VIRAL INFECTION53_1slide.pdf

VIRAL INFECTION53_1slide.pdf VIRAL INFECTION53_1slide.pdf


Human papilloma virus (HPV)• Anogenitalwarts (condylomaacuminatumum)- HPV types 6,11- warts at penis, vulva, vagina, anus- no associated with cancer• Anogenital cancer(squamouscell carcinoma)- HPV types 16,18,31,45,31,45- cause of cancer of anus, vulva, cervixand penis

Human papilloma virus (HPV)• Transmitted by skin-toto-skincontact duringsexual intercourse• Treated by electrocautery, lasertreatment• Histology: koilocytosis of infected cells

Human papilloma virus (HPV)• Transmitted by skin-toto-skincontact duringsexual intercourse• Treated by electrocautery, lasertreatment• Histology: koilocytosis of infected cells

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