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Departments News in Brief Departments ContractsLocalizationof Procurementat Ling AoApproximately 11 percent of theoverall Framatome ANP supplyitems for the Ling Ao project waslocally procured in China by 12 Chinesemanufacturers. For future Chineseprojects, Framatome ANP expects theChinese to request a more challenginggoal, such as a 50 percent minimumlocalization ratio to achieve their selfrelianceobjective for the constructionof nuclear power plants. Preparationis underway to meet this challenge.Local Chinese install steamgenerator tubing at the DBCworkshop.One method is to expand the workscopeof Chinese suppliers that worked onLing Ao. The French Chalon mechanicalequipment team, working with thelocal Framatome ANP partner, DEC(DBC) in Sichuan, is investigatingpossibilities in the heavy componentsmanufacturing area.In addition, Framatome ANP is seekingnew Chinese suppliers. For example,there are “Western” qualified suppliersthat already have Chinese partners orare looking to be qualified with whomFramatome ANP has worked in thepast. Another approach is to qualify theChinese products of potential Chinesesuppliers that have been working forthe Chinese nuclear program, such asQin Shan nuclear power plant.Chinese manufacturers demonstratedsome components made accordingto Framatome ANP specificationsduring the last International NuclearExhibition in Beijing .Oskarshamn 2:RPV Nozzle WeldsRepairedInserting the milling manipulatorinto the RPV nozzleAt Sweden’s BWR nuclear powerstation Oskarshamn 2, weld repairwork on the pipe transition betweenthe reactor pressure vessel (RPV)and the feedwater line was completedat the end of June 2003. Inserviceinspections of these welds had revealedflaws on the weld inner surfaces dueto intergranular corrosion of theweld filler metal Inconel 182, causedby exposure to the reactor coolant.The order, which required execution onvery short notice, called for replacementof the Inconel 182 weld metal atthe weld inner surfaces with Inconel82, and involved the following workactivities: severing and dismantlingof the pipe elbows in the narrow annulusspace outside the biological shield (anarea accessible only by ladder), millingout the old weld metal from the innersurface to an approximate depth of 6mm,filling the resultant circumferentialgroove with the new weld filler metalInconel 82, performing surfacetreatment and nondestructive examinationsand installing of new pipeelbows. The milling, welding, grindingand inspection operations executedinside the nozzle were performed byremote control.Work at the power plant was completedon schedule within 21 days and to thecomplete satisfaction of the customer.Safety I&Cfor Bohunice3 and 4Framatome ANP will install anew digital safety instrumentation& control (I&C) system in Units 3and 4 of Bohunice nuclear powerplant, owned by the state-owned utilitySlovenské Elektrárne a.s, in the SlovakRepublic. These units have beenin operation since 1985-86 and provide25 percent of electricity in the SlovakRepublic.As part of the extensive upgrade of theRussian-designed 440 MW Units 3and 4, the existing safety system controlswill be replaced in stages by mid-2008with the digital safety I&C systemTELEPERM XS. Thanks to the extendedoperational and diagnostics functions,this system will ensure safer and morecost-effective power plant operation.This contract extends the long-standingpartnership between Framatome ANPand Slovenské Elektrárne in nucleartechnology. Between 1995 and 2000,Framatome ANP GmbH (at that timeSiemens) and VÚJE Trnava upgradedthe sister Bohunice Units 1 and 2with digital I&C. As a result of thisearlier work, Slovakian specialists willbe closely involved with the currentupgrade at Bohunice 3 and 4.As world leader in the market forI&C and electrical systems for nuclearpower plants, Framatome ANP hasperformed 16 of the 24 large-scaleI&C upgrade projects completed inrecent years.20 Advanced Nuclear Power N O 9 November 2003

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