Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia

Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia Aug-Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec 1971-Jan 1972 - Navy League of Australia
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The flagihip. H M.A.S. Melbourne With her Skyhawk. Tracker and Wessex aircraft the combinesaerial defence of the fleet with an anti-submarine role.Machinery: Parsons single reduction gearedturbines 4 Admiralty 3-drum type boilersSpeed: 23 knots (mammum)Ship's company: 1.335 (includes 347 Carrier AirGroup personnel)Aircraft: Douglas Skyha*k A4G iet tighterbombersGrumman Tracker S2E ASVH aircrattWestiand Wesse* ASW helicoptersWestiand Wesse* SAR helicoptersGUIDED MISSILE DESTROYERSThe R.A.N.'s First Destroyer Squadroncomprises the three guidedmissile destroyers H.M.A. shipsPerth. Hobart and Brisbane.The three US.-built ships aresimilar to the U.S. Navy's DDG-15class and their design is particuarlyversatileTheir main task is air defence ofthe Fleet, but they also haveformidable anti-submarine andsurface gunnery capabilities.The principal aircraft defence weaponis the Tartar guided missile systemwhich is mounted towards thestern of these ships.The DDG s are also fitted with twoIkara missile launchers. These longrangeanti-submarine systems areAustralian-designed and developed.In action, the missile is automaticallyguided to the vicinity of thehostile submarine, where a torpedois released by parachute to home onto the target.The ships are fitted withmodernR A NTODAYlong-range sonar, radar, communicationsand electronic equipmentto provide the command with comprehensiveinformation in the operationsroomLiving spaces are air conditioned.Name No BuilderDESTROYERSThe R A.N's Second DestroyerSquadron is made up of the Daring-Class destroyers H.M.A. Ships.Vampire. Vendetta and Duchess.These all-purpose ships have maingunnery armament comparable to aAll three ships have seen action inVietnam where they served withdistinction with ships of the U.S.Navy's 7th FleetThey share the names of formerR.A.N, cruisers.Laid Down Launched First CommissionedPERTH 38 Defoe Shipbuilding Co Bay City Mich 21 962 26'9'63 177/65HOBART 39 Defoe Shipbuilding Co Bay City Mir h 26 10/62 9164 18 12/65BRISBANE 41 Defoe Shipbuilding Co BayCityMich 15 2 65 5 5/66 16'12/67Displacement: 500 tons (full load)Length: 4 J7ft (overall)Beam 47 ftArmament: t *c 5 m (54 calibre) automatic rapid fire guns Tartar anti-aircralt guided missilesystem t*o ikara ant. submarine missile systems triple mounted 2 sets anti submarine homingtorpedoesMachinrry I *r>GE geared steam turbines driving two shaftsSpeed: Over 35 knotsShip's company: 333light cruiser, giving them formidablesurface gunnery as well as antiaircraftcapabilities.Anti-submarine detectionequipment and weapons increasetheir versatility.They are all-welded constructionand light alloys have been usedextensively to reduce weight.Modernisation of the Vendetta andVampire which began in 1970includes updating of weaponssystems and other changes whichwill improve their performance.Changes will include a new enclosedbridge.The three twin-gun turrets arebeing modernised by improving thedrive and other systems.Digital systems replace analoguefire control systems and include newradar.New air-warning radar, newnavigation surface search radar andbetter sonar are other improvements.In 1969. Vendetta became the firstall Australian-built warship to seeservice in Vietnam.She also has the distinction, as aresult, of being the first Daring-classdestroyer to be engaged in the rolefor which they were primarily built —naval gunfire support.R.A.N.TODAYpending a decision on future requirements.Arrangements were madefor her to be taken over by the R.A.N,and renamed H.M.A.S. Melbourne.Construction resumed in 1949with modifications to be made, includingincreasing the size of theflight deck lifts to handle larger aircraftcoming into service, and in1952 work started on fitting anangled flight deck, steam catapultand mirror landing site.She was commissioned into theR.A.N, on 28 October. 1955. andafter working up in British waterswith her Sea Venom jet fighters andGannet turbo-prop, anti-submarineaircraft she sailed for Australia,arriving in Sydney on 10 May. 1956.MELBOURNEBuHder Vickers-Armstrong. Barrow-in-FurnessDisplacement: 20.000 tons (lull load)Length: 701 5 It (overall)Beam: 80 2 ft, (hull)Armament- 12 (4 twin. 4 single) 40/60mm BolorsH.M.A.S. Hobart The Royal Australian Nevy has three guldedmisslle destroyers. H.M.A. ShipsBrisbane. Pent, and Hobart Their main task is defence of the fleet but they also ha»e formidableanti-submarine and surface gunnery capabilities.RAN.DARINGS -EXISTINGThe Daring Clan deiuoyen Vampire and Vendetta at. ball* uitalanMelly modefnltod Wort on la naa.ln| completionwhile that on vendetta wai u W u U lo commence durlnf Auguit ol tht. year llluitratod are the balor. and "etw" .Nhou.tte.ot the .hip.RAN DARINGS -AFTER EXTENDED REFITAugust-September-October, 1971 THE NAVY Pag* Twmty-om

Best Wishes fromTHOMAS ROBINSON &SON PTY. LTD.Specialising* Woodworkers Engineers23 MARIGOLD STREET REYESBY, N.S.W.• Chain and Chisel Mortiser • Band Mills Resaws 4 — Cutters. Sanders' WoodworkersCONTRACTORS TO THE NAVY DEPARTMENT77-0421 Phone 77-0421A salisfactor> connectionAustralia's Armed Forces andMURRUMBIDGEEDairy Co. Pty. Ltd.WAGGAWho are proud to supply Pasteurised Milk and Products* Contractors to the Armed ForcesKOR ALL ENQUIRIES .Mr. T. MAHONEY2138 Phone 2138RANTODAYNam. No. Builder Laid Down Launched First CommissionedVAMPIRE 11 Cockatoo island Dockyard Sydney 1/7/52 27/10/96 23/6/59VENDETTA 08 HMA Naval Dockyard W.lliamstown 4/7/49 3/5/54 2«/ll/58DUCHESS 154 John I Thornycrolt 4 Co Southampton 2/7/4® 9/4/51 8/5/64(RAN)23/10/52 (RN)Displacement: 3 600 tons dull load)Length: 388 ft i overall IBeam: 43 ItArmament: S«x 4 5m dual purpose guns in twin turrets two forward, one aft Six 40 60mm Bolorsguns Tnple barrel anti-submarine mortarMachinery: Parsons double reduclion geared turbine, driving two shaltsSpeed: Over 30knotsShip's company: 3? IH.M.A.S. Duchess, one of three Daring Class destroyers. They are all-purpose ships and have maingunnery armament comparable to a light cruiser.H.M.A.S. Stuari. one of tlx Type 12 Antisubmarinefrigates (destroyer escorts) serving Inthe Royal Australian Navy.DESTROYER ESCORTSNow thaf H.M.A.S. Torrens hasjoined the Fleet, the R.A.N, has sixAustralian-built destroyer escortsforming the Third Australian DestroyerSquadron.Torrent is identical to her sistership H.M.A.S. Swan, but these twoescorts have had included manychanges on the four earlier River-Class ships — Derwent, Stuart, Yarraand Parramatta.They all are armed with 4.5 inchguns which are used with digital firecontrol radar and computers.The guns can be used for shorebombardment or can provide firepower against air or surface targets.Close-range air and surfacedefence is provided by the Seacatmissile system which is controlled bya separate radar and computer.The Seacat missile system wasdeveloped in Britain and has beenadopted by a number of navies.A submarine threat can be met byusing either the Australian-designedand built Ikara anti-submarinemissile system, or the triple barrelledmortars carried on all the escorts.The Ikara is a rocket propelledguided missile which carries ahoming torpedo towards itssubmarine target. The torpedo islowered into the sea by a parachutcand is then acoustically homed onthe submarine target.P^Twmty-two THE NAVY Augutt-Saptembcr-Octobar, II

Best Wishes fromTHOMAS ROBINSON &SON PTY. LTD.Specialising* Woodworkers Engineers23 MARIGOLD STREET REYESBY, N.S.W.• Chain and Chisel Mortiser • Band Mills Resaws 4 — Cutters. Sanders' WoodworkersCONTRACTORS TO THE NAVY DEPARTMENT77-0421 Phone 77-0421A salisfactor> connection<strong>Australia</strong>'s Armed Forces andMURRUMBIDGEEDairy Co. Pty. Ltd.WAGGAWho are proud to supply Pasteurised Milk and Products* Contractors to the Armed ForcesKOR ALL ENQUIRIES .Mr. T. MAHONEY2138 Phone 2138RANTODAYNam. No. Builder Laid Down Launched First CommissionedVAMPIRE 11 Cockatoo island Dockyard Sydney 1/7/52 27/10/96 23/6/59VENDETTA 08 HMA Naval Dockyard W.lliamstown 4/7/49 3/5/54 2«/ll/58DUCHESS 154 John I Thornycrolt 4 Co Southampton 2/7/4® 9/4/51 8/5/64(RAN)23/10/52 (RN)Displacement: 3 600 tons dull load)Length: 388 ft i overall IBeam: 43 ItArmament: S«x 4 5m dual purpose guns in twin turrets two forward, one aft Six 40 60mm Bolorsguns Tnple barrel anti-submarine mortarMachinery: Parsons double reduclion geared turbine, driving two shaltsSpeed: Over 30knotsShip's company: 3? IH.M.A.S. Duchess, one <strong>of</strong> three Daring Class destroyers. They are all-purpose ships and have maingunnery armament comparable to a light cruiser.H.M.A.S. Stuari. one <strong>of</strong> tlx Type 12 Antisubmarinefrigates (destroyer escorts) serving Inthe Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>.DESTROYER ESCORTSNow thaf H.M.A.S. Torrens hasjoined the Fleet, the R.A.N, has six<strong>Australia</strong>n-built destroyer escortsforming the Third <strong>Australia</strong>n DestroyerSquadron.Torrent is identical to her sistership H.M.A.S. Swan, but these twoescorts have had included manychanges on the four earlier River-Class ships — Derwent, Stuart, Yarraand Parramatta.They all are armed with 4.5 inchguns which are used with digital firecontrol radar and computers.The guns can be used for shorebombardment or can provide firepower against air or surface targets.Close-range air and surfacedefence is provided by the Seacatmissile system which is controlled bya separate radar and computer.The Seacat missile system wasdeveloped in Britain and has beenadopted by a number <strong>of</strong> navies.A submarine threat can be met byusing either the <strong>Australia</strong>n-designedand built Ikara anti-submarinemissile system, or the triple barrelledmortars carried on all the escorts.The Ikara is a rocket propelledguided missile which carries ahoming torpedo towards itssubmarine target. The torpedo islowered into the sea by a parachutcand is then acoustically homed onthe submarine target.P^Twmty-two THE NAVY <strong>Aug</strong>utt-Saptembcr-<strong>Oct</strong>obar, II

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