view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq

view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq


PennyfGiles/ "~ ·;il.~,,,q*t~"!:':'l.'V',l-~"';;'\tm:J._~·:::·:~-",.' .;'?t.:;\-,"/Avionics SystemsDivision\4.0 MAIN MENU (Operating Modes)The lines at the bottom of the screen provide information forthe user. A 'status line' on the bottom line of the screenis displayed whenever the main menu is on the screen. Thisindicates whether the system is currently pressurised orvented. It also displays "OPTION NOT FITTED" if the userattempts to enter a function not incorporated into this testset.Page 12PUB. 12119 May 1989

PennyfGilesfr·.f:'..d,;~';/f('Pl.S!~· L -':'.'" .' ~~Itl.~~· . .W~';;i'·~J.,·t('(~:.)j( 7Avionics SystemsDivisionNo pipes should be removed from the CCADTS until 'SYSTEMVENTED' is displayed on the status line.Above the status line are two 'user prompt' lines. Themessages displayed in these two lines provide information toaid the user in operating the CCADTS, and the next course ofaction (e.g. "press key of choice").In pressure controlling modes, the bottom line displays notonly status information, but is also used to report errorconditions, where appropriate.Page 13PUB. 12119 May 1989

PennyfGilesfr·.f:'..d,;~';/f('Pl.S!~· L -':'.'" .' ~~Itl.~~· . .W~';;i'·~J.,·t('(~:.)j( 7Avionics SystemsDivisionNo pipes should be removed from the CCADTS until 'SYSTEMVENTED' is displayed on the status line.Above the status line are two 'user prompt' lines. Themessages displayed in these two lines provide information toaid the user in operating the CCADTS, and the next course ofaction (e.g. "press key of choice").In pressure controlling modes, the bottom line displays notonly status information, but is also used to report errorconditions, where appropriate.Page 13PUB. 12119 May 1989

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