s Varsity Field Hockeytrophy award for her performance on <strong>the</strong>athletic field this fall along with an EasternIndependent All-League selection.Sarah Cantor ’07 a senior at Wheeler <strong>School</strong>earned <strong>the</strong> Coaches Award for her performanceon <strong>the</strong> Girl’s Varsity Tennis team.Becca Carney ’07 a senior at Wheeler <strong>School</strong>won a commendation for <strong>the</strong> Committee on<strong>the</strong> Status of Women at <strong>the</strong> UPENN Ivy LeagueModel United Nations Conference.Mackenzie Cater ’07 a senior at Wheeler<strong>School</strong> has been named as a candidate by<strong>the</strong> Commission on Presidential Scholars and<strong>the</strong> US Department of Education for <strong>the</strong> USPresidential Scholars program. She has alsobeen named as a finalist for <strong>the</strong> 2011 NationalMerit Scholarship Competition.Maya Chin ’07 a senior at Wheeler <strong>School</strong>earned a Scholastic Art Portfolio Award.Dana Engle ’07 and Liza Green ’07, seniorsat Moses Brown, were named to <strong>the</strong> ProvidenceJournal All-State Field Hockey Team.Ben Fine ’07 (photo above) is in a Sundaymorning tennis league at Center Court inSeekonk, MA. <strong>The</strong> league had a tournament inNovember. Unfortunately for Ben, he made <strong>the</strong>finals only to face his former <strong>Gordon</strong> teacher,Mr. Kravitz!Noah Fox ’07 a senior at Wheeler <strong>School</strong> hasbeen named as a candidate by <strong>the</strong> Commissionon Presidential Scholars and <strong>the</strong> US Departmentof Education for <strong>the</strong> US Presidential Scholarsprogram. He has also been named as a finalistfor <strong>the</strong> 2011 National Merit ScholarshipCompetition. Noah recently won a commendationfor <strong>the</strong> Committee on <strong>the</strong> Status ofWomen at <strong>the</strong> UPENN Ivy League ModelUnited Nations Conference.Jesse Handler ’07, a senior at Cranston EastHigh <strong>School</strong>, has been named valedictorian ofher class.Jonathan Pine ’07 is attending <strong>the</strong> <strong>School</strong> ofEthics and Global Leadership in Washington, DC.Arianna Riva ’07 a senior at Wheeler <strong>School</strong>was nominated as a National Merit Finalist.Andrew Sgarro ’07 a senior at PortsmouthAbbey was named to <strong>the</strong> fall term Dean’s List.He was <strong>the</strong> student speaker at <strong>the</strong> school’schurch assembly in January and talked abouthis experiences as a triplet and <strong>the</strong> importanceof individuality.Katie Sgarro ’07 a senior at Portsmouth Abbeywas named to <strong>the</strong> fall term Dean’s List. Shealso earned an Eastern Independent All-Leagueselection for her performance on <strong>the</strong> Girl’sVarsity Soccer team.16

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