view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq

view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq


Penny+6i/est JI,.~I!j~,r~&~»MfblJM~Jk~~~i.lmJl~~;rq.\P;$~~·llft~·~?,"W: rlAvionics SystemsDivision4.4 MAIN MENU KEY 4 - Measure Only ModeOption number 4 switches off the pressure control functionand the test set adopts a pressure monitoring role to enablecalibration of other pressure generating equipment, and tomonitor pressures within the system.It is necessary that external pressure and vacuum suppliesare connected when using this mode to ensure that the vacuumand pressure reservoirs are at the correct level to revertback to control mode at any time.To return to Main Menu press CL twice in quick succession.Page 22PUB. 12119 May 1989

PennyfGiles1,~,·,,·':'t'~-:w.~~hll·,b;t~j4{il!l:itiV{F@fW~~.'7.r"",~>:;~~~}:"1.~lAvionics SystemsDivision4.5 MAIN MENU KEY 5 - Vent Pressure LinesOption number 5 vents both pitot and static lines down toambient pressure at the pre-set maximum rates entered atstart up or updated via option 2 from the Main Menu.To abort the Vent routine and return to the Main Menu,CL twice in quick succession.pressPage 23PUB. 12119 May 1989

Penny+6i/est JI,.~I!j~,r~&~»MfblJM~Jk~~~i.lmJl~~;rq.\P;$~~·llft~·~?,"W: rlAvionics SystemsDivision4.4 MAIN MENU KEY 4 - Measure Only ModeOption number 4 switches off the pressure control functionand the test set adopts a pressure monitoring role to enablecalibration of other pressure generating equipment, and tomonitor pressures within the system.It is necessary that external pressure and vacuum suppliesare connected when using this mode to ensure that the vacuumand pressure reservoirs are at the correct level to revertback to control mode at any time.To return to Main Menu press CL twice in quick succession.Page 22PUB. 12119 May 1989

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