tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries

tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries

tin shui wai / yuen long development programme - HKU Libraries


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Til SMIILOWG1993PUT 5 :MID AV1ILIBILITY: -51 (1) : AREAS51 (2) : IETGeneral Motes aid Definitions1.0 Land Availability1.1 Land available in any given year isa) land which has been produced or is forecast to be produced byengineering projects in that year, plusb) land in a 'produced 8 state obtained by clearance in that yearof acquired or resumed properties, plusc) land in a 'produced 1 state obtained by the termination in thatyear of a Short Term Tenancy or a Temporary Government LandAllocation.1.2 Land may be produced as a result of:a) land formation contracts already-let by Government; orb) land formation projects not yet started by Government bu<strong>tin</strong>cluded in this Development Programme; orc) land formation projects on unformed areas already sold orgranted, or forecast to be sold or granted to the private orsubsidised sector; ord) resiiiiption or clearance.1*3 The fear in which land is 'produced* is that in which the landreaches a state where foundation work or building construction can startCor in a similar state where no work is envisaged), and where thenecessary services are available* The year of production is generallytaken to be the year of hand-over to the land authority for allocation orsale. . However,(a) where land is^disposed of unformed or partly formed (i.e. no<strong>tin</strong> a state which allows construction to start) the anticipatedyear of completion of the land formation works is regarded asthe year in which the land is produced;5.02

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