The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club


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5th Annual Valley CatsHome Run 5KThis was my second straight year doingthe Valley Cats 5K, and while there is nothingthat is spectacular about this race to makeme scream, "You have to do this race," I haveenjoyed being a participant the past couple ofyears. This year's installment had 312 finishers,which was up from 253 in 2009. It's a racethat is just the right size, not too many peoplewhere you have to fight your way through thecrowds, but also not so small to make you feellike you've wasted your money and time. <strong>The</strong>weather was nice, sunny, not too hot, and afterhaving done the Father's Day 5K the previousweekend, much less humid. Although it was alittle confusing as to why the race was moved.It had occurred 3 weeks earlier last year, whichit would seem would have been good to doagain this year, as there was also a graduationtaking place on race day this year. However Imust admit that it didn't seem to interfere withthe race at all, although I wonder if anyone hadtrouble getting to the graduation ceremonyonce the race started.But hey, it is a well put together race, plentyof volunteers and people who know whatthey are doing. How can you beat getting fourtickets to an August ballgame, which makes itwell worth the cost of doing the race. Whatmade it better was after I finished the racethey were handing out free admittance vouchersto a game the following Thursday night.So I paid $12 to do the race and wound upwith 8 tickets to 2 different ball games. Nowthat's a deal.<strong>The</strong> course itself is somewhat challengingby Douglas Secorwith some small hills and gradual inclines, butoverall a nice course. It was well marked withlots of volunteers to direct people. I did feelsorry for one gentleman I came across as I wason my way back to the finish; he was still onhis way out and the volunteer had gone on toanother station so he had no idea whether toturn or go straight when he saw us coming athim. Don't worry, we pointed him in the correctdirection and hopefully he didn't get lostagain. <strong>The</strong> course was a bit different this year,apparently because of some construction andI'm assuming the graduation that was occurring,but they still managed to have the finishline on the field. To me there is something thatis just great about that. It reminds me of whenI was a kid playing Little League and nothingwas better than running around a baseballfield.Speaking of the finish, let's take a look atsome of the highlights of the race results. Onthe men's side Anthony Giuliano won with ablistering time of 16:34. This win also madeAnthony the first male to win the event morethan once. On the women's side Brina Seguinereturned to the winner's circle this year with atime of 18:55. Brina has won this race 4 out ofthe 5 years it has been run - her only blemishin finishing second to Lori Weaver last year. Soa special congratulations to her and hoping shereturns to defend her title next year. As for me,I came across in a slightly disappointing timefor me of 21:48, so I will be back next year totry to improve my time, and I hope to see someof you there too. 0Help Wanted:NOEXPERIENCENECESSARYVolunteersNeededattheFollowingRaces:Tawasentha xc5 KSeries:August 2, 9, and 16SEFCU 5KSeptember 6If interested, contactMarcia Adams,Volunteer Coordinator,At 356-2557 ormadams07@nycap.rr.comIt's not just about running.. .<strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong> - 23

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