GEF Scholarship Winners - Graphic Communication

GEF Scholarship Winners - Graphic Communication

GEF Scholarship Winners - Graphic Communication


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EDUCATION2011<strong>GEF</strong> <strong>Scholarship</strong> <strong>Winners</strong>Corporate Leadership <strong>Scholarship</strong>sSeven Corporate Leadership <strong>Scholarship</strong>s were awardedfor the 2011 academic year in the amount of $1,500 each,made possible by sponsorship of companies in the gravureindustry, including Alcoa, Cerutti, Gravure PublishingCouncil (GPC), K Walter Services, NewPage, UPM andToyo Ink. This year’s winners are Parshav Jain, ClemsonUniversity; Lin Wang, Clemson; Nicholas Gawreluk,RIT; Josh Stolz, Clemson; Kristen Zeleznik, Clemson;Joshua Boland, Clemson; and Gregory DeGross, WesternMichigan University, respectively.Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong>sIn addition, two Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong>s were awarded to honorthe memory of former leaders and supporters of Gravure Education—HarryV. Quadracci Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong> and WernerB. Thiele Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong>. These were won by JaclynBurge from Murray State University; and Lexie Conat fromCalPoly, respectively.Parshav Jain is a graduate studentin <strong>Graphic</strong> communications atClemson University. He completedhis undergraduate studies in printingtechnology from Pune University,where he started his journey intothis field. Currently Parshav is involvedwith the Technical Associationof <strong>Graphic</strong> Arts (TAGA) andPackaging Science Club at Clemson.He plans to pursue his researchin the field of functional printing(non-graphic use of printing) andfeels fortunate to receive the AlcoaFoundation <strong>Scholarship</strong>. This scholarship will help to supporthis research work and complete his education. After graduatingin May 2012, he wishes to build a successful career inprinting industry.Lin Wang grew up in China andearned her Bachelor’s degree in architecturethere. She has always been interestedin printing and graphics, soafter she moved to America she decidedto pursue a Master’s in <strong>Graphic</strong><strong>Communication</strong>s at Clemson University.She plans to graduate in Augustof 2012. She has said that thecreative aspect of this field speaks toher, and she appreciates the practicalityof it as well. She is part of the StudentAffairs Graduate Student Advisory Board at Clemson University,and a graduate assistant working in labs to assistprofessors and students. She is also joining TAGA in Fall 2011.Lin has been involved in a lot of volunteer work since moving toAmerica. In her free time, she enjoys photography, especiallyfood photography for websites and she is also a free-lance interpreter.She notes that it is always a challenge to start a new life ina new country, and the <strong>GEF</strong> scholarship will greatly help her inachieving her goals. She is honored to receive it, and says she issure that she will become more and more confident in pursuingher career in this industry.Nick Gawreluk is a student atthe Rochester Institute of Technology(RIT) currently pursuing a NewMedia Publishing major, with a concentrationin print production. AtRIT, Nick is heavily involved in theSchool of Print Media with numerousproduction manager roles and isalways searching for new experienceswithin the printing industry. Hemost recently completed an internshipwith Heidelberg in Germany.With the support of a <strong>GEF</strong> scholarshiphe will be able to continue working hard in school and pursuehis dream of one day becoming a leader in the printing industry.Expected graduation is spring 2013.36GRAVURE/Summer 2011

EDUCATIONFEATUREJosh Stolz is a senior at ClemsonUniversity. He came into Clemsonmajoring in architecture, butswitched and found a great major in<strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>s. At Clemson,he fulfills his passion for designand building by participating in Habitatfor Humanity and other <strong>Graphic</strong>s<strong>Communication</strong>s activities likegoing to Chicago for GraphExpo. Hefeels that receiving the K. Walter ServicesCorporation <strong>Scholarship</strong> willhelp him receive one of the best educationspossible in the field. In addition, he can have a little bitof money to invest in starting his own company—somethinghe’s been wanting to do for quite sometime.Jaclyn Burge will be a senior atMurray State University this fall. Shewill graduate May 2012 with a bachelor’sdegree in <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>sManagement. Jaclyn grew upin Normal, Illinois. Jaclyn is the VicePresident of Gamma Epsilon Tau –Mu Chapter 2011. In the spring of2011 she was co-coordinator of theGravure Day hosted at MSU. Jaclyn worked an internship at asmaller clothing company the summer of 2011, and within herfirst week she was asked to run departments when people weregone. Jaclyn aspires to own and operate a print company andemploy future graduates of the GCM department at MSU.Kristen Zeleznik is currently asenior in the <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>sprogram at Clemson Universitywith a minor in Packaging Science,graduating in December of 2011.Throughout the past four years, Kristenhas been highly involved withinthe industry. She completed her firstinternship at Mailing Services ofPittsburgh and her second and thirdinternships at HAVI Global Solutions.During her junior year, she conducted extensive researchon developing ISO CMYK specifications for Expanded ColorGamut Printing; it was published in the April issue of FlexoMagazine. She was a contributing member of Gamma EpsilonTau and the Technical Association of <strong>Graphic</strong> Arts. While inschool, she worked for The Tiger Newspaper and The SonocoInstitute of Packaging Design and <strong>Graphic</strong>s. However, due tothe increased cost of education, working and saving did notmake ends meet; receiving the NewPage Corporation scholarshiphas undoubtedly helped make her education possible.Joshua Boland grew up in Lexington,South Carolina and is currentlya junior in <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>sat Clemson University. Hehas always had a creative inclinationand decided to investigate Clemson’sgraphics program after a recommendationfrom a high school teacher.He has been involved in TAGA(Technical Association of the <strong>Graphic</strong>Arts) for his first two years atClemson and plans to stay thoroughlyinvolved with that group. He sayshe is both honored and excited to be the recipient of the UPMCorporate <strong>Scholarship</strong> this year; the support will be of incredibleassistance in furthering his graphics education!Greg DeGross is from Grayslake,IL. After Carmel High School,he chose Western Michigan University(WMU) to pursue a career in thegraphic and imaging industry. TheToyo Ink <strong>GEF</strong> Corporate Leadership<strong>Scholarship</strong> is a huge honor for a majorin <strong>Graphic</strong> and Printing Science,with a Business minor. Greg said thatfor an international ink, packagingmaterials,and coatings company torecognize him is doubly excitingsince his summer internship is inthose areas (Nosco, Inc., Gurnee, IL). This scholarship allowshim to concentrate on classes and work in WMU’s Pilot printing-testingplants. He is active in WMU’s <strong>Graphic</strong> Arts Society,and for eight years has been volunteering in his community.Lexie Conat is a fourth year studentat California Polytechnic StateUniversity in San Luis Obispo, CA.She is originally from Whitefish, Montanaand moved to California for collegewith a passion for art and printing.She is majoring in <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>and has also been involved withthe dance program at Cal Poly. It is difficultto fund out-of-state tuition, sothis scholarship will help her finish herlast year in the <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Communication</strong>sprogram so she can graduate in the Spring of 2012.GRAVURE/Summer 2011 37

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