tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries

tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries

tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries


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Govennsent Residential Institutions and DepartneHtal Quarters includefacilities which provide residential accommodation such as prisons,nurses homes and training schools, as well as staff quarters attached toparticular government land uses.Other GIC Facilities cover those facilities generally provided byGovernment but not included above, such as ferry piers, depots, servicereservoirs, sewage treatment plants and pumping stations.Local Open Space is open space provided for the use of residents orworkers in the immediate vicinity. The area of LOS is included in thegross area of the adjoining planned uses.District Open Space is open space generally of more than localsignificance and may be used for either passive or active recreation..The gross site area of DOS covers the entire site, while the net site arearefers to the "usable area 8 as defined by the HKPSG.Roads & KCR/MTR/LRT is the land set aside for roads or the KCR, MTR orLRT. Where these uses are on elevated structures the land use underneaththat structure is counted in this Part,Other Specified Uses include land made available for other specificuses not covered above, such as cargo handling facilities, bus depots,petrol filling stations, MTR ventilation shafts, telephone exchanges, andslaughter houses. Because of their nature, these uses are specificallyannotated on town plans.Undetermined generally refers to land for which no specific use has beenallocated to date.4.0 Land a¥ailability in Rmral Yuen Long District4.1 There are a large number of proposed projects within the Rural YuenLong District as indicated in the MINT Section of Part 6. Sites will beformed for these projects. Information on land availability can beobtained from Project Manager/NWNT, NWNT Development Office.5*0 Further information5.1 Further information regarding specific sites is available from theProject Manager/NWNT, NWNT Development Office.5.05

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