True/ False - MP Board of Secondary Education

True/ False - MP Board of Secondary Education True/ False - MP Board of Secondary Education


UNIT - 11. ewy jkf'k;ka D;k gSa\ budh rhu eq[; fo'ks"krk,a fyf[k,\What are fundamental quantities? Write down three importantcharacteristics of them?2. ek=dksa dh izeq[k i)fr;ksa ds uke fyf[k,\ buesa ls dkSu lh i)frlokZf/kd izpfyr gS\ bl iz.kkyh dks le>kb;s\Write down the name of main system of units? Which system ismost popular among them? Explain this system?3. dkSu lh i)fr M.K.S. i)fr dk ifjofrZr :i gS\ ?kuRo ds fofHkéi)fr;ksa esa ek=d fyf[k,\Which system is a modified form of m.k.s. system? Write down theunits of density in various systems of units?4. vkisf{kd ?kuRo ,oa ?kuRo esa vUrj Li"V dhft,\Explain the difference between relative density and density?5. dkj.k lfgr Li"V dhft, fd yksgs dk cuk tgkt ikuh ij rSjrk gS]tcfd lqbZ Mwc tkrh gS\Explain with reason that a ship made of iron float on water while aneedle can not?6. fudYlu gkbMªksehVj dk LoPN ukekafdr fp= cukdj mlds }kjk fdlhBksl inkFkZ dk vkisf{kd ?kuRo Kkr djus dk lw= fyf[k,\Draw a labelled diagram of Nicholson's hydrometer and write downthe formula for determining relative density of solid substance?7. lk/kkj.k cSjksehVj ds nks"k fyf[k,\Write down the defects of simple barometer?(1)

UNIT - 11. ewy jkf'k;ka D;k gSa\ budh rhu eq[; fo'ks"krk,a fyf[k,\What are fundamental quantities? Write down three importantcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> them?2. ek=dksa dh izeq[k i)fr;ksa ds uke fyf[k,\ buesa ls dkSu lh i)frlokZf/kd izpfyr gS\ bl iz.kkyh dks le>kb;s\Write down the name <strong>of</strong> main system <strong>of</strong> units? Which system ismost popular among them? Explain this system?3. dkSu lh i)fr M.K.S. i)fr dk ifj<strong>of</strong>rZr :i gS\ ?kuRo ds f<strong>of</strong>Hkéi)fr;ksa esa ek=d fyf[k,\Which system is a modified form <strong>of</strong> m.k.s. system? Write down theunits <strong>of</strong> density in various systems <strong>of</strong> units?4. vkisf{kd ?kuRo ,oa ?kuRo esa vUrj Li"V dhft,\Explain the difference between relative density and density?5. dkj.k lfgr Li"V dhft, fd yksgs dk cuk tgkt ikuh ij rSjrk gS]tcfd lqbZ Mwc tkrh gS\Explain with reason that a ship made <strong>of</strong> iron float on water while aneedle can not?6. fudYlu gkbMªksehVj dk LoPN ukekafdr fp= cukdj mlds }kjk fdlhBksl inkFkZ dk vkisf{kd ?kuRo Kkr djus dk lw= fyf[k,\Draw a labelled diagram <strong>of</strong> Nicholson's hydrometer and write downthe formula for determining relative density <strong>of</strong> solid substance?7. lk/kkj.k cSjksehVj ds nks"k fyf[k,\Write down the defects <strong>of</strong> simple barometer?(1)

8. QkfVZu cSjksehVj dh pkj eq[; fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k,\Write down four main characteristics <strong>of</strong> Fourtins's barometer?9. ok;qnkcekih esa ikjs dk mi;ksx D;ks fd;k tkrk gS\ dksbZ pkj dkj.kksadks le>kb;s\Why mercury is used in barometer? Explain any four reasons.10. ,sujkW;M ok;qnkcekih dh jpuk le>kb;s\Explain Aneroid barometer's construction?11. cSjksehVj ls ekSle dk iwokZuqeku fdl izdkj yxk;k tkrk gS\ le>kb;sAExplain that how does weather predicted by barometer.12. lkbQu dh dk;Zf<strong>of</strong>/k lfp= le>kb;s\Explain the method <strong>of</strong> working <strong>of</strong> Siphon with diagram?13. ok;q fndlwpd ,oa ,uheksehVj ds mi;ksx le>kb;s\Explain the use <strong>of</strong> windvane and anemometer?14. iEi D;k gaS\ iEi dk oxhZdj.k dhft,\What are pump? Write down the classification <strong>of</strong> pump?15. lsUVªh;wxy iEi fdl dke vkrk gS\ lsUVªh;wxy iEi ds rhuykHk fyf[k,\For which purpose the centrifugal pump is used? Write down threeadvantages <strong>of</strong> centrifugal pump.16. nqX/kekih fdl izdkj dk nzoekih gS\ blds }kjk nw/k dh 'kq)rk dh tkapfdl Ádkj dh tkrh gS\Lactometer is a what type <strong>of</strong> hydrometer? How is the purity <strong>of</strong> milkdetermined by it?17. nSfud thou esa ok;qe.Myh; nkc ds nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,\Write down two examples <strong>of</strong> atmospheric pressure in daily life.(2)

18. cSjksehVj esa ty dk iz;ksx D;ksa ugha fd;k tkrk gS\ pkj dkj.k le>kb;s\Why water is not used in Barometer? Explain four reasons.19. Iyou ds fu;e fy[kdj Li"V dhft, fd oLrq fdl voLFkk esa rSjsxh\Write down the rules <strong>of</strong> floating and explain in which stat an objectwill float?20. ekiu dh S.I. i)fr dks Li"V dhft,\Explain the S.I. system <strong>of</strong> measurement?21. ,d vPNs ek=d ds pkj eq[; xq.k fyf[k,\Write down the four main characteristics <strong>of</strong> a good unit?22. vkisf{kd ?kuRo cksry }kjk feV~Vh ds rsy dk vkisf{kd ?kuRo fdl izdkjKkr djksxs\How will you determine the relative density <strong>of</strong> kerosin by relativedensity bottle?23. ok;qe.Myh; nkc dks mfpr iz;ksx }kjk Li"V dhft,\Explain the atmospheric pressure with suitable experiment?(3)

UNIT - 2fjä LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ mi;qä 'kCn }kjk dhft,&Fill in the blank with appropriate word:1. ?k"kZ.k ,d ---------------- cy gSAFriction is a ................ force.2. tc ,d fi.M nwljs fi.M ij fQlyrk gS rks muds lEidZ ryksa dse/; ---------------------- cy dk;Z djrk gSAWhen an object is slinding on other surface then the force workingbetween their contact surfaces is called as ............. force.3. lihZ ?k"kZ.k cy dk eku yksVfud ?k"kZ.k cy ls ---------- gksrk gSAThe force <strong>of</strong> sliding friction is ........... than the rolling friction.4. lhekUr ?k"kZ.k cy dk eku lEidZ ryksa ds {ks=Qy ij ------------- djrk gSAThe value <strong>of</strong> marginal friction .......... on the area <strong>of</strong> contact surface.5. ?k"kZ.k dks.k dks ------------------- }kjk O;Dr fd;k tkrk gSAThe friction angle is expressed by ................6. ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k e'khuksa dh n{krk ------------- gks tkrh gSAThe sufficiency <strong>of</strong> machines due to friction is ..............7. fpduh feV~Vh ij jsr ?k"kZ.k cy -------------- ds mn~ns'; ls Mkyh tkrh gSAThe sand is poured on clay soil for the purpose <strong>of</strong> ............. friction force.8. lkbfdy ds ifg;s vkSj i`Foh ds chp fØ;k'khy ?k"kZ.k ----------- dgykrk gSAThe friction force between the wheel <strong>of</strong> a cycle and earth iscalled ..........9. ?k"kZ.k cy lnSo oLrq dh fn'kk ------------------------- dk;Z djrk gSAThe force <strong>of</strong> friction always works in the .............. direction <strong>of</strong> object.(4)

fuEu dFkuksa ds mÙkj lR; vFkok vlR; esa nhft,&Give the answer <strong>of</strong> following questions in <strong>True</strong> or <strong>False</strong>:10. ?k"kZ.k cy dh fn'kk fi.Mksa dh lkis{k xfr ds foijhr gksrh gSAThe direction <strong>of</strong> force <strong>of</strong> friction is opposite to the direction <strong>of</strong> theobjects.11. ,d iqLrd dks Vscy ij ljdkus ij muds lEidZ ryksa ds e/; lihZ ?k"kZ.kcy dk;Z djrk gSAWhen a book is pushed on a table sliding friction force worksbetween their contact surfaces.12. ?k"kZ.k cy dk vf/kdre eku lhekUr ?k"kZ.k dgykrk gSAThe maximum value <strong>of</strong> friction is called marginal friction.13. lhekUr ?k"kZ.k cy dk eku lEidZ ryksa dh izd`fr ij fuHkZj djrk gSAThe marginal friction force value depends on the nature <strong>of</strong> contactsurface.14. LFkSfrd ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad dk eku] ?k"kZ.k dks.k dh Li'kZT;k ds cjkcj gksrk gSAThe static friction coefficient is equaivalent to the tangent <strong>of</strong>friction angle.15. ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k gh ge Hkkstu dks pck ikrs gSaAWe can chew the food due to friction.16. ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k gh vkx mRiUu gksrh gSAThe fire is produced due to friction.17. lhekUr ?k"kZ.k vkSj vfHkyEc izfrfØ;k ds vuqikr dks LFkSfrd ?k"kZ.k xq.kkaddgrs gSaAThe ratio <strong>of</strong> marginal friction and perpendicular reaction force iscalled as static friction coefficient.(5)

18. lhekUr lUrqyu dh fLFkfr esa urlery dk {kSfrt ry ds lkFk >qdk<strong>of</strong>ojke dks.k dgykrk gSAIn the marginal balance situation the angle between inclined surfaceand horizontal surface is called as angle <strong>of</strong> repose.19. ?k"kZ.k dks.k dk eku fojke dks.k ds cjkcj gksrk gSAAngle <strong>of</strong> friction is equal to the angle <strong>of</strong> repose.fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj lgh fodYi pqudj nhft,&Give the answer <strong>of</strong> following questions by choosing correct option:20. oLrqvksa dh xfr dk fojks/k djus okyk cy dgykrk gS&(a) vkd"kZ.k cy (b) izfrd"kZ.k cy(c) yEc cy (d) ?k"kZ.k cyThe force working in the opposite direction <strong>of</strong> movement <strong>of</strong> theobject is called:(a) Attraction force (b) Repulsion force(c) perpendicular force (d) Friction force21. fojke dks.k dks lkekU;r% iznf'kZr fd;k tkrk gS&(a) θ ls (b) λ ls(c) n ls (d) β lsThe angle <strong>of</strong> repose is usually represented by:(a) θ (b) λ(c) n (d) β22. ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad dk eku lnSo gksrk gS&(a) 1 ls vf/kd (b) 1 ls de(c) 1 (d) dksbZ lgh ugha(6)

The value <strong>of</strong> friction coefficient is always:(a) more than 1 (b) less than 1(c) 1 (d) None <strong>of</strong> the abvoe23. iz;ksx'kkyk esa ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad Kkr djus dh f<strong>of</strong>/k;k¡ gSa&(a) 1 (b) 2(c) 3 (d) 4The methods <strong>of</strong> finding out friction coefficient in the laboratories are:(a) 1 (b) 2(c) 3 (d) 424. ?k"kZ.k ds ckjs esa dkSu lk dFku lgh ugha gS&(a) ;g thou esa vR;Ur vko';d gS(b) ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k okgu jksds tk ldrs gSaA(c) ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k e'khuksa dh n{krk vf/kd gksrh gSA(d) ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k ge i`Foh ij py ldrs gSaAWhich statement about friction is not correct:(a) It is necessary in our life(b) Vehicles can be stopped due to friction(c) Efficiency <strong>of</strong> machines is more due to friction(d) We can move on the earth due to friction25. lgh tksM+h cukdj fyf[k,AWrite down after matching the column correctly:(i) xsan ,oa Hkwfe lrg ds chp ?k"kZ.k (i) ?k"kZ.k cy de ;k vf/kd(ii) Vscy ij j[kh iqLrd ds lEidZ (ii) lhekUr ?k"kZ.klrgksa ds chp ?k"kZ.k(iii) ?k"kZ.k cy dk vf/kdre eku (iii) LFkSfrd ?k"kZ.k(iv) lEidZ ryksa dh izd`fr (iv) xfrd ?k"kZ.k(7)

(v) xfrd ?k"kZ.k rFkk vfHkyEc (v) ?k"kZ.k dh eq[; gkfucy dk vuqikr(vi) ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad (vi) xfrd ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad(vii) nhokj esa dhy xk

UNIT - 31. e'khu D;k gS\ ljy e'khu }kjk fd, tkus okys rhu eq[; dk;Z fyf[k,\What is machine? Write down three works which a simplemachine do?2. e'khu ds pkj mi;ksx le>kb;s\Explain four uses <strong>of</strong> machine?3. e'khu dh n{krk] ;kaf=d ykHk ,oa osxkuqikr dks lw= }kjk O;ä djrs gq,buesa lEcU/k dks fyf[k,\Write down the formula <strong>of</strong> efficiency <strong>of</strong> machine, mechanicaladvantage and velocity ratio alongwith the relationship between them?4. vkn'kZ e'khu ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ ljy e'khuksa ds izeq[kmnkgj.k fyf[k,\What do you understand by ideal machine? Write down examples<strong>of</strong> important simple machines.5. mÙkksyd fdls dgrs gSa\ bldk fl)kUr le>kb;s\What is lever? Explain its principle?6. izFke oxZ ds mÙkksyd D;k gS\ izFke oxZ ds mÙkksyd ds pkj mnkgj.kfyf[k,\What are the first group lever? Write down four examples <strong>of</strong> firstgroup lever?7. gS.MiEi ds gRFks ,oa dSaph esa vkyEc] Hkkj ,oa iz;kl dh fLFkfr dks fp=}kjk n'kkZdj buds ;kaf=d ykHk Hkh fyf[k,\Write down the mechanical advantage <strong>of</strong> handpump and scissoralongwith sowing the position <strong>of</strong> fulcrum, weight and effort in itdigramatically.(9)

8. ljkSrk fdl oxZ dk mÙkksyd gS\ mlesa vkyEc] Hkkj o iz;kl dh fLFkfrdks Li"V djrs gq, mldk ;akf=d ykHk Kkr dhft,\To which groups does the fulcrum belong. Findout its mechanicaladvantage alongwith sowing the position <strong>of</strong> fulcrum, weight andeffort.9. fdl oxZ ds mÙkksyd esa lnSo ;kaf=d gkfu gksrh gS\ bu mÙkksydksa ds pkjmnkgj.k fyf[k, rFkk buesa vkyEc] iz;kl ,oa Hkkj dh fLFkfr crkb;s\In which group <strong>of</strong> lever mechanical disadvantage is obtained? Writedown four examples <strong>of</strong> such levers and show the position <strong>of</strong> fulcrum,effort and weight in them.10. f<strong>of</strong>HkUu mÙkksydksa dk Ñf"k dk;ksZa esa mi;ksx le>kb;s\Explain the use <strong>of</strong> various levers in agriculture?11. LØw D;k gS\ blds ;kaf=d ykHk dh x.kuk f<strong>of</strong>/k le>kb;s\What is secrw? Explain the method <strong>of</strong> finding out its mechanicaladvantages?12. f?kjuh D;k gS\ f?kjuh ds eq[; izdkj fyf[k, rFkk fLFkj f?kjuh dks fp= }kjkLi"V dhft,\What is pulley? Write down the main types <strong>of</strong> pulley and explainthe static pulley with diagram.13. fLFkj f?kjuh ,oa pyu'khy f?kjuh esa pkj eq[; vUrj Li"V dhft,\Explain four main difference between moving and static pulley?14. izFke f?kjuh rU= dk fp= cukbZ;s\ ;fn f?kjuh ra= esa 5 f?kjfu;ka gksa rksmuds ;kaf=d ykHk dh x.kuk dhft,\Draw a diagram <strong>of</strong> first pulley system? If there are five pulley thancalculate the mechanical advantage <strong>of</strong> such first pulley system?(10)

15. fuEufyf[kr mÙkksydksa dks oxhZd`r djds fyf[k,&Write down following lever after classifying them into various groups:rjktw] dpjk xkM+h] lh-lkW] fpeVk] njoktk] gkFk dk vxz Hkkx] tyiEidk gRFk] Iyk;j] cknke QksM+16. f}rh; f?kjuh ra= dks fp= }kjk le>kb;s ,oa bl ra= ds ;kaf=d ykHk dhx.kuk dk lw= fyf[k,\Explain the second system <strong>of</strong> pulley with diagram and write downthe formula for calculating the mechanical advantage <strong>of</strong> this system<strong>of</strong> pulley?17. urlery D;k gS\ bldh mi;ksfxrk fyf[k, rFkk blds ;kaf=d ykHk Kkrdjus dk lw= fyf[k,\What is inclined plane? Write down its utility and the formula forcalculating its mechanical advantage?18. ,d e'khu }kjk 300 fd-xzk- Hkkj dh oLrq dks 60 ehVj dh ÅapkbZ rd mBkusds fy, fdruk cy yxkuk iM+sxk tcfd e'khu dk ;kaf=d ykHk 5 gS\How much force will be required to lift 300 kg weight up to sixtymeter height, if the mechanical advantage <strong>of</strong> the machine is 5?19. ,d 200 fd-xzk- Hkkj okyh cQZ dh flYyh dks mBkus ds fy, 20 fd-xzkcyyxkuk iM+rk gS\ ;kaf=d ykHk dh x.kuk dhft,\20 kg force is required to lift an ice block <strong>of</strong> 200 kg? Calculate themechanical advantage?20. ifg;k ,oa /kqjh dks le>kb;s\ rFkk muds ;kaf=d ykHk dk lw= fyf[k,\Explain the wheel and Axle? and write down the formula for itsmechanical advantage.(11)

UNIT - 41. U;wVu dk lkoZf=d xq#Rokd"kZ.k dk fu;e le>kb;s\Explain the Newton's law <strong>of</strong> universal Gravitation?2. xq#Roh; Roj.k ls D;k le>rs gks\ xq#Roh; Roj.k ,oa xq#Roh; fu;rkad esarhu eq[; varj fyf[k,\What do you understand by acceleration due to gravity? Writedown three difference betweeen acceleration due to gravity andgravitational constant?3. U;wVu ds xq#Rokd"kZ.k ds vk/kkj ij "G" ,oa "g" esa lEcU/k LFkkfirdhft,\Derive the relationship between "G" and "g" on the basis <strong>of</strong>Newton's law <strong>of</strong> Gravitation?4. i`Foh dh nSfud xfr ds dkj.k "g" ds eku esa fdl izdkj ifjorZu gksrkgS\ le>kb;sAHow is the value <strong>of</strong> "g" is affected due to the rotational motion <strong>of</strong>the earth? Explain.5. i`Foh dh lrg ls Å¡pkbZ ds lkFk "g" ds eku esa gksus okys ifjorZu dksLi"V dhft,\Explain the variation in the value <strong>of</strong> "g" due to change in heightfrom the earth surface.6. ljy vkorZ xfr D;k gS\ bldh pkj eq[; fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k,\What is simple harmonic motion? Write down its four maincharacteristics?7. ljy yksyd ds fu;eksa ds uke fy[kdj] yEckbz ds fu;e dks Li"Vdhft,\(12)

Write down the names <strong>of</strong> laws <strong>of</strong> simple pendulum alongwithexplaining the law <strong>of</strong> length.8. ljy yksyd ds fy, vk;ke] vkorZdky ,oa vko`fr dh ifjHkk"kk fy[kdjmuesa lEcU/k fyf[k,\Write down the definition <strong>of</strong> amplitude, time period and frequency<strong>of</strong> simple pendulum alongwith writing down the relationshipbetween them?9. i`Foh dh lrg ls xgjkbZ esa tkus ij 'g' dk eku fdl izdkj izHkkforgksrk gSAHow is the value <strong>of</strong> "g" is affected with the movement towardsdepth from the earth surface?10. v{kka'k ds lkFk i`Foh dh lrg ij "g" dk eku fdl izdkj cnyrk gSAle>kb;s\How is the value <strong>of</strong> "g" is variated on the earth surface due tolatitude?11. ljy yksyd ds vkorZdky ij nzO;eku ,oa xq#Roh; Roj.k izHkko Li"Vdhft,\Explain the effect <strong>of</strong> mass and acceleration due to gravity on theperiodic time <strong>of</strong> simple pendulum?12. lsd.M yksyd D;k gS\ lsd.M yksyd dh izHkkodkjh yEckbZ Kkr dhft,\What is second pendulum? Findout the effective length <strong>of</strong> secondpendulum?13. yksyd okyh ?kM+h dks ;fn /kqzoksa ij ys tk;sa rks mldh pky ij D;k izHkkoiM+sxkA le>kb;s\If a pendulum watch taken at poles what would be the effect on itsspeed? Explain?(13)

14. yksyd okyh ?kfM+;ka xehZ esa lqLr D;ksa gks tkrh gSa\ le>kb;s\Why does the pendulum watch get slow in the summer? Explain.15. ljy yksyd }kjk iz;ksx'kkyk esa "g" dk eku Kkr djrs le; D;k&D;klko/kkfu;ka j[kuk pkfg,\What precaution should be taken at the time <strong>of</strong> determining thevalue <strong>of</strong> "g" by simple pendulum?(14)

UNIT - 51. Å"ek ,oa rki esa pkj vUrj fyf[k,\Write down four differences between heat and temperature?2. Å"ek ds f<strong>of</strong>HkUu ek=d fyf[k,\ dSyksjh ,oa fdyks dSyksjh dks ifjHkkf"krdhft,\Write down various units <strong>of</strong> Heat? Define Calorie and Kilo Calorie?3. f<strong>of</strong>'k"V Å"ek ,oa Å"ek /kkfjrk ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ muds ek=d Hkhfyf[k,AWhat to you understand by specific Heat and heat Capacity? Writedown their units?4. rki ekius ds f<strong>of</strong>HkUu iSekus fyf[k,\ QkjsugkbV iSekus dks folrkj lsle>kb;sAWrite down various scales <strong>of</strong> Temperature? Explain in detail theFahrenhiet scale <strong>of</strong> Temperature.5. rki ds pkjksa iSekuksa esa laca/k fy[kdj 100 0 C dks QkjsugkbV esa cnyks\Convert the 100 0 C to Fahrenhiet along with writing down therelationship between four scales?6. Å"ek ds lapj.k ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ Å"ek lapj.k dh f<strong>of</strong>HkUU f<strong>of</strong>/k;ksadks laf{kIr esa le>kb;sAWhat do you understand by Transmission <strong>of</strong> Heat? Explain in briefvarious methods <strong>of</strong> Transmission <strong>of</strong> Heat?7. pkyu D;k gS\ pkyu fØ;k ds nSfud thou esa nks mi;ksx fyf[k,\What is conduction? Write down two uses <strong>of</strong> conduction in dailylife?(15)

8. xehZ ea yksgk] ydM+h dh vis{kk B.Mk yxrk gS tcfd nksuksa ds rki lekugSA le>kb;sAIn summer Iron gets cooler than wood while their Temperature areequal. Explain?9. dkj.k lfgr le>kb;s fd jsÝhtjsVj esa 'khrd dq.Mfy;k¡ Åij dh vksjgh D;ksa yxkbZ tkrh gS\Explain with reasons that why the cooling coils are always installedat upper side in Referigerator?10. laogu fØ;k dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s\Explain the Convection with examples?11. Å"eh; f<strong>of</strong>dj.k ds pkj eq[; xq.k fyf[k,\Write down four main properties <strong>of</strong> Thermal Radiation?12. pkyu ,oa laogu esa pkj vUrj le>kb;s\Write down four differences between Conduction and Convection?13. xfeZ;ksa esa lQsn diM+s ,oa tkM+ksa esa jaxhu diM+s iguuk lq[knk;h gksrk gS\le>kb;sAIt is comfortable to wear white clothes in Summer and Dark colourcloths in winter? Explain.14. og rki Kkr dhft, tks lsUVhxzsM ,oa QkjsugkbV iSekus esa leku gksrk gS\Find out the temperature which is equal in Celcius and Fahrentietscale?15. ,d LoLFk xk; ds 'kjhj dk rki 101 0 QkjsugkbV gSA lsUVhxzsM iSekus esa ;grki fdruk gksxk\The temperature <strong>of</strong> a healthy Cow is 101 0 F. Convert thistemperature into Celcius Scale?(16)

16. nSfud thou esa laogu fØ;k ds pkj mi;ksx fyf[k,\Write down four uses <strong>of</strong> Convection in daily life?17. dSyksjh ekih D;k gS\ bldh jpuk lfp= le>kbZ;sAWhat is Calorimeter? Explain its Structure with diagram?18. Å"ekekih dk fl}kUr le>kb;s\Explain the Principle <strong>of</strong> Calorimetry?19. fdl rki iSekus dks ijerki iSekuk dgrs gS\ 100 0 C dks ijerki esacnfy,AWhich temperature is called Absolute temperature change 100 0 C toabsolute temperature.20. jksfx;ksa dh fldkbZ gsrq xeZ ty ls Hkjh cksry mi;ksx esa yk;h tkrh gSAdkj.k Li"V dhft,\Why hatwater battle is used for patients? Explain why?(17)

UNIT - 6 ijek.kq lajpuk1. ijek.kq laca/kh MkYVu ds fl)kUr dh eq[; ik¡p ckrsa fyf[k,\Write the Dalton's atomic theory in five points?2. MkYVu ds ijek.kq fl)kUr ds eq[; ikap nks"k fyf[k,\What are the five defects <strong>of</strong> dalton's atomic theory.3. ijek.kq dk vk/kqfud fl)kUr D;k gS\ le>kb;s\What is the modern concept atomic theory.4. ijek.kq ds ml d.k dks D;k dgrs gS] ftl ij _.kkos'k gksrk gSA bldhpkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Which sub atomic particle has negative charge. Write its fourcharacteristics?5. ijek.kq dk og d.k tks /kukosf'kr gksrk gS] mldk uke o pkj fo'ks"krk,safyf[k,\Which sub atomic particle has positive charge. Write its fourcharacteristics?6. ijek.kq dk ,slk d.k tks mnklhu gS mldk uke o bldh pkj izeq[kfo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Name, the sub atomic particle which has no charge. Write its fourcharacterstics?7. ijek.kq lajpuk esa ts-ds- Fkkelu dk fl)kUr fyf[k,\What is proposal <strong>of</strong> Thomson's in model <strong>of</strong> the atom?(18)

8. bysDVªkWu] izksVkWu ,oa U;wVªku ds f=T;k] vkos'k o nzO;eku fyf[k,\Mention the radius, charge and mass <strong>of</strong> electron, proton andneutron.9. jnjQksMZ dk ukfHkdh; fl)kUr D;k gSA blds eq[; pkj rF; fyf[k,\What conclusion were made by Rutherford <strong>of</strong> nuclear theory. Writefour postulates <strong>of</strong> it.10. cksj ds ijek.kq ekMy ds eq[; vfHkxzghr fyf[k,\What are postulates under Bohr's model <strong>of</strong> atom?11. cksj ds ijek.kq ekWMy dh eq[; dfe;ka D;k gSa\ fyf[k,AWhat are the main limitations <strong>of</strong> Bohr's theory.12. cksj&cjh O;oLFkkuqlkj d{kkvksa esa bysDVªkWu forj.k dks le>kb;s\Explain the distribution <strong>of</strong> electron in energy cell according toBohr & bury.13. cksj&cjh O;oLFkkuqlkj vfØ; xSlksa ds bysDVªkWfud foU;kl fyf[k,\Write the electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> inert gases according to Bohr& bury?14. ijek.kq la[;k o ijek.kq Hkkj dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s\What is atomic number and atomic mass. Explain it.15. lksfM;e o vkWDlhtu ds ije.kq lajpuk ds js[kkfp= cukb;s\Draw the schematic atomic structure <strong>of</strong> sodium and oxygen?16. ,d rFo dk ijek.kq Øekad 19 gSA rRo ds ijek.kq esa f<strong>of</strong>HkUu d{kkvksa esabysDVªkWuksa dh la[;k crkb;s\If the atomic number <strong>of</strong> an element is 19. Write its electronicconfiguration.17. leLFkkfud o leHkkfjd esa foHksn dhft,\How are isotopes different from isobars.(19)

18. gkbMªkstu] dkcZu o vkWDlhtu rRoksa ds leLFkkfud fyf[k,\Write the isotopes <strong>of</strong> hydrogen, carbon & oxygen.19. leLFkkfud dh ikap fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\What are the five properties <strong>of</strong> isotopes.20. jsfM;ks ,fDVo leLFkkfud D;k gS\ buds pkj mi;ksx fyf[k,AWhat are radio active isotopes. Write its four applications.21. jsfM;ks lfØ;rk ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ blds mi;ksx fyf[k,\Define radio activity & write its uses.22. gkbMªkstu o vkWDlhtu ds leLFkkfudksa ds ijek.kq lajpuk cukb;s\Draw the schematic atomic structure <strong>of</strong> hydrogen and oxygen withisotopes.23. iksVsf'k;e] dsfY'k;e ds leHkkfjd fy[kdj ijek.kq vkjs[k cukb;s\Draw the schematic atomic structure <strong>of</strong> potassium and calciumwith isobar.(20)

UNIT - 7jlk;fud cU/k ,oa vk;fud fl)kur1. jlk;fud cU/k fdls dgrs gSa\ blds izdkj fyf[k,\Define chemical bond & mention its type?2. ijek.kq ds bysDVªkWu foU;kl ij vk/kkfjr dkSlsy ,oa yqbZl dk la;kstdrkdk bysDVªkWu fl)kUr fyf[k,\What is the electronic theory <strong>of</strong> valency according to Kossel andLewis?3. oS|qr la;kstdrk fdls dgrs gSaA blds nks mnkgj.k fyf[k,\What is electro valency, write two examples?4. lg la;kstdrk fdls dgrs gSa\ mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s\Define Co-valency with examples?5. mi lg la;kstdrk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s\Explain Co-ordinate valency with example.6. oS|qr la;ksth ;kSfxd D;k gS\ buds pkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Explain Electrovalent compound with its four distinctives.7. lg la;ksth ;kSfxd D;k gS\ buds rhu y{k.k fyf[k,\What is Co-valent compounds, write its three characteristics?8. ,dy lgla;kstd cU/k] f} lgla;kstd cU/k] f= lg;kstd cU/k mnkgj.klfgr le>kb;s\Explain single covalent bond, double covalent and triple covalentbond with examples.(21)

9. oS|qr la;ksth ;kSfxd] lg la;ksth ;kSfxd ,oa mi lgla;ksth ;kSfxdksa esafoHksn dhft,\Distinguish Amongst the electro valent, covalent and co-ordinatvalent compounds?10. oS|qr la;ksth] lgla;ksth] mi lgla;ksth ;kSfxdksa ds 2,2,2 mnkgj.knhft,\ Write two example each <strong>of</strong>electrovalent, covalent and co-oridinate compounds.11. vk;fud fl)kUr ij vk/kkfjr fuEu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,&(i) fo|qr~pkyd (ii) fo|qr~ vi?kV~; pkyd(iii) fo|qr~ vuvi?kV~;Explain the following terms on the basis <strong>of</strong>:(i) conductors (ii) Electrolytic conductor(iii) Non electrolytes12. oS|qr~ vi?kVu dks lksfM;e DyksjkbM dk mnkgj.k ysdj le>kb;s\Explain electrolysis taking example <strong>of</strong> sodium chloride?13. vk;uu D;k gS\ vkghZfu;l dk fl)kUr pkj fcUnqvksa esa fyf[k,\What is ionisation. Enumerate arrhenius theory in four points?14. izcy vEy o nqcZy {kkj ls cus yo.k o nqcZy vEy ,oa izcy {kkj ls cusyo.k ds ty vi?kVu ij fdl izdkj dk foy;u gksxk ,oa D;ksa\What will be the nature <strong>of</strong> solution if salt is hydrolysised, whichformed due to:(i) Strong acid and weak base (ii) Weekacid and strong base15. nqcZy vEy ,oa nqcZy {kkj ls cus yo.k dk ty vi?kVu ij foy;u dSlkgksxk ,oa D;ksa\State the reason and nature <strong>of</strong> salt formed from weak acid andweak base after hydrolysis?(22)

16. izcy vEy ,oa izcy {kkj ls fufeZr yo.k tyh; vi?kVu esa fdl izdkjdh jlk;fud fØ;k iznf'kZr djsaxs ,oa D;ksa\What is the chemical reaction after hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> salt which isproduced from shrong acid and strong base and why?17. (i) izcy vEy ,oa izcy {kkj (ii) nqcZy vEy ,oa nqcZy {kkj rFkk(iii) izcy vEy ,oa nqcZy {kkj ls cus yo.kksa dk 2-2-2, mnkgj.k nhft,\Write two example <strong>of</strong> salt which formed by:(i) Strong acid and strong base (ii) Weak acid and weak base(iii) Strong acid and weak base18. foys;rk xq.kuQy D;k gS\ bldh mi;ksfxrk le>kb;s\What is solubility product, write its utility?19. mi lgla;kstd ;kSfxd ds ikap y{k.k fyf[k,\What are five characteristics <strong>of</strong> co-ordinate covalent compound.20. vk;uu izHkkfor djus okys pkj dkjd fyf[k,\Write the four factors affecting the degree <strong>of</strong> ionisation.21. vkghZfu;l ds fl)kUr ds ikap nks"k fyf[k,\What are five draw back <strong>of</strong> Arrhenius proposal.22. ijek.kq rFkk vk;u esa foHksn dhft,\Differentiate between Atom and Ion?23. vkghZfu;l ds vk;fud fl)kUr ds i{k esa pkj izek.k fyf[k,\Write four evidences in support <strong>of</strong> Arrhenius theory ionisation?24. vkghZfu;l fl)kUr dh mi;ksfxrk D;k gS\ fyf[k,\What are applcations <strong>of</strong> Arrhenius theory <strong>of</strong> ionisation?25. ty vi?kVu D;k gS\ mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;s\What is hydrolysis, explain with example?(23)

26. lksfM;e dkcksZusV dk tyh; foy;u vEyh; ;k {kkjh; gksxk vkSj D;ksa\State whether sodium carbonate is acidic or basic in aqueoussolution & why?27. flYoj DyksjkbM dh foys;rk xq.kuqy 1.2 × 10 –10 gSA bldh eksyjfoys;rk Kkr dhft,\If Silver chloride solubility product is 1.2 × 10 –10 , then find itsmolar solubility?28. foys;rk xq.kuQy ds vk/kkj ij ued dk 'kqf)dj.k le>kb;s\How does the salt is purified. explain on the basis <strong>of</strong> solubilityproduct?29. lkcqu vo{ksi.k izfØ;k foys;rk xq.kuQy ds vk/kkj ij Li"V dhft,\Explain precipipation <strong>of</strong> soap on the basis <strong>of</strong> solubility product.30. foys;rk xq.kuQy dk Ñf"k esa D;k egRo gS\What is the importance at solubility product in agriculture.31. 20ºC ij flYoj DyksjkbM dh foys;rk 1.435 × 10 –3 g/l. gSA ;fn flYojDyksjkbM dk v.kqHkkj 143.5 gS rks mldh foys;rk xq.kuQy Kkr dhft,\At 20ºC temp silver chloride has solubility 1.435 ×10 –3 g/l.If silverchloride molecular weight 143.5 then find its solubility product.32. pH eku ,oa pH Ldsy D;k gS\ blds vk/kkj ij vEyh;] {kkjh; ,oamnklhu foy;u dks le>kb;s\What is pH value and pH scale, explain acidic, basic and neutralsolution on the basis <strong>of</strong> it?33. pH eku ds vk/kkj ij Hkwfe dk oxhZdj.k dhft, ,oa laf{kIr esa le>kb;s\Classify the soil according to pH value and explain in brief?34. vEyh; eǹkvksa ds ikap xq.k fyf[k,\Write five characterstics <strong>of</strong> acidic soil?(24)

35.; eǹk dh fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Write the characteristics <strong>of</strong> saline soil?36. izfrjks/kh foy;u D;k gS\ blds izdkj fyf[k,AWhat is buffer solution. Write its types?37. cQj foy;uksa dk egRo fyf[k,\What is the importance <strong>of</strong> buffer solution?38. dkWij lYQsV dk ty esa cuk foy;u vEyh; gksrk gS] D;ksa\Copper sulphate aqueous solution is acidic in nature. Why?(25)

UNIT - 8Colloids (dksykbMldksykbMl)[kkyh LFkku Hkfj,& Fill in the blanks: 1 mark/question1. dksykbMh foy;u ------------------ ls folfjr ugha gksrk gSAColloidal solution do not disperse from ..............2. ----------- inkFkZ ftudk foy;u rsth ls peZi= }kjk folfjr gks tkrk gSA.............. substance which solution quickly cross the parchmentpaper.3. okLrfod foy;uksa ds d.kksa dk O;kl ------------- gksrk gSA<strong>True</strong> solutions partical size is ....................4. --------- o ----------- ,d fo"kekax feJ.k gksrk gSA........... and ............ are heterogenous mixture.5. dksyk;Mh d.kksa dk O;kl ----------- gksrk gSADiameter <strong>of</strong> colloid articles are ........6. LVkpZ ,d --------------- foy;u gSAStarch is a .............. solution.7. fpduh feV~Vh ds d.k dk vkdkj ------------ fe-eh- gksrk gSAClay soil's partical is ............. m.m.8. jcj o`{k ls ---------------- ds :i esa fudkyk tkrk gSA........ is derived from the rubber tree.9. okLrfod foy;u ---------------- gksrk gSA<strong>True</strong> solution are always ........ mixture.(26)

10. dksyk;Mh foy;u ------------- gksrk gSAColloidal solution is ............. mixture.,d 'kCn esa mÙkj nhft,A Answer in one word:11. tc dksbZ nzo fdlh Bksl esa ifjf{kIr gksdj dksykbMh foy;u cukrk gS]mls dgrs gSaWhat term is used when a liquid, dispersed in solid and make acolloidal solution.12. os inkFkZ ftudk foy;u rsth ls peZi= }kjk folfjr gksrk gSA substance which solution quickly diffuse through parchmentpaper.13. os inkFkZ ftudk foy;u peZi= ls folfjr ugha gksrk gSASubstance which solution do not diffuse through parchment paper.14. -------------------fØLVykHk dk mnkgj.k gSA.............. is an example <strong>of</strong> crystalloid.15. ftysfVu fdl inkFkZ ds varxZr vkrk gSAGelatin substance comes under......................16. foy;u ftlesa foys; o foyk;d ds d.kksa dk O;kl leku gksrk gSAA solution which shows similar size <strong>of</strong> solute and solvent.17. ,jks lky fdldk mnkgj.k gSAAerosol is example <strong>of</strong> ..............18. os dkSu ls inkFkZ gSa] tks foyk;d ds lEidZ esa ykus ls 'kh?kz gh dksyk;Mhfoy;u cukrs gSa\Which substance from colloidal solution if they mixed withsolvents.(27)

19. dkSu lk inkFkZ tks foyk;d lEidZ esa rqjUr dksykbMh foy;u ughacukrs\Which substance do not form colloidalsolution if they mixed with solvent?20. okLrfod foy;u d.kksa dk O;kl gksrk gS\What is the size <strong>of</strong> particle in true solution?21. fuyEcu d.kksa dk vkdkj gksrk gS\What is the size <strong>of</strong> particle in suspension solution.22. dksyk;Mh d.kksa dk vkdkj gksrk gS\What is the size <strong>of</strong> particle in colloidal solution.23. fo|qr~ vi?kV~; }kjk dksyk;Mh foy;u dk vo{ksi.k D;k dgykrk gS\Precipipation <strong>of</strong> colloidal solution through electrolytes is called.24. eǹk ds 0.001 mm ls NksVs d.k dks D;k dgrs gSa\Particle <strong>of</strong> soil whose size measures, less than 0.001 mm is..25. dksykbM d.kksa dk ,d nwljs ls fpiduk dgykrk gS\Sticking <strong>of</strong> colloidal particles with each other is called.26. dksykbM d.kksa dk vU; d.kksa ls fpiduk dgykrk gSASticking <strong>of</strong> colloidal particle with other particle is ...27. dkcZfud inkFkksZa ds fo?kVu ls izkIr dkys jax dk dksyk;Mh inkFkZ D;kgksrk gS\Black coloured substance which result after decomposition <strong>of</strong>organic matter.28. tsyh fdldk ,d mnkgj.k gS\To which category Jelly belong?29. vkf.od dksyk;M dk ,d mnkgj.k fyf[k,\Write an example <strong>of</strong> molecular colloids.(28)

30. ik;l varxZr ,d mnkgj.k fyf[k,\31- tksM+h cukb;s&Write an example <strong>of</strong> Emulsion.(i) fØLVykHk lekax feJ.k(ii) dksyk;M ngh(iii) okLrfod foy;u /kqa/k(iv) ,;jkslky ;wfj;k(v) tSy xksan(vi) ik;l lw[kk leqnzh Qsu(vii) Bksl Qsu ftysfVu(viii) vkf.od dksyk;M Øhe(ix) nz<strong>of</strong>ojks/kh dksyk;M izksVhu(x) nzoLusgh dksyk;M iznhIr 'kadq(xi) fV.My izHkko /kkrq czkmuh xfr(xii) jkcVZ czkmu /kkrqMatch the Column(i) Crystalloids Hetrogenous mixture(ii) Colloids Dahi(iii) <strong>True</strong> solution Fog(iv) Aerosol Urea(v) Gel Gum(vi) Emulsion dry sea foam(vii) solid foam gelatin(viii) molecular colloidcream(ix) Lyphobic colloids protein(x) Lyophylic colloids Brightcone(29)

(xi) Tyndall effect Browanian movement(xii) Robert brown metalfuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj lR; ;k vlR; esa nhft,AAnswer the following question in <strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>:32. okLrfod foy;u ,oa fo"kekaxh feJ.k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½<strong>True</strong> solution is a heterogenous mixture (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)33. 'kdZjk ,d fØLVykHk inkFkZ gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Sugar is a crystalloid substance. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)34. ,YC;wfeu dksyk;M ugha gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Albumin is not a colloidal substance (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)35. peZi= ls fØLVykHk folfjr gks tkrs gSa\ ¼lR;@vlR;½Crystalloid dispersed from perchment paper. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)36. dksgjk ,;jkslky dk ,d vPNk mnkgj.k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Fog is a good example <strong>of</strong> aerosal. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)37. ik;l ds varxZr ckny vkrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Clouds comes under Emulsion. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)38. LVkpZ nzoLusgh dksyk;M gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Starch quality is <strong>of</strong> Lyphylic colloids. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)39. /kkrq esa nz<strong>of</strong>ojks/kh dksyk;M xq.k ugha gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Nature <strong>of</strong> metal is lyophylic colloids. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)40. dksyk;Mh czkmuh xfr iznf'kZr djrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Colloidal particle exhibits browanian movement. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)41. áqel ,d vdkcZfud inkFkZ gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Humus is an inorganic matter. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)42. fpduh eǹk dksyk;Mh gksrh gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Clay soil has colloidal properties. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(30)

43. dksyk;Mh foy;u esa fV.My izHkko ugha fn[krkA ¼lR;@vlR;½Colloidal solution do not exhibit tyndall effect. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>.UNIT - 9 Fertilizer <strong>of</strong> mineral1. izÑfr esa /kkrqvksa ds :i lmnkgj.k le>kb;s\Describe the metals forms existing in nature with examples?2. Hkwfe esa mifLFkr pkj [kfut o muds lw= fyf[k,\Enumerate five mineral that are present in soil along with theirformula.3. Hkkjr esa miyC/k izeq[k pkj [kfutksa dh tkudkjh nhft,\Account the information four minerals avalable in India?4. yksgk] eSxuht] rkack ,oa ,Y;wehfu;e [kfut Hkkjr esa fdu LFkkuksa ijmiyC/k gSA uke fyf[k,\Write the place <strong>of</strong> mines <strong>of</strong> iron magnese, copper and aluminimumin India?5. ikS/ks dh o`f) ds fy, vko';d lw{e iks"kd rRo dkSu&dkSu ls gSa]uke fyf[k,\Which micro nutrient are essential for plant growth.6. ikS/ks gsrq vko';d lw{e iks"kd rRoksa dk uke ,oa muds ladsr fyf[k,\Name the micronutrient with their symbol which is utilized byplants.7. ikS/ks }kjk iks"kd rRoksa dk eǹk ls vo'kks"k.k fdu :iksa esa gksrk gS\ fyf[k,AWhat are the different forms <strong>of</strong> nutrient absorbed by plants fromsoil.8. oSKkfud vkjuksu ds vuqlkj ikni iks"k.k esa rRoksa dh vfuok;Zrk dhdlkSVh D;k gS\(31)

What is the criteria <strong>of</strong> essentiality <strong>of</strong> nutrient in plant according toscientist Arnon.9. ikS/kksa dh o`f) o fodkl ds fy, vko';d inkFkZ dks D;k dgrs gSaA bldsrhu dk;Z fyf[k,\Name a substance which is required for growth and development<strong>of</strong> plant. Write their three function.10. moZjdksa ds izdkj fyf[k,\Write the types <strong>of</strong> fertilizers.11. ikS/kksa dh o`f) ds fy, vko';d eq[; iks"kd rRoksa dk oxhZdj.k dhft,\Classify the major nutrients which are essential for growth anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> plant.12. ukbVªkstu ;qDr moZjd D;k gS\ dksbZ rhu mnkgj.k fyf[k,AWhat is nitrogenous fertilizer. Give its three example.13. QkLQsfVd moZjdksa dh mi;ksx djus dh f<strong>of</strong>/k fyf[k,\Write the application method <strong>of</strong> phosphatic fertilizer.14. ;wfj;k esa dkSulk iks"kd rRo gksrk gS] mldh izfr'kr ek=k o mi;ksx dkrjhdk fyf[k,\Which nutrient is found in urea. Write its percentage and mehod<strong>of</strong> application.15. dSfY'k;e lkbukekbM dk fuekZ.k o mi;ksx f<strong>of</strong>/k fyf[k,\What is the method <strong>of</strong> manufacture <strong>of</strong> calcium cynamide and giveits application method.16. dSfY'k;e veksfu;e ukbVsªV dk lw=] rRo dh izfr'kr ek=k ,oami;ksx fyf[k,\Write formula, Nutrient percent alongwith uses <strong>of</strong> calcium ammoniamnitrate.(32)

17. ukbVªkstu ;qä moZjdksa dk ikS/kksa ij izHkko fyf[k,\Write impact <strong>of</strong> nitrogenous fertilizers on plants?18. QkLQksjl moZjd fdl izdkj ikS/ks dh o`f) o fodkl ds fy, vko';dgSAHow does phosphatic fertilizer play role in growth anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> plants.19. pkj QkLQsfVd moZjd o muds mifLFkr rRo dh izfr'kr ek=k fyf[k,\Write four phosphatic fertilizer and their nutrient composition inpercent.20. dSfY'k;e lqij QkLQsV vkQykbEe gSA bldh mi;ksfxrk fyf[k,\What is calcium super phosphate <strong>of</strong> lime. Write its utility?21. iksVk'k;qä moZjd dk egRo ikS/ks dh o`f) ds :i esa nhft,\How does pottasic fertilizer assist in plant growth?22. iksVk'k ;qä pkj moZjdksa ,oa mudh rRo izfr'kr ek=k fyf[k,\Write four pottasic fertilizers alongwith present element and theirpercentage?23. iksVsf'k;e lYQsV esa ik;s tkus okyk rRo] izfr'kr] lw= rFkk Qlysa ftlesami;ksxh gS\ fyf[k,AWrite the nutrient composition with their percent, formulapottasium sulphate, mentain the crops require it?24. D;wjsV vkQiksVk'k moZjd dk rRo] izfr'kr ek=k] lw= fyf[k,\Write composition, alongwith formula <strong>of</strong> murate <strong>of</strong> pottas.25. fpyh lkYV ihVj ls izkir moZjd dk uke] rRo dk uke] rRo izfr'kr ek=ko lw= nhft,\Which fertilizer is provided by chilli salt peter. Write itscomposition.(33)

34. Hkkjr esa dSfY'k;e] Øksfe;e lhlk ,oa eSXuhf'k;e dgka feyrk gS\Where does calcium cnromium, lead and magnesium mines foundin India?35. izkFkfed] f}rh;d ,oa lw{eiks"kd rRo esa foHksn dhft,\Differentiate among primary, secondary and micro nutrient>36. dkcZfud o vdkcZfud moZjd esa varj Li"V dhft,\What is the difference between organic and inorganic fertilizer?37. gok] ikuh ,oa eǹk ls izkIr 2, 2, 2 iks"kd rRoksa ds uke fyf[k,\Which mineral are obtained from air, water and soil. Write eachtwo.38. fuEu v;Ldksa ds lw= fyf[k,&ckDlkbV] gsesVkbV] dkcksZusV] esXuslkbVWrite the formula <strong>of</strong> following ores:Bauxite, Haemitite, carbonates, magnesite.(35)

UNIT - 10 ¼vk;ru ferh;½,d 'kCn esa mÙkj nhft,AAnswer in one word:1. nks ;k nks ls vf/kd inkFkZ dk lekax feJ.k gksrk gSAHomogenous mixture <strong>of</strong> two or more substance is ...2. foy;u ftldh lkUnzrk Kkr gksA solution in whose concentration is known.3. ,d vEy ,d {kkj dks u"V dj yo.k cukrk gS] ;g fØ;k gksrh gSWhat is term used for salt formation from acid and base4. ,d yhVj foy;u esa inkFkZ dk ,d xzke rqY;kadh Hkkj] /kqyk rks ml foy;udks dgk tk;sxk&If one litre solution disolved one gram equivalent weight then whatthe solution will be called:5. ftl fcUnq ij jlk;fud fØ;k iw.kZ gksrh gSThe point at which chemical reaction is completed.6. Kkr lkUnzrk foy;u ds lkFk vKkr foy;u dh lkUnzrk Kkr djukdgykrk gSTerm is used for determining the concentration <strong>of</strong> unknown solutionwith assist <strong>of</strong> standard solution.7. vkarfjd lwpd dk ,d mnkgj.kOne example <strong>of</strong> internal indicator8. Lor% lwpd dk ,d mnkgj.kExample <strong>of</strong> self indicator(36)

9. fdlh foy;u ds ,d yhVj vk;ru esa ?kqys foys; ds xzke rqY;kadh Hkkjdh la[;k dks dgrs gSaIf in one litre <strong>of</strong> solution disolved iron equivalent weight <strong>of</strong> soluteis called................fjä LFkku dh iwfrZ dhft,AFill up the blank:10. Conc. H 2SO 4,d ------------------------ vEy gSAConc. H 2SO 4is ................ acid11. NH 4OH ,d ------------------------ {kkjNH 4OH is ................... base12.lkUnzrk(%)................................= ×foy;u dk iw.kZ vk;ru100Concentration = ............................................(%) Complete volume <strong>of</strong> solution × 10013. ukeZyrkxzk-@yhVj lkUnzrk=.........................Normality =Concentratin <strong>of</strong> g/ litre...................................15. rRo dk NksVk lk d.k tks Lora= voLFkk esa jgrk gS rFkk blesa rRo ds lHkhxq.k ekStwn gks ------------- dgykrk gSAWhich is smallest particle <strong>of</strong> a substance which in dependent, freein nature and prossess all the property <strong>of</strong> element is.................(37)

16. Equlivalent weight = ....................ValencyEqulivalent weight = ....................Valency17. ,lhfVd ,flM ,d --------------- vEy gSAAcetic acid is a ............ acid.18. tksM+h cukb,&(1) foy;u Kkr lkUnzrk(2) mnklhuhdj.k 1 g rqY;kad Hkkj(3) izekf.kd foy;u lekaxh feJ>k(4) ukeZy foy;u yo.k cuuk(5) eksyj foy;u lwpd(6) var fcUnq eksy la[;k(7) vo{ksi.k vuqekiu iksVsf'k;e ijesxusV(8) Lor% lwpd flYoj ukbVsªV(9) izcy vEy lksfM;e gkbMªkDlkbM(10) izcy {kkj ukbfVªd ,flM(11) nqcZy {kkj dkcksZfud vEy(12) nqcZy vEy vehfu;e gkbMªkDlkbMMatch the column:(1) Solution known concentration(2) Neutrilization 1 g equivalent weight(3) Standard solution Homogenous mixture(4) Normal solution Salt formation(5) Molar solution Indicator(6) End point Molecule number(7) Precipitation titration pottasium permagnent (8)Salt indicatorSilver nitrate(38)

(9) Strong acid sodium hydroxide(10) Strong base Nitric acid(11) Weak base Carbonic acid(12) Waek acid Ammonium hydroxidelR;@vlR; fyf[k,AWrite <strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>:19. vEy os inkFkZ gSa tks foy;u esa /kuk;u gkbMªkstu vk;u nsrs gSaA¼lR;@vlR;½Acid is a substence which provide H + ion in solution. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)20. {kkj os inkFkZ gSa tks foy;u esa _.kk;u gkbMªkfDly vk;u ugha nsrs gSaA¼lR;@vlR;½Base is substance which gives (OH – ) hydroxid ion in solution.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)21. ,lhfVd ,flV ,d nqcZy {kkj gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Acetic acid is a weak base. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)22. {kkj] vEy fØ;k ls yo.k cukuk mnklhuhdj.k fØ;k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Formation <strong>of</strong> salt by reaction <strong>of</strong> acid and base is a neutrilization .(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)23. 'kq) ty vEyh; gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Pure water is acidic nature. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)24. lksfM;e DyksjkbM izcy vEy o izcy {kkj ls cuk yo.k gS ¼lR;@vlR;½Sodium chloride is salt. Which is formed due to strong acid andbase reaction. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)25. rRo dk NksVk lk NksVk d.k jlk;fud fØ;k esa Hkkx ysrk gS] og v.kq gSA¼lR;@vlR;½The smallest particle <strong>of</strong> element which take parts in chemicalreaction is molecule. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(39)

26. vuqekiu esa lwpd vko';d ugha gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Indicator is not essential in Titration. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)27. ukeZy foy;u esa inkFkZ dk xzke v.kqHkkj ?kqyk gqvk gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Gram molecular weight <strong>of</strong> a substance is dissolved in normalsolution. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)28. ty vi?kVu esa yo.k VwVrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Salt decomposes in hydrolysis. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)29. Qhuk ,QFksyhu vEyh; ek/;e esa xqykch gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½In acidic medium phenolphthalin appear in pink colour. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(40)

UNIT - 11 ikni vkdkfjdh,d 'kCn esa mÙkj nhft,AAnswer in one word.1. ikS/kksa dk og Hkkx tks cht vadqj.k ds le; ewykdqaj ls curk gSWhich part <strong>of</strong> plant is formed by radicle during seed germination2. Hkwfe ls ikuh o [kfutksa dk vo'kks"k.k dk;Z djus okyk ikS/kk dk Hkkxgksrk gSWhich part <strong>of</strong> plant absorb the water and minerals from soil3. ikS/ks ftlesa 'olu tM+s ik;h tkrh gSaWhich plant have pneumatophore.4. ,slk ikS/kk ftldh tM+s ijthoh gSaWhich plant bear sucking <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> houstoria5. ikS/ks ftuesa lgkjk iznku djus okyh tM+s gksaWhich plant have supporting roots6. ewyh esa dkSu lk tM= dk :ikUrj.k ik;k tkrk gSWhat is the root modification in radish7. dqaHkh:i tM+ :ikraj.k fdl ikS/ks esa ik;k tkrk gSThe mapi form <strong>of</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> roots is formed in which plant.8. 'kaDokdkj tM+ :ikarj.k dk ,d mnkgj.k gSWrite an example <strong>of</strong> conical shape modification <strong>of</strong> roots.(41)

9. cjxn esa tM+s ik;h tkrh gSWhich type <strong>of</strong> roots are found in Banian tree10. ftu ikS/kksa dh tM+ksa esa DyksjksfQy ik;k tkrk gS os tM+s dgykrh gSaThe root which contain chlorophyll in them is called.11. tuuewy ik;s tkus okys ikS/ks dk uke fyf[k,\Name the plant which has reproductive roots.12. vejcsy dkSu ls vax }kjk Hkkstu pwlrh gSWhich part <strong>of</strong> cuscuta is made to suck the food.13. ikS/kksa dk vkjksgh Hkkx tks izkdqaj ls fodflr gS mls D;k dgrs gSaWhich part <strong>of</strong> plant is developed from plumule14. Hkwfexr rus dk ,d mnkgj.k fyf[k,AWrite an example <strong>of</strong> under ground stem.15. folihZ rus okys ikS/ks dk uke fyf[k,\Name the plant have creepers modification.16. vnjd rus dk dkSulk :ikarj.k gS\Which type <strong>of</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> stem is seen in ginger.17. LrEHkdan dk ,d mnkgj.k nhft,AGive an example <strong>of</strong> stem tuber.18. I;kt esa rus dk dkSulk :ikarj.k gS\Which types <strong>of</strong> stem modification.19. ?kudan rus dk :ikarj.k fdl esa ik;k tkrk gS\Write an example <strong>of</strong> Corm.20. nwc ?kkl rus dk dkSulk :ikarj.k gSAWhich type <strong>of</strong> the modification <strong>of</strong> stem in cynodon grass.(42)

21. ukxQuh esa dkSulk :ikarj.k rus dk gSAOpuntia has which type <strong>of</strong> stem modification.22. ftu ifÙk;ksa esa oàr ugha ik;k tkrk gS] mUgsa D;k dgrs gSa\What term is used for leaves which do not bear petiole.23. iÙkh dk egRoiw.kZ Hkkx tks Hkkstu cukus esa o mRLosnu esa lfØ; Hkkxysrk gSAWhich part <strong>of</strong> leaves is assist in food synthesis and transpiration.24. ifÙk;ka fdlds }kjk okr f<strong>of</strong>ue; djrh gSAPart <strong>of</strong> leaves which perform the gaseous exchanges.25. dkSuls ikS/ks dh ifÙk;k¡ o/khZ iztuu esa lgk;d gSAName the plant which leaf perform vegatitive reproduction.26. iq"i dk dkSu lk vax eknk tuu okyk gksrk gSAName the flower part which is known as female reproductive organ.27. iq"i dh lgk;d Hk`fe dkSu lh gS\Which are the accessory part <strong>of</strong> flower?28. iq"i ds uj tuu vad dk D;k uke gS\Name the flower part which is known as male reproductive organ.29. iq"ikoyh oàr ij iq"i ds yxus ds Øe dks D;k dgrs gSaa\Sistematic arrangement <strong>of</strong> flower on peduncle is called.[kkyh LFkku Hkfj,AFill up the blanks:30. lkekU;r% Hkwfe ds Åij ik;s tkus okyk ikS/ks dk Hkkx --------------- gSA........... part <strong>of</strong> plant which remain above the soil.(43)

31. Hkwfe ls vo'kksf"kr inkFkZ dk Åij rus o ifÙk;ksa rd igqapkus dk dk;Z ----- }kjk gksrk gSAConduction <strong>of</strong> absorbed material to leave and stem is through......32. nygu Qlyksa esa ------------------- tM+s ik;h tkrh gSaAPulse crop bear .............. roots.33. vUu Qlyksa esa tM+s -------------- ik;h tkrh gSaACereal crop has ............. roots.34. tM+s ------------ xq#Rokd"kZ.k gksrh gSaARoots are ................... to geotrophic.35. rus izdk'k ds --------------- gksrh gSAStems are ................... to phototropic.36. vkfdZM ---------------- djus okyh tM+s gSaAOrchids has root which does ..........37. viLFkkfud tM+ dk mnkgj.k gS --------------........... plant have adventious root.38. 'kaDokdkj tM+ :ikarj.k dk mnkgj.k --------------- gSConical root modification is an example <strong>of</strong> .............39. ewyh esa ----------------- izdkj dk tM+ :ikarj.k gSA................... types <strong>of</strong> root modification in root.40. ljy iÙkh i=Qyd esa ---------------- ugha gksrk gSA............... is not found in simple leave lamina.41. la;qä iÙkh ds i=Qydksa dk ------------------ gksrk gSA............... cheir ....... <strong>of</strong> lamina in compound leaf.42. ukxQuh esa --------- izdkj dk i=h :ikarj.k gSA.......... type <strong>of</strong> leave modification in opuntia(44)

43. LVksyu] rus dk :ikarj.k -------------- esa ik;k tkrk gSAStolen modification is found in ...........44. /kudan esa -------------------- ewys gksrh gSA....... type <strong>of</strong> roots in corm.45. itkZ/kkj ls fudyus okyh m)f/kZ;ka ---------- dgykrk........... is outgrowth <strong>of</strong> hypodium.46. ikS/kksa esa iÙkh ds Qyd dh nksuksa lrgksa ij jpuk leku gS rks bUgsa dgktkrk gS ....................When both surface <strong>of</strong> lamina is same leaves are called ........47. dsys ds ifÙk;ksa esa ---------------- ukM+h foU;kl ik;k tkrk gSA.......... venation is found in Banana's leave.48. vke dh ifÙk;ksa esa ---------------- ukM+h foUlkl ik;k tkrk gSALeaves <strong>of</strong> mango has ............ venation.49. ukfydkdkj jpuk okys ckányiqat ----------- esa ik;s tkrs gSaATubular structure calux are found in ........... plant.50. ljlksa esa --------------- izdkj ds nyiqat gksrs gSaAThere is .............. type <strong>of</strong> corolla in mustard.51. nyiqat ls izk;% iqadslj lEc) gksrs gSa rks bUgsa --------- dgk tkrk gSA........... is a attachment <strong>of</strong> stamen to corolla.52. eVj esa ------------------ izdkj dk chtk.MU;kl gksrk gSAThere is .......... type <strong>of</strong> placenta in pea.53. iq"i dh og fLFkfr ftlesa ckány iqat o nyiqat ,d leku o ,d gh gksrs--------------- dgykrs gSaAThe condition in which calyx and corolla are similar is called .....54. tksM+h cukb;s&(45)

(i) tM+ fuekZ.k puk(ii) ruk fuekZ.k xsgwa(iii) pw"k dh ewys ewykadqj(iv) ewyh izkdqaj(v) vikpfud tM+s gdqZ :i(vi) ewlyk tM+s cjxn(vii) LrEHk ewyvejcsy(viii) jsaxus okyk ruk vkgfjl(ix) izdUn Baugauvillia(x) ukxQuh i.kkZHk LrEHk(xi) nyiqat laijkxk'k;(xii) iqeaxØqlhQkeZ(xiii) eVjHkwz.k(xiv) vadqj.klhekar tjk;q foU;k;(xv) vkywiÙkh(xvi) okrjU/kzdanMatch the column:(i) Root formation Gram(ii) Stem formation Wheat(iii) Hausorial root Radicle(iv) Radish Plumule(v) Adventitous root Fusiform(vi) Tap root Banian(vii) Prop root(viii) Scramblerscucutairis(ix) Rhizome Bauganvillia(x) Opuntia Phyllocladu(xi) Corolla syngenesous(xii) Androcium(46)Crusiferm

(xiii) Pea(xiv) Germination(xv) Potato(xvi) StomataEmbryoMarginal plancentaLeaftuberlR;@vlR; fyf[k,&Write <strong>True</strong> or <strong>False</strong>:55. ,d chti=h; esa cht esa chti= nks gksrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½There are two cotyledones in monocoty seeds. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)56. cht esa Hkkstu chti=ksa esa tek gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Foods are stored in cotyledons in seeds. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)57. cjxn esa gkbisUFkksfM;e llhek{k iq"iØe gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Banian contain hypanthedium cymeze inflorenscence. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)58. lw;Zeq[kh esa lhekar tjk;q foykl gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Sunflower bear marginal placenta. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)59. uhacw esa cgqla?kh iqadsljks dk lykax gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½There is polyadelphous types <strong>of</strong> cohesion <strong>of</strong> stamens in lemon. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)60. tc v.Mk'k; ds uhps ckány] nyiqat o iqeax gks rks ;g fLFkfr v/kksoÙkhZ; gksrh gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½In inferior state, calyx, corolla stamen remain below the ovary.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)61. czk;ksfQye esa o/khZ iztuu gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Bryophyllum reproduced by vegatatively. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(47)

62. i.kkZHkoàr i.kZoàr dk :ikarj.k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Phyllode is the modification <strong>of</strong> petiole. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)63. Hkwfexr rus esa ioZ vkSj ioZlaf/k ugha gksrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Node and internodes are not found in underground. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)64. ukxQuh LrEHk dk :ikarj.k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Opuntia is a modification <strong>of</strong> stem. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)65. /kudan ,d Hkwfexr tM+ gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Corn is a underground root. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)66. folihZ rus dk mnkgj.k gS 'kdjdan ¼lR;@vlR;½Sugar beet is an example <strong>of</strong> creeper. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)67. phM+ esa dod ewysa ik;h tkrh gSA ¼lR;@vlRl½Pine has mycorrhizal roots.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)68. fpidus okyh tM+s vf/kikniksa esa ugh ik;h tkrh gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Epiphytetes do not have clinging roots. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(48)

69. lrkoj esa xwPN ewy gksrh gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Asparagus has fasiculated root. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)UNIT - 12fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj dsoy ,d 'kCn esa fyf[k,&Answer the following questions in one word:1. iq"i ds fdl Hkkx esa ijkxd.k curs gSaAPollengrain formed in which part <strong>of</strong> flower2. iq"i ds dkSulk Hkkx ujtuu vad dgykrk gSWhich organ in flower is known as male reproductive organ.3. iq"i dk dkSulk Hkkx eknk tuu vad dgykrk gSWhich organ in flower is known as female reproductive organ.4. eknk ;qXed iq"i fdl vad esa fufeZr gksrk gSWhich part <strong>of</strong> flower form the female gamet.5. ijkxd.k dk tk;kax rd igqapkuk D;k dgykrk gS\The transfer <strong>of</strong> pollengrain to Gynasieum is called.6. Loijkx.k dk ,d mnkgj.k fyf[k,\An example <strong>of</strong> self pollination.7. tk;kax ds Åijh Hkkx dks D;k dgrs gSa\Name the upper part <strong>of</strong> Gynaecium.8. iqeax dk fupyk Hkkx dk D;k uke gS\Lower part <strong>of</strong> Androecium is called.(49)

9. L=hds'kj o iqadqlj dk ,d lkFk ifjiDo gksuk D;k dgykrk gS\What term is used for maturation <strong>of</strong> stemen and Gunaecture at thesame time.10. f}&fu"kspu ds QyLo:i Hkwz.kiks"k dk fuekZ.k dkSu djrk gS\During double fertilization which produced endosperm.11. iq"i esa eknk;qXed ls uj;qXed dk feyuk D;k dgykrk gS\Fusion <strong>of</strong> female gamet with male gamet is called.12. ,d cht ,d ls vf/kd Hkwz.k mifLFkr gks rks bl n'kk dks D;k dgrs gSa\What term can be applicable a seed contain more than one embryo.[kkyh LFkku dh iwfrZ dhft,Fill up the blanks13. fcuk fu"kspu ds v.Mk.kq dk ,d u;s tho esa fodkl ------- dgykrk gSA........ is a development <strong>of</strong> egg without fertilization.14. ijkxdks"k esa ------------------ curs gSaA.............. is formed in Anther.15. ijkx.k esa ijkx.k d.k tk;kax ds ------- Hkkx ij igqaprs gSaAPollen grain are transfered to .......... <strong>of</strong> gynaecium duringpollination.16. ------------- ijkx.k esa ijkxd.k mlh iq"i dh dqf{k rd igqaprs gSaAIn ................... pollination pollengrain are transferred to stigmaon same flower.17. Loijkx.k esa iqadslj ds lkFk -------------- ,d lkFk ifjiDo gksrs gSaA............ matured with stamen during self pollination.(50)

18. Lo ijkx.k esa ----------- fyaxh gksuk vko';d gSA................ Sexuality is needed in self pollination.19. ubZ tkfr;ka mRiUu djus esa ------------ ijkx.k l{ke gSA............. Pollination is capable, in breeding purposes.20. eDdk ds ikS/ks esa ------------- ijkx.k gksrk gSAMaize plant carring ............... pollination.21. gkbfMªyk esa ----------------- ek/;e ls ijijkx.k gksrk gSA............. agent causes cross pollination in hydrilla.22. xUuk esa ----------------- ek/;e ls ijijkx.k gksrk gSA............. agent causes cross pollination in sugarcane.23. nks uj ;qXedksa esa ls ,d dk v.Mk.kq ,oa nwljs dk vUR; ukfHkd ls feyuk------------ dgykrk gSAIn either two gamets one fuses with egg cell and otherwith difinitivenucleus. This is called .....24. ,d chti=h chtksa esa HkksT; inkFkZ ------------ ,df=r jgrk gSA.............. store the food in monocoty seeds.25. fu"kspu -------------------------- ,d fØ;k gSAFertilization is a ................... process.26. ijkx.k ------------------------ ,d fØ;k gSAPollination is a ................ process.27. lgh tksfM+;ka cukb,&(i) ijkx.k tk;kax(ii) fcuk fu"kspu v.Mk.kq iqadslj(iii) Loijkx.kijkxd.k(iv) iq"i eknk tuu vad vfu"kspd tuu(v) ujtuu vad Hkwz.kiks"k(51)

(vi) dsUnzd(vii) ijijkx.k(viii)Ñf=e ijkx.klw;Zeq[khiq"idfydkvksa,dfyaxrkMatch the column:(i) Pollination Gynaecium(ii) unfetile egg stameus(iii) self pollinationpollengrain(iv) female reproeuctive organ parthenogenesis(v) male reproductive organ Endosperm(vi) Triploid nucleus(vii) Cross pollination(viii)Artificial pollinationsun flowerflower budsuni sexualitylR;@vlR; pqfu,ASelect <strong>True</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>False</strong>:28. tUrq ijkx.k esa tUrq Hkkx yssrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Animal involves in zoophily pollination. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)29. rEckdw esa ok;q ijkx.k gksrk gSA¼lR;@vlR;½There is Anemophily pollination in Tobacco.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)30. ijijkx.k gsrq iq"i dk f}fyaxh gksuk vko';d gSA¼lR;@vlR;½Bisexuality in flower is needed for cross pollination.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)31. Lo;a ijkx.k gsrq leiDork gksuk pkfg,\ ¼lR;@vlR;½Homogamy is essential for self pollination.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)32. ijijkx.k ubZ iztkfr mRiUu djus esa mi;qDr f<strong>of</strong>/k ugha gSA ¼lRR;@vlR;½Cross pollination is not suitable for breeding purposes.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(52)

33. osfylusfj;k esa tyijkx.k gksrk gSA¼lR;@vlR;½Vallisnaria is pollinated through water.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)34. fHkUudky iDork ijijkx.k esa vko';d ugha gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½There is no essentiality <strong>of</strong> dischogamy for crosspollination.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)35. ijkx.k fØ;k ls Qy ,oa cht dk fuekZ.k ugha gksrkA ¼lR;@vlR;½Fruit and seed is not formed during pollination.(<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)36. fu"kspu fØ;k ls cht dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½Fertilization process results seed formation. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)37. dhV ijkfxr iq"i HkM+dhys jax ,oa edjan ;qDr ugha gksrs gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½Entomophilous do not have dark colour and nectar. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)38. ok;q ijkfxr iq"i ds iqrarq izk;% yEcs gksrs gSaAFilament <strong>of</strong> Anemophily is generaly longer. (<strong>True</strong>/<strong>False</strong>)(53)

UNIT - 131. 'ykbMsu o 'oku dks dksf'kdk okn fl)kUr D;k gS\ bldh ikap izeq[kckrsa fyf[k,\What is the "cell theory" <strong>of</strong> schleiden and Schwann. Write fivemain points.2. izksdsfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk;sa D;k gS\ budh pkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\What is the prokaryotic cells. Write its four characteristics?3. ftl dksf'kdk esa dsUnzd o dsUnzd dyk Li"V :I ls fodflr gks mUgsa D;kdgrs gSa\ bldh pkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Name the cell which has developed nucleus and nuclear membrane.Write it four characteristics?4. izksdsfj;ksfVd o ;wdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk esa varj fyf[k,\Differentiate between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.5. ,d tUrq dks'kk dh lajpuk dk fp= cukb;s\Draw a labelled figure <strong>of</strong> animal cell.6. bysDVªkWu lw{en'khZ vk/kkj ij ,d lkekU; dksf'kdk esa dkSu&dkSu ls Hkkxgksrs gSaA\Write the organells <strong>of</strong> a general cell on the basis <strong>of</strong> electronmicroscope?7. dksf'kdk dh thonzO; dyk D;k gS\ bldh lajpuk rFkk rhu dk;Z fyf[k,\Define plasma memebrane <strong>of</strong> cell. Give its structure and threefunctions.8. ikni dks'kk dh dksf'kdkfHkfÙk dh cukoV ,oa rhu dk;Z fyf[k,\State the structure <strong>of</strong> plant cell and three main function?(54)

9. fdl oSKkfud us thonzO; uke fn;k\ blds pkj HkkSfrd xq.k fyf[k,\Which scientist named protoplasm. Write its four physicalproperties.10. dksf'kdk nzO; ,oa thonzO; esa foHksn dhft,\How does cytoplasm differ from protoplasm.11. dksf'kdk dk Þikoj gkmlß fdls dgrs gSa\ bldh lajpuk] fp= o nks dk;Zfyf[k,\Which organell <strong>of</strong> cell is known as 'power house'. Write its structurewith figure and two functions.12. yod lkekU;r% fdu dksf'kdk esa ik;s tks gSaA buds dk;Z fyf[k,\In which cell plastids are found. Write their function.13. E.R. ds uke ls izfl) dksf'kd vad dk iwjk uke] [kkst o rhu dk;Zfyf[k,\Write the full name, discovery, alongwith three function <strong>of</strong> aorganell <strong>of</strong> cell which known as E.R.14. dSfefy;ks xkYth }kjk dkSu ls dksf'kdkax dh [kkst dh xbZ Fkh\ bldk fp=o rhu dk;Z fyf[k,\Which cell organell is discovered by camillio-Golgi. Draw a figureand write its three function.15. jkbckslkse D;k gS\ bldh jpuk o izksVhu la'ys"k.k esa Hkwfedk fyf[k,\Define Ribosome. Write structure and its role in protein synthesis.16. lsUVªkslkse ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ blds izeq[k dk;Z fyf[k,AWhat do you mean by centrosome. Write it main function.17. lw{edk,a D;k gSa\ laf{kIr esa dk;Z le>kb;s\Define microbodies. Explain in brief its functions.(55)

18. dsUnzd dk fp= cukrs gq, blds dk;Z fyf[k,\Draw a labelled figure <strong>of</strong> nucleus. Write main functions.19. ikni dksf'kdk dh fjfädk D;k gS\ bldh izeq[k fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,AWhat are vacuoles in plant cell. Write their main functions?20. thonzO; ds jklk;fud laxBu fyf[k,\Write the chemical composition <strong>of</strong> protoplasm.21. U;wfDyd vEy D;k gS\ blds pkj dk;Z fyf[k,\Define nuclei acid with function.22. DNA dk iwjk uke] lajpuk o rhu dk;Z fyf[k,\Write full name, structure as well as with three function <strong>of</strong> DNA.23. izksVhu la'ys"k.k ds vko';d U;wfDyd vEy dk uke o izeq[k dk;Z fyf[k,\Which nucleic acid play important role in protein synthesis. Writeits works.24. Mh-,u-,- o vkj-,u-,- esa lajpuk vk/kkj ij foHksn dhft,\Differentiate between D.N.A. and R.N.A. on the basis <strong>of</strong> theirstructure.25. ikni Ård D;k gS\ blds izdkjksa dks fy[kdj le>kb;sAWhat is plant tissue. Explain it types?26. izfoHkkth Ård dh ikap fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k,\Mention five characterstics <strong>of</strong> merismatic tissue.?27. ikni LFkk;h Ård D;k gS\ blds izdkj fyf[k,\What is permanent tissue <strong>of</strong> plant. Write its type.28. tUrq Ård D;k gS\ blds izdkj fyf[k,AExplain the animal tissue and write its types.(56)

29. tUrq Ård vUrxZr midyk Ård D;k gS\ blds rhu dk;Z fyf[k,\What is epithelial tissue in animal. Write its three functions.30. lHkh vaxksa dks tksM+us dk dk;Z djus okyk Ård dkSu lk gSA bldk 'kjhjds fy, D;k egRo gS\Which tissue conects body parts with each other. What is theimportance for body.31. is'kh; Ård D;k gS\ blds izdkjksa dks fyf[k,\What is muscular tissue. Write its types?32. psruk Ård D;k gS\ blds pkj dk;Z fyf[k,AWhat is nervous tissue. Write its four functions.(57)

UNIT - 14 ikni txr dk oxhZdj.k1. ikni oxhZdj.k dh vko';drk ds ikap mís'; fyf[k,\Write the five aims <strong>of</strong> classification <strong>of</strong> plant.2. ikni oxhZdj.k dh yhfu;l ds vuqlkj bdkbZ fyf[k,\Write the units <strong>of</strong> classification according to Linnacus.3. f}uke i)fr D;k gS\ vk/kqfudh <strong>of</strong>xZdh dk tud fdls dgk tkrk gS\f}uke i)fr dh pkj fo'ks"krk,sa fyf[k,\What is binomial nomenclature. Who is known as father <strong>of</strong> moderntaxonomy. Write four characteristics <strong>of</strong> it.4. f=uke i)fr D;k gS\ ,d mnkgj.k fyf[k,\What is trinominal nomenclature. Explain with two example.5. ikni oxhZdj.k dh d`f=e i}fr vUrxZr fFk;ksÝkLVl fl)kUr ,oa yhfu;li}fr fyf[k;s\Write the systems <strong>of</strong> plant classification according Theophrastisand Linneeus system under artificial system?6. ikni oxhZdj.k dh fFk;ksÝkLVl i}fr D;k gS\ fyf[k;sAWhat is classificatry <strong>of</strong> plant under Theophrastis system.7. izkd`frd i}fr vUrxZr csFkae ,oa gqdj dh ikni oxhZdj.k dh :ijs[kknhft;s\What is the Hierchy <strong>of</strong> plant classification according to Benthamand Hooker?8. fodkl rFkk o'kakxr laca/kh xq.kksa dh lekurk ds vk/kkj ij ,-MCY;wvkgDyjdk ikni oxhZdj.k nhft;s\Write classification hierchy according to A.W. Eichler on the basis<strong>of</strong> enolution & heredity charach similarly.(58)

9. fØIVksxsel D;k gS\ FkSykQkgVk ds pkj y{k.k fyf[k;sAWhat is Cryptogames? Write four distingushing characterstic <strong>of</strong>Thallaphyta.10. 'kSoky ds eq[; ikap y{k.k fyf[k;s\Write five attributes <strong>of</strong> Algae.11. dod ds eq[; ikap pkfjf=d fo'ks"krk,a fyf[k;s\Write five main characterstics <strong>of</strong> Fungi.12. 'kSoky] dod ,oa czk;ksQkbVl ds nks&nks mnkgj.k nhft,\Write two example each <strong>of</strong> Algae, Fungi and Bryophytes.13. fuEu 'kCnkoyh dks laf{kIr esa le>kb;s&(1) iq"ih; ikni (2) viq"ih; ikS/ks(3) ykbdsu (4) vko`rchthExplain in brief the following terms-(1) Phanerogames (2) Lichen(3) Cryptogames (4) Gymnosperm14. czk;ksQkbVk dk ikbi oxhZdj.k esa fLFkfr crkrs gq;s pkj eq[; xq.k fyf[k;s\What is the position <strong>of</strong> Thallophyta. Write it's four attributes.15. VsfjMksQkbVk vurxZr vkus okys ikni dh ikap 'kkjhfjd fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k;s\Write five body charactersties <strong>of</strong> Pteridophuytic plant.16. ftEuksLieZ ikni d;k gS\ blds ikap xq.k fyf[k;sAWhat is Zymnosperm plant. Write five characterstics.17. ftEuksLieZ o ,aft;ksLieZ ikS/ks esa ikap lekurk;sa fyf[k;s\What are the five similiarty characters between Zymnosperm andAngiosperm.(59)

18. ftEuksLieZ o ,aft;ksLieZ ikS/kksa esa ikap varj fyf[k;s\How do Zymnosperm differ from Angiosperm. write in five points.19. oxhZdj.k dh tkfro`rh; i}fr D;k gS\What is the Phylogenetie system <strong>of</strong> classification <strong>of</strong> plant.20. czk;ksQkbVl ,oa VsfjMksQk;Vl esa igpku fdu y{k.kksa ds vk/kkj ij djsaxs\fyf[k;sAWhat are the Properties <strong>of</strong> identification <strong>of</strong> Bryophytes andPteridophytes.21. dod o 'kSoky esa vurj Li"V dhft;sADifferentiate between Fungi and Algae.22. ysX;wfeus'kh dwy dh igpku ds fo'ks"k ikap y{k.k fyf[k;s\Write identification characterstics <strong>of</strong> Leguminaceae Family?23. ysX;wfeuslh dwy ds vkfFkZd egRo ds ikap ikS/kksa ds uke ,oa ouLifrd ukefyf[k;s\Write five botanical names <strong>of</strong> Economical plants <strong>of</strong> Leguminaceaefamily.24. isfify;ksuslh midqy ds ikap igpku y{k.k fyf[k;s\Write five properties <strong>of</strong> identification <strong>of</strong> subfamily Papitionaceae.25. isfify;ksuslh] lhtyfefu,lh] ekbekslkgMh dk rqyukRed fooj.k nyiqato iqeax ds vk/kkj ij nhft;s\Distinguish amongst the Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniodecee andMimosoideae sub family <strong>of</strong> the basis <strong>of</strong> corolla and Audroecium.26. isfify;ksuslh midqy ds vkfFkZd egRo esa ikap nygu Qlyksa ds ouLifrduke fyf[k;s\Write five botanical names <strong>of</strong> pulse crops which belong to subfamily papilionaceae.(60)

27. lhtyfifu,lh midqy ds ikap ltkonh ikS/kk dk ouLfrd uke fyf[k;s\Write botanical name <strong>of</strong> five ornamental plants. Which belongs toCaesalpiniaceae sub family.28. ccway mi dqy ds ikap vkfFkZd egRo ds ikS/ks dk okuLifrd uke fyf[k,\Write botanical name <strong>of</strong> five economical plant which comes underaccasia sub-family.29. [kSj ikS/ks dh oxhZd`r fLFkfr fyf[k,\Write the systematic position <strong>of</strong> Tanin plant.30. dEiksftVh dqy ds ikap ikS/kksa dk okuLifrd uke fyf[k,\Give the botanical name <strong>of</strong> five economic plants <strong>of</strong> compositaefamily.31. dEiksftVh dqy ds ikap foHksnd y{k.k fyf[k,\Write five distinguishing characterstics <strong>of</strong> compositae family.32. dn~nw dh ikni txr esa oxhZd`r fLFkfr fyf[k,\Write systematic position <strong>of</strong> cucurbuta in lant kingdom.33. ysX;wfeuslh dqy ds midqyksa ds uke crkb;s rFkk iq"iØe ,oa iq"ilw= dhrqyuk dhft,\Write sub family <strong>of</strong> Leguminaceae and compare them with inflowrescence and floral formula.34. dqdqjfcVs'kh dqy ds lCth o Qy esa mi;ksxh ikap ikS/kksa ds okuLifrd ukefyf[k,\What are the five vegetables and fruits plant which belong tocucurbitaceae family. Write their botanical name.35. fuEu dqyksa dk tk;ka] chtk.MU;kl ,oa iq"ilw= ds vk/kkj ij rqyukdhft,&(i) dqdqjfcVs'kh (ii) dEiksftVhDistinguish between cucurbitaceae and compositae on the basis<strong>of</strong> gynaecium, placenta and floral formula.(61)

UNIT - 15 txr dk oxhZdj.k1. tUrq txr dks fdrus mitxrksa esa LVksj ,oa ;wflatj }kjk foHkkftr fd;kx;k gSA izR;sd mitxr ds nks y{k.k fyf[k;sAClassify the Animal kingdom according to storer & usinger. Writetwo characterstics <strong>of</strong> each.2. jsfM,Vk rFkk ckbysVsfj;k eas vUrj Li"V dhft;s\How do Radiata differ from billateria.3. iSjktksvk o ;wesVkstksvk esa pkj foHksn nhft;s\Distinguish between parazoa and Eumetazoa?4. izksVkstksvk la?k ds y{k.k rFkk fdUgha nks tarqvksa ds oSKkfud uke fyf[k;s\Write major characterstic <strong>of</strong> protozoa along with two animals withscientificname?5. lkbdu fdl la?k dk gS\ ml la?k ds rhu y{k.k fyf[k;sATo which phylum sycon belong, write three characterstics.6. Qhrkd`fe fdl la?k dk tho gS\ bldh rhu fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k;sATo which phylum do tapeworm belong. Write three characterstics.7. fueSVksMk dh pkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k;s\What are four features <strong>of</strong> Nematoda?8. la?k ,susfyMk dh dksbZ rhu f<strong>of</strong>'k"V y{k.k ,oa nks tUrqvksa ds oSKkfuduke fyf[k;s\Write three distinguished character <strong>of</strong> Annelids along with twoscientific name <strong>of</strong> two animals.9. lhys.VsªVk la?k ds pkj f<strong>of</strong>'k"V y{k.k fyf[k;s\Write four characterstics <strong>of</strong> phylum Coelentrata?(62)

10. fdl la?k ds esa dSfYl;e ;qDr dop ik;h tkrh gSA mlds rhufoHksnd y{k.k fyf[k;sAAnimals that have calcareous shell belong to which phylum. writeits three distingushing characterstics?11. fcPNw ftl la?k esa vkrk gS ml ds pkj foHksnd y{k.k fyf[k;s\Scorpion belongs to which phylum? Write its four characterstics.12. bdkguksMesZVk la?k ds lkekU; pkj y{k.k fyf[k;s\What are four genral characterstics <strong>of</strong> Echinodermata?13. LVkjfQ'k] fcPNw] Qhrkd`fe] dspqvk dk oSKkfud uke fyf[k;s\Write the scientific name <strong>of</strong> Starfish, Scorpion, Tapeworm,Earthworm.14. dkMSVk la?k dh lkekU; pkj fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k;s\Write four genral characters <strong>of</strong> phylum chordata?15. i{kh oxZ ds rhu y{k.k ,oa ,d mnkgj.k nhft;s\What is the unique features <strong>of</strong> class Aves. Write three withexamples.16. Lru/kkjh tUrqvksa esa dksbZ pkj ds oSKkfud uke fyf[k;s\Write the four scientific names <strong>of</strong> mammals?17. mHk;pjh oxZ ds dksbZ pkj f<strong>of</strong>'k"V y{k.k fyf[k;s\Write the four unique characterstics <strong>of</strong> class Amphibian?18. i{kh] mHk;pjh ,oa Lru/kkjh oxZ ds nks&nks mnkgj.k fyf[k;s\Write any two examples <strong>of</strong> Aves, Amphibian and Mammals class?19. if{k;ksa ds mM+us ds fy;s d;k vuqdwyrk;sa gS\What are flight adaptation in Aves?(63)

UNIT - 16fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj dsoy ,d 'kCn esa fyf[k,&Answer the following questions in one word:1. fuokZr~ okYo dk mi;ksx fdl ih

11. Ldsuj dEI;wVj dh dkSu lh fMokbl ¼midj.k½ ds varxZr vkrk gSATo which group does <strong>of</strong> device does the Scanner belong?12. dh&cksMZ fdl izdkj dh fMokbl gS\Which type <strong>of</strong> device does the key-board?13. fMftVy ,oa ,ukykWx dEI;wVj ds la;ksx ls cuk dEI;wVj dkSu lk dEI;wVjdgykrk gS\A computer prepared by the combination <strong>of</strong> digital and analogcomputer is called?14. ykWih fMLd dk lkekU;r% O;kl fdruk gksrk gS\What is the usual diameter <strong>of</strong> a floppy disc?15. ,d dEI;wVj ds dh&cksMZ esa fdruh uqesfjd dh gksrh gSa\How many numeric keys are on a keyboard <strong>of</strong> computer?16. dEI;wVj ds dh&cksMZ ij CTRL dh dk vFkZ D;k gS\What is the meaning <strong>of</strong> CTRL key on a computer keyboard?17. ,d dEI;wVj ds dh&cksMZ esa QaD'kuy dh dh la[;k fdruh gksrh gS\What is the number <strong>of</strong> functional keys on the keyboard <strong>of</strong> acomputer?18. ekml fdl izdkj dh fMokbl ¼midj.k½ gS\What type <strong>of</strong> device is the mouse?19. DVD dk iwjk uke D;k gS\What is the full name <strong>of</strong> DVD?20. ekml esa fdrus cVu gksrs gSa\How many buttons are there in a mouse?(65)

lR;@vlR; esa mÙkj nhft,& Give answer in <strong>True</strong> or <strong>False</strong>:21. dh&cksMZ dEI;wVj dh eq[; fueZe bdkbZ gS\The main out device <strong>of</strong> the computer is the keyboard?22. dEI;wVj dk czsu ¼fnekx½ ekuhVj gS\The brain <strong>of</strong> computer is monitor.23. dEI;wVj ,d ls vf/kd Hkk"kk esa dk;Z ugha dj ldrk gSAComputer cannot work in more than one language?24. ekml dk iz;ksx dlZj dks fn'kk nsus o izksxzke p;u djus esa gksrk gSAThe mouse is used to move the cursor and to select the program.25. ykWih ,d buiqV o vkmViqV fMokbl nksuksa dk;Z djrh gSAFloppy is act as both input and output device.26. ystj fizsUVj dh xq.koÙkk vU; fizUVj dh rqyuk esa mÙke gksrh gSALaser printer quality is better than other printer?27. badtsV fizUVj esa gsM dk iz;ksx gksrk gS\Head is used in inkjet printer.28. lqij dEI;wVj dk mi;ksx 'kks/k dk;ksZa esa fd;k tkrk gSASuper computer is used in research work?29. ySiVkWi ,d ,ukykWx dEI;wVj gSALaptop is an analog computer.30. ih-lh- ,oa vU; lHkh lkekU; dEI;wVj fMftVy dEI;wVj gSaAP.C. and all other general computer are digital computer.31. lgh tksM+h cukb;s ,oa fyf[k,A(i) Mh-ogh-Mh- (i) MkVk VªkalQj(ii) gkMZfMLd (ii) LVksjst ehfM;k(66)

(iii)dh&cksMZ(iv) ykWih fMLd(iii) IysVksa dk lewg(iv) izeq[k buiqV bdkbZMatch the correct pairs:(i) DVD (i) Data Transfer(ii) Hard diskq (ii) Storage media(iii) Key-board(iv) Floppy disc(iii) Group <strong>of</strong> plates(iv) Main input unit32. (i) lh-ih-;w- (i) [ksyksa ds lkV os;j esa fuos'k bdkbZ(ii) ekuhVj (ii) izkFkfed fueZe bdkbZ(iii) ykbVisu(iii) ikoj baMhdsVj(iv) tk;fLVd(iv) esXusfVd bad33. (i) dsUnzh; lalk/ku bdkbZ (i) ekml(ii) fuos'k bdkbZ (ii) ifj.kke izLrqrhdj.k(iii) fuxZe bdkbZ (iii) C.P.U.(iv) fu;a=d bdkbZ (iv) ekuhVj(67)

UNIT -17lR;@vlR; esa mÙkj nhft,A Give the answer in <strong>True</strong> or <strong>False</strong>.1. foUMks&98 ,d vkijsfVax flLVe gS\Windows 98 is an operating system?2. ,y-,-,u- dk iwjk uke yksdy ,fj;k usVodZ gSAThe full name <strong>of</strong> LAN is Local Area Network.3. bZ&esy dk rkRi;Z bysDVªks LVsfVd esy ls gksrk gSAThe e-main means electrostatic mail.4. ,e-,l-oMZ esa ,d MkD;wesaV ds fizaV gsrq 'kkVZ dek.M Ctrl+P gSAThe short command to print a document from MS-Word is Ctrl+P.5. WWW dk iwjk uke World Wild Web gSAThe full name <strong>of</strong> WWW is World Wild Web.6. Lisy psd oMZ izkslslj dh ,d izeq[k lqfo/kk gS\Spell check is one <strong>of</strong> the main facility <strong>of</strong> word processor.7. ,fMV ehuw ds Undo dek.M dk iz;ksx fn, x, dek.M dks lekIr djusgsrq fd;k tkrk gSAThe Undo command is used end the given command?8. ,e-,l-oMZ esa Qkby lso djus ds fy, File ehuw ds Save dek.M dk iz;ksxugha djrs gSaATo save command <strong>of</strong> the file menu is not used to save the file inMS-Word.9. MªkbZo vkI'ku ls ;g fu/kkZfjr fd;k tkrk gS fd Qkby dgka lso djuk gSADrive option is used to determine the place where a file is to besave.(68)

10. ,e-,l-oMZ esa dsjsDVj Lisflax vkI'ku dk iz;ksx v{kjksa ds chp dh nwjhde ;k vf/kd djus gsrq fd;k tkrk gSAIn MS-Word character spacing is used for adjusting distancebetween letters.fjä LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft,AFill in the blanks:1. fo.Mks 98 ls ckgj vkus gsrq ----------- dek.M gSA ¼'kVMkmu@ju½To exit from window 98 ..........Run)command is used (Shutdown/2. foUMks esa ekbZ dEI;wVj ds lHkh vkbdku ------ iznf'kZr gksrs gSaA ¼NksVs@cM+s½In My Computer all the Icons in the windows appears ................(Small/Large)3. ------------------- vkI'ku dk iz;ksx dEI;wVj dks cUn djds iqu% Lor% pkyw djusgsrq fd;k tkrk gS\ ¼LVkVZ@fjLVkVZ½............ option is used to restart the computer automatically aftershutdown <strong>of</strong> it. (Start/Restart)4. eYVhehfM;k ----------------- ds {ks= easa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk jgk gSA ¼izR;sd{ks=@dsoy f'k{kk ds {ks= esa½Multimedia is playing a great role in ........... (All field/Only<strong>Education</strong> field)5. ,e-,l-oMZ esa ,uhes'ku izHkko -------------- gS fd fdlh MkD;wesaV esa mRiUu djldrs gSaA ¼N%@ukS½There are .......... animation effects in MS-Word that can add toour document. ( 6/9)6. fdlh MkD;wesaV dks lqUnj ,oa vkd"kZd cukus gsrq --------- mi;ksx fd;ktkrk gSA ¼Lisy psd@fDyi vkVZ½(69)

............... is used in the document to make it more beautiful andattractive. (Spell check/Clipart)7. uksVisM izksxzke dk mi;ksx VsDlV ds ---------- fy, fd;k tkrk gSA¼lsfVax@Vkbfiax½Notepad program is used for.......... the text. (Setting/Typing)8. VsDLV dks dV djus ds fy, ------ ehuw esa fn, x, Cut dek.M dk iz;ksxdjrs gSaA (,fMV@lpZ½To cut the text .......... Menu's cut command is used. (Edit/Search)9. QkbZy dks can djus gsrq----------- ehuw ds Dykst dek.M dk mi;ksx djrs gSaA¼,fMV@QkbZy½To close a file close command <strong>of</strong> the .......... Menu is used. (Edit/File)10. VkbZVy ckj ds Bhd uhps fLFkr ckj ------------------------ dgykrh gSA ¼ehuwckj@LØksy ckj½The Bar just below the title bar is called ...........(Menu Bar/Scroll bar)11. dsydqysVj fo.Mks 2000 ds izksxzke vkI'ku ehuw essa feyrk gSA (Addressbook/Accessories)12. ehuw ckj ds uhps ............. Vwyckj fLFkr gksrh gSA¼LVs.MMZ@QkeZsfVax½+..................... tool bar is located below the menu bar. (Addressbook/Accessories)13. ............. izksxzke lkVos;j dk mi;ksx foUMks esa MªkbZax cukus gsrq fd;ktkrk gSA (Paint/Notepad)........ program s<strong>of</strong>tware in window is used for making drawing.(Paint/Notepad)(70)

14. ,d o`Ùk --------- Vwy dks ysdj cuk;k trkk gSA (Polygon/Ellipse)A circle can be drawn by using tool. (Ellipse/polygon)lgh fodYi pqudj mÙkj nhft,&Give the correct answer choosing correct option:1. dkSu lh lqfo/kk MS-Word esa miyC/k ugha gksrh gS&(a) Lisfyax ,oa xzkej psfdax (b) vkVks djsDV Qhpj(c) (a) ,oa (b) nksuksa (c) (a) ,oa (b) nksuksa ughaWhich facility is not available in MS-Word:(a) Checking spelling and grammer(b) Auto correct feature(c) Both (a) and (b) are available(d) Both (a) and (b) are not available2. dkSu eYVhehfM;k dk mnkgj.k ugha gS&(a) xsEl (b) ,uhes'ku(c) MS-Word (d) ,uhesVsM ewohtWhich is not an example <strong>of</strong> multimedia:(a) Games (b) Animation(c) MS-Word (d) Animated movies3. Ctrl + H fdldk 'kkVZ dek.M gS&(a) VsDLV dks MkWD;wesaV esa

Ctrl + H is a short command <strong>of</strong>:(a) Find text in a document(b) Change the font(c) Replace text in a document (d) Change the size <strong>of</strong> the font4. fdlh lkVos;j dks izkjEHk djus ds fy, fdl dek.M dk mi;ksx fd;ktkrk gS&(a) 'kV Mkmu (b) LVkVZ ehuw(c) ju (d) ykWx vkuTo start a s<strong>of</strong>tware which command is used:(a) Shut down (b) Start menu(c) Run (d) Log on5. dEI;wVj eas fMyhV dh xbZ Qkbyas ,df=r gksrh gS&(a) ekbZ MkWD;wesaV esa (b) ekbZ dEI;wVj esa(c) fjlkbdy fcu esa (d) MsLdVkWi esaIn computer deleted files are accumulated in:(a) My document (b) My computer(c) Recyclebin (d) Desktop6. WAN dk iwjk uke D;k gS&(a) Wide Area Network (b) Wide Array Network(c) Widely adapted Network (d) World Area NetworkThe Full name <strong>of</strong> WAN is:(a) Wide Area Network (b) Wide Array Network(c) Widely adapted Network (d) World Area Network7. fuEu esa ls dkSu lgh lEcU/k crkrk gS&(a) 1 xhxk ckbV = 1024 fdyksckbV(b) 1 xhxk ckbV = 1000 esxkckbV(72)

(c) 1 xhxk ckbV = 1024 esxkckbV1 xhxkckbV = 1000 fdyksckbV(d)8. foUMkst dh uksVisM LØhu esa daVªksy ckDl dk mi;ksx fd;k trkk gS&(a) feuhekbt djus gsrq (b) esfDlekbt djus gsrq(c) Dykst djus gsrq (d) mä lHkhIn windows notepad screen the control box is used for:(a) to minimize (b) to maximize(c) to close (d) All <strong>of</strong> the above9. foUMksy esa isUV izksxzke lkVos;j fdu&fdu dk;ksZa esa mi;ksxh gS&(a) jax djus esa (b) Mªkbax esa(c) Vk;fiax esa (d) lHkh esaWindows paint program s<strong>of</strong>tware is used for which works:(a) Colouring (b) Drawing(c) Typing (d) All <strong>of</strong> the above10. foUMkst esa isUV izksxzke lkVos;j esa Vwy ,;j czq'k dk mi;ksx fdlfy,fd;k tkrk gS&(a) MªkbZax ,fj;k esa jaxksa ds Lizs djus gsrq(b) MªkbZax ,fj;k esa lh/kh ykbu cukus gsrq(c) MªkbZax ,fj;k esa vokafNr Hkkx vyx djus gsrq(d) MªkbZax ,fj;k esa doMZ ykbu cukus esaAirbrush tool in the paint program <strong>of</strong> windows is used for(a) Spraying the colours in the drawing area(b) drawing straight line in the drawing area(c) Erasing the unwanted part <strong>of</strong> the picture(d) Drawing a curved line in the drawing area.11. lgh tksM+h cukbZ;s&(a) Ctrl + V dh (i) orZeku Qkby dks fdlh VkbVy esa ls lso djuk(b) Note pad (ii) oMZ izkslslj dh ,d izeq[k lqfo/kk(73)

(c) New (iii) u;s LFkku ij isLV djul(d) Save As (iv) izksxzke Qkby bu foUMks(e) ,fMfVax ,fj;k (v) ubZ Qkby cukuk(f) czq'kVwy (vi) isfUVax izksxzke(g) Lisy psd (vi) VsDLV Vkbi djuk(74)

UNIT -181. &8] &4] 0] 4] 8 dk 12 ok¡ 45 Kkr djks\Find out the 12 th Terms <strong>of</strong> -8, -4, 0, 4, 8 ?2. 5] 8] 11 ------------------ 320 esa fdrus in gSa\How many term's are in the series 5, 8, 11........... 320.3. ;fn K, K+1 ,oa 7 fdlh lekUrj ds rhu +Øekxr in gS rks K dkeku Kkr dhft,\If K, K+1 and 7 are three consecutive term,s <strong>of</strong> ArithmaticProgression. find out the value <strong>of</strong> K?4. ,d A.P. dk 5 ok¡ in 10 ,oa 12 ok¡ in 24 gS rks dks Kkr dhft,\The 5 th term <strong>of</strong> A.P. is 10 and 12 th term is 24 find out the series?5. 3] 6] 9 ds 10 inksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr djks\Find out the sum <strong>of</strong> 10 term <strong>of</strong> series 3, 6, 9 ?6. &2] 3] 8] 13 ds 20 inksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr dhft,\Find out the sum <strong>of</strong> 20 terms <strong>of</strong> series -2, 3, 8, 13 ?7. 1 vkSj 25 ds chp 5 lekUrj ek/; inksa dks Kkr dhft,\Find out five8. 1] 3]9 dk 6oka in Kkr dhft,\Find out the 6th term <strong>of</strong> series 1,3,9.9. 81] 27] &9] 3 dk 7oka in Kkr djks\Find out the 7th term <strong>of</strong> 81, 27, –9, 3?10. ,d xq.kksÙkj dk rhljk in 9 ,oa 7oka in 729 gS\ Kkr dhft,\The third term <strong>of</strong> a G.P. in 9 and 7th term <strong>of</strong> G.P. is 729? Find outthe series?(75)

11. 4] 8] 16 ds 6 inksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr djks\Find out series <strong>of</strong> six term <strong>of</strong> series 4, 4, 16.12. 100 vkSj 300 ds chp dh le la[;kvksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr dhft,\Find out the sum <strong>of</strong> the even numbers between 100 and 300?13. 3 , 3 3 , 9 3 , 27 3 dk 8 oka in Kkr dhft,\Find out the 8th term <strong>of</strong> 3 , 3 3 , 9 3 , 27 3 ?14. 1] 2] 4 ------- ds dqN inksa dk ;ksxQy 1023 gS rks ml esa inksadh la[;k Kkr dhft,\In the sum <strong>of</strong> few terms <strong>of</strong> a series 1,2,4 is 1023?15. 2 + 6 + 18 ds 10 inksa dk ;ksxQy D;k gksxk\What will be the sum <strong>of</strong> 10 terms <strong>of</strong> the series 2+6+1815. 2+ 6 + 18 ds 10 inksa dk ;ksxQy D;k gksxk\What will be the sum <strong>of</strong> 10 terms <strong>of</strong> the series 2+ 6 + 18.16. 2+ 1 + ½ ds vuUr inksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr djksa\Find out the sum <strong>of</strong> infinite terms <strong>of</strong> the series 2+ 1 + ½.17. 1 5 , 1 25 , 1125ds inksa dk ;ksxQy Kkr dhft,\Find out the sum <strong>of</strong> infinite terms <strong>of</strong> series 1 5 , 1 25 , 112518. 3 vkSj 192 ds chp ikap xq.kksÙkj ek/; in fLFkr gSa rks nwljs ,oa ikaposek/; inksa dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,\In there are five geometric means between 3 and 192 thanfind out the ratio <strong>of</strong> second and fifth geometric mean?19. ;fn 5, a, b, c, 80 xq.kksÙkj esa gSa rks a . cbdk eku Kkr dhft,\(76)

20. 1, 1 2 , 1 3dk 120oka in Kkr dhft,\Find ot the 120th term <strong>of</strong> series 1, 1 2 , 1 3 ?21. ,d gjkRed dk rhljk in 1 9 vkSj 11 oka 1 33gS rks Kkr djks\22.37vkSj 1 9ds chp pkj gjkRed ek/; in Kkr dhft,\23 nks la[;kvksa dk lekUrj ek/; 12-5 gS rFkk xq.kksÙkj ek/; 10 gS rks mudkgjkRed ek/; Kkr dhft,\The arthematic mean <strong>of</strong> two numbers is 12.5 and their geometicmean is 10 than find out their harmonic mean?24. nks la[;kvksa dk lekUrj ek/; 9 vkSj gjkRed ek/; 8 gS rks la[;k,sa Kkrdhft,\The arthmatic mean <strong>of</strong> two number is 9 and their harmonic meanis 8 find out these numbers.25. nks la[;kvksa dk lekUrj ek/; 15 ,oa mudk xq.kksÙkj ek/; 10 2 gS rksla[;k,a Kkr dhft,\(77)

UNIT - 191. 30º ,oa 60º ds dksbZ pkj f=dks.kferh; vuqikrksa ds eku fyf[k,\Write down the value <strong>of</strong> any four trigonometrical ratios for 30ºand 60º?2. Tan and sec ds 0º, 30º, 45º ,oa 60º ds eku fyf[k,\Write down the value <strong>of</strong> Tan and Sec for 0º, 30º, 45º and 60º.3. Sin 2 + cos 2 30 dk eku Kkr dhft,\Find out the value <strong>of</strong> Sin2+ cos2 30π π π4. sin sin sin2 3 4+ + dks ljy dhft,\π π π2 3 4Simplify the sin + sin + sin5. sin 90. cos30 + cos30. sin 60 dk eku Kkr dhft,\Find out the value <strong>of</strong> sin 90. cos30 + cos30. sin 606. 2 2 2sin 30 sin 45 sin 60+ + dk eku Kkr dhft,\Find out the value <strong>of</strong> sin + sin + sin2 2 27. tan 30 sin 30 cos 030 45 602 2 216+ − + = − fl) dhft,\1+ − + = − .62 2 2Prove that tan 30 sin 30 cos 08. ;fn θ = 45º gS rks 2sin θ.cosθdk eku Kkr dhft,\If θ = 45º then find out the value <strong>of</strong> 2sin θ.cosθ9. 2 2 2 2sec 60 sin 45 tan 45 cos 60− + − ec dk eku Kkr dhft,\(78)

10. ;fn θ = 30º gS rks fl) dhft, fd 2tanθ=1+tanθ32If θ = 30º then prove that 2tanθ=1+tanθ3211. ;fn x = 30º gS rks fl) dhft, fd 22x − 1 = 60cos º sin º12.21−tan 30º21+tan 30ºdk eku Kkr dhft,\− tan º21+tan 30ºFind out the value <strong>of</strong> 1 230π π π+ + = 1 1 3 6 4 213. fl) djks fd sin sin sin2 2 2π π π+ + = 1 1 3 6 4 2Prove that sin sin sin2 2 214.tan 60º + tan 30º1−tan 60º .tan 30Find out the value <strong>of</strong>dk eku Kkr dhft,\tan 60º + tan 30º1−tan 60º .tan 3015. ;fn θ = 60º gS rks 2tanθ21−tan θIf θ = 60º then findout the value <strong>of</strong>dk eku D;k gksxk\2 tanθ21−tan θ16.cos 60º + sin 30ºcos 60ºFind out the value <strong>of</strong>dk eku Kkr dhft,\cos 60º + sin 30ºcos 60º17. tan 60º .tan 45º .tan 30º = sin 90ºfl) dhft,\Prove that tan 60º .tan 45º .tan 30º = sin 90º18. ;fn 2sin ∝= 3 gS rks ∝ dk eku Kkr dhft,\If 2sin ∝= 3 than find out the value <strong>of</strong> α.(79)

19. ;fn A = 30º vkSj B = 60º gS rks SinA. CosB + cos A.sinB dk eku Kkrdhft,\If A = 30º and B = 60º then find out the value <strong>of</strong>SinA. CosB + cos A.sinB?20. ;fn x = 45º gS rks fl) djks fd sinIf x = 45° then prove that sin2 tan x2x= = cos2x21 +\tan x2 tan x2x= = cos2x21 +?tan x(80)

UNIT - 20fjä LFkku dh iwfrZ dhft,&Fill up the blank with suitable word:1. vk/kqfud ;qx esa oSfnd ds iz/kku -------- gSaAIn modern age the chief <strong>of</strong> Vedic Maths is ...........2. osnksa esa ----------- ljy xf.krh; lw= gSaAIn vedas there are ............ simple mathematical formula?3. oSfnd }kjk ge fcuk igkM+k i

8. nks vadh; la[;k ds xq.kuQy dk vk/kkj vad 100 gSAThe basic number for the multiplication <strong>of</strong> one digit number is100.9. nks vadh; la[;kvksa ds oSfnd f<strong>of</strong>/k ls xq.kuQy dk vk/kkj vad 10 gSAThe basic number for the multiplication by vedic method <strong>of</strong> twodigit number is 10.10. nksh; la[;kvkas ds xq.kuQy esa izkIr U;wurkvksa dk lh/kk xq.kuQy mÙkj dknkfguk fgLlk crkrk gSAIn the multiplication <strong>of</strong> two digit number the direct multiplication<strong>of</strong> the minimum number obtained by the difference gives the rightpart <strong>of</strong> the answer.(82)

TEST PAPER1. ty esa lajpukRed izksVhu dh vfoys;rk enn djrh gS&(a) tho dh cukoV dks cuk;s j[kus esa(b) tho dh jpuk dks etcwrh nsus esa(c) nksuksa (a) vkSj (b)(d) mijksDr dksbZ ughaInsolubility <strong>of</strong> structural proteins in water helps to:(a) Retain the form <strong>of</strong> the organism(b) Strengthen the structure <strong>of</strong> the organism(c) Both (a) and (b)(d) None <strong>of</strong> above2. buesa ls dkSu lk inkFkZ vYQk Xyqdkst ?kVd ugha cukrk&(a) ,ekbyst (b) lsY;qykst(c) ,ekbyksisDVhu (d) XykbdksftuOf which one <strong>of</strong> the following alpha glucose does not form acomponent?(a) Amylase (b) Cellulose(c) Amylopectin (d) Glycogen3. lsY;qykst ds ,d v.kq esa cps Xyqdkst v.kqvksa dh la[;k gksrh gS&(a) yxHkx 10]000 (b) yxHkx 2]000(c) yxHkx 6]000 (d) yxHkx 600The number <strong>of</strong> glucose residues in one molecule <strong>of</strong> cellulose is:(a) about 10,000 (b) about 2,000(c) about 6,000 (d) about 600(83)

4. fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu lk inkFkZ ylylk ugha gS&(a) vxkj (b) ,ythfud vEy(c) dkbZfVu (d) dsfjftfuuWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following is not a mucilage?(a) Agar (b) Alginic acid(c) Chitin (d) Carrageenin5. fuEu esa ls dkSu lk inkFkZ VwV QwV jks/kh dkap esa iz;qDr gksrk gS&(a) lsY;qykst ukbVsªV (b) lsY;qykst ,flVsV(c) dkjcksdjlh feFkkbZy lsY;qykst(d) lk/kkj.k lsY;qykstWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following is used in shatter-pro<strong>of</strong> glass?(a) Cellulose nitrate(c) Carboxylmethyl cellulose(b) Cellulose acetate(d) Simple cellulose6. izksVhu dh mifLFkfr (condition) vklkuh ls cny tkrh gS&(a) ih- ,p- (b) rkiØe(c) jklk;fud inkFkZ (d) mijksDr lHkhThe conformation <strong>of</strong> protein is easily changed by:(a) pH (b) Temperature(c) Chemical substances (d) All <strong>of</strong> these7. fdl vk/kkj ij izksVhu dks ljy ,oa dkatqxsVsM izksVhu ea oxhZd`r fd;k gS\(a) lajpuk (b) dk;Z(c) nksuksa (a) ,oa (b) (d) LFk;hdj.kProteins are classified as simple and conjugated proteins on thebasis <strong>of</strong>:(a) Structure (b) Function(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Conformation(84)

8. dSalj iSnk djus okyh 'kdZjk gS&(a) ysDVkst (b) dkbZfVu(c) lsdjhu (d) ek;ksXyksfcuCancer causing sugar is:(a) Lactose (b) Chitin(c) Sacchorine (d) Myoglobin9. jsfQuksu dk ty vi?kVu cukrk gS&(a) xsysDVkst (b) ÝqDVkst(c) Xyqdkst (d) mijksDr lHkhThe hydrolysis <strong>of</strong> raffinose yields:(a) Galactose (b) Fructose(c) Glucose (d) All the above10. fuEu esa ls dkSu lk js'ksnkj izksVksu gS&(a) ,YC;wfeu (b) XyksC;qfyu(c) XyqVsfyu (d) dkWysftuWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following is the fibrous protein?(a) Albumin (b) Globulin(c) Glutelin (d) Collagen11. fuEu esa ls fdl lewg esa lHkh iksyh lsdjkbM gS&(a) Xykbdksftu] lqØkst ,oa ekYVkst(b) Xykbdksftu] lsY;qykst ,oa jVkpZ(c) ekYVkst] ysDVkst ,oa ÝksDVkst(d) Xyqdkst] lqØkst ,oa ekYVkstIn which <strong>of</strong> the following group all are polysaccharides?(a) Glycogen, sucrose and maltose(85)

(b) Glycogen, cellulose and starch(c) Maltose, lactose and fructose(d) Glucose, sucrose and maltose12. lw;Z ds izdk'k }kjk Ropk esa foVkfeu dk la'ys"k.k gksrk gS&(a) 7&gkbMªkDlh dksysLVªky (b) lhQsuks dksysLVªky(c) dksysLVªky (d) mijksDr lHkhVitamin D is synthesized in the skin by the action <strong>of</strong> sunlight on:(a) 7-hydroxy cholesterol (b)Cephano-cholesterol(c) Cholesterol (d) All <strong>of</strong> above13. ikni dks'kk fHkfÙk dk egRoiw.kZ Hkkx lsY;qykst ls cuk gksrk gS&(a)(b)Xyqdkst v.kqvksa dh 'kkf[kr Jà[kyk tks 1] 6 XykdksflfMd ca/k ls fljsij tqM+h jgrh gSAXyqdkst v.kqvksa dh v'kkf[kr Jà[kyk tks 1] 4 XykbdksflfMd ca/k lsla;qDr gksrh gSA(c) Xyqdksu v.kqvksa dh 'kkf[kr Jà[kyk tks ,d lh/kh tathj }kjk 1] 4XykbdksflfMd ca/k ls fljs ij tqM+h jgrh gSA(d)Xyqdksu v.kqvksa dh v'kkf[kr tathj tks 1] 4 XykbyksflfMd ca/k lstqM+h jgrh gSACellulose most important constituent <strong>of</strong> plant cell wall is made <strong>of</strong>:(a)Branched chain <strong>of</strong> glucose molecules linked by 1,6 glycosidicbond at the site <strong>of</strong> branching(b) Unbranched chain <strong>of</strong> glucose molecules linked by 1,4glycosidic bond(c)Branched chain <strong>of</strong> glucose molecules linked by b 1,4 glycosidicbond in straight chain and a- 1,6 glycosidic bond at the site <strong>of</strong>branching.(d) Unbranching chain <strong>of</strong> glucose molecules linked by b 1,4glycosidic bond(86)

14. Mh-,u-,- ,oa vkj-,u-,- ,d nwljs ls lekurk j[krs gS&(a) leku fifjfefMu csl¼{kkj½ (b) leku 'kdZjk(c) f}&xq.ku dh {kerk (d) U;wfDyvksVkbM cgqydDNA and RNA resemble each other in possessing:(a) Similar pyrimidine bases(c) Ability to replicate(b) Similar sugars(d) Polymers <strong>of</strong> nucleotides15. izksVhu dkcksZgkbMsªV ls feydj cukrk gS&(a) ykbiks izksVhu (b) yhfl;ks izksVhu(c) Økseks izksVhu (d) Xykbdks izksVhuA protein combined with carbohydrates forms:(a) Lipoprotein (b) Lecithoprotein(c) Chromoprotein (d) Glycoprotein16. Mh-,u-,- dqaMyh ds ,d pDdj esa fdrus {kkj tksM+s feyrs gS&(a) 12 (b) 11(c) 10 (d) 817. Base pairs found in one turn <strong>of</strong> DNA spiral are:(a) 12 (b) 11(c) 10 (d) 818. Mh-,u-,- ds nks vklus&lkeus okys ukbVªftul cslsl dh nwjh&(a) 2.4A (b) 3.4A(c) 24A 0 (d) 34A 0Distance between two adjecent nitrogenous bases <strong>of</strong> DNA is:(a) 2.4 Å (b) 3.4 Å(c) 24 Å (d) 34 Å(87)

19. dks'k dk lcls vf/kd f<strong>of</strong>o/krk fy;s v.kq dkSu lk gS&(a) [kfut yo.k (b) fyfiMl(c) izksVhUl (d) dkcksZgkbMªsVWhich one is most diverse molecule <strong>of</strong> cell?(a) Mineral salts (b) Lipids(c) Proteins (d) Carbohydrates20. eaM nkuk vaMkdkj ,oa ,dlsafVªd feyrk gS&(a) vkyw (b) xsgwa(c) pkoy (d) eDdkOval and eccentric starch grains occur in:(a) Potato (b) Wheat(c) Rice (d) Maize21. U;wfDyvd vEy esa izksVks IykTe dh ek=k gksrh gS&(a) 35% (b) 29%(c) 10% (d) 2%Contents <strong>of</strong> nucleic acids in protoplasm is:(a) 35% (b) 29%(c) 10% (d) 2%22. nw/k eas ik;s tkus okys izksVhu esa gksrk gS*&(a) olk (b) dkcksZgkbMªV(c) izksVhu (d) csdjhfV;eCasein contained in milk is:(a) Fat (b) Carbohydrate(c) Protein (d) Bacterium(88)

23. QkLQksfyfiM gS&(a) ,EQhisfFkd (b) ,EQhcksfyd(c) gkbMªksQkfcd (d) mijksDr lHkhPhospholipids are:(a) Amphipathic (b) Amphibolic(c) Hydrophobic (d) All <strong>of</strong> above24. ikS/kksa dh dks'kk fHkfÙk lsY;qykst dh cuh gksrh gS tks fd izdkj gS&(a) izksVhu (b) fyfiM(c) iksyhlsdjkbM (d) ,ehuks vEyThe cell wall <strong>of</strong> plants is made up <strong>of</strong> cellulose, which is a type <strong>of</strong>:(a) Protein (b) Lipid(c) Polysaccharide (d) Amino acid25. izksVhu la'ys"k.k esa mi;ksx gksus okys vehuks vEy dh la[;k gS&(a) 20 (b) 35(c) 50 ls vf/kd (d) 100 ls vf/kdThe number <strong>of</strong> amino acid used in protein synthesis is:(a) 20 (b) 35(c) more than 50 (d) more than 10026. Mh-,u-,- ds ,d pDdj esa fdrus {kkj tksM+s mifLFkr gksrs gSa&(a) 10 (b) 9(c) 11 (d) 12How many base pairs are present in turn <strong>of</strong> DNA(a) 10 (b) 9(c) 11 (d) 12(89)

27. LVhjkbM gS&(a) FkkbjkWfDlu MsfVosfVOgl (b) foVkfeu ,(c) FkkbjkbM vEy (d) bZLVj vkSj olh; vEySteroid is:(a) Thyroxine derivative (b) Vitamin A(c) Thyroid acid (d) Easter and fatty acid28. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk foVkfeu B 2ls lacaf/kr gS&(a) FMN/FAD (b) NAD(c) NADH (d) NADH 2Which <strong>of</strong> the following is related with vitamin B 2?(a) FMN/FAD (b) NAD(c) NADH (d) NADH 229. ,d ,-Vh-ih- n'kkZrk gS&(a) vf/kd ÅtkZ okys ca/k (b) QkWLQksjl ds nks eksy(c) QkLQsV ds rhu ijek.kq mPp ÅtkZ okys(d) mijksDr dksbZ ughaAn ATP represents:(a) The bonds with high energy(b) Two moles <strong>of</strong> phosphorus(c) Three atoms <strong>of</strong> high energy phosphate(d) None <strong>of</strong> above30. Mh-,u-,- tks mPp {kkjh; izksVhu ls la;qDr gksrk gS dgykrk gS&(a) fgLVksu (b) ukWu fgLVksu(c) gkjfMu (d) ,yg;wfeu(90)

DNA is associated with highly basic protein called:(a) Histones (b) Non-histone(c) Hordein (d) Albumins31. izksVhu v.kq vR;kf/kd f<strong>of</strong>o/krk gksrh gS vSkj bldh f<strong>of</strong>o/krk dk dkj.k gS&(a) vehuks vEy dk vehuks lewg(b) R- lewg vehuks vEy esa(c) vehuks vEy dh Øe c)rk izksVhu v.kq ds lkFk(d) isIVkbM ca/kThe enormous diversity <strong>of</strong> a protein molecule is mostly due to thediversity <strong>of</strong>:(a) Amino group <strong>of</strong> the amino acids(b) R-groups in the amino acid(c) Amino acid sequence with the protein molecule(d) Peptide bonds32. la'ysf"kr izksVhu gksrs gSa&(a) jkbckslkse (b) ekbVks dkafMª;k(c) xkYxh ckWMht (d) lsUVªkslkseThe proteins are synthesized at:(a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria(c) Centrosomes (d) Golgi bodies33. rkjihu ds rsy dk L=ksr gS&(a) QuZ (b) lw;Zeq[kh(c) ikbul (d) ekWl ikS/kkThe source <strong>of</strong> turpentine oil is:(a) Fern (b) Sunflower(c) Pinus (d) Moss plant(91)

34. vkuqoaf'kd lwpuk yEch Jà[kyk okys v.kqvksa ds }kjk Hksth tkrh gS&(a) Øksekslkse (b) ,Utkbe(c) U;wfDyvksVkbM (d) vehuks vEyThe genetic information is carried by long chain molecules <strong>of</strong>:(a) Chromosomes (b) Enzymes(c) Nucleotides (d) Amino acids35. ?kjsyw eD[kh esa fdrus fydst lewg mifLFkr gksrs gSa&(a) 23 (b) 46(c) 10 (d) 4How many linkage groups are present in Drosophila?(a) 23 (b) 46(c) 10 (d) 436. cgq/kk lq"kqIr y{k.k rc fn[kkbZ nsrs gSa tc nksgjh lq"kqIr fLFkfr gksrh gS tcfd,d lq"kqIr thu euq"; esa fn[kkbZ nsrk gS ;k ifjyf{kr gksrk gS tcfd thumifLFkfr gksrk gS&(a) dksbZ Hkh xq.klw=(b) eknk esa x xq.klw=(c) uj esa x xq.klw=(d) vkVkslkse ;k x xq.klw=Usually the recessive character is expressed only when present indouble recessive condition. However, single recessive gene canexpress itself in human being, when the gene present on:(a) Any chromosome(b) X-chromosome <strong>of</strong> female(c) X-chromosome <strong>of</strong> male(d) Either an autosome or X-chromosome(92)

37. jDr lac/akksa esa ;k ppsjs HkkbZ cguksa esa fookg laikfnr ugha gksrs D;ksafd&(a) iztuu ?kVsxk (b) dq'kkxzrk c

40. xq.klw= ij thUl ds foHkktu dh fo'ks"k fLFkfr dgykrh gS&(a) la;ksth ekufp= (b) thu ekufp=(c) xq.klw= ekufp= (d) mijksDr lHkhPlotting <strong>of</strong> specific location <strong>of</strong> genes on the chromosome is called:(a) Linkage map(c) Chromosome map(b) Gene map(d) All the above41. tc nks vyx thUl tks fd nks vyx xq.kksa okys gSa ,d gh xq.klw= ij gksrsgSa] dgykrs gS&(a) ,yhywjk (b) la;ksth(c) lsxzhxsVsM (d) ek/;If two genes <strong>of</strong> two different traits are located on the samechromosomes, they are termed as:(a) Alleles(c) Segregated(b) Linked(d) Intermediate(94)

TEST PAPER1. Dyksjhu ijek.kq ds v;qfXer bysDVª kWu ds Dok.Ve la[;k dk lgh leqPp; gS&n l m l(a) 2 1 0(b) 2 1 0(c) 3 1 1(d) 3 0 0The correct set <strong>of</strong> quantum numbers for the unpaired electrons <strong>of</strong> chlorine atoms is:n l m l(a) 2 1 0(b) 2 1 0(c) 3 1 1(d) 3 0 02. leku (n + l) eku okys d{kdksa dk lewg gSa&(a) 3 p, 3d, 4f(c) 4s, 3d, 5p(b) 3d, 4p, 5s(d) 3d, 3p, 4sGroup <strong>of</strong> orbitals having identical values <strong>of</strong> (n + l) is:(a) 3 p, 3d, 4f(c) 4s, 3d, 5p(b) 3d, 4p, 5s(d) 3d, 3p, 4s3. He + ds f}rh; cksj d{k esa bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ gksxh&(a) -6.86 eV(c) -27.20 eV(b) -13.60 eV(d) -54.40 eVEnergy <strong>of</strong> the electron in the second orbit <strong>of</strong> He + is:(a) -6.86 eV(c) -27.20 eV(b) -13.60 eV(d) -54.40 eV4. Dok.Ve la[;kvksa ds lUnHkZ esa fuEu esa ls dkSu lk dFku vlR; gS(a) eq[; Dok.Ve la[;k,a gSa] n = 1, 2, 3 ............(b) fnxa'kh Dok.Ve la[;k,a gSa] l =0, 1,2 ........(n - 1)(c) pqEcdh; Dok.Ve la[;k,a gSa] m = -l, (1-l), ...... 0 ..... (l - 1). l(d) pØ.k Dok.Ve la[;k,a gSa] m s = +½, 0, -½Referring to quantum numbers which statement is incorrect?(a) Values <strong>of</strong> principal quantum numbers are : n = 1, 2, 3 ............(b) Values <strong>of</strong> azimuthal quantum numbers are: l =0, 1,2 ........(n - 1)(c) Valuess <strong>of</strong> magnetic quantum numbers are:(d) Values <strong>of</strong> spin quantum numbers are: m s = +½, 0, -½m = -l, (1-l), ...... 0 ..... (l - 1). l(95)

5. gkbtsucxZ ds vfuf'prrk ds fl)kUr ds vuqlkj4π(a) ∆ p. ∆x≥ (b) ∆ p . ∆ x ≥hh(c) ∆ p.∆x≥ (d) ∆ p.∆x≥4πhπTEST PAPER2πhHeisenberg's uncertainty priciple confirms the formula:4π(a) ∆ p. ∆x≥ (b) ∆ p . ∆ x ≥hh(c) ∆ p.∆x≥ (d) ∆ p.∆x≥4πhπ2πh6. He + LisDVª e esa izdk'kh; Vª kath'ku h = 4 ls n = 2 rd] gkbMª kstu ds fdl Vª kath'ku ds lkis{k gS\(a) n = 2 to n = 1 (b) n = 3 to n = 1(c) n = 3 to n = 2 (d) n = 4 to n = 2In the spectrum <strong>of</strong> He + ion, the transition corresponding to h = 4 to n = 2 is equivalentto which transition <strong>of</strong> H-spectrum?(a) n = 2 to n = 1 (b) n = 3 to n = 1(c) n = 3 to n = 2 (d) n = 4 to n = 27. P −3 esa mifLFkr bysDVª kWu fuEu esa ls fdlds cjkcj gksaxs(a) S (b) Ar (c) Cl (d) Na +Electrons present in P -3 are equal to electrons in:(a) S (b) Ar (c) Cl (d) Na +8. f<strong>of</strong>HkUu midks'kksa dh Dok.Ve la[;k,a uhps nh xbZ gSaA ml midks'k dk p;u dhft, ftlesa vf/kdrebysDVª kWu leaftr gks ldrs gSa&(a) n = 2 to l = 1 (b) n = 4 to l = 4(c) n = 5 to l = 0 (d) n = 4 to l = 3Choose the sub-shell which can accommodate maximum number <strong>of</strong> electrons:(a) n = 2 to l = 1 (b) n = 4 to l = 4(c) n = 5 to l = 0 (d) n = 4 to l = 39. dkSulk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl vlEHko gS&(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 , (b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 1p 7 ,(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 (d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 5Which <strong>of</strong> the following electronic configuration is impossible:(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 , (b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 1p 7 ,(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 (d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 5(96)

10. dkSulk rRo vxksyh; bysDVª kWu vHkz j[krk gS&(a) He(c) Be(b) B(d) LiTEST PAPERWhich <strong>of</strong> the following element possesses non-spherical electron-cloud:(a) He(c) Be(b) B(d) Li11. gkbMª kstu dh vk;uhdj.k ÅtkZ 313.8 fd-dS- izfr eksy gSA ;fn bysDVª kWu cksj ijek.kq ds nwljs d{k easa gksrks mldh ÅtkZ gksxh&(a) -113.2 (b) -78.45 -313.8 k/cal/mole (d) -35 the ionization energy <strong>of</strong> hydrogen is 313.8 k. cal per mole, then the energy <strong>of</strong> theelectron in 2nd Bohr orbit is:(a) -113.2 (b) -78.45 -313.8 k/cal/mole (d) -35 dkcZu esa bysDVª kWu dh la[;k gS&(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12Number <strong>of</strong> electrons in carbon atoms are:(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 1213. K o Ca ds vfUre dks'k dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl Øe'k% gS&(a) 3s 1 , 3s 2 (b) 3p 1 , 3p 2(c) 4s 1 , 4s 2 (d) 2s 1 , 2s 2Electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> ultimate shell <strong>of</strong> K and Ca respectively is:(a) 3s 1 , 3s 2 (b) 3p 1 , 3p 2(c) 4s 1 , 4s 2 (d) 2s 1 , 2s 214. ijek.kq Hkkj dk vk/kqfud vk/kkj gS&(a) leLFkkfud H 1 = 1.000(b) lk/kkj.k vkDlhtu = 16.000(c) leLFkkfud O 16 = 16.000(d) leLFkkfud C 12 = 12.000The modern basis <strong>of</strong> atomic weight is:(a) Isotope H 1 = 1.000(b) Ordinary oxygen = 16.000(c) Isotope O 16 = 16.000(d) Isotope C 12 = 12.000(97)

15. p-vkfcZVy dh vkd`fr gksxh&(a) xksykdkj(b) nks Li'kZ djrs o`Ù k(c) MEc lsyl(d) mi;qZä dksbZ ughaShape <strong>of</strong> the p-orbital is:(a) Spherical(b) Like two circles touching at a point(c) Dumb-bell(d) None <strong>of</strong> theseTEST PAPER16. vU; rhuksa ds vfrfjä fdlds LisDVª e dh O;k[;k djus esa cksj fl)kUr vlQy jgk(a) Na +10 (b) B +4(c) pqEcdh; {ks= esa H-ijek.kq(d) He +Bohr could not explain the spectrum <strong>of</strong>:(a) Na +10 (b) B +4(c) H-atom in the magnetic field(d) He +17. H-ijek.kq ds dkSu ls laØe.k esa ÅtkZ dk vo'kks"k.k vFkok mRlftZr ugha gksrk&(a) 3 P x →3s(c) 3s →3d xy(b) 3d xy →3d yz(d) All the aboveWhich <strong>of</strong> the following transition neither shows absorption nor emission <strong>of</strong> energy:(a) 3 P x →3s (b) 3d xy →3d yz(c) 3s →3d xy (d) All the above18. bysDVª kWu ds Dok.Ve la[;k dk dkSu lk leqPp; mPpre ÅtkZ iznf'kZr djrk gS&(a) 3, 2, 1, + ½(c) 4, 1, 0, - ½(b) 4, 2, -1, + ½(d) 5, 0, 0, + ½Which set <strong>of</strong> quantum numbers, for the electron shows highest energy(a) 3, 2, 1, + ½(c) 4, 1, 0, - ½(b) 4, 2, -1, + ½(d) 5, 0, 0, + ½19. gkbMª kstu ds ckej ds izFke js[kk dh rjax la[;k 15200 cm -1 gSA crkb;s Li +2 vk;u ds ckej Js.khdh izFke js[kk dh rjax la[;k gksxh:(a) 15200 cm -1 (b) 60800 cm -1(c) 76000 cm -1 (d) 136800 cm -1(98)

TEST PAPERWave number <strong>of</strong> first line <strong>of</strong> Balmer series <strong>of</strong> hydrogen spectrum is 15200 cm -1 . Whatwould be the wave number <strong>of</strong> the first line <strong>of</strong> Balmer series <strong>of</strong> Li +2 :(a) 15200 cm -1 (b) 60800 cm -1(c) 76000 cm -1 (d) 136800 cm -120. cksj ds ijek.kq izfr:i ds vuqlkj bysDVª kWu ukfHkd ds ckgj pDdj yxkrk gS&(a) vkWfcZVy esa(c) vkWfcZV esa(b) lc&'ksy esa(d) mijksä lHkh esaPostulate <strong>of</strong> Bohr theory assumes that electron moves around the nucleus in the:(a) Orbital(c) Orbit(b) Sub-shell(d) None21. fuEufyf[kr rRoksa esa ls fdlds K-dks'k esa nks bysDVª kWu gksrs gSa(a) Hydrogen(c) Helium(b) Neon(d) SulphurWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following elements has two electrons in the K-shell?(a) Hydrogen(c) Helium(b) Neon(d) Sulphur22. ;fn H-ijek.kq esa ik¡ p ÅtkZ Lrj gksa rks blds mRltZu LisDVª e esa UV {ks= esa js[kkvksa dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 3 (b) 4(c) 2 (d) 0If there are five energy states in case <strong>of</strong> H-atom, then the number <strong>of</strong> lines in UVregion would be:(a) 3 (b) 4(c) 2 (d) 023. eq[; Dok.Ve la[;k cks/k djkrh gS&(a) ijek.oh; vkdkj dk(b) d{kh;; laosx dk(c) bysDVª kWu vHkz dh vkd`fr dk(d) d{kdksa ds vkdk'kh; foU;k; dkPrincipal quantum no. determines:(a) Size <strong>of</strong> the atom(b) Orbital angular momentum(c) Shape <strong>of</strong> the electron cloud(d) Configuration <strong>of</strong> orbitals in space(99)

TEST PAPER24. P x vkWfcZVy esa bysDVª kWu ds ik;s tkus dh lEHkkouk 'kwU; gS&(a) XY ry esa(c) XZ ry esa(b) Z-fn'kk esa(d) Y-fn'kk esaZero probability <strong>of</strong> finding the electron in P x ,orbital would be in the:(a) XY plane(c) XZ place25. lcls de f=T;k okyk vk;u gS:(a) O -2 (b) Na +(b) Z-direction(d) Y-direction(c) F - (d) Mg +2. Ion having least radius is:(a) O -2 (b) Na +(c) F - (d) Mg +226. 25 Mn dk bysDVkWuh; foU;kl gS&(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 , 3s 2 , 3p 6 , 4 s 1 , 3d 6(b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 1 , 3d 6(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 7(d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 1025Mn has the electronic configuration:(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 , 3s 2 , 3p 6 , 4 s 1 , 3d 6(b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 1 , 3d 6(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 7(d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 1027. ewy voLFkk esa H-ijek.kq ds bysDVkWu dh ÅtkZ -13.6 eV gSA n = 5 ÅtkZ ry dh ÅtkZ gksxh(a) -0.54 eV(c) -0.85 eV(b) -5.40 eV(d) -2.72 eVIn the ground state <strong>of</strong> H-atom, the energy <strong>of</strong> the electron is -13.6 eV. What is theenergy <strong>of</strong> n = 5th orbit?(a) -0.54 eV(c) -0.85 eV(b) -5.40 eV(d) -2.72 eV28. ;fn bysDVª kWu dh fLFkfr esa vfu'prrk 'kwU; gks rks laosx esa vfuf'prrk gksxh(a) Zeroh(b)(c) < (d) ∞4π≥h4π(100)

TEST PAPERIf the uncertainty in the position <strong>of</strong> the electron is zero, what is the uncertainty in itsmomentum?(a) Zero(b)h≥ (c)4π29. fuEu foU;kl fdl rRo dks fu:fir djrk gS2 2 11s22s22 p x ,2 p y ,2 pz(a) Nitrogen(c) Fluorine(b) Oxygen(d) Neonh< (d) ∞Which element is represented by the following electronic configuration?2 2 11s22s22 p x ,2 p y ,2 pz(a) Nitrogen(c) Fluorine(b) Oxygen(d) Neon30. ;fn fnxa'kh Dok.Ve la[;k dk eku 3 gS] rks pqEcdh; Dok.Ve la[;kvksa dk lEHkkfor eku gksxk&(a) 0, 1, 2, 3 (b) 0, -1 -2, -3(c) 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 (d) ±1, ±2, ±34π. If the value <strong>of</strong> azimuthal quantum number is 3, the possible values <strong>of</strong> magneticquantum numbers would be:(a) 0, 1, 2, 3 (b) 0, -1 -2, -3(c) 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 (d) ±1, ±2, ±331. ;g Dok.Ve la[;k JksfMaxj rjax lehdj.k ls izkIr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS(a) n (b) l (c) m (d) s............. quantum number cannot be evaluated from Schrodinger wave equation:(a) n (b) l (c) m (d) s32. l=1 fuEu midks'k dks izdV djrk gS-(a) s (b) p (c) d (d) fl=1 represents the sub-shell:(a) s (b) p (c) d (d) f33. ewy voLFkk esa gkbMª kstu ijek.kq dh f=T;k 0.53 Å gSA Li +2 dh (ijek.kq Øekad =3) blh voLFkk esaf=T;k gksxh&(a) 0.17Å (b) 1.06Å(c) 0.53Å(d) 0.265 ÅRadius <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom in its ground state is 0.53 Å. What is the radius <strong>of</strong> Li +2(atomic number =3) in the same state?(a) 0.17Å (b) 1.06Å (c) 0.53Å (d) 0.265 Å(101)

TEST PAPER34. pqEcdh; {ks= esa LisDVª eh js[kk dk foikVu dgykrk gS&(a) LVkWd izHkko(b) tseku izHkko(c) izdk'k fo|qr izHkko (d) dksbZ Hkh ughaSplitting <strong>of</strong> spectral line in the magnetic field is called:(a) Stark effect(c) Photo-electric effect(d) None <strong>of</strong> these(b) Zeeman effect35. ;fn ikWmyh dk viotZu dk fu;e ykxw u gks rks HE ds bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 1 (b) 4(c) 3 (d) 2If the Pauli's exclusion principle is not valid, the number <strong>of</strong> electronic configuration <strong>of</strong>He would be:(a) 1 (b) 4(c) 3 (d) 236. rRo A fuEu nks izØeksa }kjk rRo C esa cny tkrk gS&A→B + 2 He 4(a) A o B leHkkfjd gksaxs (b)(c) A o C leHkkfjd gksaxs (d)B→C + 2β rc&A o C leLFkkfud gksaxsA o B leLFkkfud gksaxsAn element A decays into element C by a two step process:A→B + 2 He 4Then:B→C + 2β(a) A and B are isobars (b) A and C are isotopes(c) A and C are isobars (d) A and B are isotopes37. dkSu lk izkpy vkfcZVy dks mYysf[kr djrk gS&(a) Ψ (b) Ψ 2 (c) Ψ 2 /Ψ (d) dksbZ Hkh ughaWhich parameter represents orbital:(a) Ψ (b) Ψ 2 (c) Ψ 2 /Ψ (d) None38. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds izFke d{kk dh f=T;k 0.52 × 10 -8 cm gSA ghfy;e ,d /kukosf'kr vk;u ds izFked{kk dh f=T;k gS&(a) 0.26 × 10 -8 cm (b) 0.52 × 10 -8 cm(c) 1.04 × 10 -8 cm (d) 2.08 × 10 -8 cmIf the radius <strong>of</strong> first Bohr's orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom is 0.52 × 10 -8 cm what is the radius<strong>of</strong> first orbit <strong>of</strong> monopositive helium ion?(a) 0.26 × 10 -8 cm (b) 0.52 × 10 -8 cm(c) 1.04 × 10 -8 cm (d) 2.08 × 10 -8 cm(102)

TEST PAPER39. 4.25 gms veksfu;k (NH 3 ) esa ijek.kqvksa dh la[;k yxHkx gksxh&(a) 1 × 10 23 (b) 1.5 × 10 23(c) 2 × 10 23 (d) 6 × 10 23What would be the number <strong>of</strong> atoms <strong>of</strong> 4.25 gms <strong>of</strong> ammonia?(a) 1 × 10 23 (b) 1.5 × 10 23(c) 2 × 10 23 (d) 6 × 10 2340. lksfM;e ijek.kq dk vafre bysDVª kWu dh fnxa'kh Dok.Ve la[;k dk eku gS&(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0The value <strong>of</strong> azimuthal quantum number <strong>of</strong> last electron <strong>of</strong> sodium atom is:(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 041. Cr esa bysDVª kWu Hkjus dk lgh rjhdk gS&:(a) ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑(b) ↑ ↑ ↑↓ ↑ ↑↓(c) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑(d) ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑42. Correct electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> Cr is(a) ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑(b) ↑ ↑ ↑↓ ↑ ↑↓(c) ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑(d) ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑43. ukfHkdh; la?kVu esa U;wVª kWu fuosf'kr djus ls ijek.kq esa ifjorZu gksrk gS&(a) bysDVª kWu dh la[;k esa (b) jklk;fud izd`fr esa(c) ijek.kq Øekad esa (d) ijek.kq Hkkj esaAddition <strong>of</strong> neutron to nucleus causes the following change:(a) In the number <strong>of</strong> electrons (b) In the chemical nature(c) In the atomic number (d) In the atomic weight(103)

44. fuvkWu dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl gS&(a) 1s 2 (b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 4(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 (d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 8Electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> neon is:(a) 1s 2 (b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 4(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 6 (d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 845. gkbMª kbM vk;u fuEu dk le bysDVª kWuh; gS&(a) Li (b) He +(c) He(d) BeTEST PAPERHydride ion is isoelectronic with the species:(a) Li (b) He +(c) He(d) Be46. ,d bysDVª kWu (nzO;eku = 9.1 × 10 -28 g) 3.0×10 4 cm s -1 ds osx (ftldh ;FkkFkZr 0.011% gS) ls xeuhdjrk gSA bldh fLFkfr esa vfuf'prrk dh x.kuk dhft,& (lw= esa dk mi;ksx djsa tgka h dk eku4π6.626×10 -27 erg-s gS):(a) 3.84 cm(c) 7.68 cm(b) 0.175 cm(d) 5.76 cm47. The uncertainty in the position <strong>of</strong> an electron (mass = 9.1 × 10 -28 g), moving with avelocity 3.0 × 10 4 cm s -1 haccurate upto 0.011% will be (Use in uncertainty4πexpression where h = 6.626 × 10 -27 erg-second):(a) 3.84 cm(c) 7.68 cm(b) 0.175 cm(d) 5.76 cm48. M +2 dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 6 gS rFkk bldk ijek.kq Hkkj 56 gSA M ds ukfHkd esaU;wVª kWu dh la[;k gS&(a) 24 (b) 26(c) 28 (d) 30The electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> M +2 is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 6 and its atomic weight is 56.What are the number <strong>of</strong> neutrons present in its nucleus?(a) 24 (b) 26(c) 28 (d) 3049. fdlh jsfM;ks,sfDVo {k; esa ,d fudyk gqvk bysDVª kWu vkrk gS&(a) ijek.kq ukfHk ls(c) ijek.kq ds vfrfjä d{k ls(b) eq[; Dok.Ve 1 okyh d{k ls(d) ijek.kq ds ckáre d{k ls(104)

TEST PAPERIn a radioactive decay, the electron comes from:(a) The atomic nucleus(b) The orbit having principal quantum number = 1.(c) The extra orbit <strong>of</strong> the atom(d) The ultimate orbit <strong>of</strong> the atom50. ,d f<strong>of</strong>dj.k dh] ftldh rjaxnS/;Z 1000Å gS] vko`fÙ k sec -1 esa gS(a) 3.3 × 10 -15 (b) 3 × 10 -13(c) 1 × 10 5 (d) 3 × 10 15If the wave length <strong>of</strong> certain radiation is 1000Å, what is its frequency in sec -1 ?(a) 3.3 × 10 -15 (b) 3 × 10 -13(c) 1 × 10 5 (d) 3 × 10 1551. fnxa'kh Dok.Ve la[;k l =2 ds fy, eq[; Dok.Ve la[;k dk eku ugha gksxk&(a) 2 (b) 4(c) 3 (d) 5Azimuthal quantum number l =2 cannot have the value <strong>of</strong> principal quantum numberas:(a) 2 (b) 4(c) 3 (d) 552. fuEu esa ls {kkjh; e`nk /kkrq dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl ugha gS&(a) (Kr) 5s 2 (b) (Ar) 3d 10 , 4s 2(c) (Xe) 6s 2 (d) (Rn) 7s 2Which <strong>of</strong> the following does not represent the electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> alkalineearth metal?(a) (Kr) 5s 2 (b) (Ar) 3d 10 , 4s 2(c) (Xe) 6s 2 (d) (Rn) 7s 253. fdl rRo dk vk;uu foHko lcls de gS(a) 1s 2 2s 2 (b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x2(c) 1s 2 2s 1 (d) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x22p y 2 2p z2(e) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x 2 2p 1 2p x1. Which <strong>of</strong> the following configuration is not possible according to Hund's rule:(a) 1s 2 2s 2 (b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x2(c) 1s 2 2s 1 (d) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x22p y 2 2p z2(e) 1s 2 2s 2 2p x 2 2p 1 2p x154. fuEu esa ls fdldk vkdkj lcls cM+k gS(a) Ar (b) Mg (c) Na (d) S(105)

Largest size would be <strong>of</strong>:(a) Ar(c) Na(b) Mg(d) S55. C 12 , C 13 rFkk C 14 dks dgk tkrk gS(a) leHkkfjd(c) vkblksbysfDVª d(b) leLFkkfud(d) vkblksVksuC 12 , C 13 and C 14 are in fact:(a) Isobars(c) Isoelectric(b) Isotopes(d) Isotones56. fuEu esa ls fdlesa U;wVª kWu mifLFkr ugha gS*(a) Hydrogen(c) Deuteron(b) Helium(d) LithiumNeutrons are not present in:(a) Hydrogen(c) Deuteron(b) Helium(d) LithiumTEST PAPER57. fuEu le bysDVª kWuh; K + , Ca 2+ , Cl - rFkk S -2 ds vkdkj dk ?kVrk gqvk Øe gS(a) K + >Ca +2 >S -2 >Cl − (b) K + >Ca +2 >Cl − >S -2(c) Ca +2 >K + >Cl − >S −2 (d) S −2 > Cl − >K + >Ca +2The decreasing size <strong>of</strong> K + , Ca 2+ , Cl - and S -2 follows the order:(a) K + >Ca +2 >S -2 >Cl − (b) K + >Ca +2 >Cl − >S -2(c) Ca +2 >K + >Cl − >S −2 (d) S −2 > Cl − >K + >Ca +258. ;fn He + ds fy, izFke d{k dh ÅtkZ -54.4 eV gks rks f}rh; d{k ds fy, bldh ÅtkZ gksxh(a) -54.4 eV(c) -27.2 eV(b) -13.6 eV(d) +27.2 eVIf the energy <strong>of</strong> first orbit <strong>of</strong> He + is -54.4 eV, what would be the energy <strong>of</strong> its secondorbit(a) -54.4 eV(c) -27.2 eV(b) -13.6 eV(d) +27.2 eV59. cksj ds vuqlkj bysDVª kWu dks fuEu Lrj esa igqapus ij&(a) bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ c

TEST PAPERAccording to Bohr as the electron moves to lower energy state(a) Its energy increases(b) Its energy decreases(c) No change in its energy(d) Unable to explain the fact60. 92 U 238 ls Øe'k% nks α vkSj pkj β−d.kksa ds fudyus ij dkSulk ukfHkd izkIr gksrk gS&(a) 230 90Th(c) 230 88Ra(b) 230 90Pu(d) 230 92U92U 238 releases two α and four β−particles respectively. The nucleus obtained wouldbe:(a) 230 90Th (b) 230 90Pu (c)61. bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl&23088 Ra (d)23092 U↑↓↑↓↑↑↑ ↑ mYya?ku djrk gS(a) gq.M dk fu;e (b) vkQckS ds fu;e dk(c) ikmyh ds fu;e dk (d) (n + l) fu;e dkElectronic configuration↑↓↑↓↑↑ ↑ ↑ violated:(a) Hund's rule (b) Aufbau principle(c) Pauli's principle (d) (n + l) rule62. U;wure cksj f=T;k fuEu Lih'kht dh gksxh(a) H (b) He +(c) Li +2 (d) Be +3Minimum Bohr radius is shown by(a) H (b) He +(c) Li +2 (d) Be +363. 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 5 , 3s 2 bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl fdl Lih'kht dk gksxk\(a) Ne (ewy voLFkk) (b) Al +2 (ewy voLFkk)(c) Mg + (mÙ ksftr voLFkk) (d) Na + (mÙ ksftr voLFkk)Which species shows the electronic configuration 1s 2 , 2s 2 , 2p 5 , 3s 2 ?(a) Ne (Ground state) (b) Al +2 (Ground state)(c) Mg + (Excited state) (d) Na + (Excited state)(107)

TEST PAPER64. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds 1s vkWfcZVy esa mifLFkr bysDVª kWu dh vk;uu ÅtkZ 13.6 eV gSA ;fn bysDVª kWu 2p yvkWfcZVy esa mÙ ksftr gksrk gS rks bldh ÅtkZ gksxh&(a) 0 eV(c) -3.4 eV(b) -13.6 eV(d) -27.2 eVThe ionization energy for an electron <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom present in 1s orbital is 13.6eV. If the electron is excited to 2p y orbital its energy would be:(a) 0 eV(c) -3.4 eV(b) -13.6 eV(d) -27.2 eV65. gkbMª kstu ce fuEu fl)kUr ij vk/kkfjr gS&(a) ukfHkdh; fo[k.Mu (b) ukfHkdh; lay;u(c) d`f=e jsfM;ks ,fDVork (d)izkd`frd jsfM;ks,sfDVorkHydrogen bomb is based on the principle <strong>of</strong>:(a) Nuclear fission (b) Nuclear fusion(c) Artificial radioactivity(d) Natural radioactivity66. Li +2 ds f}rh;d dks'k rFkk Be +3 ds r`rh; dks'k dh f=T;kvksa dk vuqikr gksxk(a) 3 : 1 (b) 16 : 27(c) 4 : 9 (d) 3 : 4What is the radius ratio for 2nd orbit <strong>of</strong> Li +2 ion and 3rd orbit <strong>of</strong> Be +3 ion?(a) 3 : 1 (b) 16 : 27(c) 4 : 9 (d) 3 : 467. ewy voLFkk esa gkbMª kstu ijek.kq dh f=T;k dk eku 5.3× 10 -11 m gSA bysDVª kWu ls VDdj ds i'pkr~f=T;k 21.2 × 10 -11 m gks tkrh gSA ijek.kq dh vfUre voLFkk dh eq[; DokaVe la[;k gksxh(a) n = 2 (b) n = 3(c) n = 4 (d) n = 16The radius <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom in its ground state is 5.3× 10 -11 m. After collision with anelectron it is found to have a radius 21.2 × 10 -11 m. What is the principal quantumnumber, n <strong>of</strong> the final state <strong>of</strong> the atom(a) n = 2 (b) n = 3(c) n = 4 (d) n = 1668. 2s d{kd esa bysDVª kWu dk d{kh;; laosx gksxk&1 h(a) + (b) Zero (c)2 2πh (d) 2.2π2hπThe orbital angular momentum <strong>of</strong> an electron in 2s orbital is:1 h(a) + (b) Zero (c)2 2πh (d) 2.2π2hπ(108)

TEST PAPER69. M 2+ dh nzO;eku la[;k 40 gSA blds ukfHkd esa 11 U;wVª kWu gSA bldk ijek.kq Øekad gksxk& ](a) 29 (b) 27 (c) 11 (d) 41Mass number <strong>of</strong> M 2+ is 40. It has 11 neutrons in the nucleus. Its atomic number is(a) 29 (b) 27 (c) 11 (d) 4170. vkblksVksu ds ;qXe dk mnkgj.k gS&(a) 14 7N and 15 7N(c) 13 6C and 13 7N(b) 14 7N and 14 8O(d) 14 7N and 15 8OExample <strong>of</strong> a pair <strong>of</strong> isotone is(a) 14 7N and 15 7N(c) 13 6C and 13 7N(b) 14 7N and 14 8O(d) 14 7N and 15 8O71. 85 vkSj 87 ijek.kq Hkkj okys :chf;e ds nks leLFkkfud dh vkisf{kd ckgqY;rk Øe'k% 75% o 25% gSA:chfM;e dk vkSlr ijek.kq Hkkj gS&(a) 75.5 (b) 85.5(c) 86.5 (d) 87.5The relative abundance <strong>of</strong> two rubidium isotopes <strong>of</strong> atomic weights 85 and 87 are75% and 25% respectively. The average atomic weight <strong>of</strong> rubidium is :(a) 75.5 (b) 85.5(c) 86.5 (d) 87.572. fuEu bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl okyk dkSulk rRo nks la;kstdrk n'kkZ;saxs\(a) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 (b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 3(c) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1 (d) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3Which element having following electronic distribution will show two valencies?(a) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 (b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 3(c) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1 (d) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 373. leHkkfjd ds ;qXeu dk mnkgj.k gS&(a) 1 1 H and 2 1H(c) 3 1 H and 3 2H(b) 2 1 H and 3 1H(d) 3 2 He and 4 2HeExample <strong>of</strong> a pair <strong>of</strong> isobar is:(a) 1 1 H and 2 1H(c) 3 1 H and 3 2H(b) 2 1 H and 3 1H(d) 3 2 He and 4 2He74. M 2+ dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl gksxk& [ijek.kq Øekad = 19](a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 , 4s 2(b) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 8 , 4s 1(c) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 , 4s 0(d) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 , 4s 1(109)

TEST PAPERElectronic configuration <strong>of</strong> M 2+ whose atomic number is 29, is(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 , 4s 2(b) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 8 , 4s 1(c) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 9 , 4s 0(d) 1s 2 ,2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 , 4s 175. ,d rRo dk ijek.kq Øekad 11 gSA bldk vkWDlkbM gksxk(a) vEyh;(b) {kkjh;(c) vEyh; rFkk {kkjh; nksuksa (d) mnklhuThe atomic number <strong>of</strong> an element is 11. Its oxide will be:(a) Acidic (b) Basic(c) Acidic and Basic both (d) Neutral76. Øksfe;e dk foU;kl (Ar) 3d 5 4s 1 u gksdj] (Ar) 3d 4 4s 2 gksrk gSA ;g fuEu fu;e ds vUrxZr vkrk gS&(a) ikmyh dk viotZu dk fu;e(b) vkQckS fl)kUr(c) v)Ziwfjr d{kdksa dk LFkkf;Ro(d) gkbtSucxZ dk fl)kUrThe rule that explains the reason for chromium to have (Ar) 3d 5 4s 1 configurationinstead <strong>of</strong> (Ar) 3d 4 4s 2 is:(a) Paulis exclusion principle(b) Aufbau principle(c) Hund's rule(d) Heisenberg pinciple77. ,d feyhxzke d.k 10 ehVj izfr lsd.M ds osx ls xfr djrk gSA bl d.k dk Mh&czkxyh rjaxnS/;Z gksxk&(a) 6.63 × 10 -29 m (b) 6.63 × 10 -31 m(c) 6.63 × 10 -34 m (d) 6.63 × 10 -22 mThe de-Broglie wavelength associated with a particle <strong>of</strong> mass 1 mg moving with avelocity <strong>of</strong> 10 ms -1 is:(a) 6.63 × 10 -29 m (b) 6.63 × 10 -31 m(c) 6.63 × 10 -34 m (d) 6.63 × 10 -22 m78. v/kksfyf[kr esa dkSu lk n = 5 rFkk m = 3 ds fy, lR; ugha gS(a) l = 4 (b) l = 3(c) l = 0, 1, 2, 3 (d) s = =½Which one <strong>of</strong> the following is not true for n = 5 and m = 3:(a) l = 4 (b) l = 3 (c) l = 0, 1, 2, 3 (d) s = =½(110)

TEST PAPER79. izeq[k Dok.Ve la[;k [n] = 3 ds fy, laHkkfor fnxa'kh Dok.Ve la[;k [l] ds eku gksaxs&(a) 0, 1, 2, 3 (b) 0, 1, 2(c) -2, -1, 0,, 1, 2 (d) 1, 2, 3When the principal quantum number (n) = 3, the possible value <strong>of</strong> azimuthal quantumnumber (l) is:(a) 0, 1, 2, 3 (b) 0, 1, 2(c) -2, -1, 0,, 1, 2 (d) 1, 2, 380. leU;wVª kWfud gS(a) rRo ftudh nzO;eku la[;k leku gks ysfdu U;wVª kWu dh la[;k fHkUu gks(b) ijek.kq la[;k leku gks ysfdu U;wVª kWu dh la[;k fHkUu gks(c) ijek.kq Øekad nzO;eku la[;k rFkk U;wVª kWu dh la[;k leku gksA(d) fHkUu ijek.kq la[;k rFkk nzO;eku la[;k rFkk U;wVª kWu dh la[;k leku gksIsotones are:(a) Elements having same mass number but different neutrons.(b) Same atomic number but different neutrons(c) Same atomic number, mass number and same neutrons(d) Different atomic and mass numbers but same number <strong>of</strong> neutrons.81. "izfØ;k ftlesa ukfHkd esa mÙ kjksÙ kj izksVkWu tksM+k tk, rFkk lkFk&lkFk mruh gh la[;k esa miyC/k vkfcZvyesa mudh ÅtkZ ds c

TEST PAPER83. ,d bysDVª kWu dh eq[; Dok.Ve la[;k 3 gSA blds (i) midks'kksa ,oa (ii) d{kdksa dh la[;k Øe'k% gksxh&(a) 3 and 5 (b) 3 and 7(c) 3 and 9 (d) 2 and 5An electron has principal quantum number 3. The number <strong>of</strong> its (i) sub-shells and (ii)orbitals would be respectively:(a) 3 and 5 (b) 3 and 7(c) 3 and 9 (d) 2 and 584. vfuf'prrk fl)kUr ,oa nzO; ds rjax LoHkko dh vo/kkj.kk Øe'k% ..... rFkk ..... us izLrkfor dh(a) gkbtSucxZ] Mh&czkWXyh (b)(c) gkbtSucxZ] Iykad (d) Iykad] gkbtSucxZMh&czkWXyh] gkbtSucxZThe uncertainty principle and the concept <strong>of</strong> wave nature <strong>of</strong> matter was proposed by...... and ..... respectively(b) Heisenberg, de-broglie(c) de-Broglie, Heisenverg(d) Heisenberg, Planck(e) Planck, Heisenberg85. ijek.kq lajpuk dh O;k[;k ds fy, Dok.Ve fl)kUr dk mi;ksx lcls igys fdlus fd;k\(a) gkbtSucxZ us(c) Iykad us(b) cksj us(d) vkbUlVkbu usFirst <strong>of</strong> all who made the use <strong>of</strong> quantum theory <strong>of</strong> explain the atomic structure:(a) Heisenberg(c) Planck(b) Bohr(d) Einstein86. bysDVª kWu d.k ds fy, lR; gS&(a) bdkbZ _.kkos'k rFkk 'kwU; nzO;eku(b) bdkbZ /kukos'k rFkk 'kwU; nzO;eku(c) bdkbZ _.kkos'k rFkk 9 × 10 -28 xzke nzO;eku(d) bdkbZ _.kkos'k rFkk 1.7 × 10 -24 xzke nzO;ekuElectron is particle having:(a) Negative charge <strong>of</strong> one unit and zero mass(b) Positive charge <strong>of</strong> one unit and zero mass(c) Negative charge <strong>of</strong> one unit and a mass <strong>of</strong> about 9 × 10 -28 gm(d) Negative charge <strong>of</strong> one unit and a mass <strong>of</strong> about 1.7 × 10 -24 gm(112)

87. fuEu dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,&TEST PAPERa. xkek&fdj.ksa fo|qr~ pqEcdh; f<strong>of</strong>dj.k gS] ftldk rjaxnS/;Z 0.1 ls 0.001 Å ijkl dk gksrk gSb. ;fn nks ÅtkZ Lrjksa esa vf/kd ÅtkZ varj gks rks laxr laØe.k ls mRlftZr QksVkWu dk rjaxnS/;Z fuEugksrk gSc. 3d x 2 -y 2 vkWfcZVy ds lanHkZ esa] xy-ry ds vuqfn'k bysDVª kWu ?kuRo 'kwU; gksrk gS(a) (2) rFkk (3) lgh gS(d) (1) rFkk (3) lgh gS(c) (1) rFkk (2) gh gSa (d) (1) rFkk (4) lgh gSaConsider the following statement:a. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations <strong>of</strong> wave length ranging from 0.1 to0.001 Åb. The greater the difference in the energy between two levels, the lower is the wavelength <strong>of</strong> the light emitted when an electron moves from one level to the other.c. The electron density in the xy plane in 3dx2-y2 orbital is zero; Of these statements:(a) (2) and (3) are correct(b) (1) and (3) are correct(c) (1) and (2) are correct(d) (a), (2) and (3) are correct88. bysDVª kWu 10 6 m/s ds osx ls xeu djrk gSA bldk rjaxnS/;Z gksxk& (fn;k gqvk gS& h = 6.63 × 10 -34 JrFkk m = 9.11 × 10 -31 kg)(a) 0.727 nm(c) dksbZ Hkh ugha(b) 7.27 nm(d) 72.7 nmElectron is moving with a velocity <strong>of</strong> 10 6 m/s. Its wave length would be: (Given -h =6.63 × 10 -34 J and m = 9.11 × 10 -31 kg)(a) 0.727 nm(c) None(b) 7.27 nm(d) 72.7 nm89. xsMksfyfu;e [ijek.kq Øekad 64] dh bysDVª kWuh; lajpuk gS&(a) (Xe) 4f 8 5d 9 4s 2 (b) (Xe) 4f 7 5d 1 6s 3(c) (Xe) 4f 3 5d 5 6s 2 (d) (Xe) 4f 6 5d 2 6s 2The electronic structure <strong>of</strong> Gadolinium (atomic number 64) is:(a) (Xe) 4f 8 5d 9 4s 2 (b) (Xe) 4f 7 5d 1 6s 3(c) (Xe) 4f 3 5d 5 6s 2 (d) (Xe) 4f 6 5d 2 6s 290. vk;ksMhu Lih'kht ds vkdkj dk lgh Øe gS(a) I > I - > I + (b) I > I + > I -(c) I + > I > I - (d) I - > I > I +(113)

TEST PAPERThe correct order <strong>of</strong> size <strong>of</strong> iodine species is :(a) I > I - > I + (b) I > I + > I -(c) I + > I > I - (d) I - > I > I +91. izeq[k dks'k n esa vkWfcZVy dh la[;k bl lw= ls fu/kkZfjr gksxh&(a) 2n (b) n 2(c) 2n 2 (d) n + 1The formula to evaluate the number <strong>of</strong> orbitals for a principal shell 'n' is(a) 2n (b) n 2(c) 2n 2 (d) n + 192. O 2- , F - , Na + rFkk Mg 2+ dh vk;fud f=T;k,a Øe'k% 1.35, 1.34, 0.95 rFkk 0.66 Å gSA Ne dh ijek.kqf=T;k dk eku gksxk&(a) 1.39 Å(c) 0.85 Å(b) 1.12°Å(d) 0.50 ÅThe ionic radii <strong>of</strong> O 2- , F - , Na + and Mg 2+ are 1.35, 1.34, 0.95 and 0.66 Å respectively.The radius <strong>of</strong> the neon atom is:(a) 1.39 Å(c) 0.85 Å(b) 1.12°Å(d) 0.50 Å93. bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl 1s 2 2s 2 2p 5 3s 1 gS&(a) yksjhu ijek.kq dh ewy voLFkk dk gS(b) yksjhu dh mÙ ksftr voLFkk dk gSA(c) fuvkWu ijek.kq dh mÙ ksftr voLFkk dk gS(d) O 2 2- dh mÙ ksftr voLFkk dk gS1s 2 2s 2 2p 5 3s 1 is the electronic configuration <strong>of</strong>:(a) Fluorine atom in its ground state(b) Fluorine atom in its excited state(c) Neon atom in its excited state(d) O 2 2- in its excited state94. 3 fnu v)Z&vk;q okyk ,d jsfM;ks/kehZ leLFkkfud Hksts tkus ds 12 fnu ckn feykA feyus ij ik;k x;kfd ik= esa dsoy 3 xzke leLFkkfud FkkA iSd feyrs le; bl leLFkkfud dk izkjfEHkd Hkkj Fkk&(a) 12 gm(c) 36 gm(b) 24 gm(d) 48 gmA radioactive isotope having a half life <strong>of</strong> 3 days was received after 12 days. It wasfound that there were only 3 gm <strong>of</strong> the isotope in the container. The initial weight <strong>of</strong>isotope when packed was(a) 12 gm (b) 24 gm (c) 36 gm (d) 48 gm(114)

TEST PAPER95. ;fn bysDVª kWu n = 3 ls n = 2 esa dwnrk gS rks mRlftZr ÅtkZ gksxh&(a) 10.2 eV(c) 1.9 eV(b) 12.09 eV(d) 0.65 eVIf the electron jumps from n = 3 to n = 2, the emitted energy would be (H-atom):(a) 10.2 eV(c) 1.9 eV(b) 12.09 eV(d) 0.65 eV96. ,d 'd' bysDVª kWu ds fy, d{kh;; laosx gksrk gS&(a)6 h (b) 2 h (c) h (d) 2 hThe orbital angular moment for the d-electron is:(a)6 h (b) 2 h (c) h (d) 2 h97. 21 Sc dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl gS&(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 2 , 3d 1(b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 1 , 3d 2(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 0 , 3d 3(d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 2 , 3d 2The electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> 21 Sc:(a) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 2 , 3d 1(b) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 1 , 3d 2(c) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 0 , 3d 3(d) 1s 2 , 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 , 4s 2 , 3d 240 −98. [ K] 119esa bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl gS&(a) 19 (b) 20(c) 18 (d) 4040 −[ K] 119contains the number <strong>of</strong> electrons:(a) 19 (b) 20(c) 18 (d) 4099. ;fn bysDVª kWu dh Dok.Ve la[;k dk leqPp; n = 3, l = 2, m = 0 rFkk s= + ½ gks rks ;gfuEu esa mifLFkr gksxk&(a) 3 d orbital(c) 3 p orbital(b) 3 f orbital(d) 3 s orbitalIf the four quantum number <strong>of</strong> a electron are n = 3, l = 2, m = 0 and s= + ½ then itwould be present in(a) 3 d orbital(c) 3 p orbital(b) 3 f orbital(d) 3 s orbital(115)

TEST PAPER100. 242 nm rjaxnS/;Z dh fo|qr~ pqEcdh; f<strong>of</strong>dj.k lksfM;e ijek.kq dks vk;fur djus ds fy, i;kZIr gSAlksfM;e dh vk;uu ÅtkZ kJ mol -1 gksxh(a) 449.5 (b) 494.5(c) 944.5 (d) 955.4The electromagnetic radiation <strong>of</strong> wave length 242 nm are sufficient to cause theionization <strong>of</strong> sodium atom. The corresponding ionization energy <strong>of</strong> sodium in kjmol -1 would be:(a) 449.5 (b) 494.5(c) 944.5 (d) 955.4101. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds izFke cksj vkWfcZV ds bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ -13.6 eV gSA mÙ ksftr voLFkkvksa dsbysDVª kWuksa dh ÅtkZ ds lEHko eku gksaxs&(a) -3.4 eV(c) -6.8 eV(b) - 4.2eV(d) +6.8 eV'The energy <strong>of</strong> the electron in the first Bohr's orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogen is -13.6 eV. Thepossible value <strong>of</strong> the energy <strong>of</strong> the electron in the excited state is:(a) -3.4 eV(c) -6.8 eV(b) - 4.2eV(d) +6.8 eV'102. gkbMª kstu ds dks'k dh f=T;k 0.53 Å gS rks izFke mÙ ksftr voLFkk esa dks'k dh f=T;k gksxh(a) 2.12 Å(c) 8.5 Å(b) 1.06 Å(d) 4.24 ÅThe radius <strong>of</strong> first Bohr's orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogen is 0.53 Å. What would be the radius <strong>of</strong>the first excited state :(a) 2.12 Å(c) 8.5 Å(b) 1.06 Å(d) 4.24 Å103. ,d e - rFkk He d.k dh fLFkfr esa vfuf'prrk leku gS e - ds fy, laosx esa vfuf'prrk 32 × 10 5 gS rksHe ds fy, laosx esa vfuf'prrk D;k gksxh(a) 32 × 10 5 (b) 16 × 10 5(c) 8 × 10 5 (d) dksbZ Hkh ughaThe uncertainty in position for the electron and He particle is the same. Theuncertainty in momentum for the electron is 32 × 10 5 . What would be theuncertainty in momentum for the He particle(a) 32 × 10 5 (b) 16 × 10 5(c) 8 × 10 5(d) None104. X —→ 7 N 14 + 2 β rks X esa U;wVª kWu dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 3 (b) 5(c) 7 (d) 9(116)

106. X —→ 7 N 14 + 2 βTEST PAPEREnumerate the number <strong>of</strong> neutrons for the element X:(a) 3 (b) 5(c) 7 (d) 9105. n X m ,d α rFkk nks β d.k mRlftZr djus ij cusxk&(a) n X m-4 (b) n-1 X m-1(c) n X m-4 (d) dksbZ ughaIf element n X m emits one α and two β particles the new element would be:(a) n X m-4 (b) n-1 X m-1(c) n X m-4(d) None106. izcy izfrd"khZ ikjLifjd fØ;k] tks ,d α−d.k ds Lo.kZ ukfHkd ds vkus ij ?kfVr gksrh gS] dh O;k[;kfuEu ls dh tkrh gS&(a) MkYVu fl)kUr (b) FkkWelu ekWMy(c) xkWl fu;e(d) dwykWEc fu;eThe strongly repulsive interaction that take place when an alpha (α) particle closelyapproaches a gold nucleus is best explained by:(a) Dalton's theory (b)(c) Gauss's law(d) Coulomb's lawThomson's model107. yksjhu dk mnklhu ijek.kq fuEu esa fdlls le bysDVª kWuh; gS(a) Ne - (b) Mg 3+(c) Na + (d) B 3-Neutral atom <strong>of</strong> fluorine is isoelectronic with:(a) Ne - (b) Mg 3+(c) Na + (d) B 3-108. lcls cM+k vkdkj dk ijek.kq gS(a) Bromine(c) Iodine(b) Chlorine(d) HeliumThe atom with the largest size is:(a) Bromine(c) Iodine(b) Chlorine(d) Helium109. 90 Th 228 fo?kVu ij 83 Bj 212 nsrk gSA bl izØe esa mRlftZr α rFkk β d.k gksaxs&(a) 4 α and 7 β (b) 4 α and 1 β(c) Only 4 α(d) Only 7 β(117)

TEST PAPEREnumerate the number <strong>of</strong> α and α particles emitted in the disintegeration process90Th 228 to 83 Bj 212 :(a) 4 α and 7 β (b) 4 α and 1 β(c) Only 4 α (d) Only 7 β110. bysDVª kWu dh laosx esa vfuf'prrk 1.0 × 10 -5 kg. m2 s-1 . gSA fLFkfr esa vfuf'prrk gksxh& [h = 6.62× 10 -34 kg.m. 2 s -1 )](a) 1.05 × 10 -28 m (b) 1.05 × 10 -26 m(c) 5.27 × 10 -30 m (d) 5.25 × 10 -28 mUncertainty in momentum for the electron is 1.0 × 10 -5 kg. m2 s-1 . The uncertainty inits position would be:(a) 1.05 × 10 -28 m (b) 1.05 × 10 -26 m(c) 5.27 × 10 -30 m (d) 5.25 × 10 -28 m111. C-12 ijek.kq dk nzO;eku gksxk&(a) 1.99 × 10 -23 gm (b) 12 gm(c) 6 gm (d) 6.02 × 10 23 gmThe mass <strong>of</strong> C-12 atom would be:(a) 1.99 × 10 -23 gm (b)(c) 6 gm12 gm(d) 6.02 × 10 23 gm112. gkbMª kstu ds f}rh; vkWfcZV esa bysDVª kWu dh xfrt ÅtkZ D;k gksxh] ;fn bldh dqy ÅtkZ -3.4 eV gS&(a) 3.4 eV(c) 13.6 eV(b) 10.2 eV(d) NoneWhat would be the kinetic energy <strong>of</strong> the electron in the second orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogenatom, if its total energy is -3.4 eV:(a) 3.4 eV(c) 13.6 eV(b) 10.2 eV(d) None113. fdlh ijek.kq esa] ftlds fy, l = 2 rFkk n = 3 gks] lokZf/kd bysDVª kWu fdrus gksaxs&(a) 2 (b) 6(c) 12 (d) 10Evaluate the total number <strong>of</strong> electrons for the atom for which l = 2 and n = 3:(a) 2 (b) 6(c) 12 (d) 10114. Cu 2+ (Z = 29) dk fuEure voLFkk okyk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl dkSu lk gS&(a) (Ar) 4s 1 3d 8 (b) (Ar) 4s 2 3d 10 4p 1(c) (Ar) 4s 1 3d 10 (d) (Ar) 3d 9(118)

TEST PAPERThe Electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> Cu 2+ (Z = 29) in its ground state is:(a) (Ar) 4s 1 3d 8 (b) (Ar) 4s 2 3d 10 4p 1(c) (Ar) 4s 1 3d 10 (d) (Ar) 3d 9115. fn;k x;k: bysDVª kWu dk nzO;eku 9.11 × 10 -31 kg gS Iykad fLFkjkad 6.626 × 10 -34 Js gS] 0.1 Å dhnwjh ds varxZr osx ds ekiu esa fufgr vfuf'prrk gS&(a) 5.79 × 10 7 ms -1 (b) 5.79 × 10 6 ms -1(c) 5.79 × 10 8 ms -1 (d) 5.79 × 10 5 ms -1Given: The mass <strong>of</strong> electron is 9.11 × 10 -31 kgPlank constant is 6.626 × 10 -34 Js,the uncertainty involved in the measurement <strong>of</strong> velocity within a distance <strong>of</strong> 0.1 Å is(a) 5.79 × 10 7 ms -1 (b) 5.79 × 10 6 ms -1(c) 5.79 × 10 8 ms -1 (d) 5.79 × 10 5 ms -1116. fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu lk ladsru mRikn dks xyr fn[kkrk gS(a) 242 96CM (α, 2n) 243 97 Bk(b) 10 5B (α, n) 13 7N(c) 14 7N (n,p) 14 6C2814 Si (d, n) 29 15PWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following notations shows the product incorrectly?(a) 242 96CM (α, 2n) 243 97 Bk(b) 10 5B (α, n) 13 7N(d) 14 7N (n,p) 14 6C(e) 28 14Si (d, n) 29 15P117. ÅtkZ ds :i esa 1 a.m.u. fdlds cjkcj gksrk gS&(a) 100 J(c) 931.1 kcal(b) 931.1 MeV(d) 10 7 ergIn terms <strong>of</strong> energy 1 a.m.u. is equal to(a) 100 J(c) 931.1 kcal(b) 931.1 MeV(d) 10 7 erg118. izksVkWu o bysDVª kWu ds nzO;eku dk vuqikr gksxk&(a) Infinite vuUr (b) 1.8 × 10 +3(c) 1.8(d) None dksbZ Hkh ughaThe ratio <strong>of</strong> mass <strong>of</strong> proton and electron would be(a) Infinite (b) 1.8 × 10 +3(c) 1.8(d) None(119)

119. xfreku bysDVª kWu dk rjaxnS/;z(a) bysDVª kWu dh xfr c

TEST PAPER123. fuEufyf[kr ;aqXeksa es ls fdl ;qXe esa vk;u le bysDVª ksuh; ugha gS&(a) 11 Na + , 10 Ne + (b) 16 S 2- , 17 Cl -(c) 11 Na + , 12 Mg 2+ (d) 8 S 2- , 11 Na +Which <strong>of</strong> the following pair <strong>of</strong> ions is not iso-electronic(a) 11 Na + , 10 Ne + (b) 16 S 2- , 17 Cl -(c) 11 Na + , 12 Mg 2+ (d) 8 S 2- , 11 Na +124. γ -fdj.ksa gS-(a) mPp ÅtkZ;qDr bysDVª kWu(b) mPp ÅtkZ;qDr izkVkWu(c) mPp ÅtkZ;qDr oS/kqr pqEcdh; rjaxs(d) fuEu ÅtkZ;qDr bysDVª kWuγ -rays are:(a) High energy electrons(b) High energy protons(c) High energy electromagnetic waves(d) Low energy electrons125. 3d- bysDVª kWu dks fu:fir djus ds fy, n, l, m dk dkSu lk f=d ykxw ugha gksrk&(a) 3, 2, 0 (b) 3, 1, -1(c) 3, 2, -2 (d) 3, 2, +1Which triad <strong>of</strong> quantum numbers (n, l, m) is not applicable to 3d-electron:(a) 3, 2, 0 (b) 3, 1, -1(c) 3, 2, -2 (d) 3, 2, +1126. Fe dh xSlh; voLFkk esa ;qfXer bysDVª kWu j[kus okys d{kdksa dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 4 (b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 19How many orbitals <strong>of</strong> paired electrons are there in the gaseous state <strong>of</strong> Fe:(a) 4 (b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 19127. fdlh _.kk;u X 3- dh nzO;eku la[;k 14 gSA ;fn _.kk;u esa nl bySDVª kWu gksa rks rRo ds ijek.kq] X 2ds ukfHkd esa U;wVª kWuksa dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 10 (b) 14(c) 7 (d) 5The mass number <strong>of</strong> an anion, X 3- , is 14. If there are ten electrons in the anion, thenumber <strong>of</strong> neutrons in the nucleus <strong>of</strong> atom, X 2 <strong>of</strong> the element will be:(a) 10 (b) 14(c) 7 (d) 5(121)

TEST PAPER128. fdlh rRo dk ijek.kq dk nzO;eku 12.00719 amu. gSA ;fn rRo ds ijek.kq ds ukfHkd 6 U;wVª kWu gks rksukfHkd dh cU/ku ÅtkZ izfr U;wfdyvkWu gksxh(a) 7.64 MeV(c) 764 MeV(b) 76.4 MeV(d) 0.764 MeV(e=0.00055amu,p=1.00814amu,n=1.00893 amu)The atomic mass <strong>of</strong> an element is 12.00719 amu. If there are 6 neutrons in thenucleus <strong>of</strong> the atom <strong>of</strong> the element, the binding energy per nucleon <strong>of</strong> the nucleuswill be:(a) 7.64 MeV(c) 764 MeV(b) 76.4 MeV(d) 0.764 MeV(e=0.00055 amu, p=1.00814 amu, n = 1.00893 amu)129. bysDVª kWu dh igpku n rFkk l dok.Ve la[;k ls dh tkrh gSA fuEufyf[kr bysDVª kWuksa dks c

TEST PAPERNumber <strong>of</strong> electrons with m = 0 present in sodium atoms are:(a) 2 (b) 7(c) 9 (d) 8132. fuEu esa ls fdldh Mh&czksXyh rjaxnS/;Z fuEure gksxh&(a) bysDVª kWu(c) CO 2 v.kq(b) izksVkWu(d) SO 2 v.kqMinimum de-Broglie wave length is associated with:(a) Electron(b) Proton(c) CO 2 molecule (d) SO 2 molecule133. 7 N 14 ij α− d.kksa dh ckSNkj ds izksVkWu mRlftZr gksrk gS rks u;k cuus okyk ijek.kq gksxk&(a) 8 O 17 (b) 8 O 16(c) 6 C 14(d) NeThe bombardment <strong>of</strong> α−particle on 7 N 14 emits proton then new atom will be:(a) 8 O 17 (b) 8 O 16(c) 6 C 14(d) Ne134. Li +2 ds nwljs dks'k dh vk;uu ÅtkZ gksxh(a) 122.4 eV(c) 30.6 eV(b) 40.8 eV(d) 13.6 eVIonization energy <strong>of</strong> second orbit <strong>of</strong> Li +2 will be:(a) 122.4 eV(c) 30.6 eV(b) 40.8 eV(d) 13.6 eV135. ,d rRo dk ijek.kq Øekad 17 gSA la;ksth dks'k esa bysDVª kWu ;qXe j[kus okys vkfcZVyksa dh la[;k gksxh&(a) 6 (b) 2(c) 8 (d) 3The atomic number <strong>of</strong> an element is 17. The number <strong>of</strong> orbital containing electronpairs in the valence shell is:(a) 6 (b) 2(c) 8 (d) 3136. Ñf=e jsfM;ks/kfeZrk dh [kkst dh Fkh&(a) gsujh csØsy(b) D;wjh rFkk ÝsMfjd T;wfyV(c) ts-ts-Vkelu(d) jnjqksMZ(123)

TEST PAPERArtificial radioactivity was discovered by:(a) Henry Becquerel(b) Irene Curie and Fredrick Joliot(c) J.J. Thomson(d) Rutherford137. fdlh izksVkWu rFkk α-d.k ds f<strong>of</strong>'k"V vkos'k dk vuqikr gS(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2(c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 1The ratio <strong>of</strong> specific charge <strong>of</strong> a proton and an α-particle is:(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2(c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 1138. 92 U 238 dh v)Zvk;q 4.5 × 10 9 o"kZ gSA fdrus o"kksZa ckn 92 U 238 dh dqy ek=k dh vk/kh fo?kfVr gkstk;sxh&(a) 9.0 × 10 9 years (b) 13.5 × 10 9 years(c) 4.5 × 10 9 years (d) 4.5 × 10 4.5 yearsThe half life <strong>of</strong> 92 U 238 is 4.5 × 10 9 years. After how many years, the amount <strong>of</strong> 92 U 238will be reduced to half <strong>of</strong> its present amount:(a) 9.0 × 10 9 years (b) 13.5 × 10 9 years(c) 4.5 × 10 9 years (d) 4.5 × 10 4.5 years139. izksVkWu ds lUnHkZ esa dkSulk dFku lgh gS&(a) izksVkWu M~;wfVfj;e dk ukfHkd gS(b) izksVkWu ,d vYQk d.k gS(c) izksVkWu] vk;fur gkbMª kstu v.kq gS(d) izksVkWu] vk;fur gkbMª kstu gSWhich is correct statement about proton?(a) Proton is nucleus <strong>of</strong> deuterium(b) Proton is alpha particle(c) Proton is ionized hydrogen molecule(d) Proton is ionized hydrogen140. ,d QksVWu dh rjaxnS/;Z 2.2 × 10 -11 eh gS] h= 6.6 × 10 -34 twy lsd.M gS] rks QksVkWu dk laosx gS&(a) 3 × 10 −23 kg ms −1(b) 3.33 × 10 22 kg ms −1(c) 1.452 × 10 −44 kg ms −1(d) 6.89 × 10 43 kg ms −1(124)

TEST PAPERIf wave length <strong>of</strong> proton is 2.2 × 10 -11 m, h= 6.6 × 10 -34 Js, then momentum <strong>of</strong>photon is(a) 3 × 10 −23 kg ms −1(b) 3.33 × 10 22 kg ms −1(c) 1.452 × 10 −44 kg ms −1(d) 6.89 × 10 43 kg ms −1141. fuEu vfHkfØ;k esa X gksxk& 11 Na 23 + 1 H 1 → 12 Mg 23 + X(a) A neutron(c) A positron(b) A deuteron(d) An α−particleThe symbol X in the following equation: 11 Na 23 + 1 H 1 → 12 Mg 23 + X is:(a) A neutron(c) A positron(b) A deuteron(d) An α−particle238 −α−βφ −nε218142. fuEu ukfHkdh; vfHkfØ;kvksa esa Øe esa& X ⎯⎯→ Y ⎯⎯→ Z ⎯→L⎯⎯→ 84n dk eku gksxk&92M(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6In the sequence <strong>of</strong> following nuclear reactions:⎯⎯→⎯⎯→⎯→⎯⎯→238 −α−βφ −nε21892X Y Z L84 Mthe value <strong>of</strong> n will be:(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6143. ;wjsfu;e [kfut ds ,d uewus esa jsfM;e rFkk ;wjsfu;e ds ijek.kq 1 : 2.8 × 10 6 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fnjsfM;e ds v)Z vk;qdky dk eku 1620 o"kZ gks rks ;wjsfu;e ds v)Z vk;q dky dk eku gksxk&(a) 45.3 × 10 9 years (b)(c) 4.53 × 10 9 years (d)45.3 × 10 10 year4.53 × 10 10 yearsThe radium and uranium atoms in a sample <strong>of</strong> uranium mineral are in the ratio <strong>of</strong> 1 :2.8 × 10 6 . IF half life period <strong>of</strong> radium is 1620 years. the half-life period <strong>of</strong> uraniumwill be:(a) 45.3 × 10 9 years (b)(c) 4.53 × 10 9 years (d)45.3 × 10 10 year4.53 × 10 10 years144. ,d inkFkZ dk v)Z vk;q 77 fnu gS crkb, bldk {k;kad gksxk&(a) 0.9 (b) 0.09(c) 0.009 (d) 0.013Half life <strong>of</strong> a substance is 77 days then its decay constant will be:(a) 0.9 (b) 0.09(c) 0.009 (d) 0.013(125)

145. F, F - , O rFkk O 2— dh f=T;k dk Øe gS&(a) O 2− > F − > O > F(b) O 2− > F − > F > O(c) F − > O 2− > F > O(d) O 2− > O > F − > FTEST PAPERThe radii <strong>of</strong> F, F - , O and O 2- are in the order:(a) O 2− > F − > O > F(b) O 2− > F − > F > O(c) F − > O 2− > F > O(d) O 2− > O > F − > F146. gkbMª kstu LisDVª e esa] ckej dk izFke js[kk dh rjax la[;k gksxh&5R−1(a) cm367R−1(c) cm1443R−1(b) cm49R−1(d) cm400The first emission line in the atomic spectrum <strong>of</strong> hydrogen in the Balmer seriesappears at:5R−1(a) cm367R−1(c) cm1443R−1(b) cm49R−1(d) cm400147. He + easa bysDVª kWu dh izFke dks'k dh ÅtkZ -871.6 × 10 -20 J gSA gkbMª kstu ds izFke dks'k esa bysDVª kWudh Åtkz gksxh&(a) −871.6 × 10 −20 J (b)(c) −217.9 × 10 −20 J (d)−435.8 × 10 −20 J−108.9 × 10 −20 JThe energy <strong>of</strong> the electron in the first orbit <strong>of</strong> He + is -871.6 × 10 -20 J. The energy <strong>of</strong>the electron in the first orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogen would be:(a) −871.6 × 10 −20 J (b)(c) −217.9 × 10 −20 J (d)−435.8 × 10 −20 J−108.9 × 10 −20 J148. bysDVª kWu ij vkos'k dk ifjek.k gS&4.8 × 10 −10 e.s.u. Li + ij vkos'k dk ifjek.k gksxlk&(a) 1.4 × 10 −9 e.s.u. (b)(c) 4.8 × 10 −10 e.s.u. (d)2.8 × 10 −9 e.s.u.9.6 × 10 −10 e.s.u.The charge <strong>of</strong> an electron is 4.8 × 10 −10 e.s.u. The value <strong>of</strong> charge on Li + will be :(a) 1.4 × 10 −9 e.s.u. (b)(c) 4.8 × 10 −10 e.s.u. (d)2.8 × 10 −9 e.s.u.9.6 × 10 −10 e.s.u.(126)

TEST PAPER149. izksVkWu rFkk U;wVª kWu dh eSftd la[;k n'kkZus okyk rRo gS&(a) 8 O 17 (b) 13 Al 27(c) 9 F 17 (d) 20 Ca 40Which <strong>of</strong> the following has magic number <strong>of</strong> protons and neutron:(a) 8 O 17 (b) 13 Al 27(c) 9 F 17 (d) 20 Ca 40150. Co-60 dk v)Zvk;qdky 5.3 o"kZ gSA ewy izfrn'kZ ds 7/8 Hkkx ds fo?kVu gsrq yxus okyh le; gksxk(a) 4.6 years(c) 10.6 years(b) 9.2 years(d) 15.9 yearsCo-60 has a half life <strong>of</strong> 5.3 years. The time taken for 7/8 <strong>of</strong> the original sample todisintegrate will be:(a) 4.6 years(c) 10.6 years(b) 9.2 years(d) 15.9 years151. f}/kukosf'kr /kkrq vk;u dk bysDVª kWuh; foU;kl 2, 8, 14 gSaA bldk ijek.kq Hkkx 56 gSA ukfHkd esa U;wVª kWudh la[;k crkb,(a) 30 (b) 32(c) 34 (d) 28The electronic configuration <strong>of</strong> dipositive metal ion is 2, 8, 14. Its atomic weight is56. What are the number <strong>of</strong> neutrons in the nucleus(a) 30 (b) 32(c) 34 (d) 28152. d xy vkfcZVy ds fy, uksMhy ry dh la[;k gksxh(a) 0 (b) 1(c) 2 (d) 3The number <strong>of</strong> nodal planes in d xy orbital is(a) 0 (b) 1(c) 2 (d) 3153. eSXuhf'k;e] ftldk ijek.kq Øekad 12 gS] ds ,d leLFkkfud dh nzO;eku la[;k 26 gSA blesa mifLFkrizksVkWu] U;wVª kWu rFkk bysDVª kWu dh la[;k Øe'k% gksxh&(a) 12, 12, 14 (b) 12, 14, 12(c) 14,12, 12 (d) 12, 12, 12If magnesium atom having atomic numbers 12 has an isotope with mass number 26,then the number <strong>of</strong> protons, neutrons and electrons respectively <strong>of</strong> the atom are :(a) 12, 12, 14 (b) 12, 14, 12(c) 14,12, 12 (d) 12, 12, 12(127)

154. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSulk ijek.kq vuqpqEcdh; gS&(a) N(c) Zn(b) Be(d) CaTEST PAPERWhich <strong>of</strong> the following atom will be paramagnetic:(a) N (b) Be (c) Zn (d) Ca155. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds fy, cksj fl)kUrkuqlkj v/kksfyf[kr esa ls bysDVª kWu ds fy, dkSu lk DokUVhd`r gksrkgS&(a) Roj.k(c); laosx(b) osx(d) Roj.kAccording to Bohr's theory <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom, which <strong>of</strong> the following is quantizedfor an electron:(a) Acceleration (b) Velocity(d) Angular momentum(e) Angular acceleration156. 1 gm nzO;eku okys fi.M dh Mh&czksXyh rjaxnS/;Z D;k gksxhA fi.M dk osx 100 m/s gS&(a) 6.63 × 10 -33 m (b) 6.63 × 10 -34 m(c) 6.63 × 10 -35 m (d) 6.65 × 10 -35 mThe de-Broglie wavelength <strong>of</strong> a particle with mass 1g and velocity 100 m/s is:(a) 6.63 × 10 -33 m (b) 6.63 × 10 -34 m(c) 6.63 × 10 -35 m (d) 6.65 × 10 -35 m157. P x vkfcZVy ds fy, uksMh; ry gksaxs(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0The number <strong>of</strong> nodal planes in a P x orbital is:(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0158. bysDVª kWu ds n = 4 ls n = 2 laØe.k ds laxr mRlftZr js[kk] LisDVª e esa gksxh&(a) ykbeSu dh izFke js[kk(b) ckej dh f}rh; js[kk(c) ik'pu dh izFke js[kk(d) ik'pu~ dh f}rh; js[kkWhen an electron makes transition from n = 4 to n = 2, then emitted line in spectrumwill be:(a) First line <strong>of</strong> Lyman series(b) Second line <strong>of</strong> Balmer series(c) First line <strong>of</strong> Paschen series(d) Second line <strong>of</strong> Paschen Series(128)

TEST PAPER159. bysDVª kWu dh xfrt ÅtkZ 2.8 × 10 -23 J gSA Mh&czksXyh rjaxnS/;Z yxHkx gksxh& (m e = 9.1 × 10 -31kg)(a) 9.28 × 10 −4 m (b) 9.28 × 10 −7 m(c) 9.28 × 10 −8 m (d) 9.28 × 10 −10 mAn electron has kinetic energy 2.8 × 10 -23 J. Broglie wavelength will be nearly: (m e= 9.1 × 10 -31 kg)(a) 9.28 × 10 −4 m (b) 9.28 × 10 −7 m(c) 9.28 × 10 −8 m (d) 9.28 × 10 −10 m160. 1.20 × 10 5 ms −1 osx ls xfreku bysDVª kWu dh Mh&czksXyh rjaxnS/;Z gksxh(a) 6.068 × 10 −9(c) 6.026 × 10 −9(b) 3.133 × 10 −37(d) 6.018 × 10 −7What will be de-Broglie wavelength <strong>of</strong> an electron moving with a velocity 1.20 ×10 5 ms −1 ?(a) 6.068 × 10 −9(c) 6.026 × 10 −9(b) 3.133 × 10 −37(d) 6.018 × 10 −7161. nh xbZ ÅtkZ E = 3.03 × 10 −19 J ds fy, laxr rjaxnS/;Z dk eku gksxk& (h = 6.6 × 10 −34 J ×sec.,C = 3 × 10 8 m/sec.)(a) 65.6 nm(c) 3.4 nm(b) 6.65 nm(d) 656 nmFor a given energy E = 3.03 × 10 −19 Joules, corresponding wavelength is:(h = 6.6 × 10 −34 J — sec., C = 3 × 10 8 m/sec.)(a) 65.6 nm(c) 3.4 nm(b) 6.65 nm(d) 656 nm162. fyfFk;e ukbVª kbM esa ukbVª kbM vk;u dk la?kVu gS&(a) 10 protons + 10 electrons(b) 7 protons + 10 electrons(c) 10 protons + 7 electrons(d) 7 protons + 7 electronsThe nitride ion in lithium nitride is composed <strong>of</strong>:(a) 10 protons + 10 electrons(b) 7 protons + 10 electrons(c) 10 protons + 7 electrons(d) 7 protons + 7 electrons(129)

TEST PAPER163. lebysDVª kWuh; Lih'kht gS(a) CO, CN − , NO + , C 22−(b) CO − , CN, NO, C 2(c) CO + , CN + , NO − , C 2(d) CO, CN, NO, C 2Isoelectronic species are(a) CO, CN − , NO + , C 22−(b) CO − , CN, NO, C 2(c) CO + , CN + , NO − , C 2(d) CO, CN, NO, C 2164. fdlesa U;wVª kWu dh la[;k 40 18 Ar esa mifLFkr U;wVª kWu dh la[;k ds lerqY; ugha gS?(a) 41 19K(c) 40 21Sc(b) 43 21Sc(d) 42 20CaWhich <strong>of</strong> the following does NOT contain number <strong>of</strong> neutron equal to that <strong>of</strong> 40 18AR?(a) 41 19K(c) 40 21Sc(b) 43 21Sc(d) 42 20Ca165. gkbMª kstu LisDVª e dh ckej esa dkSulk laØe.k rhljh js[kk mRiUu djsxk&(a) ikapos cksj vkfcZV ls nwljk(b) ikaposa cksj vkfcZV ls igyk(c) pkSFks cksj vkfcZV ls nwljk(d) pkSFks cksj vkfcZV ls igykIn Balmer series <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom spectrum which electgronic transition causesthird line(a) Fifth Bohr orbit to second one(b) Fifth Bohr orbit to first one(c) Fourth Bohr orbit to second one(d) Fourth Bohr orbit to first one166. mPpre izeq[k Dok.Ve la[;k 4 okys ijek.kq ds fy, leaftr gksus okys vf/kdre bysDVª kWu dh la[;kgksxh&(a) 10 (b) 18 (c) 36 (d) 54What is the maximum No. <strong>of</strong> electrons which can be accommodated in an atom inwhich the highest principal quantum No. value is 4?(a) 10 (b) 18 (c) 36 (d) 54(130)

TEST PAPER167. bysDVª kWu pØ.k ds fy, + 1/2 rFkk -1/2 Dok.Ve la[;k fu:fir djrh gS&(a) bysDVª kWu dk Øe'k% Dyksdokbt rFkk ,.VhDyksdokbt fn'kk esa pØ.kA(b) bysDVª kWu dk Øe'k% ,.VhDyksdokbt rFkk Dyksdokbt fn'kk esa pØ.k(c) Åij rFkk uhps ladsru djus okys bysDVª kWu dk pqEcdh; vk?kw.kZ(d) nks Dok.Ve ;kfU=dh pØ.k voLFkk ftudk dksbZ fpj lEer rqY; :i ugha gSAThe quantum number + 1/2 and -1/2 for the electron spin represent:(a) Rotation <strong>of</strong> the electron in clockwise and anti clockwise direction respectively.(b) Rotation <strong>of</strong> the electron in anti clockwise and clockwise direction respectively.(c) Magnetic moment <strong>of</strong> the electron pointing up and down respectively.(d) Two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogues.168. 200 g okys xksYQ xsan 5m/h ls xfr djrh gS] bldk rjaxnS/;Z gksxk(a) 10 −10 m(c) 10 −30 m(b) 10 −20 m(d) 10 −40 mThe wavelength associated with a golf ball weighing 200 g and moving at a speed <strong>of</strong>5m/h is <strong>of</strong> the order:(a) 10 −10 m(c) 10 −30 m(b) 10 −20 m(d) 10 −40 m169. fdlesa l = 2 okyk miry ugha gksxk(a) P(c) Cr(b) Fe(d) MnIn the following atoms which do not have l = 2?(a) P(c) Cr(b) Fe(d) Mn170. ψ }kjk vkysf[kr ijek.kq d{k es fi.Mdksa (lobes) dh fpUg bafxr djrs gSa&(a) rjax Qyu dk fpUg(b) izkf;drk forj.k dk fpUg(c) bysDVª kWu ?kuRo dh mifLFkfr(d) vkos'k dk fpUgIn an atomic orbital represented graphically by the ψ the signs <strong>of</strong> lobes indicate:(a) Sign <strong>of</strong> the wave function(b) Sign <strong>of</strong> the probability distribution(c) Presence <strong>of</strong> electron density(d) Sign <strong>of</strong> the charge(131)

TEST PAPER171. H-ijek.kq ds fy, tc bysDVª kWu 4 ls 2osa cksj dks'k esa tkrk gS rks mRlftZr f<strong>of</strong>dj.k dk rjaxnS/;Zgksxk&(Rydberg constant = 1.09678 × 10 7 m -1 )(a) 972 nm(c) 243 nm(b) 486 nm(d) 182 nmThe wavelength <strong>of</strong> the radiation emitted when an electron falls from Bohr's orbit 4 to2 in hydrogen atom, is: (Rydberg constant = 1.09678 × 10 7 m -1 )(a) 972 nm(c) 243 nm(b) 486 nm(d) 182 nm172. Iykad fLFkjkad dh bdkbZ gksxh&(a) J(b) J/S(c) JS (d) J 2 S -1Planck's nature is described in units <strong>of</strong>:(a) J(b) J/S(c) JS (d) J 2 S -1173. QksVku dh }sr izd`fr fuEu }kjk iznf'kZr gksrh gS&(a) O;frdj.k (b) E = Mc 2(c) foorZu (d) E = hυThe duel nature <strong>of</strong> photons is described by:(a) Interferences (b) E = Mc 2(c) Diffraction (d) E = hυ174. U;wVª kWu dks ukfHkd esa fuosf'kr djkus ij ukfHkd dk nzO;eku&(a) ,d ls c

TEST PAPER176. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds bysDVª kWu dks izFke ls rhljs d{k esa igqapus ij rjaxnS/;Z(a) c

TEST PAPER180. ;fn bysDVª kWu dk vkos'k -1.6 × 10 -19 cb gks rks] rsy dh izR;sd cwan ij lEHkkfor vkos'k dk eku gksxk&(a) -5.20 × 10 -19 cb. (b)(c) -8 × 10 -19 cb. (d) -7 × 10 -19 cb.-5.20 × 10 -20 cb.If th charge <strong>of</strong> an electron is -1.6 × 10 -19 cb.. Then possible charge <strong>of</strong> each drop <strong>of</strong>oil is:(a) -5.20 × 10 -19 cb. (b)(c) -8 × 10 -19 cb. (d) -7 × 10 -19 cb.-5.20 × 10 -20 cb.If th charge <strong>of</strong> an electron is -1.6 × 10 -19 cb.. Then possible charge <strong>of</strong> each drop <strong>of</strong>oil is:(a) -5.20 × 10 -19 cb. (b)(c) -8 × 10 -19 cb. (d) -7 × 10 -19 cb.181. 1 eksy NaCl esa izksVkWu gksrs gSa&(a) 6 (b) 11(c) 17 (d) 28-5.20 × 10 -20 cb.How many moles <strong>of</strong> protons are there in one mole NaCl?(a) 6 (b) 11(c) 17 (d) 28182. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq dh izFke mÙ kftr voLFkk dh ÅtkZ -3.4 eV gSA mlh vkfcZV dh xfrt ÅtkZgksxh&(a) +3.4 eV(c) -13.6 eV(b) +6.8 eV(d) + 13.6 eVIn hydrogen atom, energy <strong>of</strong> first excited state is -3.4 eV. Then find out the KE <strong>of</strong>same orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogen atom:(a) +3.4 eV(c) -13.6 eV183. d-d{kd esa gksrs gSa&(a) pkj ikfy;k rFkk nks uksM(b) +6.8 eV(b) pkj ikfy;k rFkk ,d uksM(d) + 13.6 eV(c) lEeq[k ikfy;k ds fpUg Lo:i(d) lEeq[k ikfy;k ds fpUg foijhrmi;qZä dFkuksa esa ls lgh gS&(a) dsoy (a)(c) (b) rFkk (c)(b) (a) rFkk (c)(d) (a) rFkk (d)(134)

The d-orbitals are having:(a) Four lobes and two nodes(b) Four lobes and one nodeTEST PAPER(c) Opposite lobes are having same signs(d) Opposite lobes are having different signsWhich <strong>of</strong> the above statements is/are correct?(a) a alone(c) b and c(b) a and c(d) an and d184. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq esa tc bysDVª kWu mPp ÅtkZ Lrj ls L-dks'k esa vkrk gS rks LisDVª e dbZ js[kkvksa dks curk gSA bl dks dgrs gSa&(a) ik'pu(c) ykbeSu(b) cszsdsV(d) ckejWhen the electrons <strong>of</strong> H-atoms return to L-shell from shells <strong>of</strong> higher energy we geta series <strong>of</strong> lines in the spectrum. This series is called:(a) Paschen series (b) Brackett series(c) Lyman series (d) Balmer series185. 6 C 12 ds ukfHkd dh f=T;k gksxh(a) 3.1 × 10 -13 cm (b) 1.6 × 10 -13 cm(c) 4.8 × 10 -13 cm (d) 6.4 × 10 -3 cmRadius <strong>of</strong> nucleus <strong>of</strong> 6 C 12 is:(a) 3.1 × 10 -13 cm (b) 1.6 × 10 -13 cm(c) 4.8 × 10 -13 cm (d) 6.4 × 10 -3 cm186. ,d rRo M dk ijek.kq nzO;eku 19 gS rFkk ijek.kq Øekad 9 gSA blds vk;u dk fu:i.k gksxk&(a) M + (b) M 2+ (c) M - (d) M 2−Mass number <strong>of</strong> an element M is 19 and its atomic number is 9. Its ion isrepresented by:(a) M + (b) M 2+ (c) M - (d) M 2−187. ijek.oh; vkfcZVyksa dh ÅtkZ dk c

TEST PAPER188. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdlds 3d-midks'k esa la;ksth bysDVª kWu ugha gSa(a) Fe (III) (b) Cr (I) (c) Mn (II) (d) P (0)Which <strong>of</strong> the following does not have electron in 3d sub-shell?(a) Fe (III)(b) Cr (I)(c) Mn (II) (d) P (0)189. fdlesa vf/kdre ijek.kq gSa&(a) 24 g, C (12) (b) 56 g, Fe (56)(c) 27 g, Al (27) (d) 108 g, Ag (108)Maximum atoms would be present in:(a) 24 g, C (12) (b) 56 g, Fe (56)(c) 27 g, Al (27) (d) 108 g, Ag (108)190. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq esa n = ∞ ls n = 1 rd laØe.k ds fy, rjaxnS/;Z λ dk eku gksxk(a) 912 Å(c) 91.2 Å(b) 9.12 Å(d) 0.912 ÅWavelength λ corresponding to transition form n = ∞ to n = 1 1 case <strong>of</strong> H-atom is:(a) 912 Å(c) 91.2 Å(b) 9.12 Å(d) 0.912 Å191. dkSulh gkbMª kstu tSlh Lih'kht dh ogh f=T;k gksxh tks gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds vkfcZV dh gksxh&(a) n = 2, Li 2+ (b) n = 2, Be 3+(c) n = 2, He + (d) n = 3, Li 2+Which hydrogen like species will have same radius as that <strong>of</strong> Bohr orbit <strong>of</strong> hydrogenatom?(a) n = 2, Li 2+ (b) n = 2, Be 3+(c) n = 2, He + (d) n = 3, Li 2+192. gkbMª kstu ijek.kq ds lEcU/k esa fuEu esa ls dkSulk dFku lgh gS(a) 3d-d{kd dh rqyuk esa 3p d{kd dh ÅtkZ de gS(b) 3d d{kd dh rqyuk esa 3s-d{k dh ÅtkZ de gS(c) 3s, 3p rFkk 3d lHkh d{kdksa dh ÅtkZ leku gS(d) 3d d{kd dh rqyuk esa 3s rFkk 3p d{kdksa dh ÅtkZ de gSWhich <strong>of</strong> the following statement in relations to the hydrogen atom is correct?(a) 3 p orbital is lower in energy than 3d orbital(b) 3s orbital is lower in energy than 3p orbital(c) 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals all have the same energy(d) 3s, 3p orbitals are <strong>of</strong> lower energy than 3d orbital(136)

TEST PAPER193. He + ds bysDVª kWu dks lokZf/kd ik, tkus dh lEHkkouk dh f=T;k (pm esa) gS&(a) 0.0 (b) 52.9(c) 26.5 (d) 105.8The most probable radius (in pm) for finding the electron in He + is:(a) 0.0 (b) 52.9(c) 26.5 (d) 105.8194. ,d /kkrq lrg ij tc lw;Z dh f<strong>of</strong>dj.ksa Mkyh tkrh gSa rks&(a) mRlftZr bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ vf/kdre ÅtkZ ls de gksxh tks vkifrr f<strong>of</strong>dj.kksa dh vko`fÙ k ij fuHkZjdjrh gS(b) mRlftZr bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ vf/kdre ÅtkZ ls de gksxh tks vkifrr f<strong>of</strong>dj.kksa dh rhozrk ij fuHkZjdjrh gS(c) mRlftZr bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ 'kwU; gksrh gS(d) mRlftZr bysDVª kWu dh ÅtkZ vkifrr izdk'k ds QksVkWu dh ÅtkZ ds rqY; gksxhA metal surface is exposed to solar radiations:(a) The emitted electrons have energy less than a maximum value <strong>of</strong> energydepending upon frequency <strong>of</strong> incident radiations(b) The emitted electrons have energy less than maximum value <strong>of</strong> energy dependingupon intensity <strong>of</strong> incident radiation(c) The emitted electrons have zero energy(d) The emitted electrons have energy equal to energy <strong>of</strong> photons <strong>of</strong> incident light(137)

TEST PAPER1. rktk vo{ksfir Qsfjd gkbMª kWDlkbM esa ruq HCl dh dqN cqUns Mkyus ij ,d yky jax dk dksykWbMhfoy;u mRiUu gksrk gSA ;g ifj?kVuk dgykrh gS&:(a) is"Vtdj.k(c) j{k.k izfØ;k(b) viksgu(d) foy;hdj.kOn adding few drops <strong>of</strong> dil. HCl to freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide, a redcoloured colloidal solution is obtained. This phenomenon is known as(a) Peptisation (b) Dialysis(c) Protective action (d) Dissolution2. buesa ls dkSulk dksykWbMh ugha gS&(a) :ch dkap(c) xe ,sjsfcd(b) DyksjksQhy(d) tsyhWhich <strong>of</strong> the following is not colloid(a) Rubby glass (b) Chlorophyll(c) Gum arabic(d) Jelly3. Lo.kZ ds fHkUu f<strong>of</strong>/k;ksa esa izkir dksykWbMh d.kksa dk jax fHkUu gksrk gSA bldk dkj.k gS(a) Lo.kZ dhifjorhZ la;kstdrk(b) Lo.kZ d.kksZ dk fHkUu lkUnz.k(c) fHkUu izdkj dh v/kqf};ka(d) dksykWbMh d.kksa dk fHkUu O;klGold sol prepared from different methods shows different colour. The reasonbeing :(a) Variable valency <strong>of</strong> gold(b) Different concentratin <strong>of</strong> gold particles(c) Different kinds <strong>of</strong> impurities(d) Different diameter <strong>of</strong> colloidal particles4. dksgjk (Fog) dkSu ls dksykWbMh ra= dk mnkgj.k gS&(a) xSl esa ifjf{kIr nzo (b) xSl esa ifjf{kIr xSl(c) xSl esa ifjf{kIr Bksl (b) nzo esa ifjf{kIr BkslFog is an example <strong>of</strong> colloidal system <strong>of</strong>(a) Liquid dispersed in gas(c) Solid dispersed in gas(b) Gas dispersed in gas(d) Solid dispersed in liquid(138)

5. dkSulk izkd`frd dksykWbM gS&(a) lksfM;e DyksjkbM (b);wfj;k(c) dsu 'kdZjk (d) jDrWhich is a natural colloid?(a) Sodium chloride (b) Urea(c) Cane sugar (d) Blood6. xksYM uEcj n'kkZrk gS&(a) feJ /kkrq ea xksYM dh izfr'kr ek=k(b) xksYM fcLdqV esa xksYM dh izfr'kr ek=k(c) dksykWbM laj{k.k 'kfDr(d) dksykWbM Lo.kZ esa Lo.kZ dh izfr'kr ek=kGold number shows(a) Percentage <strong>of</strong> gold in alloy(b) Percentage <strong>of</strong> gold in gold biscuit(c) Efficiency <strong>of</strong> protective colloid(d) Percentage <strong>of</strong> gold in gold sol7. lefoHko fcUnq og H + vk;u ds lkUnz.k dks n'kkZRk gS ftl ij fd dksykWbMh d.k(a) LdfUnr gksrs gSA(b) fo|qr mnklhu gks tkrs gSA(c) fo|qr {ks= esa bysDVª ksM dh vksj pyus yxrs gSA(d) foijhr fo|qr vkosf'kr gks tkrs gSaAIsoelectric point shows the H + ion concentration at which colloidal particles(a) Are coagulated(b) Become electrically neutral(c) Start migrating towards electrode in presence <strong>of</strong> applied electric field(d) Become oppositely charged8. ,d dksykWbMh d.k dk vkdkj gS&(a) > 0.1 µ (b) 1 mµ to 0.1µ(c) < 0.1 mµ (d) > 3000 mµThe size <strong>of</strong> the colloidal particle is(a) > 0.1 µ (b) 1 mµ to 0.1µ(c) < 0.1 mµ (d) > 3000 mµ(139)

9. eD[ku gS&(a) ,d tsy (b),d ik;l (emulsion)(c) ,d lkWy (d)dksykWbM dk dksbZ iz:i ughButter is(a) A gel (b) An emulsion(c) A sol (d) Not a colloid10. The size <strong>of</strong> the colloidal particle is(a) > 0.1 µ (b) 1 mµ to 0.1µ(c) < 0.1 mµ (d) > 3000 mµThe size <strong>of</strong> the colloidal particle is(a) > 0.1 µ (b) 1 mµ to 0.1µ(c) < 0.1 mµ (d) > 3000 mµ11. fVUMy izHkko izsf{kr fd;k tkrk gS&:(a) foy;u esa (b) vo{ksi esa(c) lkWy esa (d) ok"i esaTyndall effect will be observed in(a) Solution (b) Precipitate(c) Sol (d) wapour12. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk 'kCn dksykWbMksa ds lkFk lacaf/kr ugha gS&(a) czkmuh xfr(b) viksgu(c) vfr lw{e fuLianu (d) rjaxnS/;ZWhich <strong>of</strong> the following terms is not related with colloids(a) Brownian movement(b) dialysis(c) Ultrafilteration (d) Wave-length13. laj{kd dksykWbM dh rjg dk;Z djus okyk lkWy gS(a) As 2 s 3 (b) Gelatin(c) Au (d) Fe(OH) 3Which <strong>of</strong> the following works as protective colloid(a) As 2 s 3 (b) Gelatin(c) Au (d) Fe(OH) 3(140)

14. 10% NaCl ds ,d feyh foy;u dks 0.25 xzke ZLVkpZ dh mifLFkfr esa 10 feyh Lo.kZ lkWy esafeykus ls] Ldanu :d tkrk gSA fuEufyf[kr esa LVkpZ dh Lo.kZ la[;k gS&:(a) 0.025 (b) o.25(c) 2.5 (d) 250On addition <strong>of</strong> one ml solution <strong>of</strong> 10% NaCl to 10 ml gold sol in presence <strong>of</strong> 0.25gm starch, the coagulation is just prevented. The gold number <strong>of</strong> starch is :(a) 0.025 (b) o.25(c) 2.5 (d) 25015. nzo Lusgh lkWy dk i`"B ruko gS&:(a) ty ls de(c) ty ds leku(d) dksbZ laca/k ugha(b) ty ls vf/kdThe surface-tension <strong>of</strong> lyophilic sol is(a) Less than water(b) More than water(c) Equal to that <strong>of</strong> water(d) None <strong>of</strong> these16. eD[ku ,d dksykWbM gSA ;g curk gS tc(a) olk dks Bksl dslhu esa ifjf{kIr djrs gSA(b) olk xksfydkvksa dks ty esa ifjf{kIr djrs gSA(c) ty dks olk esa ifjf{kIr djrs gSA(d) ty dks dSlhu esa fuyfEcr djrs gSAButter is a colloid formed when(a) Fat is dispersed in water(b) Fat globules dispersed in water(c) Water dispersed in fat(d) Suspension <strong>of</strong> caesin in water17. czkmuh xfr fdlds dkj.k mRiUu gksrh gS&(a) nzo izkoLFkk esa rki ifjorZu lsA(b) dksykWbMh d.kksa ds e/; vkd"kZ.k rFkk izfrd"kZ.k ls(c) dksykWbMh d.kksa ij ifj{ksi.k ek/;e ds izHkko ls(d) laoguh; /kkjk,a(141)

The Brownian motion is due to ;(a) Temperature fluctuation within the liquid phase(b) Attraction and repulsion between charges on the colloidal particles(c) Impact <strong>of</strong> molecules <strong>of</strong> the dispersion medium on the colloidal particles(d) Convective currents18. m.kZu eku] O;Dr dh tkrh gS&(a) feyh eksy izfr yhVj esa (b) eksy izfr yhVj esa(c) xzke izfr yhVj esa (d) eksy izfr feyhyhVj esaFlocculation value is expression as(a) Millimoles per litre (b) Moles per litre(b) Grams per litre (d) Moles per millilit19. vkdk'k uhyk D;ksa fn[kkbZ nsrk gS& :(a) fo{ksi.k izHkko d dkj.k(b) ijkorZu ds dkj.k(c) lapj.k ds dkj.k(d) izdh.kZu ds dkj.kThe sky looks blue due to :(a) Dispersion effect (b) Reflection(c) Transmission (d) Scattering20. fdlh vk;u dh fn, x, dksykWbMh foy;u dks Ldsfnr djus dh {kerk fuhkZj djrh gS&(a) mlds vkdj ij(b) mlds vkos'k ds ifjek.k ij(c) dsoy mlds vkos'k ds fpUg ij(d) mlds vkos'k ds fpUg ,oa ifjek.k nksuks ij.The ability <strong>of</strong> an ion to bring about coagulation <strong>of</strong> a given colloid depends upon(a) Its size(b) The magnitude <strong>of</strong> its charge only(c) The sign <strong>of</strong> its charge alone(d) Both magnitude and sign <strong>of</strong> its charge.21. Qsfjd gkbMª kWDlkbM lkWy ds fy, izHkkoh Ldanu drkZ dkSulk gS&(a) KCl (b) KNO 3(c) K 2 SO 4 (d) K 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ](142)

Which <strong>of</strong> the following is most effective in coagulating a ferric hydroxide sol?(a) KCl (b) KNO 3(c) K 2 SO 4 (d) K 3 [Fe(CN) 6 ]22. fuEufyf[kr esa dkSu tyLusgh lkWy dks vLFkk;h cukrk gS&:(a) viksgu(b) fo|qr vi?kV; dk Mkyuk(c) ,sYdksgkWy dk Mkyuk(d) ,sYdksgky ,oa fo|qr vi?kV; nksuksa dk MkyukWhich <strong>of</strong> the followings make the hydrophilic sol unstable(a) Dialysis(b) Addition <strong>of</strong> electrolyte(c) Addition <strong>of</strong> alcohol(d) Addition <strong>of</strong> alcohol and electrolyte23. dkSu lk dksykWbM us=ksa ds jksx ds mipkj dsfy, iz;qDr gksrk gS&(a) S-dksykWbMh(c) Lo.kZ dksykWbMh(b) ,sUVheuh dksykWbMh(d) flYoj dksykWbMhWhich colloid is used in treating eye disease?(a) Colloidal-S(b) Colloidal antimony(c) Colloidal gold (d) Colloidal silver24. fuEu esa ls dkSu lk fo|qr vi?kV; Qsfjd gkbMª kWDlkbM lkWy ds Ldanu esa U;wure izHkkoh gksrk gS(a) K 3 Fe (CN) 6 (b) K 2 CrO 4(c) KBr (d) K 2 SO 4Which <strong>of</strong> the following electollyte is least effective in coagulating ferrichydroxide sol:(a) K 3 Fe (CN) 6 (b) K 2 CrO 4(c) KBr (d) K 2 SO 425. fV.My izHkko iszf{kr gksrk gS&:(a) foy;u esa(b) foyk;d e(c) dksykWbMh foy;u esa (d) vo{ksi esaTydall effect will be observed in:(a) Solution(b) Solvent(c) Colloidal solution (d) Precipitate(143)

26. fo|qr {ks= dh mifLFkfr esa dksykWbMh d.k cukxz dh rjQ vfHkxeu djrs gSA blh lkWy dk NaCl,BaCl 2 and AlCl 3 }kjk Ldanu fd;k tk, rks mudh Ldanu {kerk dk Øe gksxk&:(a) NaCl> BaCl 2 >AlCl 3(b) BaCl 2 >AlCl 3 >NaCl(c) AlCl 3 >BaCl 2 >NaCl(d) BaCl 2 > NaCl > AlCl 3A colloidal solution is subjected to an electrical field. The particles move towardsanode. The coagulation <strong>of</strong> the same sol is studied using NaCl, BaCl 2 and AlCl 3solutions. Their coagulating power should be:(a) NaCl> BaCl 2 >AlCl 3(b) BaCl 2 >AlCl 3 >NaCl(c) AlCl 3 >BaCl 2 >NaCl(d) BaCl 2 > NaCl > AlCl 327. d`f=e o"kkZ gsrq cknyksa ij fuEu inkFkZ dh ckSNkj djuk vko';d gksrk gS&(a) iksVsf'k;e vk;ksMkbM(b) flYoj ukbZVsª V(c) floYoj vk;ksMkbM(e) dkWij lYQsVArtificial rain is produced by seeding clouds with(a) Potassium iodide (b) Silver nitrate(c) Silver iodide (d) Copper sulphate28. Qsfjd gkbMª kWDlkbM ds Ldanu ds lanHkZ ea fuEu fo|qr vi?kV;ksa dk lgh vuqØe gS&(1) K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] (2) AlPO 4(3) MgSO 4 (4) SnCl 4(a) 4, 3, 2, 1 (b) 1, 2, 3, 4(c) 1, 3, 2, 4 (d) 4,2, 3, 1What is the correct sequency <strong>of</strong> the increasing effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the followingelectrolytes for the coagulation <strong>of</strong> the ferre hydroxide sol?(1) K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] (2) AlPO 4(3) MgSO 4 (4) SnCl 4(a) d, c, b, a(c) a, c, b, d(b) a, b, c, d(d) d, b, c, a(144)

29. nq/kk gS&(a) ty esa ifj{kIr olk (b) olk esa ifjf{kIr ty(c) rsy esa ifjf{kIr tyMilk is(a) Fat dispersed in water(c) Water dis, ersed in oil(d) olk esa ifjf{kIr olk(b) Water dispersed in fat(d) Fat dispersed in fat30. nzo Lusgh dksykWbM dk LFkk;hRo v/kksfyf[kr ea ls fdl dkj.k ls gS(a) d.kksa ij vkos'k ds dkj.k(b) d.kksa dk cMk vkdkj(c) d.kksa dk NksVk vkdkj(d) ifj{ksi.k ek/;e }kjk foyk;dh;uThe stability <strong>of</strong> lyophilic colloid is due to which <strong>of</strong> the following?(a) Charge on their particles(b) Large size <strong>of</strong> their particles(c) Small size <strong>of</strong> their particles(d) Solvation by dispersion medium31. xksYm lkWy dks Ldafnr djus esa lokZf/kd izHkkoh fo|qr vi?kVe gS&(a) NaNO 3 (b) K 4 (Fe(CN) 6(c) Na 3 PO 4 (d) MgCl 2Which <strong>of</strong> the follwoing electrolytes will be most effective in the coagulation <strong>of</strong>gold sol?(a) NaNO 3 (b) K 4 (Fe(CN) 6(c) Na 3 PO 4 (d) MgCl 232. xksYM lkWy dks Ldafnr djus esa lokZf/kd izHkkoh fo|qr vi?kV; gS(a) fo|qr d.k lapyu izHkko(b) /ku d.k lapyu izHkko(c) ijklj.k(d) fo|qr ijklj.kParticles <strong>of</strong> dispersion medium under the effect <strong>of</strong> electric field move towardsopposite electrode. The process is(a) Electrophoresis (b) Cataphoresis(c) Osmosis (d) Electro-osmosis(145)

33. vkWa[kksa dh chekjh ds mipkj gsrq ^izksVsxkWy^ uke dh dksykWbMh foy;u iz;ksx esa vkrk gS ;g oLrqr% gS(a) lYQj dk dksykWbM (b)flYoj dk dksykWbM(c) ,s.Vheuh dk dksykWbM(d) xksYM dk dksykWbMWhich <strong>of</strong> the colloids used to cure disease <strong>of</strong> eyelid under the trade nameprotargyrol?(a) Colloid <strong>of</strong> suplhur(b) Colloid <strong>of</strong> silver(c) Colloid <strong>of</strong> antimony(d) Colloid <strong>of</strong> gold34. tc izdk'k dh rhoz fdj.ksa dksykWbMh foy;u ls izokfgr dh tkrh gS rks izdk'k&(a) bUnz /kuq"k curk gSA (b)ijk<strong>of</strong>rZr gksrk gSA(c) izdh.khZr gksrk gS (d) vizHkkfor jgrk gSWhen a strong beam <strong>of</strong> light is passed through a colloidal solution the light will(a) Give a rainbow (b) Be reflected(c) Be scattered (d) Pass unchanged35. tyLusgh lkWy dk xq.k/keZ ugha gS(a) ifjf{kIr izkoLFkk dh mPp lkUnzrk vklkuh ls igqap tkrh gSA(b) Ldanu mRØ; gksrk gSA(c) foLdkflrk o i`"B ruko ty ds rqY; gksrk gSA(d) d.kksa ij vkos'k ek/;e ds pH ij vkfJr gSA ;g /kukRed] _.kkRed vFkok 'kwU; gks ldrk gSAWhich h<strong>of</strong> the following is not the property <strong>of</strong> hydrophilic sol(a) Dispersed phase acquires higher concentration easily(b) Coagulation is reversible(c) Viscosity and surface tension are equal to that <strong>of</strong> water(d) Charge on the particle depends upon pH <strong>of</strong> the medium. It may be negative,positive or zero.36. vklsZfu;l lYQkbM lkWy ij _.kkRed vkos'k gksrk gSA bl lkWy ds fy, vf/kdre vo{ksi.k 'kfDrfdlds }kjk gksrh gS&(a) K 2 SO 4 (b) CaCl 2(c) Na 3 PO 4 (d) AlCl 3An arsenious sulphide sol carries a negative charge. The maximum precipitatingpower for this sol is possessed by :(a) K 2 SO 4 (b) CaCl 2(c) Na 3 PO 4 (d) AlCl 337. v/kZikjxE; f>Yyh ls folj.k }kjk fØLVykHk ls dksykWbM ds i`FkDdj.k izØe dks dgrs gS&:(146)

(a) viksgu(c) ijkW&fuLianu(b) Ldanu(d) vuqekiuThe process <strong>of</strong> separation <strong>of</strong> a colloid from crystalloid through semi-permeablemembrane is known as(a) Dialysis(b) Coagulation(c) Ultrafilteration (d) Titration38. _.kkosf'kr lkWy ds Ldanu ds fy, lcls vPNk vk;u gS :(a) PO 43-(b) Al 3+(c) Ba 2+ (d) K +Most effective ion to coagulate a negative sol is(a) PO 43-(b) Al 3+(c) Ba 2+ (d) K +39. nw/k fuEu dk ,d mnkgj.k gS&(a) okLrfod foy;u (b) tsy(c) fuyEcuMilk is an example <strong>of</strong>(d) beY'ku(a) <strong>True</strong> solution (b) Gel(c) Suspension(d) Emulsion40. gkMhZ 'kqYts ds fu;ekuqlkj /kuk;uksa dh Ldanu {kerk dk Øe gksxk&(a) Na + >Ba 2+ >Al 3+ (b) Al 3+ >Ba 2+ >Na +(c) Ba 2+ >Al 3+ >Na + (d) Al 3+ >Na + >Ba 2+According to Hardy-Schulze rule, the coagulating power <strong>of</strong> cations follows thaorder(a) Na + >Ba 2+ >Al 3+ (b) Al 3+ >Ba 2+ >Na +(c) Ba 2+ >Al 3+ >Na + (d) Al 3+ >Na + >Ba 2+41. NksVh nzo dh cwnsa fdlh nwljs nzo esa ifjf{kIr gksrhgS rks rU= dgykrk gS(a) fuyEcu(c) tsy(b) beY'u(d) okLrfod foy;uIf small drops <strong>of</strong> one liquid are dispersed in another liquid then the system iscalled(a) Suspension(c) Gel(b) Emulsion(d) <strong>True</strong> solution(147)

42. dksykWbMh d.kksa dk vkdkj gS& :(a) 10 -6 to 10 -9 m (b) 10 -9 to 10 -12 m(c) 10 -3 to 10 -9 m (d) 10 -12 to 10 -19 mThe size <strong>of</strong> the colloidal particle is :(a) 10 -6 to 10 -9 m (b) 10 -9 to 10 -12 m(c) 10 -3 to 10 -9 m (d) 10 -12 to 10 -19 m43. dksYkWbMh foy;uksa ds jaxhu gksus dk dkj.k gS(a) dksykWbMh d.kksa dk fHkUu vkdkj(b) ladqy dk cuuk(c) ty;ksftr fØLVyksa dk cuuk(d) mi;qZDr dksbZ Hkh ughaThe colour <strong>of</strong> the colloidal solution is due to :(a) Different size <strong>of</strong> the colloidal particles(b) Formation <strong>of</strong> complex(c) Formation <strong>of</strong> hydrated crystal(d) None <strong>of</strong> the above44. v/kksfyf[kr esa ty fojks/kh lkWy gS&(a) jcj (b) Cr(OH) 3(c) vkxj&vkxj (d) ftysfVuLyophobic colloid is(a) Rubber (b) Cr(OH) 3(c) Agar-agar (d) Gelatin45. nw/k ls olk izksVhu dks vo{ksfir fd;k tkrk gS&(a) vEy feykdj (b),Fksu feykdj(c) fQYVju ls (d) ikLrqjhdj.k lsIn order to precipitate fat-protein from the milk(a) Acid is added (b) Ethane is added(c) Filteration is done (d) Pasturization46. ,sjkslksy oLrqr% dksykWbM gS&(a) Bksl esa ifjf{kIr xSl (b) xSl esa ifjf{kIr nzo(c) nzo ea ifjf{kIr xSl (d) Bksl esa ifjf{kIr Bksl(148)

Aerosol is the colloid <strong>of</strong>(a) Gas dispersed in solid(b) Liquid dispersed in gas(c) Gas dispersed in liquid(d) Solid dispersed in solid47. U;wure Lo.kZ la[;k fdldh gS&:(a) ftysfVu(c) ik;lhdj.k(b) v.Mk vYcqfeu(d) LVkpZMinimum gold number will be <strong>of</strong>(a) Gelatin(c) Gum arabic(b) Egg alubumin(d) Starch48. Bksl ,sYdksgkWy gksrk gS] dksykWbMh foy;u&(a) dSfY'k;e ukbVª sV dk dksykWbMh foy;u(b) dSfY'k;e DyksjkbM dk dksykWbMh foy;u(c) dSfY'k;e dkscksZusV dk dksykWbMh foyku(d) dSfY'k;e ,slhVsV dk dksykWbMh foy;uSolid alcohol is the colloidal solution <strong>of</strong>(a) Colloidal solution <strong>of</strong> calcium nitrate(b) Colloidal solution <strong>of</strong> calcium chloride(c) Colloidal solution <strong>of</strong> calcium carbonate(d) Colloidal solution <strong>of</strong> calcium acetate49. fQVdkjh xUnys ikuh dks 'kq} djrh gS fuEu ds }kjk& :(a) vo'kks"k.k(c) ik;lhdj.k(b) Ldanu(d) ijklj.kAlum purifies muddy water due to(a) Absorption(b) Coagulation(c) Emulsification (d) Osmosis50. fdlhfoy;u ds pH dk eku ftlesa dksbZ ,sehuks vEy fo|qr {ks= ds izHkko esa vfHkxeu ugha djrkdgykrk gS&:(a) lefoHko fcUnq (b) mnklhuhdj.k fcUnq(c) xyu ØkfUrd fcUnq (d) vfUre fcUnq(149)

At a certain value <strong>of</strong> pH the amino acids does not migrate towards any <strong>of</strong> theelectrode under the influence <strong>of</strong> electric field. This pH value is called(a) Iso-electric point (b)(c) Entectic point (d) End pointNeutralisation point51. dksykWbMh pkanh] flYoj ukbVsª V dks fuEu ds lkFk vip;u djkus ij izkIr gksrh gS&(a) ,slhfVd vEy(c) Xyqdksl(b) ÝqDVksl(d) gkbMª kstuColloidal silver is obtained when silver nitrate is reduced by(a) Acetic acid(c) Glucose(b) Fructose(d) Hydrogen52. v/kksfyf[kr esa dksu lk dFku lgh ugh gS&%(a) nzoLusgh lkWy dh ';kurk ek/;e ls mPp gksrh gSA(b) nzoLsugh lkWy ds vo{ksi.k ds fy, vf/kd fo|qr vi?kV; dh vko';drk gksrh gSA(c) nzo fojks/k lkWy mRØ; gksrh gSA(d) nzo Lusgh lkWy ds d.k mPp ty;ksftr gksrs gSAWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following statements is not correct ?(a) Lyophilic sols have higher(b) Much larger quantities <strong>of</strong> electrolytes are needed to cause precipitation <strong>of</strong>lyophilic sols.(c) Lyophobic sols are reversible(d) The particles <strong>of</strong> lyophilic sols are highly hydrated53. feF;k dFku dks bafxr dhft,&(a) dksykWbMh ra= czkmuh xfr o fVUMky izHkko n'kkZrs gSAl(b) Lo.kkad nzo Lusgh dksykWbM dh j{k.k {kerk dk ekid gSA(c) nzo&nzo dksykWbMh foy;u dh tSy dgrs gSA(d) gkMh&'kqYts fu;e LdUnu ls lacaf/kr gSAPoint out the false statement(a) Brownian movement and Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal system(b) Gold numbers a measure <strong>of</strong> the protective power <strong>of</strong> a lyophilic colloid(c) The colloidal solution <strong>of</strong> a liquid in liquid is called a gel(d) Hardy-Schulze rule is related with coagulation(150)

54. v/kksfyf[kr esa nzo Lusgh dksykWbM gS&:(a) nw/k(c) dksgjk(b) xkSan(d) jDrWhich <strong>of</strong> the following is a lyophilic colloids(a) Milk(c) Fog(b) Gum(d) Blood55. Lo.kkad fuEu ls tqM+k gqvk gS&(a) fo|qr d.k lapyu izHkko(b) iiay vkWQ dsfl;l(c) j{kh dksykWbM(d) 'kq} lksus dh ek=kGold number is associated with(a) Electrophoresis (b)(c) Protective56. fVUMy izHkko n'kkZ;k tkrk gS&(a) lkWy }kjk(c) IykTek }kjkPurple <strong>of</strong> causius(d) Amount <strong>of</strong> pure gold(b) foy;u }kjk(d) vo{ksi.k }kjkTyndall effect is shown by(a) Sol(c) Plasma(b) Solution(d) Precipitation57. dksykWbMh voLFkk dks u"V djus gsrq v/kksfyf[kr ea ls dkSu lh i}fr iz;qDr dh tkrh gS&(a) viksgu(c) tkWro f>Yyh ls Nk;k(b) la?kuu(d) fo|qr vi?kV; feykdjWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following method is commonly used method for destruction <strong>of</strong>colloid(a) Dialysis(b) Condensation(d) Filtration by animal membrane(e) By adding electrolyte58. jDr dks 'kq} fd;k tk ldrk gS&(a) viksgu(c) LdUnu(b) fo|qr ijklj.k(d) Nkuuk(151)

Blood may be purified by(a) Dialysis(b) Electro-osmosid(c) Coagulation (d) Filtration59. nq/k] jDr rFkk jDr /kDdk oLrqr%(a) tSy] lkWy rFkk ik;l(b) ik;l] tSy rFkk lkWy(c) ,sjkslkWy] lkWy rFkk tSyl(d) ik;l]] lkWy rFkk tSyMilk, blood and blood clot are the colloidal state parlance, respectively :(a) Gel, sol and emulsion(b) Emulsion, gel and sol(c) Aerosol, sol and gel(d) Emulsion, sol and gel60. dksykWbM D;k gS ?(a) tks oLrqr% ijek.kqvksa rFkk v.kqvksa dk iqat gksrk gS rFkk bldk O;kl 1 nm ls de gksrk gSA.(b) inkFkZ tks dsoy fuEu rki ij gh dksykWbM dh Hkkafr O;ogkj djrs gSA.(c) inkFkZ tks dsoy mPp lkUnzrk ij gh dksykWbM dh Hkkafr O;ogkj djr gSA.(d) mijksDr dksbZ Hkh ughaAWhat are associate colloids ?(a) Which consists <strong>of</strong> aggregates <strong>of</strong> atoms and molecules with diameter less than1 mm.(b) Substances which behave like colloids only at lower temperature.(c) Substances which behave like colloids only at higher concentration.(d) None <strong>of</strong> these61. izdk'k dks dksykWbMh foy;u ls izokfgr djus ij izsf{kr izHkko gS&(a) fo|qr d.k lapyu izHkko(b) fVUMsy izHkko(c) fo|qr ijklj.k (d) LdUnuOn passing the light through colloidal solution the effect on solution will show :(a) Electrophoresis (b) Tyndall effect(c) Electro-osmosis (d) Coagulation(152)

62. v/kksfyf[kr esa fdl ifj?kVuk esa dksykWbMh foy;u ugha curk&(a) vo{ksi.k(c) f}vi?kVu(b) is"Vhdj.k(d) ;kaf=d fo?kVuWhich method is not suited to form colloidal solution :(a) Precipitation(b) Peptisation(c) Double decomposition(d) Mechanical grinding63. ckny vFkok dksgjk oLrqr% dksykWbMh ra= gSA blesa ifjf{kIr izkoLFkk rFkk ifj{ksi.k ek/;e Øe'k% gS&(a) nzo] Bksl(c) nzo] nzo(b) nzo] xSl(d) Bksl] nzoCloud or fog is colloidal system in which the dispersed phase and dispersionmedium are(a) Liquid, solid (b) Liquid, gas(c) Liquid, liquid (d) Solid, liquid64. As 2 S 3 fuEu ds dkj.k vkosf'kr gS& :(a) S 2- ds vf/k'kks"k.k ls (b)(c) H + ds vf/k'kks"k.k ls (d)As 2 S 3 sol is charged due to :OH - ds vf/k'kks"k.k lsAs 3+ ds vf/k'kks"k.k ls(a) Adsorption <strong>of</strong> S 2- (b) Adsorption <strong>of</strong> OH -(c) Adsorption <strong>of</strong> H + (d) Adsorption <strong>of</strong> As 3+65. ik;lhdkjd dh Hkwfedk gS& :(a) ik;l dks LFkk;h djrk gSA(b) ik;l dks vLFkk;h djrk gSA(c) ik;l cukrk gSA(d) ik;l dks rksM+rk gSAEmulsifier helps in :(a) Stabilising the emulsion(b) Destabilising the emulsion(c) forming the emulsion(d) Breaking the emulsion(153)

66. dkykWbMh foy;u ij tc izdk'k vkifrr gksrk gS rks&(a) ;g vkaf'kd :i ls vo'kksf"kr gksrk gSA(b) ;g iw.kZ :i ls vo'kksf"kr gksrk gSA(c) ;g izdhf.kZr gksrk gSA(d) ;g vfHkpfyr :i ls xqtjrk gSWhen light is incident on a colloidal solution(a) It is absorbed partially(b) It is absorbed completely(c) It is scattered(d) It passes undeviated67. dksykWbMh ra= dh igpku ds fy, ljyre rjhdk gS&(a) czkmuh xfr(c) d.kksa dk vkdkj(b) fVUMy izHkko(d) fo|qr viksguThe simplest way to check whether a system is colloidal is done by(a) Brownian movement(c) finding out particle size(b) Tyndall effect(d) Electrodialysis68. Agl dk foy;u Kl rFkk AgNO 3 fefJr djds cuk;k x;k A ra= esa dqN AgNO 3 vf/kD; esaj[kk x;k A fo;u ds d.kksa ds lanHkZ esa v/kkfyf[kr esa ls dkSulk dFku lgh gS&(a) Agl tkyd ij Ag + ds vkf/kD; ds dkj.k d.k /ukosf'kr(b) NO 3 - dsvkkf/kD; ds dkj.k d.k _.kkosf'kr(c) I - ds vf/k'kks"k.k ds dkj.k d.k _.kkosf'kr(d) mnklhuA silver iodide solution was prepared by mixing KI and silver nitrate solutionwith slight excess os AgNO3 solution which one <strong>of</strong> the following statements iscorrect regarding the solution particle :(a) Positively charged due to excess <strong>of</strong> Ag+ in Agl lattice(b) Negatively charged due to excess <strong>of</strong> NO 3 - ions(c) Negatively charged due to adsorption <strong>of</strong> 1 - ions from Kl solution(d) Neutral69. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk inkFkZ nzo Lusgh lkWy cukus ds fy, iz;ksx esa ugha vkrk&(a) LVkpZ(c) ftysfVu(b) xkSan(d) /kkrq lYQkbM(154)

Which <strong>of</strong> the following substances is not used for preparing lyophilic sols ?(a) Starch(c) Gum70. dksykWbMh xksYM cukrs gSA(b) Gelatin(d) Meal sulphide(a) ;kaf=d ifj{ksi.k (b) is"Vhdj.k }kjk(c) czsfmax vkdZ f<strong>of</strong>/k(d) ty vi?kVuColloidal gold is prepared by(a) Mechanical dispersion(b) Peptization(c) Bredig's are method(d) Hydrolysis71. tc tkbfVª d vEy esa H 2 S izokfgr djrs gS rks izkIr mRikn gksxk&(a) fo"keyEck{k&S(b) fizTeh;& S(c) vfØLVyh;& S (d) ,durk{k&SWhen H2S is passed through nitric acid, the product is(a) Rhombic S(b) Prismatic S(c) Amorphous S (d) Plastic S72. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdldk dksykWbM fo|qr ifj{ksi.k f<strong>of</strong>/k rFkk vip;u f<strong>of</strong>/k ls Hkh cuk;k tk ldrkgSA(a) lYQj(b) Qsfjd gkbMª kWDlkbM(c) vklsafu;l lYQkbM (d) xksYMColloid <strong>of</strong> which one <strong>of</strong> the following can be prepared by electrical dispersionmethod as well as reduction method ?(a) Sulphur(b) Ferric hydroxide(f) Arsenious sulphide (d) Gold73. fuyEcu ls dksykWbM cukrs gS&(a) is"Vhdj.k }kjk(c) volknu }kjk(b) la?kuu }kjk(d) [k.Mu }kjkThe formation <strong>of</strong> colloid from suspension is(a) Peptisation(b) Condensation(c) Sedimentation (d) Fragmentation(155)

74. ty ds 'kqf}dj.k gsrq vye(alum) iz;qDr djrs gS&(a) ;g feV~Vh ds d.kksa Si ladqy cukrk gSA(b) bldk lYQsV Hkkx dhpM+ ds d.kksa ls la;qDr gksdj gVkrk gSA(c) ,syqfefu;e eM ds d.kksa dks LdfUnr djrk gSA(d) em dks ty esa ?kksyrk gSAAlum helps in purifying water by(a) Forming silicon complex with clay particles(b) Sulphate part which combines with the dirt and removes it(c) Aluminum which coagulates the mud particles(d) Making mud water soluble75. vklsZfud lYQkbM _.kkosf'kr lkWy gSA bldks U;wure vo{ksfir djus dh {kerk j[kus okykvfHkdeZd gS&(a) AlCl 3(c) CaF 2(b) NaCl(d) GlucoseArsenic sulphide is a negative sol. The reagent with least precipitating power is(a) AlCl 3(c) CaF 2(b) NaCl(d) Glucose76. nqX/k ,d dksykWbM gS ftlesa&(a) nzo ,d nzo esa ifj{ksfir gSA(b) Bksl ,d nzo esa ifj{ksfir gSA(c) nzo ,d xSl esa ifj{ksfir gSA(d) 'kdZjk ,d nzo esa ifj{ksfir gSAMilk is a colloid in which a(a) Liquid is dispersed in a liquid(b) Solid is dispersed in a liquid(c) Gas is dispersed in a liquid(d) Sugar is dispersed in a liquid77. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls j{kd dksykWbM gS(a) Gelatin(b) Au(c) As 2 S 3 (d) Fe(OH0 3(156)

Protective colloid among the following is(a) Gelatin (b) Au (c) As 2 S 3 (d) Fe(OH0 378. tc ufn;sa leqnz esa feyrh gS rks MsYVk curk gS ftldk dkj.k gS(a) lSa.M dk LdUnu (b) lk/kkj.k ued dk volknu(c) MgCl 2 dk fu{ksi.k (d) ikjLifjd LdUnuWhen river falls into the sea. delta is formed. The reason is(a) Coagulation <strong>of</strong> clay(b) Sedimentation <strong>of</strong> common salt(c) Deposition <strong>of</strong> MgCl 2(d) Mutual coagulation79. dksykWbM dh foospuk ds lanHkZ esa vlaxr dFku dk p;u dhft,&(a) iksVk'k fQVdkjh] gtker rFkk nokb;ksa esa fLVifVd ds :i esa iz;qDr gksrh gSaA(b) lksfM;e ,syqfefu;e flfydsV dBksj ty dks e`nq cukus esa iz;qDr gksrk gSA(c) ufn;sa leqnz esa fxjrh gS rks MsYVk curk gSA(d) d`f=e o"kkZ gsrq gsokbZ tgkt ls cknyksa ij fo|qrhd`r feV~Vh dh ckSNkj djrs gSAPick out the satement which is not relevant in the discussion <strong>of</strong> colloids(a) Potash alum is used in shaving rounds and as a stypic in medicine(b) Sodium aluminium silicate is used in the s<strong>of</strong>tening <strong>of</strong> hard water(c) Deltas are formed at a place where the river pours its water into the sea(d) Artificial rain is caused by throwing electrified sand on the clouds from anaeroplane80. f<strong>of</strong>HkUu f<strong>of</strong>/k;ksa }kjk cuk;k gqvk xksYm dk dksykWbMh foy;u vyx&vyx jax dk gksrk gS D;ksafd(a) xksYM dh ifjorZu'khy la;kstdrk gksrh gSA(b) xksYM d.kksa dk fHkUu&fHkUu lkUnzrk gksrh gSA(c) f<strong>of</strong>HkUu f<strong>of</strong>/k;ksa esa v'kq}rk,a gksrh gSA(d) dksykWbMh xksYM d.kks dk O;kl fHkUu&fHkUU gksrk gSColloidal solutions <strong>of</strong> gold prepared by different methods are <strong>of</strong> different coloursbecause <strong>of</strong>(a) Variable valency <strong>of</strong> gold(b) Different concentration <strong>of</strong> gold particles(c) Impurities produced by different methods(d) Different diameters <strong>of</strong> colloidal gold particles(157)

81. v/kksfyf[kr ea ls dkSu lk tSy dk xq.k/keZ ugha gS&(a) vUr%'kks"k.k(c) flujsfll(b) fgLVsfjfll(d) foys;hdj.kWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following is not the property <strong>of</strong> gel(a) Imbibition(c) syneresis(b) Hysteresis(d) Solubilization82. flYoj vk;ksMkbM dh lkWy cukus gsrq KI dk foy;u AgNO3 foy;u dh lkUnzrk ogh Fkh tks KIfoy;u dh FkhA flYoj vk;ksMkbM d.k gksaxs&:(a) /kukosf'kr(c) mnklhu(b) _.kkosf'kr(d) vkaf'kd rks /kukosf'kr rFkk vkaf'kd _.kkosf'krA silver iodide sol has been prepared by adding slight excess <strong>of</strong> KI solution toAgNO3 solution having the same concentration as that <strong>of</strong> KI solution. The silveriodide sol particles are(a) Positively charged (b) Negatively charged (c) Neutral(b) Partially positively charged and partially negatively charged83. nzoLusgh lkWy ds v/kksfyf[kr esa ls lR; gS(a) ;s vuqRØ; gksrs gSA(b) ;s vdkcZfud inkFkksZ ls curs gSA(c) ;s fo|qr vi?kV~; Mkyus ij vklkuh ls LdfUnr gks tkrs gSA(d) ;s Lo%LFkk;h gks tkr gSAWhich <strong>of</strong> the following is correct for lyophilic sols(a) They are irreversible(b) They are formed by inorganic substances(c) They are readily coagulated by addition <strong>of</strong> electrolytes(d) They are self stabilized.84. okLrfod foy;u esa foys; d.k ds vk;ru] V s dh rqyuk esa dksykWbMh d.k dk vk;ru V c gksldrk gS&Vc23(a) ≈10VsVc(b) = 1VsVc23(c) ≈10VWhich <strong>of</strong> the following is correct for lyophilic sols?Vc23(a) ≈10VsVc(b) = 1VsVc23(c) ≈10VssVc3(d) ≈ 10 −VVc3(d) ≈ 10 −Vss(158)

85. ifjf{kIr izkoLFkk dksykWbMh vk;ju (III) gkbMª kWDlkbM vkSj dksykWbMh xksYM esa Øe'k% /kukRed vkSj_.kkRed vkosf'kr gksrk gSA fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa eas ls dkSu lk lR; ugha gS&%(a) lksfM;e lYQsV foy;u nksuksa lkWyksa dk Ldanu dj nsrk gSA(b) esXusf'k;e DyksjkbM foy;u vk;ju (III) gkbMª kWDlkbM lkWy dks vis{kk xksYM lkWy dk ljyrkls Ldanu djrk gSA(c) nksuksa lkWyksa dk Ldanu bysDVª kWQksjfll }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA(d) lkWyksa dks fefJr djus dk dksbZ izHkko ugha gksrk gSAThe disperse phase in colloidal iron (III) hydroxide and colloidal gold ispositively and negatively charged respectively. Which <strong>of</strong> the following statementis not correct ?(a) Sodium sulphate solution causes coagulation in both sols(b) Magnesium chloride solution coagulates the gold sol more readily then theiron (III) hydroxide sol(c) Coagulation <strong>of</strong> both sols can be brought about by electrophoresis(d) Mixing the sols has no effect,sye ty dks 'kq} djrk gS D;ksafd ;g(b) isFksysthdy csfDVfj;k dks u"V djrk gSA(c) v'kqf};ksa dks LdfUnr djrk gSA(d) dBksj ty dks e`nq djrk gSAAlum is a water purifier because it(a) Gives taste(b) Coagulates the impurities86. ik;lhdkjd og inkFkZ gksrk gS tks........(a) ik;l dks LdfUnr djrk gSA(b) nzo esa nzo ds ifjizs{k.k dks R<strong>of</strong>jr djrk gSA(c) beY'ku dks LFkk;h djrk gSA(d) beY'ku dks lekaf'kr djrk gSAAn emulsifier is a substance which........(a) Coagulates the emulsion(b) Destroys the pathogenic bacteria(d) S<strong>of</strong>tens hard water(b) Accelerates the dispersion <strong>of</strong> liquid in liquid(c) Stabilises the emulsion(d) Homogenises the emulsion(159)

1. D 2 O dk vf/kdre ?kuRo bl rki ij gksxk :TEST PAPER(a) 9ºC (b) 11.5º (c) 15.9° (d) 20ºCMaximum density <strong>of</strong> D 2 O will be at this temperature:(a) 9ºC (b) 11.5º(c) 15.9° (d) 20ºC2. gkbMª kstu cU/k ds dkj.k fdldk DoFkukad mPp ugha gksrk&:(a) NH 3(c) HI(b) C 2 H 5 OH(d) H 2 OWhich <strong>of</strong> the following compounds does not possess high b.p. due to hydrogenbonding:(a) NH 3(c) HI(b) C 2 H 5 OH(d) H 2 O3. PCl 5 esa P rFkk Cl ijek.kqvksa ds cU/k dk Lo:i gksxk&:(a) lgla;kstd y{k.k foghu vk;fud(b) dqN vk;fud y{k.k ;qDr lgla;kstd(c) vk;fud y{k.k foghu lgla;kstd(d) /kkfRod y{k.k ;qDr vk;fudThe bonds between P atoms and Cl atoms in PCL 5 are likely to be:(a) Ionic with no covalent character(b) Covalent with some ionic character(c) Covalent with no ionic character(d) Ionic with some metallic character4. v/kksfyf[kr ;qXeu esa ls fdlesa nksuksa Lih'kht lelajpukRed ugha gS&(a) PF − 6 and SF 6 (b) IO 3 and XeO 3(c) SiF 4 and SF 4 (d) BH 4 - and NH 4+Among the following the pair in which the two pecies are not isostructural(a) PF − 6 and SF 6 (b) IO 3 and XeO 3(c) SiF 4 and SF 4 (d) BH 4 - and NH 4+(160)

5. fuEufyf[kr Lih'kht esa dkSu lk LoHkko esa izfrpqEcdh; gS&:+(a) He2(b) H 2(c)+H (d) H−22Which <strong>of</strong> the following species is diamagnetic in nature:+(a) He2(b) H 2(c)+H (d) H−226. fuEufyf[kr lsVksa esa ls fdlesa lebysDVª kWfud ugha gS&?(a) SO 2− 3 , CO 2− −3 , NO 3(b) CN − 2−, N 2 , C 2(c) PO 3− 4 , SO 2− −4 , ClO 4(d) BO 3− 3 , CO 2− −3 , NO 3Of the following sets which one does not contain isoelectronic species?(a) SO 2− 3 , CO 2− −3 , NO 3(b) CN − 2−, N 2 , C 2(c) PO 3− 4 , SO 2− −4 , ClO 4(d) BO 3− 3 , CO 2− −3 , NO 37. v/kksfyf[kr feJ.k esa fdlesa f}/kqzc&f}/kzqo vU;ksu; fØ;k izeq[k :i ls mifLFkr jgrh gS&(a) csUthu RkFkk dkcZuVsVª kDyksjkbM(b) csUthu rFkk ,FksukWy(c) KCl rFkk ty(d),slksVksukbVª kby rFkk ,slhVksuAmong the following mixtures, dipole-dipole as the major interaction, is present in:(a) Benzene and CCl 4(b) Benzene and C 2 H 5 OH(c) KCl and water(d) Acetonitrile and acetone8. NH 3 esa N dh ladj.k voLFkk gS&(a) sp (b) sp 2 (c) sp 3 (d) sp 3 d(161)

Hybridisation <strong>of</strong> N in NH 3 is:(a) sp (b) sp 2(c) sp 3 (d) sp 3 d9. ml v.kq dk p;u dhft, ftldk dsUnzh; ijek.kq sp 2 ladj.k voLFkk n'kkZrk gS&(a) SO 2 (b) PCl 5(c) N 2 (d) He 2Choose the molecule whose central atom shows sp 2 hybridization:(a) SO 2 (b) PCl 5(c) N 2 (d) He 210.; fijSfeMh vkd`fr fdl Lih'kht dh gksxh&:(a) BF 3−(b) NO 3(c) H 3 O + -2(d) CO 3Which species confirms trigonal pyramidal ape:(a) BF 3−(b) NO 3(c) H 3 O + -2(d) CO 311. 1-C;wVhu&3 & vkbZu esa flXek o π cU/kksa dh la[;k gS&(a) 5 flXek o 5 ikbZ (b) 7 flXek o 3 ikbZ(c) 5 flXek o 2 ikbZ (d) 6 flXek o 4 ikbZThe number <strong>of</strong> sigma and pi-bonds in 1-buten-3-yne are:(a) 5 sigma and 5 pi (b) 7 sigma and 3 p(c) 8 sigma and 2 pi (d) 6 sigma and 4 pi12. fijSfeMh vkd`fr dk v.kq gS&(a) PCl 3 (b) SO 3-2(c) CO 3-(d) NO 3The molecule which has pyramidal shape is:(a) PCl 3 (b) SO 3-2(c) CO 3-(d) NO 3(162)

13. v.kq ftlesa ,d v;qfXer bysDVª kWu:(a) NO (b) CO (c) CN − (d) O 2The molecule having one unpaired electron is:(a) NO (b) CO (c) CN − (d) O 214. ty esa eq[;r% gksrs gS&:(a) H 2 O v.kq(c) (H 2 O) n v.kq(b) H + and OH − vk;u(d) H 4 O 2 v.kqWater largely consists <strong>of</strong>:(a) H 2 O molecules (b) H + and OH − ions(c) (H 2 O) n molecules (d)15. fo|qr la;ksth cU/k fdlesa gS&(a) BF 3 (b) SiCl 4(c) MgCl 2 (d) CH 4Electrovalent bond is present in:(a) BF 3 (b) SiCl 4(c) MgCl 2 (d) CH 4H 4 O 2 molecules16. v.kq d{kd fl}kUr ds vk/kkj ij fdl Lih'kht dk fuekZ.k lEHko ugha gS&(a) H 2+(b) He 2+(c) He 2 (d) O 2On the basis <strong>of</strong> molecular orbital theory formation <strong>of</strong> this species is not possible:(a) H 2+(b) He 2+(c) He 2 (d) O 217. /kkrq M, +2 and +4vkWDlhdj.k voLFkkvksa esa laxr DyksjkbM cukrk gSA bl DyksjkbMksa ds lUnHkZ esa dkSulk dFku lgh gS&(a) MCl 2 , MCl 4 dh rqyuk esa lqxerk ls ty&vi?kfVr gksrk gSA(b) MCl 2 MCl 4 ls vf/kd ok"i'khy gSA(c) MCl 2 MCl 4 ls futZy ,Fksuky esa vf/kd ?kqyu'khy gSA(d) MCl 2 MCl 4 ls vf/kd vk;fud gSA(163)

A metal, M forms chlorides in its +2 and +4 oxidation states. Which <strong>of</strong> the followingstatements about these chlorides is correct:(a) MCl 2 is more easily hydrolysed than MCl 4(b) MCl 2 is more volatile than MCl 4(c) MCl 2 is more soluble in anhydrous ethanol than MCl 4(d) MCl 2 is more ionic than MCl 418. ghjk] xzsQkbV o ,slhfVyhu esa dkcZu dks ladj.k voLFkk Øe'k% gS(a) sp 2 , sp, sp 3 (b) sp, sp 2 ,p 3(c) sp 3 , sp 2 , sp(d) sp, sp 3 spHybridization state <strong>of</strong> carbon in diamond, graphite and acetylene respectively are(a) sp 2 , sp, sp 3 (b) sp, sp 2 ,p 3(c) sp 3 , sp 2 , sp(d) sp, sp 3 sp19. ,Fksu esa C-C cU/k ds levi?kVu ls izkIr Lih'kht esa dkcZu :(a) sp 3 (b) sp 2(c) sp(d) sp 2 dWhen C-C bond undergoes homolytic cleavage, the carbon in the resulting specieswill show the hybridization:(a) sp 3 (b) sp 2(c) sp(d) sp 2 d20. dkSu lh Lih'kht vuqpqEcdh; gS?(a) CN - (b) CO (c) NO (d) O 22-Which <strong>of</strong> the following species is paramagnetic?(a) CN -(b) CO(c) NO (d) O 22-21. PF 5 dh lajpuk gksrh gS:(a) prq"Qydh;(b); f}fijSfeMh;(c) oxZ&leryh;(d) iapHkqth;&f}fijSfeMh;(164)

Structure <strong>of</strong> PF 5 would be:(a) Tetrahedral(b) Trigonal bipyramida(c) Square planar(d) Pentagonal pipyramidal22. csUthu esa π vkSj σ cU/k dk vuqikr gS %(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 2(c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 6The ratio <strong>of</strong> π and σ bonds in benzene is:(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 2(c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 623. oxZ leryh; vkd`fr fdldh gksxh :(a) [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ] +2 -(b) BF 4(c) [CrF 6 ] -3 (d) None <strong>of</strong> theseSquare planar geometry is shown by:(a) [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ] +2 -(b) BF 4(c) [CrF 6 ] -3 (d) None <strong>of</strong> these24. XeF 6 v.kq dh vkd`fr gS&(a) oxZ leryh; (b) v"VQydh;(c) prq"Qydh;(d) iapHkqth; f}fijSfeMh;Shape <strong>of</strong> XeF 6 molecule is:(a) Square planar (b) Octahedral(c) Tetrahedral(d) Petagonal pipyramidal25. PCl 3 ty vi?kVu ij nsrk gS&(a) HPO 3 (b) H 3 PO 3(c) H 3 PO 4 (d) H 3 PO 2(165)

PCl 3 is hydrolyzed to yield(a) HPO 3 (b) H 3 PO 3(c) H 3 PO 4 (d) H 3 PO 226. CaC 2 ds nks dkcZu ijek.kqvksa ds chp cU/kuksa dh la[;k ,oa izdkj crkb,&(a) ,d flXek (σ) vkSj ,d ikbZ (π) cU/ku(b) ,d flXek (σ) vkSj nks ikbZ (π) cU/ku(c) ,d flXek (σ)vkSj Ms< ikbZ (π) cU/ku(d) ,d flXek (σ) cU/kuThe number and type <strong>of</strong> bonds between two carbon atoms in CaC 2 are:(a) One sigma (σ) and one pi (π) bonds(b) One sigma (σ) and two pi (π) bonds(c) One sigma (σ) and one and a half pi (π) bonds(d) One sigma (σ) bond27. KF vkSj HF ds la;kstu ls KHF 2 curk gSA bl ;kSfxd esa fuEu mifLFkr gS(a) K + , F - and H + (b) K + , F - and HF(c) K + and [HF 2 ] - (d) [KHF] + and F -KF combines with HF to form KHF 2 . The compound contains the species:(a) K + , F - and H + (b) K + , F - and HF(c) K + and [HF 2 ] - (d) [KHF] + and F -28. VSEPR fl}kUr ds vuq:i] v.kq dh lEHkkfor vkd`fr D;k gksxh ;fn blds dsUnzh; ijek.kq ds ckáredks'k esa pkj bysDVª kWu ;qXe mifLFkr gksa&:(a) js[kh;(c) "k"VQydh;(b) prq"Qydh;(d) v"VQydh;According to VSEPR theory the most probable shape <strong>of</strong> molecule having 4 electronpairs in the outer shell <strong>of</strong> the central atoms is:(a) Linear(c) Haxahedral29. NO v.kq dk cU/k Øe gS&(b) Tetrahedral(d) Octahedral(a) 1.5 (b) 2.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 3.0(166)

The bond order <strong>of</strong> NO molecule is:(a) 1.5 (b) 2.0(c) 2.5 (d) 3.030. ty ds v.kq esa vkWDlhtu ij mifLFkr ,dkdh ;qXe&,dkdh ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k dk izHkko gksxk&(a) H—O—H cU/k dks.k esa dksbZ ifjorZu ughA(b) H—O—H cU/k dks.k esa o`f} gksrh gSA(c) H—O—H cU/k dks.k esa deh gskrh gSA(d) lHkh ijek.kq ,d ry esa gks tkrs gSAThe effect <strong>of</strong> repulsion between the two lone pairs <strong>of</strong> electrons present on oxygen inwater molecule is:(a) No chnage in H—O—H bond angle(b) Increase in H—O—H bond angle(c) Decrease in H—O—H bond angle(d) All atoms will be in one plane31. vk.kqfod d{kd fl}kUr ds vk/kkj ij dkSu ls v.kq dk vfLrRo ugha gS?+(a) H 2 (b) He2(c) He 2 (d) Li 2On the basis <strong>of</strong> molecular orbital theory which molecule does not exist?+(a) H 2 (b) HE2(c) He 2 (d) Li 232. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk ;kSfxd nzo voLFkk esa gkbMª kstu cU/ku ugha n'kkZrk(a) H 2 O(b) HF(c) NH 3 (d) C 6 H 6Which <strong>of</strong> the following compounds in liquid state does not have hydrogen bonding:(a) H 2 O(b) HF(c) NH 3 (d) C 6 H 633. mPpre ÅtkZ okyk cU/k gS?(a) Se−Se(c) S−S(b) Te−Te(d) O−O(167)

Which <strong>of</strong> the following bonds has the highest energy?(a) Se−Se(c) S−S(b) Te−Te(d) O−O34. ;kSfxd ftldk dsUnzh; ijek.kq sp 3 ladj.k voLFkk gS&:(a) BeF 2 (b) CO 2(c) Ni(CO) 4 (d) SiCl 4The compound in which the central atom is in sp 3 hybridized state is:(a) BeF 2 (b) CO 2(c) Ni(CO) 4 (d) SiCl 435. Si(CH) 3 ) 4 dh T;kfefr rFkk ladj.k gS&(a) csUV, sp (b);, sp 2(c) v"VQydh;, sp 2 d (d) prq"Qydh;, sp 3The structure and hybiridization <strong>of</strong> Si(CH) 3 ) 4 is:(a) Bent, sp (b) Trigonal, sp 2(c) Octachedral, sp 2 d (d) Tetrahedral, sp 336. fuEufyf[kr ;kSfxdksa esa ls dkSulk ;kSfxd /kqzoh; gS rfkk mlds dsUnzh; ijek.kq dk ladj.k sp 2 gS&(a) H 2 CO 3 (b) SiF 4(c) BF 3 (d) HClO 2Which <strong>of</strong> the following compound is polar with its central atom in the sp 2hybridization state:(a) H 2 CO 3 (b) SiF 4(c) BF 3 (d) HClO 237. fuEufyf[kr ;kSfxdksa esa ls fdl ,d esa sp 2(a) CO 2 (b) SO 2(c) N 2 O(d) COsp 2 hybridization will be shown by which one <strong>of</strong> the following molecules:(a) CO 2 (b) SO 2(c) N 2 O(d) CO(168)

38. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlesa /kzqoh; (polar) v/kzqoh; vkcU/k nksuksa gS&(a) NH 4 Cl(b) HCN(c) H 2 O 2 (d) CH 4Polar and monopolar bonds are present in:(a) NH 4 Cl (b) HCN(c) H 2 O 2 (d) CH 439. fdl ladj.k esa cU/k dks.k vf/kdre gksrk gS&:(a) sp 2 (b) sp 3(c) sp (d) dsp 2Maximum bond angle is associated with the bybridisation:(a) sp 2 (b) sp 3(c) sp (d) dsp 240. O 2- 2 esa foijhr cU/kh vk.kfod d{kd esa bysDVª kWu dh la[;k gksrh gS&(a) 4 (b) 6(c) 8 (d) 10The electrons present in the antibonding molecular orbital <strong>of</strong> O 2- 2 are:(a) 4 (b) 6(c) 8 (d) 1041. fuEu esa dkSu lk lcls vf/kd vuqukn fLFkj gS&:(a) NO − 3(b) NO − 2(c) SO 2 d) SOWhich one <strong>of</strong> the most resonance stabilized amongst the following:(a) NO − 3(b) NO − 2(c) SO 2 (d) SO42. fdl v.kq dh rhu oyu lefer v{k gS&:(a) NH 3 (b) C 2 H 4(c) CO 2 (d) SO 2(169)

The fold symmetrical axis is associated with this molecule:(a) NH 3 (b) C 2 H 4(c) CO 2 (d) SO 243. fXyfljkWy dk DoFkukWd izksisukWy ls vf/kd gSA bldk dkj.k gS&:(a) gkbMª kstu(c) vuqukn(b) ladj.k(d) mijksDr lHkhThe boiling point <strong>of</strong> glycerol is higher than propanol due to:(a) Hydrogen bond (b)(c) ResonanceHybridisation(d) All the above−44. KO 2 , AlO2and NO - 2 esa ls fdlesa v;qfXer bysDVª kWu gS&:(a) NO 2 + and BaO 2 (b) KO 2 and AlO 2-(c) Only KO 2 (d) Only BaO 2Which <strong>of</strong> the species KO 2 ,(a) NO 2 + and BaO 2 (b) KO 2 and AlO 2-(c) Only KO 2 (d) Only BaO 245. 'qk"d cQZ gS&:(a) Bksl ty (b) Bksl CO 2(c) Bksl CO (d) Bksl C 2 O 3Dry ice is:(a) Solid water (b) Solid CO 2(c) Solid CO (d) Solid C 2 O 346. dkcksjsUMe gS&:(a) BN (b) SiO 2(c) SiC (d) CS 2Carborendum is:(a) BN (b) SiO 2(c) SiC (d) CS 2−AlO2and NO - 2 contains unpaired electrons:(170)

47. gkbMª kstu cU/k mifLFkr ugha gS&:(a) fXyljhu esa (b) ty esa(c) gkbMª ksatu lYQkbM esa(d) gkbMª kstu yksjkbM esaHydrogen bonding is not present in:(a) Glycerine (b) Water(c) Hydrogen sulphide(d) Hydrogen fluoride48. ghjk ,d mnkgj.k gS&(a) lgla;ksth Bksl dk (b) fo|qrla;ksth Bksl dk(c) gkbMª kstu cU/k okys Bksl dk(d) dkWp dkDiamond is the example <strong>of</strong>(a) Covalent solid (b) Electrovalent solid(c) Solid with hydrogen bondins(d) Glass49. CIF 3 , BF 3 and NH 3 v.kqvksa esa vryh; T;kfefr okyk v.kq gS&:(a) CIF 3 (b) NH 3(c) BF 3 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaAmongst CIF 3 , BF 3 and NH 3 molecules the one with non-planar geometry is:(a) CIF 3 (b) NH 3(c) BF 3 (d) None <strong>of</strong> these50. f}&_.kk;u MkbØksesV (dichromate dianion) esa :(a) 4 Cr-O cU/ku le:i(b) 6 Cr-O cU/ku le:i(c) lHkh Cr-O cU/ku le:i(d) lHkh Cr-O cU/ku vle:i(171)

In the dichromate dianion(a) 4 Cr-O bonds are equivalent(b) 6 Cr-O bonds are equivalent(c) All Cr-O bonds are equivalnent(d) All Cr-O bonds are non-equivalent51. CIF 3 esa Dyksjhu dk ladj.k gS&:(a) sp 3 (b) sp 3 d (c) sp 3 d 2 (d)sp 3 d 3The hybridization <strong>of</strong> chlorine in CIF 3 is:(a) sp 3 (b) sp 3 d (c) sp 3 d 2 (d)sp 3 d 352. SF 4 , CF 4 and XeF 4 dh vkf.od vkd`fr :(a) le:i gS tgka ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe Øe'k% 2] 0 vkSj 1 gSA(b) le:i gS tgka ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe Øe'k% 1] 1 vkSj 1 gSA(c) fHkUu gS tgka ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe Øe'k% 0] 1 vkSj 2 gSA(d) fHkUu gS tgka ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe Øe'k% 1] 0 vkSj 2 gSAMolecular shapes <strong>of</strong> SF 4 , CF 4 and XeF 4 are:(a) The same, with 2, 0 and 1 lone pairs <strong>of</strong> electron respectively(b) The same, with 1, 1 and 1 lone pairs <strong>of</strong> electrons respectively(c) Different, with 0, 1 and 2 lone pairs <strong>of</strong> electrons respectivey(d) Different, with 1, 0 and 2 lone pairs <strong>of</strong> electrons respectively53. H 2 O, H 2 S, H 2 Se and H 2 Te esa ftldk DoFkukad lcls vf/kd gS og gS&:(a) H 2 O gkbMª kstu vkca/k ds dkj.k (b) H 2 Te vf/kd v.kqHkkj ds dkj.k(c) H 2 S gkbMª kstu vkca/k ds dkj.k (d) H 2 Se de v.kqHkkj ds dkj.kAmongst H 2 O, H 2 S, H 2 Se and H 2 Te the one with highest boiling point is:(a) H 2 O because <strong>of</strong> hydrogen bonding(b) H 2 Te because <strong>of</strong> higher molecular weight(c) H 2 S because <strong>of</strong> hydrogen bonding(d) H 2 Se because <strong>of</strong> lower molecular weight(172)

54. B 2 H 6 dh vkf.od lajpuk esa gksrk gS&:(a) pkj B-H Nksj cU/k rFkk nks B-H lsrq cU/kA(b) N% B-H Nksj cU/k rFkk ,d B-B cU/kA(c) pkj B-H Nksj cU/k, nks B-H-B cU/k rFkk ,d B-B cU/k(d) [BH 4 ] + and [BH 2 ] - esa vk;fud vU;kstu fØ;kThe molecular structure <strong>of</strong> B 2 H 6 consists <strong>of</strong>:(a) Four B-H terminal bonds and two B-H bridge bonds(b) Six B-H terminal bonds and one B-B bond(c) Four B-H terminal bonds, two B-H-B bridge bonds and a B-B bond.(d) Ionic interaction between [BH 4 ] + and [BH 2 ] -55. nzo ghfy;e esa fuEu izdkj ds vkd"kZ.k cy gS&(a) vk;fud(c) okUMj oky(b) /kkfRod(d) lgla;kstdThe forces <strong>of</strong> attraction in liquid helium are(a) Ionic(b) Metallic(c) Van der Walls (d) Covalent56. fuEufyf[kr Lih'kht esa fdldk vkdkj js[kh; gS&+(a) NO2(b) SO 2−(c) O 3 (d) NO257. Which <strong>of</strong> the following species has a linear shape?+(a) NO2(b) SO 2−(c) O 3 (d) NO258. H-cU/ku ds dkj.k dkSulk ;kSfxd js[kh; cgqyd cukrk gS&:(a) H 2 O (b) NH 3 (c) HF (d) HClWhich compound form linear polymer due to H-bond:(a) H 2 O (b) NH 3 (c) HF (d) HCl(173)

59. dkSulk v.kq@Lih'kht jSf[kd gS&+(a) SO 2 (b) NO2(b)−NO2(d) SCl 2Which <strong>of</strong> the following molecules is linear:+(a) SO 2 (b) NO2(b)−NO2(d) SCl 260. CN - , CO and NO + Lih'kht ds lanHkZ esa mHk;fu"B gS&:(a) cU/kq Øe rhu rFkk lebysDVª kWfud(b) cU/k Øe rhu rFkk nqcZy fyxs.M {ks=(c) cU/k Øe nks rFkk π= xzkgh(d) lebysDVª kWuh; rFkk nqcZy fyxs.M {ks=The common features among the species CN - , CO and NO + are:(a) Bond order and isoelectronic(b) Bond order three and weak field ligands(c) Bond order two and π= acceptors(d) Isoelectronic and weak field ligands61. f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ dk lgh Øe gS&:(a) CH 4 < NF 3 < NH 3 H 2 O(b) NH 3 < CH 4 < NH 3

In which <strong>of</strong> the following bond angle is maximum:(a) NH 3 (b) NH 4+(c) PCl 3(d) SCl63. ,d f}&ijek.oh; v.kq dk eq[; v{k&z gS] p x vkSj p y vfrO;kfir gksdj dkSu lk v.kqd{kd cuk;saxs&(a) π v.kqd{kd(b) σ -v.kqd{kd(c) δ v.kq d{kd(d) dksbZ cU?k ugha cusxkMain axis <strong>of</strong> the diatomic molecule is z, molecular orbital Px and Py overlap t<strong>of</strong>orm, which <strong>of</strong> the following orbital(a) π molecular orbital(b) σ molecular orbital(c) δ molecular orbital(d) No bond will form64. NO 3 - vk;u esa ukbVª kstu ijek.kq ij mifLFkr cU/k ;qXe o ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe dh la[;k Øe'k% gS&(a) 2, 2 (b) 3, 1(c) 1, 3 (d) 4, 0In NO 3 - ion number <strong>of</strong> bond pair and lone pair <strong>of</strong> electrons on nitrogen atom arerespectively:(a) 2, 2 (b) 3, 1(c) 1, 3 (d) 4, 065. jklk;fud cU/k dk vFkZ gS&(a) izfrd"kZ.k(b) vkd"kZ.k(c) ,d fuf'pr nwjh ij vkd"kZ.k rFkk izfrd"kZ.k dk larqyu(d) vkd"kZ.k rFkk izfrd"kZ.kChemical bond implies:(a) Repulsion(b) Attraction(c) Attraction and repulsion balanced at a particular distance(d) Attraction and repulsion(175)

66. ijek.kq esa ,dkdh bysDVª kWu ;qXe dk vFkZ gksrk gS&:(a) la;ksth bysDVª kWuksa ds ;qXeA(b) bysDVª kWuksa ds ;qXe(c) cU/k lfUufgr bysDVª kWuksa ds ;qXeA(d) la;ksth bysDVª kWuksa ds ;qXe tks cU/k esa Hkkx ugha ysrsAA lone pair <strong>of</strong> electrons in an atom implies:(a) A pair <strong>of</strong> valence electrons(b) A pair <strong>of</strong> electrons(c) A pair <strong>of</strong> electrons involved in bonding(d) A pair <strong>of</strong> valence electrons not involved in bonding67. dkSulk lelajpukRed dk ;qXeu ugha gS&:(a) SF 4 , SiF 4 (b) BeCl 2 ,C 2 H 2(c) BF 3 , SO 3 (d) H 2 O, H 2 SWhich pair is not isostructural:(a) SF 4 , SiF 4 (b) BeCl 2 ,C 2 H 2(c) BF 3 , SO 3 (d) H 2 O, H 2 S68. izfØ;k : O + 2 —→ O 2+ 2 + e, esa bysDVª kWu fuEu d{kd ls gVrk gS&:(a) cfU/kr π&d{kd(b) foijhr cfU/k π−d{kd(c) 2P z d{kd(d) 2p x d{kdIn the process: O + 2 —→ O 2+ 2 + e, electron is removed from the orbital:(a) Bonding π orbital (b) Antibonding πorbital(c) 2P z orbital(d) 2p x orbital69. dkcZu lc vkWDlkbM esa izR;sd dkcZu gS&:(a) sp 2 - ladfjr (b) sp 3 - ladfjr(c) sp- ladfjr (d) sp 2 - ladfjr ysfdu ,d milgla;kstd cU/k ls cfU/kr gSA(176)

Every carbon atom in carbon suboxide is:(a) sp 2 - hybridised(b) sp 3 -hybridised(c) sp-hybridised(d) sp 2 - hybridised but bonded to one co-ordinate bond70. v/kksfyf[kr esa dkSu ls vk;u esa milgla;kstd cU/k mifLFkr ugh gS&(a) SO 42-(b) [Cu (NH 3 ] 4 ] 2(c) H 4 PO 4 (d) CO 32-Which <strong>of</strong> the following ions do not contain co-ordinate bond?(a) H 3 O + (b) [Cu (NH 3 ] 4 ] 2(c) BH 4-(d) CO 32-71. fdldk 'kwU; f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ gS&:(a) CIF (b) PCl 5(c) SiF 4 (d) CFCl 3Which molecule exhibit sp 2 hybridisation state:(a) CIF (b) PCl 5(c) SiF 4 (d) CFCl 372. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk dFku lgh gS&(a) HF HBr ls de /kqzoh; gSA(b) ifj'kq} ty esa dksbZ vk;u ugha gksrkA(c) jlk;fud cU/k fuekZ.k ds vUrxZr vkd"kZ.k cy] fod"kZ.k cy dks izfr lUrqfyr djrs gSA(d) lgla;kstdrk esa] bysDVª kWu dk LFkkukUrj.k gksrk gSAWhich <strong>of</strong> the following statement is true?(a) HF is less polar than BHr(b) Absolutely pure water does not contain any ions(c) Chemical bond formation takes place when forces <strong>of</strong> attraction overcome theforces <strong>of</strong> repulsion.(d) In covalency, transference <strong>of</strong> electrons takes place.(177)

73. dkSulk jSf[kd ugha gS&(a) BeCl 2 (b) HCN(c) ZnCl 2 (d) H 2 OWhich <strong>of</strong> the following is not linear(a) BeCl 2 (b) HCN(c) ZnCl 2 (d) H 2 O74. vk;fud ;kSfxdksa dk dkSulk vfHkyk{kf.kd xq.k ugha gS?(a) mPp xyukad (b) csUthu esa foys;rk(c) mPp tkyd ÅtkZ(d) fuEu vk;fud foHkoWhich is not the characteristic <strong>of</strong> ionic compound?(a) High m.p. (b) Solubility in benzene(c) High lattice energy(d) Low ionic potential75. fuEufyf[kr ;kSfxdksa esa ls dkSu lk vius v.kq esa U;wure vkcU/ku dks.k j[krk gS\(a) SH 2 (b) NH 3(c) SO 2 (d) OH 2Which one <strong>of</strong> the following compounds has the smallest bond angle in its milecule?(a) SH 2 (b) NH 3(c) SO 2 (d) OH 276. MgH 2 esa lgla;kstd cU/k dh la[;k gS:(a) (b) 1(c) 2 (d) 4Covalent bonds present in MgH 2 are:(a) 0 (b) 1(c) 2 (d) 4(178)

77. LiCl and NaCl ds lanHkZ esa v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSulk dFku lgh gS&(a) LiCl dk xyukad NaCl ls mPp gksrk gSA(b) LiCl ikus esa ?kqy tkrk gS tcfd NaCl ugha(c) LiCl ty esa NaCl dh rqyuk esa vf/kd vk;fur gksrk gSA(d) laxfyr LiCl laxfyr NaCl ls de pkydRo n'kkZrk gSAWhich <strong>of</strong> the following statement about LiCl and NaCl is correct:(a) Melting point <strong>of</strong> LiCl is higher than NaCl(b) LicL is soluble in water but NaCl does not(c) LiCl ionises in water to a greater extent relative to NaCl(d) Fused LiCl shows less conductivity than fused NaCl78. lokZf/kd lgla;ksth gSykbM gS&:(a) AlCl 3 (b) AlF 3 (c) All 3 (d) AlBr 2Most convalent halide is:(a) AlCl 3 (b) AlF 3 (c) All 3 (d) AlBr 279. vk;fud y{k.k dk c

Intermolecular H-bonding is present[HF, CH 4 ,CH 3 OH and N 2 O 4 ]:(a) In two (b) In all(c) In all excepting one(d) None <strong>of</strong> these81. tc PCl 5 lY ;wfjd vEy ls fd;k djrk gS] rks SO 2 Cl 2 . vfUre mRikn curk gSA ;g rR; n'kkZrk gSfd lY ;wfjd vEy esa&(a) nks gkbMª ksfDly lewg gSA(b) lYQjMkbvkWDlkbM dk O;qRi= gSA(c) f}{kkjdh; vEy gS(d) ty ds izfr vf/kd cU/kqrk gSAWhen PCl 5 reacts with sulphuric acid end product formed is SO 2 Cl 2 . This factindicates that sulphuric acid contains:(a) Two hydroxyl groups(b) It is a derivative <strong>of</strong> sulphurdioxide(c) It is a dibasic acid(d) It has more affinity for water82. lYQsV vk;u gS&:(a) oxZ leryh; (b);(c); lery (d) prq"Qydh;Sulphate ion is:(a) Square planar (b) Trigonal(c) Trigonal planar (d) Tetrahedral83. IF 3 , IF 5 and IF 7 esa I—F cU/k cuus ds lanHkZ esa I vkfcZVy ds p pfj= dk c

84. dkSulk gkbMª kbM la:i.k (conformation) n'kkZus esa lEHko gS&(a) NH 2 -NH 2 (b) B 2 H 6(c) CH 4(d) NoneWhich molecule is capable <strong>of</strong> showing conformation:(a) NH 2 -NH 2 (b) B 2 H 6(c) CH 4(d) None85. ,d fu;fer v"VQydh; v.kq MX 6 esa X—M—X ds 180º ds dks.kksa dh la[;k gS&:(a) 4 (b) 3(c) 2 (d) 6In a regular octahedral molecule MX 6 the number <strong>of</strong> X—M—X bonds at 180º is(a) 4 (b) 3(c) 2 (d) 686. BrF 3 v.kq esa ,dkdh ;qXe bDosVksfj;y (equatorial) fLFkfr esa jgrs gS tks fuEu dks U;wu djrs gS&:(a) dsoy ,dkdh ;qXeu&,dkdh ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k(b) dsoy ,dkdh ;qXe& cU/k ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k(c) dsoy cU/k ;qXe & cU/k ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k(d) ,dkdh ;qXe&,dkdh ;qXe izfrd"kZ.k rFkk ,dkdh ;qXe & cU/k ;qXe izfrd"kZ.kBrF 3 molecule, the lone pairs occupy equatorial positions to minimize:(a) Lone pair-Lone pair repulsion only(b) Lone pair-bond repulsion only(c) Bond pair-bond pair repulsion only(d) Lone pair-lone pair repulsion and Lone pair bond pair repulsion87. ckWfjd vEy H 3 BO 3 esa cksjkWu rFkk vkWDlhtu dh ladj.k voLFkk Øe'k% gksxh(a) sp 2 and sp 2 (b) sp 3 and sp 3(c) sp 3 and sp 2 (d) sp 2 and sp 3The state <strong>of</strong> hybridisation <strong>of</strong> boron and oxygen atoms in boric acid (H 3 BO 3 ) arerespectively:(a) sp 2 and sp 2 (b) sp 3 and sp 3(c) sp 3 and sp 2 (d) sp 2 and sp 3(181)

88. fdlesa 3&cU/k ;qXe rFkk 2& ,dkdh ;qXe gS&(a) NH 3 (b) ClF 3(c) XeF 2 (d) PCl 3In which case there are three bond pair and two lone pairs present:(a) NH 3 (b) ClF 3(c) XeF 2 (d) PCl 389. O 2 F 2 dh vkd`fr leku gS&(a) C 2 F 2 (b) H 2 O 2(c) H 2 F 2 (d) C 2 H 2Shape <strong>of</strong> O 2 F 2 is similar to:(a) C 2 F 2 (b) H 2 O 2(c) H 2 F 2 (d) C 2 H 290. ijkWDlh (−O−O−) lewg ls ;qDr ;kSfxdksa dk ;qXe gS&(a) H 2 SO 5 and PbO 2 (b) HClO 4 and H 2 S 2 O 8(c) P 2 O 5 and MnO 2 (d) H 2 SO 5 and H 2 S 2 OThe pair <strong>of</strong> componds containing peroxy (−O−O−) group is:(a) H 2 SO 5 and PbO 2 (b) HClO 4 and H 2 S 2 O 8(c) P 2 O 5 and MnO 2 (d) H 2 SO 5 and H 2 S 2 O91. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls v.kq esa bysDVª kWu dh deh gS&(a) C 2 H 6 (b) SiH 4(c) PH 3 (d) B 2 H 6Which <strong>of</strong> the following is the electron deficient molecule?(a) C 2 H 6 (b) SiH 4(C) PH 3 (d) B 2 H 692. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlesa LFkk;h f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ gksxk&(a) BF 3 (b) SF 4(c) SiF 4 (d) XeF 4(182)

Which <strong>of</strong> the following have permanent dipole moment?(a) BF 3 (b) SF 4(c) SiF 4 (d) XeF 493. lgla;kstd xq.k dk c

Which <strong>of</strong> the statements given above are correct?(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 4(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 496. v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls v/kqzoh; gS&(1) SiF 4 (2) XeF 4 (3) SF 4 (4) BF 3 (5) NF 3(a) (1), (2), (3) and (4) (b) (2), (3) and (5)(c) (3), (4) and (5) (d) (1) (2) and (4)Select the correct answer using the code given below(a) (1), (2), (3) and (4) (b) (2), (3) and (5)(c) (3), (4) and (5) (d) (1) (2) and (4)97. fuEufyf[kr v.kqvksa esa fdlds lHkh vkcU/k leku ugha gSA :(a) BF 3 (b) AlF 3(c) NF 3 (d) ClF 3In which <strong>of</strong> the following molecules are all the bonds not equal: [CBSE (PM/PD)2006](a) BF 3 (b) AlF 3(c) NF 3 (d) ClF 398. ijek.kq Øekad 16 okys ,d rRo ds vuqpqEcdh; f}ijek.kqd v.kq esa v;qfXer bySDVª kWuksa dh la[;k gS(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 2The number <strong>of</strong> unpaired electrons in a paramagnetic diatomic molecule <strong>of</strong> anelement with atomic number 16 is:(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 299. fuEu esa ls dkSu lk dFku lR; ugha gS&(a) dSukWfudy (canonical) lajpukvksa dk okLrfod vfLrRo ugha gksrk gSA.(b) izR;sd AB 5 v.kq dks okLro esa oxZ fijSfeMh; lajpuk gksrh gSA(c) vkcU/k lnSo ln`'k ,dy vkcU/kksa ls NksVs gksrs gSA(d) byDVª kWu &U;wu v.kq yqbl vEy ds :i esa O;ogkj djrs gSA(184)

Which <strong>of</strong> the following is not a correct statement?(a) The canonical structure have not real existence.(b) Every AB 5 molecule does in fact have square pyramidal structure(c) Multiple bonds are always shorter than the corresponding single bonds(d) The electron deficient molecules can act as Lewis acids100. H C−H− ^cU/k dks.k ds lkFk rqyuk djus ij C− ^(a) mPp gksxk(b) vifj<strong>of</strong>rZr jgsxk(c) rqyuk ugha dj ldrs (d) de gksxkN − CcU/k dks.k&:On comparison withtrimethyl amine is:(a) Higher(c) Not comparableHC−H bond angle <strong>of</strong> methane, the− ^(b) No change(d) LowerCN − C bond angle <strong>of</strong>− ^(185)

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