Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

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R.A.N TODAYThey will have a long cruisingrange and high top speed and will bearmed with a variety <strong>of</strong> weapons.To provide support away frombases, the <strong>Navy</strong> is also planning acombat support ship to carry fuel,stores and ammunition to warshipsso they can operate for long periodsand distances away from basefacilities.The support ship to be namedH.M.A.S. Protector, will carry severaltypes <strong>of</strong> liquid fuel, as well as storessuch as clothing and foodThe ship will displace about 20.000tons, will be about 540 ft. long andwill be built in <strong>Australia</strong> at anestimated cost <strong>of</strong> $45 million.Approval has been given for a newoceanographic ship to replaceH.M.A.S. Diamantina. It will benamed H.M.A.S. Cook and isexpected to go into service about1975A replacement is being built atWilliamstown Naval Dockyard for thehydrographic ship H.M.A.S. Paluma.Named H.M.A.S. Flinders, it willhave about a 50 per cent increase inoutput over Paluma mainly because<strong>of</strong> higher speed, better enduranceand better sea-keeping qualities. Itwill displace about 700 tons.The R.A.N, currently has fourOberon Class submarines, andanother two will be bought fromBritish ship builders. They areexpected to enter service in the mid1970sShyh.wk llfht»r-b<strong>of</strong>nb.r. on. ol tw.nly wrvlnf In lh« R.A.N.Grumman Tracker antl-submarine aircraft fly from the flagship H.M.A.S. MelbourneR A N. TODAYAIRCRAFTFleet Air Arm effectiveness hasbeen increased with the addition <strong>of</strong>10 new Skyhawk jet fighter-bombers.These transonic aircraft havejoined 10 already in service, whichhas significantly added to theversatility <strong>of</strong> the aircraft carrierH.M.A.S. Melbourne.The Douglas Skyhawk is arelatively small aircraft (weightempty 9.800 lb) but it is capable <strong>of</strong>carrying an extensive and varied warload (Maximum all-up weight.24.500 lb) over considerabledistanceIts armaments includecombinations <strong>of</strong> air-to-air missiles, avariety <strong>of</strong> 250. 500 and 1.000 lbbombs, a 20mm cannon and rocketprojectiles.Embarked on Melbourne with theSkyhawk are anti-submarine Trackeraircraft and Wessex helicopters.Grumman Trackers are all-weathertwin-engine aircraft fitted withelectronic devices for navigation anddetecting submarines.They can remain on patrol for upto 10 hours, and each carries a crew<strong>of</strong> two pilots, observer andaircrewman.Armaments include homingtopedoes or depth charges in bombbay. underwing attachments fortorpedoes, depth charges or rockets,and sonobuoys and marine markersin rear <strong>of</strong> engine nacelles.The Westland Wessex areemployed to screen the Fleet,searching with their sonarequipment for submarinesThe Macch. jet trainer hes replaced the Vampires and Sea Venoms In the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>The Italian designed Macch. Is a twin seeter trainer capable <strong>of</strong> cruising at 900 m.p.h. These aircraftare not Intended for operational carrier flying.They also used in a search and They carry a crew <strong>of</strong> two pilots,rescue role.observer and aircrewman.SquadronsHT 723VS 816HS 817VC85)FLEET AIR ARM SQUADRONSHelicopter crew training and pilot continuation trainingneet support and search and rescue dutiesFixed-wing fighter pilot training and Fleet requirement(lying trials.Anti-submarine helicopter operational training and Fleetrequirement dutiesFront-line Strike fighter squadronFront line fixed wing anti-submarine squadronFront line helicopter anti-submarine squadronTraining squadron for pilots, observers and aircrewmenTwin-engine conversion, communication andFleet requirement flyingAircraftIriquois and ScouthelicoptersMacchi iet trainers.TA4G Skyhawk trainersWessex 31B helicoptersA4G SkyhawksS2E TrackersWessex 31B helicoptersBest wishes to All Naval Personnel fromNORTHUMBERLANDINSURANCE CO. LTD.Transacting All Classes <strong>of</strong> Insurance. Fire. Householders. Motor Vehicle.Marine. General Accident, etc. Maximum Cover at Competitive PricesFor Free QuoteRing 23-6233 or Call at196 NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDER. & M. YOUNGBAKERS AND PASTRYCOOKSDelicatessen. Cakes. ConfectioneryCnr. BARKLY & FINLAY STS., SOUTH PORTLAND. VIC. ^Phone: 23-1443Also: /71a BENTINCK STREET, PORTLAND "Phone: 23-2724_i}/"•^tT r? r ^Page ThirtyTHE NAVY<strong>Aug</strong>u»t-Sapt«mbar-<strong>Oct</strong>obar,<strong>Aug</strong>ust-<strong>Sep</strong>tember-<strong>Oct</strong>ober, <strong>1971</strong> THE NAVY Page Thirty-ona

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