OPERA - Department of Nursing

OPERA - Department of Nursing

OPERA - Department of Nursing


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Product Description/FunctionSystem Failure Lower Override:- (See fig 5) Thiscan be used in the event <strong>of</strong> main control failure. Inthe unlikely event that the control handset or dualswitch panel fails to operate the lifter, with a patientstill supported by the sling or stretcher, provisionfor lowering has been made, using the “SystemFailure Lower Override switch”, situated on theright hand side <strong>of</strong> the controls console, a green andwhite identification label is positioned near theswitch, for quick and easy recognition. If pressureis released from the switch during use, loweringwill stop.Warning: The Lower Override switchwill only operate while the green resetbutton is in. Only use this switch in anemergency, do not use it for normalfunction lowering.System Failure Wind Down Facility:- (see Figs.6 & 7) If the electrical power fails completely dueto battery power loss or other electricalmalfunction, the jib can be lowered, by firstlyremoving the battery pack, then using a coin orscrewdriver slacken and remove the screw thatretains the mast top cover. Slightly lift the rear side<strong>of</strong> the top cover approximately 5 mm (3/16 in),Screwdriver/CoinABTopCoverWrenchFig. 6slide the cover forwards then lift it <strong>of</strong>f the mast.Identify and remove the hexagon wrench locatedinside the mast. Using the wrench slacken the shaftlockscrew located at the top front <strong>of</strong> the mast (seefig. 7c), turn it 3 full turns anti-clockwise. Identifythe hexagonal hole in the shaft centre inside themast (see fig. 7d) and using the wrench turn theshaft clockwise to lower the patient.• Note: One full clockwise rotation <strong>of</strong>the shaft lowers the mast jib by 10mm (3/8 in).P1398a,bCShaftlockscrewFig. 7Hold the hexagon wrench securely into the shaftand do not release hand contact with the wrench toensure control is maintained during the loweringprocedure.Once the patient has been lowered and removedfrom the lifter ensure the components are reassembledby reversing the above procedure.If the system failure lower override switch or winddown facility has to be operated the lifter must thenbe withdrawn from use immediately and the ARJOService <strong>Department</strong> or their appointed distributorcontacted.System Cut-Out Switch:- (See fig 5) If the lifterfunctions fail to operate when pressing the buttonson the control handset or dual switch panel.Check that the “green” reset button is pressed inand check that the battery pack is in a good state <strong>of</strong>charge, if the lifter still fails to operate, check thesystem cut out switch, situated on the right handside <strong>of</strong> the controls console above the loweroverride switch. If the cut-out has operated, theswitch will protrude from its mount, press theswitch in to reset.DShaftWarning: If the mast is in a high positionand the wind down facility has to beutilized always ensure that suitable andsafe measures are taken to gain access tothe top cover.• Note: To enable the shaft lockscrewto be tightened three full turns the shaftmay have to be rotated slightly to makealignment possible, this is aided byidentifying the alignment mark on the top<strong>of</strong> the shaft and then rotating the shaftuntil the mark aligns with the axis <strong>of</strong> thelockscrew.P1398c,d11

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