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Framatome ANP Strengthensits Position in ChinaOn July 23, 2003, Framatome ANPannounced the purchase of a35 percent stake in the Chinese CompanyShenzhen Nuclear Engineering (SNE),which specializes in providing nuclearservices in China.Framatome ANP and China NuclearIndustry (CNI 23), a subsidiary ofChina Nuclear Engineering Company(CNEC), will each have a 35 percentstake in Shenzhen Nuclear Engineering(SNE), the remaining 30 percentbelonging to the SNE employees.SNE will provide services for theentire Chinese fleet of nuclear powerplants, based on Framatome ANP’sskills and technology in the fieldsof maintenance, outage works, repairsand on-site upgrading. At present,eight reactors (Daya Bay 1 and 2,Ling Ao 1 and 2, Qinshan 1, Qinshanphase 2 units 1 and 2, Qinshan phase 3unit 1) generating a total of 6500 MW,are in operation. The three reactorscurrently under construction will addan additional 2600 MWe. The Chineseservices market consequently willgrow significantly from two units in2002 to 11 units in operationby 2005.Framatome ANP is already activelyinvolved with Daya Bay, Ling Ao andQinshan phase 2, providing nuclearservices and technical assistance inoutage maintenance, non-destructiveexamination inspection, repair andengineering, upgrading and modificationsfor the utilities:• Guangdong Nuclear Power JointVenture Co. (GNPJVC)• Ling Ao Nuclear Power Co. (LANPC)• Daya Bay Nuclear Maintenance Co.(DNMC)• Nuclear Power Qinshan JointVenture Company (NPQJVC)]Vincent Maurel, President of Framatome ANP and Fan Qun XI,General Manager of CNI 23 at the signing of the agreement.to enhance performance and safety. SNEis already performing maintenanceduring outages. Together, SNE andFramatome ANP will provide servicesto customers during a period in whichoutsourcing is expected to increase.The first cooperative agreementbetween Framatome ANP and CNI 23was signed in 1988 when the DayaBay nuclear power plant was built.The two companies continued towork together on the construction ofthe Ling Ao nuclear power plant.This joint venture confirmsFramatome ANP’s cooperation withthe local Chinese nuclear industryand assists China in its on-goinglocalization program.Framatome ANP, with a large shareof the international nuclear servicesmarket and an extensive range ofnuclear services for both PWRs andBWRs, has 17 years’ experienceworking in China, beginning withthe Daya Bay and Ling Ao contracts.The company also participated inthe Qinshan project on behalf ofNPQJVC and in the technology transferprogram set up in 1991 with ChinaNuclear National Company (CNNC).It also participated in the Qinshanproject on behalf of NPQJVC and inthe technology transfer program setup in 1991 with CNNC. By orderof Jiangsu Nuclear power Corporation(JNPC), Framatome ANP suppliescomprehensive equipment for the twoTianwan units currently underconstruction. All of this is indicativeof Framatome ANP’s developmentof the nuclear power industry inChina. ■Advanced Nuclear Power N O 9 November 2003 17

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