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FeaturesIntegrated Valve MaintenanceConcept at NeckarAt Germany’s twin-unit NeckarNuclear Power Station, themaintenance of motor-operated valves(MOVs) is particularly crucial to plantoperation. In the past, MOVs wereinspected and overhauled at fixedintervals (determined on the basis ofoperating experience) and accordingto detailed maintenance specifications.The Integrated Valve MaintenanceConcept now being employed atNeckar is founded not only on soundequipment design but also on baselinemeasurements taken during initialplant startup and subsequentmaintenance work as well as on theresults of systematic data analysis andtrending. The specialists in the outageplanning department and mechanicalworkshop who are responsible forMOVs at both power plant units haveachieved a very high level of operationalreliability using this approach.The joint efforts undertaken by theplant operator GemeinschaftskernkraftwerkNeckar GmbH (GKN)and Framatome ANP in developingand installing SIPLUG ® onlinevalve diagnostics modules at Neckarpursued the following objectives:• Cost reduction through optimizedmaintenance and deploymentof a standardized monitoring system• Prompt detection of anomaliesvia trending• Faster data analysis thanks toautomatic online evaluation• Better and quicker fault analysesdue to continuous data acquisition• Consideration of current processparameters (flow, pressure anddifferential pressure).The development of a drawout-typediagnostics module was only possiblethrough close cooperation betweenvarious departments at GKN andFramatome ANP. Significant extensionsand modifications to the existing plantsystems were required to integratethe SIPLUG online diagnostics systeminto the plant’s two units. Newinfrastructure had to be installed tocarry the necessary cables to theswitchgear modules, and the existingdiagnostics network also had to beexpanded. For processing and storageof the new data, additional computers(PCs) had to be integrated into thediagnostics network and long-termarchiving capacity increased.To manage the 1,500 onlinediagnostics modules that are to beinstalled at Neckar I and II, GKN andFramatome ANP developed a newsoftware program called “SIPLUGExplorer”. The program provides aneasy-to-generate uninterruptedMultilevel safety concept at Neckar Nuclear Power Station18 Advanced Nuclear Power N O 9 November 2003

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