view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq

view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq


PenflY+6i1esI 7AVlOntC0 Systems DivisionThe system then allows the user to re-start the alterationroutine by pressing AP or to continue and achieve the. setparameter by pressing ES.Page 34PUB. 12119 May 1989

Pennyf6iles1- ," \'-"'.:>'i'lnf.:..:;-));e:\:Y5t: -..,; :"-'.~·(i·.~'.l'~·':~~,~,.~· IAvionics SystemsDivisionAt any time during the control mode pressure generation maybe halted by:(i) Pressing AP which causes the cursor to flashalongside the set parameter. Pressure control can thenbe re-started by re-entering the set point (pressES) or altering the set parameter and then pressing ES.(ii) Pressing the CL key twice in quick succession whichreturns the CCADTS to the main menu and holds pressurein the system.Page 35PUB. 12119 May 1989

PenflY+6i1esI 7AVlOntC0 Systems DivisionThe system then allows the user to re-start the alterationroutine by pressing AP or to continue and achieve the. setparameter by pressing ES.Page 34PUB. 12119 May 1989

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