The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

The Pace Setter - Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club


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Pr~tf~RwtnerJOSH MERLISfinishing is a great reward) or those in whichI reach a point of exhaustion but have thestrength to get through it. I like trail racingbecause there is so much strategy involved.When to push a turn and when to back off andlet someone else do the work. With road racing,there are few external elements to test you(basically just avoiding the potholes) so anythingwith mud and muck works for me. :)member forever. I fear that many individualsare using running simply for fitness, sometimesnegatively. <strong>The</strong>y run the same loop aroundtheir house every day, dreading it and neverexperiencing the camaraderie of a group run,the beauty of a trail run in spring, or the rush ofrunning through the National Parks and seeinganimals and landscapes that most never seeoutside of a book. <strong>The</strong> ability to run is a giftto take us places away from home, but uponreturn we can revel in the journey and long forthe next trip to come.Any funny stories?Go for a run with me ... it will turn into one.;)0What is your occupation, background, age,hobbies, and other sports or other interests?I manage ARE Event Productions, a racetiming, software, and event logistics company.While we are mainly known locally for the timingof events, a lot of what we do is behindthe scenes writing programs for live streamingresults, text messaging, and mapping simulations.I grew up on Long Island and came toAlbany for college where I studied math andcomputer science. In my junior year I foundedthe Albany Running Exchange throughwhich eventually the company was born, butI did teach HS Math/Computer Science for 4years at Burnt Hills and loved it. While I'd liketo think I have other hobbies, besides swingdancing and eating, it's pretty much just runningand attending running events. :)When and how did you get started running?In 1985, my father would bring my brotherand me to the track weekly for us to run a lapor two. We were still in diapers. Three yearslater we were wearing bibs in 5ks (with numberson them, not simply to avoid food stainingour clothes) and in fifth grade I ran my first halfmarathon. It basically was just "what we did"and it wasn't until I was a little older that I realizedmost children are usually given toys andan allowance when my father's contributionsto us were running shoes and mileage mapsaround the neighborhood.Do you have a favorite race or races?I'd imagine my favorite races are like mostothers: either those that are challenging (and16 - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Pace</strong> <strong>Setter</strong>What are your most memorable races?My first 10k is among my most memorable.I was 9 years old running in the Asbury Park10k. I hit the wall around mile 4 (it scales downwhen you're 4' 1") and started running on thegrass next to the road. I was looking down, asI didn't have the strength to keep my head up,and then all I remember is lying on the pavement.Turns out I bashed my head into the bottomof a street sign. That was memorable - andI'm reminded of it every time I see the scar. :)How do you train? Do you have trainingpartners?I'm currently running about 6-7 days aweek, although if it is every day, at least 1-2 ofthose runs is at a very easy pace on a soft surface.I do one track workout and one long runeach week, along with some general distanceruns. I'm either at ARE group runs or with JimSweeney, Tom O'Grady, Eamon Dempsey,and Joe Hayter. I rarely run by myself.What are your current goals?Above all else, I want to provide opportunitiesfor others to reach their goals. Seeingthe growth of the Albany Running Exchange,and the greater Capital District running communityin general, I feel that is very importantto further the infrastructure that allows us allto feel vested in our own health and the socialnetwork of our runs and races. To that end, Ienjoy being part of events, creating events, andalso assisting others in making their dreams becomea reality.Do you have any future running goals?While warming up for the 2010 DelmarDash, I asked Dave Vona what he was hopingto run that day. He told me, "To the potentialof my current fitness." While he certainly washaving fun avoiding what everyone means bythat question, it did also resonate with somethingmany of us are afraid of: namely thequestion of what are we capable of? To thatend, I'm going to keep training and see whathappens. :)Do you have a philosophy of running?Running is the greatest joy that can be partof one's life, and if used correctly, it can bringyou to places and experiences that you will re-On the Web!<strong>The</strong> <strong>Hudson</strong> <strong>Mohawk</strong> <strong>Road</strong><strong>Runners</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is on the Web• Complete Race Schedule• Grand Prix Update• Race Applications• Race Resutts in a flashwww.hmrrc.com

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