Cisco AP541N Dual-band Single-radio Access Point Administration ...

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4WirelessConfiguring the Wireless Distribution SystemConfiguring the Wireless Distribution SystemThe Wireless Distribution System (WDS) allows you to connect multiple accesspoints. With WDS, access points communicate with one another without wires in astandardized way. This capability is critical in providing a seamless experience forroaming clients and for managing multiple wireless networks. It can also simplifythe network infrastructure by reducing the amount of cabling required. You canconfigure the access point in point-to-point or point-to-multipoint bridge modebased on the number of links to connect.In the point-to-point mode, the access point accepts client associations andcommunicates with wireless clients and other repeaters. The access pointforwards all traffic meant for the other network over the tunnel that is establishedbetween the access points. The bridge does not add to the hop count. It functionsas a simple OSI layer 2 network device.In the point-to-multipoint bridge mode, one access point acts as the common linkbetween multiple access points. In this mode, the central access point acceptsclient associations and communicates with the clients and other repeaters. Allother access points associate only with the central access point that forwards thepackets to the appropriate wireless bridge for routing purposes.The access point can also act as a repeater. In this mode, the access point servesas a connection between two access points that might be too far apart to bewithin cell range. When acting as a repeater, the access point does not have awired connection to the LAN and repeats signals by using the wireless connection.No special configuration is required for the access point to function as a repeater,and there are no repeater mode settings. Wireless clients can still connect to anaccess point that is operating as a repeater.To specify the details of traffic exchange from this access point to others, click theWDS Bridge tab.91 Cisco AP 541N Dual-band Single-radio Access Point Quick Start Guide

WirelessConfiguring the Wireless Distribution System4Figure 18Configuring WDS Bridge SettingsBefore you configure WDS on the access point, note the following guidelines:• When using WDS, be sure to configure WDS settings on both access pointsparticipating in the WDS link.• You can have only one WDS link between any pair of access points. That is,a remote MAC address might appear only once on the WDS page for aparticular access point.• Both access points participating in a WDS link must be on the samewireless radio channel and use the same IEEE 802.11 mode. (SeeModifying Advanced Settings, page 79 for information on configuring theRadio mode and channel.)Cisco AP 541N Dual-band Single-radio Access Point Quick Start Guide 92

WirelessConfiguring the Wireless Distribution System4Figure 18Configuring WDS Bridge SettingsBefore you configure WDS on the access point, note the following guidelines:• When using WDS, be sure to configure WDS settings on both access pointsparticipating in the WDS link.• You can have only one WDS link between any pair of access points. That is,a remote MAC address might appear only once on the WDS page for aparticular access point.• Both access points participating in a WDS link must be on the samewireless <strong>radio</strong> channel and use the same IEEE 802.11 mode. (SeeModifying Advanced Settings, page 79 for information on configuring theRadio mode and channel.)<strong>Cisco</strong> AP 541N <strong>Dual</strong>-<strong>band</strong> <strong>Single</strong>-<strong>radio</strong> <strong>Access</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Quick Start Guide 92

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