view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq

view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq view D60253 operations manual - AvionTEq


Penny+Giles_iiiiiijjiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiliilliii]Avionics Systems Division3.2 KEYBOARD OPERATIONvarious control modes may be selected from the main menupresented on the video screen.The keyboard on the RCDU consists of 4x4 key array withnumbers 0-9, +/-, and decimal point. The four keys in thebottom line of the keyboard are all control function keys.The ES key is the Enter Set parameter key. This key is alsopressed to start pressurisation during control procedures.The CL key is a Clear key. This is used to clear anyfigures entered in error. This key is also used as an abortkey, should the user wish to stop any Test Set process at anytime. When CL is pressed twice in quick succession, thesystem will return to the main menu and hold the pressurescurrently in the system to allow the operator to decide thenext course of action. (The instruction pages may be read atthis point).The AP key is used to alter parameters, and is pressed beforeinputting new data (eg. new target pressures, etc.).FN is used to access a number of function options see"Function utilities", section 5.0.Page 10PUB. 12119 May 1989

PennyfGl7es/- ' ",'-";',~ft,,"Si"uWk#J$.w.r;WfrU.\\.A~1:.1t~·:(l.::~1Avionics SystemsDMsion3.3 PRINTER OPTIONThe printer is factory set, to interface with the CCADTS, andthe settings should not be altered. A print of the screenwill be effected by pressing the "PRINT" button on theprinter.19 May 1989Rev: 1 10 Dec 1990PUB 121Page 11

PennyfGl7es/- ' ",'-";',~ft,,"Si"uWk#J$.w.r;WfrU.\\.A~1:.1t~·:(l.::~1Avionics SystemsDMsion3.3 PRINTER OPTIONThe printer is factory set, to interface with the CCADTS, andthe settings should not be altered. A print of the screenwill be effected by pressing the "PRINT" button on theprinter.19 May 1989Rev: 1 10 Dec 1990PUB 121Page 11

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