Panax Ginseng - Thorne Research

Panax Ginseng - Thorne Research

Panax Ginseng - Thorne Research


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Review<strong>Panax</strong> ginseng and Cancer74. Lee YS, Chung IS, Lee IR, et al. Activation ofmultiple effector pathways of immune systemby the antineoplastic immunostimulator acidicpolysaccharide ginsan isolated from <strong>Panax</strong>ginseng. Anticancer Res 1997;17:323-331.75. Shin JY, Song JY, Yun YS, et al.Immunostimulating effects of acidic polysaccharidesextract of <strong>Panax</strong> ginseng on macrophagefunction. ImmunopharmacolImmunotoxicol 2002;24:469-482.76. de Kloet ER, Reul JM, van den Bosch FR, etal. Ginsenoside Rg1 and corticosteroidreceptors in rat brain. Endocrinol Jpn1987;34:213-220.77. Lee YJ, Chung E, Lee KY, et al. Ginsenoside-Rg1, one of the major active molecules from<strong>Panax</strong> ginseng, is a functional ligand ofglucocorticoid receptor. Mol Cell Endocrinol1997;133:135-140.78. Kim YR, Lee SY, Shin BA, Kim KM. <strong>Panax</strong>ginseng blocks morphine-induced thymicapoptosis by lowering plasma corticosteronelevel. Gen Pharmacol 1999;32:647-652.79. Chung E, Lee KY, Lee YJ, et al. GinsenosideRg1 down-regulates glucocorticoid receptorand displays synergistic effects with cAMP.Steroids 1998;63:421-424.80. Rai D, Bhatia G, Sen T, Palit G. Anti-stresseffects of Ginkgo biloba and <strong>Panax</strong> ginseng: acomparative study. J Pharmacol Sci2003;93:458-464.81. Wargovich MJ. Colon cancer chemopreventionwith ginseng and other botanicals. J KoreanMed Sci 2001;16:S81-S86.82. Fukushima S, Wanibuchi H, Li W. Inhibitionby ginseng of colon carcinogenesis in rats. JKorean Med Sci 2001;16:S75-S80.83. Suh SO, Kroh M, Kim NR, et al. Effects of redginseng upon postoperative immunity andsurvival in patients with stage III gastriccancer. Am J Chin Med 2002;30:483-494.84. Matsunaga H, Katano M, Yamamoto H, et al.Cytotoxic activity of polyacetylene compoundsin <strong>Panax</strong> ginseng C. A. Meyer. ChemPharm Bull (Tokyo) 1990;38:3480-3482.85. Matsunaga H, Katano M, Saita T, et al.Potentiation of cytotoxicity of mitomycin C bya polyacetylenic alcohol, panaxytriol. CancerChemother Pharmacol 1994;33:291-297.86. Lee SJ, Sung JH, Lee SJ, et al. Antitumoractivity of a novel ginseng saponin metabolitein human pulmonary adenocarcinoma cellsresistant to cisplatin. Cancer Lett 1999;144:39-43.87. Wu XG, Zhu DH, Li X. Anticarcinogeniceffect of red ginseng on the development ofliver cancer induced by diethylnitrosamine inrats. J Korean Med Sci 2001;16:S61-S65.88. Park IH, Piao LZ, Kwon SW, et al. Cytotoxicdammarane glycosides from processedginseng. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo)2002;50:538-540.89. Han HJ, Yoon BC, Lee SH, et al. Ginsenosidesinhibit EGF-induced proliferation of renalproximal tubule cells via decrease of c-fos andc-jun gene expression in vitro. Planta Med2002;68:971-974.90. Wakabayashi C, Hasegawa H, Murata J, SaikiI. In vivo antimetastatic action of ginsengprotopanaxadiol saponins is based on theirintestinal bacterial metabolites after oraladministration. Oncol Res 1997;9:411-417.91. Nakata H, Kikuchi Y, Tode T, et al. Inhibitoryeffects of ginsenoside Rh2 on tumor growth innude mice bearing human ovarian cancer cells.Jpn J Cancer Res 1998;89:733-740.92. Liu WK, Xu SX, Che CT. Anti-proliferativeeffect of ginseng saponins on human prostatecancer cell line. Life Sci 2000;67:1297-1306.93. Yun TK, Kim SH, Lee YS. Trial of a newmedium-term model using benzo(a)pyreneinduced lung tumor in newborn mice. AnticancerRes 1995;15:839-845.94. Yun TK. Experimental and epidemiologicalevidence on non-organ specific cancerpreventive effect of Korean ginseng andidentification of active compounds. Mutat Res2003;63-74.95. Lee EH, Cho SY, Kim SJ, et al. GinsenosideF1 protects human HaCaT keratinocytes fromultraviolet-B-induced apoptosis by maintainingconstant levels of Bcl-2. J Invest Dermatol2003;121:607-613.96. Song JY, Han SK, Bae KG, et al. Radioprotectiveeffects of ginsan, an immunomodulator.Radiat Res 2003;159:768-774.97. Choi CH, Kang G, Min YD. Reversal of P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance byprotopanaxatriol ginsenosides from Korean redginseng. Planta Med 2003;69:235-240.Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 9, Number 3 ◆ 2004 Page 273Copyright©2004 <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Reprint Without Written Permission

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