Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

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DECORARTA/Asia.Pty. Ltd.Xmas <strong>Dec</strong>orations and All DisplayMaterialsContact:MR. O. G. KORTfor all your requirements185 HIGH STREETST. KILDA, VIC.Telephone: 94-5249Sponsored h\:CommonwealthPower EquipmentCo. Pty. Ltd.hlectrical EquipmentManufacturers*MACHINERYCONSTRUCTIONCo. Pty. Ltd.Suppliers <strong>of</strong>:POV\ I R and DISTRIBUTIONTRANSFORMKRS*139 Northern RoadWest Heidelberg, Vic.Phone: 45-7213R. L. BULLER & SONWinemakersFull Range <strong>of</strong> Table. Dessert andSparkling WinesBulk and BottledJOIN THENAVAL RESERVE CADETSThe <strong>Australia</strong>n Sea Cadet Corps is avoluntary organisation administeredby the Commonwealth Naval Boardand The Navv <strong>League</strong> ol <strong>Australia</strong>The aim ol the <strong>Australia</strong>n Sea CadetCorps is to provide tor the spiritualsocial and educational well are ol bovsand to develop in them character, asense ol patriotism, sell-reliancecitizenship and disciplineUniforms are supplied free <strong>of</strong> charge.Cadets are required to produce acertificate from their doctor toK you are between the ages <strong>of</strong> 13 and 18 years.confirm they are capable <strong>of</strong> carryingout the normal duties and activities <strong>of</strong>the Cadet Corps. If injured while onduty. Cadets are considered forpayment <strong>of</strong> compensation.Parades are held on Saturdayafternoons and certain Units hold anadditional parade one night a week,rlie interesting syllabus <strong>of</strong> trainingcovers a wide sphere and includesseamanship, handling <strong>of</strong> boats undersail and power, navigation, physicaltraining, rille shooting, signallingsplicing <strong>of</strong> wire and ropes, generalsporting activities and other variedsubjectsInstructional camps are arranged forSea Cadets in Naval Establishments,and they are also given opportunities,whenever possible, to undertaketraining at sea in ships <strong>of</strong> the Royal<strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>.Cadets, if considering a sea career,are given every assistance to join theRoyal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>, the MercantileMarine or the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n NavalReserve, but there is no compulsion tojoin these Services.For further information please contact the Divisional Senior Officer in your State, using theForm provided below .Senior Officers. <strong>Australia</strong>n Sea Cadet CorpsNEW SOUTH WALES: Staff Office Cadets. H.M.A.S.Watson. Watsons Bay. N.S.W.. 2030.QUEENSLAND: C/- 39 Pinecr<strong>of</strong>t Street, C amp Hill.Queensland. 4152.WESTERN AUSTRALIA: C - 182 Coode St.. Como. 6152.SOUTH AUSTRALIA: C - Box 1529M. G.P.O.. Adelaide.5001.TO: The Senior Officer.<strong>Australia</strong>n Sea Cadet CorpsVICTORIA: C/- Room 6. 2nd Floor. 528 Collins St..Melbourne. 3000.AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Industry House.National Circuit. Barton. 2600.NORTHERN TERRITORY: Mrs. V. M. Slide. 12 AllenStreet, Fannie Bay. 5790.I am interested in joining the <strong>Australia</strong>n Sea Cadet Corps and would bepleased to receive further information.NAMESTREETSTATE OR TERRITORYSUBURBPOST COPE780 Elizabeth StreetMELBOURNETelephone: 347-4844RUTHERGLEN, VIC.Phone: Rutherglen 110SPm. Ffftw.cl. THE NAVY <strong>Nov</strong>ambar-Dacambar-<strong>Jan</strong>uary,/72PHONE No.(Please Print Clearlv)AGEPlease address your envelope to the Senior Officer in your State or Territory—see list <strong>of</strong> addresses above<strong>Nov</strong>ember-<strong>Dec</strong>ember-<strong>Jan</strong>uary, <strong>1971</strong>/72THE NAVYPafe Fifty-seven

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