CONSPICUOUS SERVICE CROSS (CSC) 390 Royal Australian ...

CONSPICUOUS SERVICE CROSS (CSC) 390 Royal Australian ...

CONSPICUOUS SERVICE CROSS (CSC) 390 Royal Australian ...

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<strong>CONSPICUOUS</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>CROSS</strong> (<strong>CSC</strong>)<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> NavyCommander Alan William REGAN RFD RANR, NSWFor outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade One Rapid EnvironmentalAssessment, Joint Environment Centre, Headquarters Joint Operations Command.Commander Regan was the driving force behind the establishment of the Joint EnvironmentCentre - the operational level geospatial capability at Headquarters Joint OperationsCommand. His establishment of the Rapid Environmental Assessment capability, thatdirectly supports deployed Task Force operations and planning staff, enables the provisionof consistent mapping, charting and other environmental information. It also assists with themanagement of operational risk. His dedication to these tasks and to improvements in theprovision of professional geospatial advice and capability has been outstanding, andrepresents the finest traditions of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Navy and the <strong>Australian</strong> DefenceForce.<strong>Australian</strong> ArmyColonel Brian James BAILEY, NSWFor outstanding achievement as Colonel Joint Fires at Headquarters 6th BrigadeAustralia.Colonel Bailey’s outstanding achievements are reflected in his significant contribution to the<strong>Australian</strong> Army in the area of Joint Fires, Air Land Integration and in a range of major Armycapabilities, including the Counter Rocket and Mortar System which was successfullyintroduced into service under accelerated timelines to meet urgent operational imperatives.Colonel Michael David BOND, QldFor outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of 9th Battalion, the <strong>Royal</strong>Queensland Regiment.Colonel Bond has demonstrated outstanding leadership and example through his motivationand implementation of effective training regimes within his unit that have enabled9th Battalion, the <strong>Royal</strong> Queensland Regiment to contribute significantly to <strong>Australian</strong>Defence Force operations.Colonel Andrew William CONSTANTINE, ACTFor outstanding achievement in the field of Joint Military Logistics.Colonel Constantine has made significant contributions to the field of strategic logisticsduring the White Paper Logistics Companion Review. In addition he has demonstrated anexceptional level of performance in the delivery of logistics within the <strong>Australian</strong> DefenceForce.<strong>390</strong>Any enquiries regarding the above awards should be directed toDefence Media Liaison on (02)6265 3343

<strong>CONSPICUOUS</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>CROSS</strong> (<strong>CSC</strong>)Lieutenant Colonel Craig David DOBSON, ACTFor outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of the 10th Force SupportBattalion.Lieutenant Colonel Dobson’s exceptional leadership has enhanced the provision of logisticsupport in Australia and in preparing forces for operational deployments. His promotion ofthe Defence Strategic Reform Program in his unit has delivered enhanced business successregionally for support units.Lieutenant Colonel Natasha Anne FOX, ACTFor outstanding achievement as Chief Instructor of the <strong>Australian</strong> Defence ForceAcademy.Lieutenant Colonel Fox performed impeccably as the Chief Instructor of the <strong>Australian</strong>Defence Force Academy from January 2009 to December 2010. She revitalised theAcademy’s training management system, introduced a leading-edge staff developmentprogram, and is a staunch advocate for women in the <strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force.Colonel Timothy Fidock GELLEL, ACTFor outstanding achievement as Australia’s Defence Attaché to Japan.Colonel Gellel has been instrumental in developing, shaping and facilitating Australia’sdefence relationship with Japan. His professionalism was exemplified in his leadership infacilitating Australia’s timely and effective relief operations in co-operation with the JapanSelf-Defense Forces and Headquarters, United States Forces Japan, in response to theMarch 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. His outstanding contributions haveadvanced Australia’s defence co-operation and interoperability with Japan and the UnitedStates of America.Major Keirin John JOYCE, NSWFor outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade Two Tactical UnmannedAerial Vehicle Capability Implementation Team, Army Headquarters.Major Joyce has enabled the integration of the unmanned aerial systems capability insupport of operations in Afghanistan. His knowledge and skills have ensured that <strong>Australian</strong>troops are directly supported by the introduction into service of unmanned aerial systems.391Any enquiries regarding the above awards should be directed toDefence Media Liaison on (02)6265 3343

<strong>CONSPICUOUS</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>CROSS</strong> (<strong>CSC</strong>)Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Edward JUCHNIEWICZ DSC, ACTFor outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade Two – Combat Development,Army Headquarters.Lieutenant Colonel Juchniewicz has been pivotal in delivering significant enhancements forthe force protection of troops deployed on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan. This isexemplified through the successful development of the Soldier Combat Ensemble.Brigadier Paul David McLACHLAN, QldFor outstanding achievement as the Commander Joint Task Force 637 on OperationQUEENSLAND FLOOD ASSIST in January and February 2011.Brigadier McLachlan’s inspirational leadership, professionalism, commitment andengagement with key civil leaders and the <strong>Australian</strong> media enabled the joint task force andthe <strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force to make a professional, extensive and valuable contribution tothe community in Queensland in the complex, hazardous and dynamic circumstances of theQueensland floods. He actively fostered an inclusive environment with the civilian agenciesresponsible for the response and recovery operations, ensuring the contribution of his taskforce was well directed and highly effective.Lieutenant Colonel Alan Martin MELLIER, VicFor outstanding achievement as the Chief Engineer of the Soldier ModernisationSystems Program Office.Lieutenant Colonel Mellier has provided superior service through enhancing the protectionand close combat capability of the soldier in the field. Due to his outstanding efforts, soldiersdeploying to Afghanistan are now provided with a vastly improved combat body armour andload carriage system.Warrant Officer Class Two Neil George PATRICK, QldFor outstanding achievement as the Training Warrant Officer of the Army ExplosiveHazards Centre and 20th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squadron.Warrant Officer Patrick has played a vital role in ensuring the protection of <strong>Australian</strong>Defence Force personnel deploying on operations through his dedication to CounterImprovised Explosive Device and High Threat Search training. His commitment to engenderunderstanding and confidence in this training has directly contributed to the safety andwell-being of <strong>Australian</strong> soldiers deployed overseas.392Any enquiries regarding the above awards should be directed toDefence Media Liaison on (02)6265 3343

<strong>CONSPICUOUS</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>CROSS</strong> (<strong>CSC</strong>)<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Air ForceFlight Sergeant Russell Leonard BECK, NSWFor outstanding achievement as the Number 81 Wing Maintenance Coordinator insupport of Hornet Fleet Planning.Flight Sergeant Beck is an exceptional airman and has achieved outstanding results in theHornet Fleet Planning Cell. By optimising scheduling of routine aircraft maintenance, he hasbeen instrumental in achieving reductions in unnecessary maintenance and in contributingto improvements in the availability of the Hornet aircraft for operational use. His initiative,dedication and professional excellence have been vital to the effectiveness of centralisedHornet fleet planning and are in the finest traditions of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Air Force.Sergeant Brendan John CHURCH, NSWFor outstanding achievement as the C-130 Propulsion System EngineeringSpecialist at Air Lift Systems Program Office.Sergeant Church is an exceptional airman who displays superior skill, vision and innovationin the field of C-130J propulsion system support. Sergeant Church successfully evaluatedand deployed innovative Engine Health Management and Propeller Balancing Systems thathave delivered major cost and capability benefits to the C-130J weapons system and arebroadly acknowledged as a global benchmark. His inspirational leadership, resilience andtireless pursuit of technical excellence have materially enhanced the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> AirForce’s airlift capability.Wing Commander Darren James GOLDIE, United States of AmericaFor outstanding achievement as Staff Officer Very Important Person Operations.Wing Commander Goldie’s dedication, commitment and professionalism in drivingoutstanding improvements and service in Very Important Person Operations have beeninspirational and unparalleled. Throughout his tenure as Staff Officer Very Important PersonOperations, he demonstrated an unwavering devotion to the continuous improvement andmaintenance of superior Very Important Person air transport services to Government andthe <strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force.Group Captain Matthew George HEGARTY, ACTFor outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of Number 37 Squadron.Group Captain Hegarty’s dedication, commitment and professionalism have directlycontributed to assuring the resilience of the medium air lift capability, continued C-130Hercules operations in the Middle East Area of Operations and continued readiness tosupport Australia’s national interests. Group Captain Hegarty provided vision and leadershipto ensure that every aspect of Number 37 Squadron would continue to meet the needs ofthe <strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force and Government.393Any enquiries regarding the above awards should be directed toDefence Media Liaison on (02)6265 3343

<strong>CONSPICUOUS</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>CROSS</strong> (<strong>CSC</strong>)Squadron Leader Stephen Robert HOADLEY, QldFor outstanding achievement as Senior Engineering Officer of Number 1 Squadron.Squadron Leader Hoadley has achieved outstanding results as the Senior EngineeringOfficer and senior maintenance manager of Number 1 Squadron. He has directlycontributed to the successful rapid acquisition and introduction into service of the <strong>Australian</strong>Super Hornet aircraft, and to the enhancement of Air Combat Group operational capability.Squadron Leader Hoadley’s leadership, professionalism and dedication to duty are inkeeping with the highest traditions and standards of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Air Force.Squadron Leader Steven Charles PARSONS, ACTFor outstanding achievement as Commander Air Component Coordination Element,Joint Task Force 639.Under a significant operational tempo that saw him authorise more than 500 aircraft sortiesduring 2009 and 2010, Squadron Leader Parsons made an outstanding contribution toOperation RESOLUTE. He worked tirelessly to improve aircraft maintenance and taskingprocedures and, as a result, released resources for other high priority activities. Whilerequiring long hours and high-level output from his team, he worked diligently to ensure thewelfare of his team and their families. His professionalism and dedication are of the highestorder.394Any enquiries regarding the above awards should be directed toDefence Media Liaison on (02)6265 3343

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