Presentation by Alejandra Miralles - ASCER - COGEN Europe

Presentation by Alejandra Miralles - ASCER - COGEN Europe

Presentation by Alejandra Miralles - ASCER - COGEN Europe


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<strong>COGEN</strong> EUROPE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTARY DEBATEON EEDRole of CHP in the ceramics tile industryBrussels, 28th of February, 2011<strong>Alejandra</strong> <strong>Miralles</strong><strong>ASCER</strong> - Industrial Affairs

<strong>Europe</strong>an ceramic tile industryWorld leader of high quality ceramic products• 1100 Mm2 in 2010 (Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal,France, Germany).• 9,8 bn € total sales• 395 Mm2 exports• 49.700 jobs throughout EU2/8

Data of 2010Spanish ceramic tile industry• Production: 366 Mm2 (193 manufacturers)• Total sales: 2,548 million €• 3rd largest world exporter (70% of sales)• 57% of total exports to extra-EU countries• Trade surplus. Third industry in Spain• > 16,000 direct employees• First wealth-creating industry in the Region ofValencia• Crisis effects: -40% in production and employmentin the last 3 years3/8

<strong>Europe</strong>an ceramic tile industryThe ceramic tile industry is a clear example of an <strong>Europe</strong>anindustry that can successfully compete in the global marketand create wealth and employment in its regions.Estimated 10 year forecast of 3-5% increase in demanddue to:i. increase global average rent per capitaii. increase market share against competitive materialsiii. new uses and applications of ceramic tiles4/8

<strong>Europe</strong>an ceramic tile industryOther key aspects of ceramic industry:• Energy-intensive industry• Energy represents up to 30% of production costs• Energy efficiency is a key priority: essential tocompetitiveness, and the most cost-effective way toreduce greenhouse gas emissions5/8

Cogeneration in the Spanish ceramic tilesector• In the 80’s: introduction of CHP plants in the ceramic process• Heat produced <strong>by</strong> cogeneration mainly used in spray-dryingphase• High-efficiency installations: primary energy saving over 10%,and more than 95% global energy efficiency• Spain: 80 CHP plants – 320 MW installed generating 1.500GWh/year6/8

Cogeneration in the Spanish ceramic tilesectorCHP BENEFITS• Global primary energy savings• Reduction of CO 2 emissions• Distributed generation, closer to consumption and hence decreasingdistribution costs• Reduction of network losses• Contribution to industrial productivity• Employment and technological benefits7/8

Industry views on new EED in relation to CHPHighly value the encouragement and support to cogeneration given inthe proposed EEDI. Priority/guaranteed access to the grid and to the dispatch ofelectricity from high-efficiency CHP (crucial)II.Recognition of both the electricity consumed on site and electricityexported to the grid as high efficient cogenerationIII. Economic and technical feasibility when promoting CHPIV. Consideration of ongoing work in previous CHP Directive (2004)8/8

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